New Found Fusion

Story by Von Krieger on SoFurry

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#14 of New Found Form

New Found Fusion

By Von Krieger

Hunter stretched, trying to coax the ache out of sore muscles. It had been a day's worth of hiking to get to the campsite, and there had been a night and morning's worth of great sex. The combination gave him a pleasant ache all over his body. He was letting Mariah take a nap so they could go stargazing later that night.

So far from the lights of civilization the night sky was so clear and bright, making it wonderfully easy to spot the sky's natural beauty. Hunter grinned and stroked his short goatee at the thought of making love under the stars to Mariah.

It had rained the previous night, and the day was cool with a light breeze. Everything seemed so alive after the rains. After applying bug spray, Hunter decided to explore the area around the campsite, maybe finding some interesting flowers, or a waterfall, or maybe a good spot to go fishing. The lakeshore they had pitched the tent near was rather shallow, and hip waders were too bulky to carry.

The lake's water was runoff from the mountains, and while it would do for a quick bath or a swim in the heat, it wasn't particularly pleasant for standing in for an hour or two while you fished.

Pushing through the brush into a clearing, Hunter discovered a rather interesting place. A circle of trees, very large, very old pines. The trees grew in a circle around a central point, what looked rather like a throne, save that it was made of living wood. The back, seat, and arm rests were smooth and free of bark, but the rest of the 'tree' was not.

The top, back, and sides sported leafy branches; though short and stubby the throne tree seemed to be very much alive. Hunter looked over the large pines, which had their braches trimmed away from the sides facing the throne. Runes and designs had been carved and burned into them.

"Wow, this place is awesome. Mariah would love it." Hunter said to himself. He ran his fingers over the throne's seat, feeling the smooth wood. He walked around the clearing, examining the tree markings. There seemed to be a great deal of them relating to bears, bear paw prints, bear claw marks, bears themselves.

But aside from the bears, the other commonality seemed to be some sort of horned lizard with six legs. Was this all Native American artwork, or just something that some other campers had made?

A silvery glint drew Hunter's eye to the back of the throne, where something hung on a branch; a necklace of some sort. It looked rather tribal, and features large beads interspersed with bear claws, pointed teeth, and a few charms of various natures.

However as Hunter picked it up, what drew his attention was the larger stone in the center of the necklace. It was about the size of a golf ball. A smooth, polished black stone with veins of what looked like gold running through it. As he brushed his hand over it, it seemed to glow in the afternoon sun, the markings on the charms and carved into the fangs and claws seeming to glow.

The thought of sitting on the throne entered Hunter's mind, sitting on the throne, Mariah in his lap, riding his shaft and moaning in that wonderful way that she did. The thought sent a thrill through Hunter's loins. He placed the necklace over his head; it would be easier to wear it than carry it. Mariah would probably love it.

The stirring in Hunter's pants continued to grow, however, and the young man felt suddenly out of breath at the intensity of his arousal. Feeling a little dizzy, he felt the need to sit down. Thankfully there was a rather comfortable seat nearby.

Hunter flopped down onto the wooden throne, closing his eyes, hoping he would regain his breath. He felt a little dizzy and pulled out his canteen, taking a long drink of cool water. He didn't think he was dehydrated, but drinking more water wouldn't hurt anything.

His cock ached, despite all the fun that had gone on in the past 16 hours or so. It was the wilderness, the fresh air, Mariah's being able to be as loud as she wanted with her delighted cries without having the neighbors pounding on the apartment walls.

With a soft moan Hunter unzipped his pants, his manhood slipping out into the cool afternoon air. He sighed softly as he began to stroke. As he began to fondle himself, Hunter felt a strange sensation, rather like someone was gripping his chest.

He looked downward and found nothing but the necklace, though now that he looked at it, the arrangement of the bear claws seemed to be a sort of grip. Like the arrangement the fingers would be in if it were gripping a woman's breasts.

Hunter tried to coax the claws away, but they seemed to cling to his t-shirt, pushing in tighter and tighter. He moaned softly as his flesh began to swell outward, giving the claws something to grip.

"N-no way!" he whispered, staring down in awe at the budding breasts. He ran his fingertips over one, feeling the small swell beneath his shirt. It felt real, it felt uncomfortably real, and they continued to grow.

