Taking of Magic

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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Archer squealed out angrily and reared back on his haunches, bearing his teeth as the ropes were tightened around his neck and over his head, forcing him to drop back down to all fours while he bucked backwards. His ears remained flat on his head as the men gathered around him and looped another rope around his neck to try and keep him down and the stallion kicked back hard behind him trying to strike the ones that were sneaking up on him. He could hear them, filthy creatures, crawling all over him and trying to capture him. It had been a trap, it had all been a trap, from the moment he had scented the sweet autumn apples to the moment the first rope had slipped around him. One of the men darted down beneath his head and caught the rope halter that had been slipped over his head and made it impossible to get away.

The silver unicorn lowered his head and tried to charge, his brilliant gold eyes flaring brightly as the human ducked away from him, but he had the lead to the halter. He knew humans well, they had taken over the world, and he enjoyed them. The sweet song of young women often brought him out of the hills so he could feel their gentle fingers twining through his mane and caressing the tuft of fur that made up his beard. In olden days there had been many, but as time went on, things became stranger, fewer women called to him from the forest and his homelands became smaller. Still, those he saw, even those that did not believe, were interesting and he watched them.

He even had friends that he had known in the past, men and women of all ages, that he would visit briefly and watch their lives wax and wane. It was the same for all his kind, the silent guardians of the wild wood, as fewer believed, the better they became at hiding. It was hard to find a unicorn that didn't wish to be found, almost impossible, but some still managed it. That was how these men had found him, they had hunted him, stalked him, and finally found his forest and brought with it a trap that he couldn't resist. The scent of apples had made him believe that some of his friends had finally come to seek him out and he had eagerly answered that alluring promise, but that hadn't been what had been waiting for him. The scent had covered up the wrongness of the men that had come hunting for him. But these men weren't like the men he had known in the past.

They smelled foul, like brimstone and fire, it made him crinkle his nose back and let out an equine scream of warning while he fought every inch of their attempt to lead him to the towering barn. Several of them showed the mark of his teeth and hooves, and he only wished he could strike more of them. He knew from his time watching mankind that they assumed unicorns were peaceful creatures, light and airy creatures of the forest and light, but they could fight. He could harm, not kill, but he could bite and kick, he could hurt them if they tried to hurt him. All of his kind would have died out if they had no way to protect themselves, but these men, these strange men, they were wrong. He couldn't really get near enough to do real damage, he could strike at them, but just small bruises, nothing worse. He couldn't get himself free.

"Bring the beast down here!" One of them snapped and his head was yanked to one side, the halter bit around his head, the rough texture of it scraped against his head while he reared up again, fighting against the hold.

"Got the stall open! Send him in!" Another cried out and suddenly snapped one of the ropes against his ass cheeks, making him squeal out angrily and kick his hind legs back at the man who snapped it again.

He was driven into the barn, snapping his teeth at the air as the men dodged out of the way and snapped the rope against his haunches again. He kicked back wildly, throwing both hooves up into the air before they drove him into an open stall door, his side banging against it while he squealed out his anger. His nostrils flared wide, snorting angrily as his hooves hit clean straw and he twisted around trying to strike at the man who was closing the stall door. He lashed his silken tail back and forth as he charged forward and crashed against the door, lowering his head and tried to use his horn to reach his captors.

"Damn, he's a fighter.." One of the men rubbed his sweaty face and grimaced while Archer squealed in rage at them. "When are we set? Is he ready yet?"

"Not yet," A larger man shook his head. "Toss in some feed for the beast and water, don't get hit. We'll be done with it tomorrow hopefully. They're getting things drawn out in the ring."

"Are you sure it's a virgin? I mean.. It's a male, that's not promising..." The first man gave Archer a dubious look while the stallion kicked the stall door with his cloven hoof.

"Yes, positive. He was brought up out of the five unicorns within range." The other sounded decisive. "See to the beast, I'll start to prepare for things, we've got a partner all picked out for him. The seals should hold him, call if there is any trouble."

Archer bared his teeth at the larger man, the leader, and stomped his hind hoof with anger. What did it matter that he hadn't mated a mare yet? Did they expect to try what others had in the past, to get him to clamber onto a mare's heated back and give them a unicorn foal to sell? He'd be damned if he'd act like a beast around a mare in heat!