As the new orbs bulged outward, the claws grip seemed to grow tighter, groping Hunter's new additions. He moaned loudly at the sensation, it felt so good, so very pleasurable, especially as he jerked off. He didn't notice that the sound that had come from his lips a few moments before sounded slightly feminine.

There was a soft tearing sound, the bear claws forcing their way through Hunter's t-shirt, pressing against the bare skin of his breasts, and then into the skin itself. There was no pain, only a pleasant warmth. The rest of the necklace followed, the t-shirts threads torn asunder as the claws, teeth, metal, and the strange stone fused with the transforming young man's skin.

Hunter felt hands all over his body, gentle caresses that seemed to shape his flesh as if it were clay. The phantom caresses seemed to concentrate on the most un-toned areas of Hunter's body, seeming to mold and shape the flesh into something more solid.

The caresses also focused on Hunter's hands, they seemed to grow larger, the fingers thickening. Hunter watched his nails darken and elongate. Skin began to grow over them as they spread deeper into his fingertips. For a few moments Hunter thought he was merely growing larger nails, but as he watch their shape changed, not merely their size and thickness.

The addition of claws accompanied another change; Hunter moaned softly as the sensations on his shaft changed, it felt as if he were thrusting into soft leather. Looking at the palm of his non-stroking hand, Hunter found that soft, smooth, black pads had appeared on the palms of his hands, additional oval pads graced each segment of his fingers.

Hunter quickly realized that his hands were just as much like a bear's paw as they were like human hands. The phantom caresses continued to tease his flesh, shaping it into something more solid, more sculpted, and yet more feminine.

Hunter felt something give inside of him; not at all once, but a gentle, gradual crumbling of some sort of barrier in his mind, no, her mind. She felt strange feelings, relief at being freed, the ability to move again, sweet, powerful flesh to once more dwell within.

Hunter didn't quite understand what was going on. But the foreign consciousness embraced his... her mind, flowing into him... her, seamlessly fitting within Hunter's identity and knowledge.

But still they were incomplete. There was something missing, some other piece to the puzzle. Hunter's skin burned for an instant, black, tattoo-like marks visible on her bare skin.

The clothes bothered her, and Hunter gripped her shirt with a clawed handpaw, tearing it away to reveal her muscular, toned frame and plentiful breasts. She grinned, showing her fangs, at the sight of the tribal bear paw tattoos over her breasts.

Ah yes, that's what was missing. Half of her essence seemed to have vanished in the long sleep. She continued to stroke herself as she closed her eyes. Though she was not as powerful as she had been, it would still be child's play to call her other half to her.

"Mariah..." Hunter whispered in her new, throaty, feminine voice.


"Mariah..." came a soft whisper within the sleeping girl's mind. She sat bolt upright in the tent, her bare skin feeling hot, slick, and sweaty in her sleeping bag, a throbbing ache in her loins.

She gulped and slipped out of the bag, ignoring her clothes and stepping out into the cool mountain air. It felt wonderful on her overheated body and it made her nipples stiffen. Mariah gasped softly at the sensation, her hands immediately going to her breasts, gripping them, caressing them, moaning softly as she did so.

They felt odd, larger, heavier than they ought to be. In fact, her entire body felt a little odd; like it had become clay and that someone was gently reshaping it into something different.

Oddly enough, the thought didn't bother Mariah at all. She smiled as she watched her thin frame bulk up, her soft and smooth body developing toned muscles. She lost interest in her breasts, instead running her hands over the growing muscles. They felt so good on her, so natural. They were meant to be there. She had a rather odd thought, that she missed her muscles, but she quickly swept the idea away.

Mariah's feet and legs seemed to collapse underneath her, sending her tumbling to the ground, but the fall didn't hurt. Her skin seemed to have thickened. She watched with fascination as her toes changed, her biggest and smallest toes grew larger, while the middle three fused together. In a few moments each was the same size as the other.

The red polish flaked away from her changing nails. They grew cloudy and darkened, becoming a shiny black. Mariah giggled as they thickened, the skin growing over them. Her toes tickled, the nail bed altering, moving somewhere deep within each toe, guiding the growth of a thick, massive claw. They looked like those of some sort of lizard.

Though her legs felt like near-liquid clay, ready to be molded, the alterations had only taken place on her toes. But once that was complete, the transformation moved up her legs. Bones shifted and altered, her feet now obviously meant for walking on the balls of the foot, her toe claws digging into the earth as she ran.

As Mariah watched it became more and more obvious that she was becoming some sort of reptilian predator. Her leg muscles grew, grew larger, thicker, their expansion faster than the rate the rest of her body was growing at.

She moaned in delight as the changes reached her pussy, nestled beneath a widened pelvis. Despite the larger thighs, her legs no longer closed all the way. It was then that the throbbing ache intensified.

Mariah stuffed four clawed fingers into herself, moaning and panting as she rubbed her thumb over her aching clit. Everything in her loins felt bigger, swollen with need. Mariah stood, crouched on her new legs, she dug her claws into the earth as she pleasured herself.

Her hips popped and cracked, tilting her body forward a bit. The tickle returned at the base of her spine and Mariah turned to watch. With a wet, slick, squishy sound a mighty tail suddenly sprung from the base of her spine. Thick, lizard-like, and muscular.

The transforming girl cried out with delight as the phantom caress moved over her nether region once again. They melded her rump partially into her tail, moving the end of her digestive tract beneath it, as well as lengthening Mariah's sex.

But the caress continued on, concentrating on Mariah's clit and netherlips. Unlike her gorgeous tail, this was a gentle coaxing of the flesh. Expertly molding and shaping the alteration.

But Mariah had no time to admire the changes to her loins. She was being called, summoned. She had to go, it was not a conscious choice, but one of instinct. She reluctantly pulled her clawed hand from her soaked pussy. She admired it as she walked.

Unlike her legs and tail, her hand looked more mammalian. Her fingers had shortened, and soft leathery pads had appeared on her palms and fingers. Claws adorned each fingertip, but they were not as impressive as the ones on her feet.

Mariah licked her hand clean with her long, forked tongue. She threw back her head and roared as she began to run, her claws gripping and tearing at the ground beneath her as she ran.

Her tail swung from side to side, providing a counterbalance for her forward-hunched torso, which tilted even further forward as she ran. The wind caressed her bare, muscular body, the tickle of transformation continuing, but Mariah paid it no attention.

Her ears grew larger, smoothing out, becoming rounded triangles. Smooth horns grew from her temples, following the contours of her head. Black markings appeared on her legs, a mix of runes and tribal tattoos.

As she ran a soft sound could be heard as her newly formed member, only half-erect, slapped against her legs. The sound increased, as her shaft grew larger, the shape shifting from human into something bestial. The skin at the based warped, becoming a sheath to house the slick organ.

As Mariah grew to full arousal the sound ceased, but only for a moment. Only until her sheath began to grow, balls forming within to house her reptilian seed. She wanted to stop, to caress her sweet, beautiful length. To trace her clawed fingers over the intricate black designs that marked her flesh. But she could not resist the call, and she ran.

Tall grasses, branches, twigs, bushes, all of them crashed into her as she ran through the forest. But she paid them no attention. They didn't hurt her. They couldn't piece her thick skin. All they did was stain her bare body with green and tangle in her hair, hair that had taken on the green tint of the leaves that clung to it. Hair that grew long and thick, going from a utilitarian bob cut to a long, thick mane that hung down to the top of her tail.

The saurian burst into a clearing, her green, slitted eyes centering on the being that had called her. A part of her recognized the muscled, bear-like figure before her as her boyfriend, Hunter. But a larger part, a more powerful part, recognized the individual as herself. The rest of herself.

The being that was once Mariah gasped softly as the last of the changes washed over her body, granting her a small muzzle, more of the runic tattoos appearing on her arms, tail, neck, breasts, and face, leaving most of her torso and all of her back bare.

The larger, more masculine half of herself was the opposite. There were only a handful of markings on the face, but none below the waist save for those on her balls and member. The reptilian half approached, the ursine half reaching up a tattooed handpaw to caress the saurian's face, pulling her into a kiss.

The saurian sighed softly, breaking the kiss and turning, sitting in her other half's lap. Her tail was raised and the other's wondrous cock slipped into her awaiting sex. Both halves moaned in unison as a gentle warmth crept through their loins.

The ursine reached down with her handpaws, wrapping them around the gorgeous reptilian shaft, both paws stroking up and down the glistening length. The saurian's paws went to her own breasts, rubbing and caressing the sweet, sensitive orbs as the heat intensified.

There was a moment of intense tickling that caused both to giggle, but the sensation was quickly replaced by a doubling of their pleasure. More than a doubling, the pleasure of one building upon and enhancing that of the other.