~ ~ * ~ ~

Archer spent the evening trying every way he could to get out of his prison, but it was sealed, he couldn't grasp the lock with his lips, he couldn't even use his horn. Bound by magic he had no way to get out of the confines or even push his head too far over the stall. He pawed at the straw, he screamed and called out, but no one answered. He had no interest in the bucket of grain that was offered to him, no desire to lay down in the straw and sleep, he wanted out. They had designed the stall well, the thick wooden planks were too large to kick through, even as he used both his hooves to kick back against the walls. He was able to pull off many of the ropes, but the rough halter remained stubbornly in place with the lead swinging from under his chin. He paced back and forth restlessly long into the night, only dozing when he could no longer keep his eyes open. Even then, he kept himself pressed against the back of the stall, his horn aimed at the opening.

These people wanted him for something, and it wouldn't end well. He had no idea why they believed it was important that he be a virgin, but the fact they used magic to seal him in made him believe that they were magic users of one sort or another. There were any number of things that they might use a unicorn for, he was made up of magic, every part of his body was suffused in it. His blood, bones, horn, his very being was made of magic and there were many magic users who delved into the dark arts that would slaughter unicorns for their power. Perhaps they required a virgin to sacrifice, though he had never heard of that being a requirement for any unicorn. Their sexual state didn't have any effect on their ability to do magic.

It was nearly noon when they came for him, the harsh rank scent of magic filled his nose and made him set his ears back against his head. There were six of them of varying sizes, but the large man from the night before was at the head of the group when they opened up his stall door. The moment he saw an opening to freedom the stallion lunged forward with a shriek and lowered his head so that his horn was aimed towards the men when he charged. A few of them bolted away from him, but the leader held his ground long enough to fling a rope out to catch him around the neck and caught his halter. The human shouldn't have had the strength to do more than slow him down in his headlong flight, but the moment the halter was pulled taut he went down.

His head was yanked to one side and his knees dropped to the ground while he let out a shrieking angry cry. His ears remained pinned down flat to his head as he tried to snap out at the man, but he couldn't get near him, the moment he pushed forward his muzzle met a barrier. The rest of the humans too advantage of the fact he was down on his front knees to clutch at his silken mane and force his head up. His neck was craned all the way back as the larger man, the leader, peeled the rough halter off his head and dropped it down to the ground where it belonged. He felt a moment of victory and tried to haul back up onto all four hooves, but the men were pushing him down, forcing him onto the straw while he kicked wildly, their bodies clung to him no matter how hard he fought to get back up.

"HOLD HIM!" The leader barked out while Archer tried to strike him with his horn. "I'll get the bridle on him."

"Jarvis, hurry... MMMPH... up!" One of the men clung to his neck, forcing his head down as he kicked his hind legs out wildly. This shouldn't have been possible, they weren't large enough to hold him down, but he couldn't seem to scrabble up on his hooves again and throw them off. They were using magic on him!

The leader, Jarvis, forced his head up and there was a flash of gold as something slipped up and over his muzzle. He snapped his teeth, trying to catch the hands as a bridle was pulled over his pinned ears and beneath the curve of his white jaw. The hard metal bit was forced between his lips, he nearly caught the hand before the cold metal pinned down his tongue and pulled against the edges of his lips. The last buckle was fastened along the lines of his cheeks. Reins dropped down along the front of his muzzle while he attempted to push the bit from his maw with his tongue. The cold harsh taste of metal flooded his senses, but it was a secondary concern as the men pulled back and he was able to scramble up onto all fours.

"Easy! Here you go beast." The reins were tugged roughly forward while he reared up and let out an angry squeal, fighting against the reins as they were pulled taut.

As Archer tried to pull back, the reins dug along his cheeks and suddenly tightened, the warmth flowed over him and he dropped back to all fours. His body refused to listen to him as he struggled to lunge forward and fight the reins, but his legs remained stiff beneath him. He could keep his ears pinned back, lash his tail, but he couldn't strike out as Jarvis gripped the reins and gave a light pull. He wanted to keep his legs locked, but the pull made him step forward no matter how badly he wanted to fight it. The bridle was almost hot against his fur, the gold brand pulsed and gleamed with its own light as he was forced to step forward step by slow step. His eyes rolled with an edge of white as he struggled to break free of the spell that was holding him forced him to walk beside the man holding the reins as he chewed around the metal bit.

"That's much better..." One of the men walked at his side as he was led out of the stable. "That bridle was worth the money we paid for it."

"It's better to keep the beast contained and calm until we get him situated. There will be enough struggles going on later." Jarvis drew the reins up shorter. "Did you get the ring prepared?"

"Yes, sir, we sealed it and are at the ready. What are we going to do about the beast? We wanted a mare, this might not... work exactly." The man sounded dubious while Archer bared his teeth and stepped out onto the mud road, being turned towards a large white fenced ring.

"It will with a little trickery. Samson will appreciate his new bound little mare... " Jarvis looked back with a slow smile that sent a shiver down the stallion's spine. Mare? MARE?!

They can't hold me forever! I'll get free, damnit! _ He snarled to himself while the man's hands tightened against the reins. _I'm no mare!

He was led into the ring, and the moment he stepped through the gate he felt the tremor of magic spill over him. It was clinging and awful, dark and trembling so that he felt the greasy feel of it clinging to him long after he passed over the barrier. The pull of the bridle led him into the middle of the ring and a large chute that had recently been built. It smelled of still green wood and made him snort as the man forced him forward, he tried to struggle back away, but every time he did, he felt the bridle heating up and his treacherous body refused to obey him. He was forced to step into the chute, his nostrils flaring angrily as he felt the scrape of the boards sliding along his body, almost too tight for him. He was pulled in until his chest pushed up against a short wall and the reins could be tied off to a lead.

"Bind his hind legs! I want you to get those markings on him!" The leader started to bark out while Archer tried to twist his head free of the bridle. "I'll get him prepped."

Archer lifted his head and tugged harder against the reins while the humans moved around him. He tried to keep his eyes on them, but they seemed to be everywhere. He couldn't even kick back when he felt the sudden grip of hands against his hind leg and forced it to one side with a rough bit of rope, soon followed by a second rope that worked against his other hind leg. He set his ears back and let out an angry scream at their hands pulling at his legs and tightening so hard that it nearly bruised him. His hind legs were spread unnatural wide as one man came up to his head and smeared dark red paint along the curve of his glistening white neck. He couldn't even strike out to bite the man, he could only let out rough threatening noise as the fingers swirled patterns against him.

The paint was cold, but brought with it the creeping filthy ooze of magic that clung to his fur. It was thick and tacky feeling and Archer shivered his skin while trying to rid himself of the feeling. The man ignored his protests and continued to paint symbols along his neck, working up towards his shoulders and down along the curve of his broad sides. He couldn't rid himself of the creeping sensation of the magic that was winding its way over his body, down his legs, through his senses. The darkest of magics, tainted with blood and old death and it was staining him. His nostrils flared and he tried to sneeze out the taste of magic, but what the air brought with it wasn't the brimstone and blood scent, it was something else. Something hotter, something more familiar, something that brought his head up with a wild jerk.

The sweet scent of estrus flooded his senses and made him twitch his upper lip back while the man that drew the runes worked down along the curve of his haunch. It was arousing and tantalizing, it filled all of his senses and made it impossible to think. All he knew was the desire to draw in deeper breaths of that lovely scent, that hot scent, fertile and promising so that his nose crinkled back despite his rage at the humans. He stomped a front hoof and twisted his head while he tried to catch the source of that scent, his nostrils spread open wide as he tugged against the reins of the bridle, his lips quivered a little while he attempted to drag more of that scent into his muzzle.

His body reacted to it while he was still puzzling out the scent on the air, the heavy dark spill of his sheath started to swell open and grow heavier while he strained his head about as far as the reins would stretch. Jarvis was just in the corner of his eyes, holding something, while he strained to breath in a bit faster. The heavy pouch of his sheath shifted and the swollen tip of his glans began to spread the opening wider and wider before it drooled down over the edge to sway down beneath his stomach. Why were they bringing out a mare in heat? He twisted and pushed hard against the chute, snorting hotly while his ears pricked up and the man behind him moved out of sight. Inch by inch the girth started to spill down lower towards the ground, swinging back and forth as he shifted restlessly.

Something wet pushed up and beneath his tail and made Archer squeal out in shock as it rubbed right against the darkness of his pucker. He tried to snap his tail down as the wetness pushed up a bit more firmly against him, dribbling wetness all the way down against his tail while he tried to strain forward. His ears pinned down flat against his head while the human worked his fingers back and forth with the cloth. The harsh scents of the mare came to him stronger, spilling from behind him and whatever was on the damp cloth. It was mare scent! He jerked forward harder while wet dribbles spilled along his inner hind legs, coating against him and just behind the dark swell of his orbs.