No, there was no other; the individual forms were melting away, molding into one. Her two mouths growled softly as the saurian's folds enveloped the ursine cock, consuming the flesh, spiriting it to other parts of the body.

The remaining member began to thicken in compensation. The ursine half's sack and sheath melded into the reptile's, creating a single four-balled scrotum. The contents grew bigger now that the dreamer had access to her full energy once more.

The saurian sunk into the ursine's lap, back fusing with belly, pelvis meeting pelvis, a single bone replacing what had once been two. As this took place the ursine's legs flowed like liquid into the dexterous, predatory legs of the saurian. There had been no need to alter that half of herself. It was merely additional mass to further build her true self. Why work on the details of what would only be seen for a matter of minutes?

The hands switched places, the ursine paws cupping the breasts, hugging the other half tightly, helping to further to process of fusion, pulling the saurian self against her ursine self.

Both mouth cried out as the soft flesh of the saurian back met the stiff nipples of the ursine, flowing over them, around them, even as they grew larger with shifting mass. It was like the saurian form had become a liquid, the ursine pressing into it, easily moving through it.

The two torsos began to merge, internal organs fusing, bones merging, flesh, bone, and muscle alike flowing like water. The saurian tail regained its proper place at the base of the fused form's spine. The legs had finally finished merging. But their cock still continued to grow and swell.

As the smaller reptilian arms and shoulders settled in beneath their powerful ursine doubles, the dreamer moved her hands away from her four plentiful breasts, wrapping all four hands around her beautiful, perfect member. This was what she had dreamed off, the release she had craved for so long.

Two voices cried out, their twin cries becoming one as the final aspect of the fusion began. Two heads, two minds, each guided by the spirit of a third identity becoming one. Once more it was like liquid parting. The two faces aligned themselves, markings on the outer rim of the ursine face meshing up with those on the reptilian muzzle, a perfect match.

The dreamer threw back her head, howling in pleasure and delight. Her shaft flowed in her hands, a portion pulling upward, the other downward, each taking a pair of hands with it.

She thrust hard into her dual grips, her multiple members erupted with a long desired climax, her thick, fertile seed seeming to sparkle as time slowed down for one brief moment, everything slowing down, stopping, ceasing. A perfect moment frozen in time as three souls became one.

Mariah gasped, her powerful, beautiful body quaking with the throes of her twin male members. She used her lower left and right hands to coax every last drop out of her shafts. The upper pair hugged herself, placed between her upper and lower breasts.

She was not truly Mariah, but she adored the name. In the language of the day Hunter was a term associated with males. The long sleeping ancient aspect of her spirit could not recall what it fully had been before, it only knew of dreaming and the longing to be flesh once more.

The humans Mariah and Hunter had called themselves soulmates. A belief that a single spirit had been cleft in twain and born in two different bodies in the mortal world. They were meant to seek each other out, to unite in love, and become one again.

The new Mariah smiled, the two souls had truly become one, using ancient magical power reborn to truly become one. She did not think that she would be worshipped in this time, as the ancient version of herself once had been.

She had been a spirit of the hunt, of nature, of life, and of fertility. But the gathering of food was handled in a far different method than once had been, and very few actually had to struggle to feed themselves.

No, the struggle of this day and age was to find a kinship. To find friends, to find lovers, to find that elusive soulmate that completed one's self. And truly this sort of hunt, called dating, was a far more dangerous, complex, and treacherous arena than the wild woods.

Mariah grinned and stood from her throne. She ran a handpaw over the smooth wood. In time she would become a spirit of the new sort of hunt, to guide others to their soulmates, to unite them in eternal bliss as she had found.

The spirit of the hunt yearned to return to civilization, to fulfill her purpose.

But the land here was so beautiful, so quiet, so peaceful. She wished to walk in the woods, to climb the nearby mountains, to swim in the icy streams. She wished to use the herbs and fruits she found, to prepare herself a tasty meal and sit upon the lakeshore, to read a few of the beautiful romance novels that she had brought to read.

And she wanted, most of all, to explore herself. Her pieces had come away from the city not merely so they could commune with nature, but so they could bind flesh within flesh, to make love, to bring themselves closer to one another as best their two bodies could manage.

Simply because they had become one flesh, there was no reason to stop that. Mariah licked her lips, gazing downward at her huge, well muscled, well endowed, saurian smooth, tattooed body.

She would explore every single inch of it. In honor of her once divided self.