"Bring out Samson!" The clothe pulled away while Archer pinned his ears flat in humiliation, trying to control his own body's reaction to the scent. His cock was swinging half hard beneath him, it didn't matter that the scent was clinging to him and not a mare, instinct kicked in with it.

It was the heavy thud of hooves that made him jerk his head up, pulling against the tied off reins and he jerked back against the chute with a sudden rush of horror as one of the men swung open the gate leading a stallion behind him. It wasn't just a stallion, it was a heavy bodied draft horse, inky black save for heavy white feathered hooves. The unicorn let out a shrill angry squeal and tried to pull back against the reins, rearing up frantically as the big stallion lifted his head and drew in a breath, nostrils flaring open wide before dropping his head again. It wasn't a unicorn, the dull brown eyes didn't reflect any brightness of intelligence or force of personality, they were the same flat appearance of any normal horse and his gaze was centered on Archer.

The heavy hooves thudded against the ground while he picked up his step and lifted his head again, the thick dark lips pulled back and wrinkled up as he drew in a breath. Archer twisted backwards, yanking against the ropes that held his hooves apart while he watched the large stallion prancing towards him. It wasn't the stallion's body he was watching, but the fact something heavy and swollen was dropping out of the sheath. The mottled tip swayed back and forth while Samson tugged against the lead, yanking hard against it as he tried to lunge forward.

I smell like a mare... Archer reared again, digging his hind hooves against the ground while he kept his ears back. He struggled to escape. _Damn... stupid.. brute! Can't he see I'm male?! _

He didn't care about the scent of the mare now, all he cared about was getting away as the big draft stallion's lead was unclipped and he came towards him with his ears pricked up high. The harsh scent of male was on the air as the big fellow wasted no time in approach the bound unicorn, the large dark head leaned in to snuffle right against one of Archer's painted sides while the unicorn flinched away to try and get away from him. The lips plucked along his neck and snuffled hotly while the soft thick lips bumped against him while he squealed out angrily and tried to snap back at the other stallion, but the reins didn't give him enough slack to strike back as he felt the large nose working along the line of his back, examining him as if he were a mare. A MARE!

His ears darkened red while he pulled away and pushed hard against one side of the chute, his earlier desire forgotten as he watched the heavy mottled girth of the other male swaying back and forth under the broad dark belly. It was large, larger than his own, but the other stallion was at least four hands taller than he was at the shoulder. The broad head moved down and he felt a hot rush of breath against his tail and the large drafter turned around as flat blunt teeth nipped roughly against his haunches. He flexed beneath the touch, trying to kick back at the other stallion, but he couldn't. There was nothing he could do to get the other stallion away from his haunches except squeal when the nose pushed roughly against his damp undertail.

The teeth nipped roughly against the back of his hind leg when he struggled to clamp his tail down to keep his damp pucker hidden. Couldn't the beast see he didn't even possess anything a mare did!! The hot breath hit against his undertail, snuffling lewdly while he fought to get one of his hind legs free of the rope. The stallion's heavy cock stiffened up beneath him, flexing up so that it slapped roughly against the broad spread of his chest before drooping down again, the blunt tip was thick and heavy enough that the shaft hung in a curve. It drooled out a thick viscous spill of precum from the tip and trailed around the edge of the glans, spilling down towards the ground as the hot breath puffed against him time and time again, making him tense his pucker up.

With a snort the head lifted up so the chin brushed against his haunches and Archer squealed out angrily before the head slipped up along the line of his spine. The chest was pushed up hard against his haunches as the unicorn writhed and bucked as best as he could within the bounds of the chute. He couldn't even sidestep away from the beast as the draft horse reared up over him and the large feathered legs shifted up and hooked against either side of his haunches. He clamped his tail down hard to try and cover his pucker as the dumb brute leaned his head right over one of Archer's shoulders.

_They can't do this! I'm a stallion! _ Archer flattened his ears as his eyes bulged, his legs trembled to hold up the weight as the heavy shaft stiffened up and jabbed right up against the curve of his haunch.

A smear of slippery precum rubbed against his white fur as his tail was suddenly yanked roughly to one side by one of the humans and bared his dark pucker to the mottled girth that jabbed up against him. The heavy drafter pranced on his hind legs while trying to aim the tip right against the darkness of his pucker, a thick ooze of precum spilled down right along his pucker and down between his haunches. He couldn't do anything to protect himself as the cock tip suddenly pushed up hard right against the dark pucker. He grunted out and his chest was shoved up against the wall of the chute as the tip pressed against the virgin opening while he tried to pull his hips away. The heavy forelegs suddenly hooked a bit more firmly against him and the big drafter lunged forward.

The tip wedged forward, forcing the walls open wider and wider, brutally forcing the anal ring to wrap tightly around the glans while he let out a shrieking squeal. The walls contracted tightly around the swollen length as it wedged inwards, ignoring the way his inner walls tried to push the shaft out of him, the big brute didn't care. Flat blunt teeth suddenly clamped down hard against the back of his neck as inch by inch the stallion forced himself inwards and Archer felt his muscles being spread too wide. It ached and hurt, even with the spill of slippery precum that was running out of the tip and working into his body. He squeezed his eyes shut while the harsh scent of feral horse filled his nose and the stallion's hips gave a sudden rough roll that forced him in all the way up to the medial ring. It pushed up and nearly plunged into his body before the stallion drew back again.

The runes that had been drawn on Archer's body began to glow and pulse, he could feel the magic squeezing around him, but it was a dim sensation when compared with the stallion that was plunging into his body again. The cock tip worked its way deeper, forcing parts of his body that were never meant to be stretched around a stallion's shaft to strain open almost to the point he was terrified he was going to be torn in two. Samson didn't stop, didn't give him any quarter or any chance to have relief, as soon as the powerful stallion started to drag his girth back he plunged forward again, forcing his way inwards inch by steady inch. The unicorn was left squealing out at each push inwards, feeling the medial ring plunging into body his and forcing its way through his passage, aided by the slippery thick precum.

He knew that the humans were chanting, that the foul stench of the dark magic was thick on the air, but he couldn't concentrate on it. He could concentrate on nothing but the feel of the oozing tip steadily plunging inwards while the powerful dark hips edged closer to his haunches. The hot breath of the stallion hit against the back of his neck and the teeth gripped him almost bruising hard as his first taste of sex came at the whims of a feral creature. The medial ring worked through him, caressing places he had never even imagined while he was left trembling under the weight and the thickest portion of the base started to wedge itself forward. The slippery precum was pushed out around the edges as the drafter let out a short grunt and bucked forward one more time so the balls pushed up hard against the curve of his inner haunches.

When the beast drew back Archer let out a short equine squeal, feeling the medial ring dragging along his passage and caressing through him before it popped free only to be stuffed back into him. The unicorn was only vaguely aware of the stimulation forcing his body to react, his own dark leathery shaft hung heavy beneath him as Samson worked to breed his newest 'mare', strange shaped though she was. Each thrust built itself up into heavy powerful movements that rocked him back and forth, he could hear the heavy hind hooves lifting and dropping with each and every stroke while he was left splaying his legs open just to keep himself in place. The world was narrowing itself down into the aching sensations of the length driving ever deeper, violating him, taking his dignity even as the runes began to glow and flare brighter along his haunches and neck.

The teeth suddenly clamped down harder against his neck, so hard that Archer let out a ragged cry and he felt the haunches driving forward in a sudden buck. Every last inch of the cock was driven inside of him as the cock tip started to spread open wider and wider, flaring so large he was sure he couldn't handle it. The heavy orbs pushed up tight against him as Samson's body shuddered above him before the first pulse ran along the length of the shaft. The first hot rush of thick cum erupted from the beast while the unicorn let out a horrified groan as the cream seed was flung out of the tip in hot heavy ropes, pushing in deeper and deeper into his passage, his muscles clamped down despite trying to stop himself and he pulled around the stiff shaft as he was filled with sperm rich feral seed uselessly trying to plunge deep enough to fill his body with a foal.

The violated unicorn drooped his head down as far as it could be as the stench of the magic suddenly spiked around him and he felt a wave of electric heat flowing over his form. He didn't care, nothing mattered, he'd been mounted by a dumb beast as if he were a mare. Something loosened and dropped down from his head, clattering to the ground in a flash of brilliant silver, obscenely bright in the dirt beneath him. Archer could barely get his mind to work to figure out what it was before one of the men picked it up carefully.

"All the magic of a unicorn, captured here in his horn..." The man murmured reverently and cupped the spiraling horn in the palm of his hand. "Exactly what we needed."