Axel & Rena Part 22 By: Renatamer

Story by Shalamar Fox on SoFurry

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#22 of Axel & Rena By: RenaTamer

The color in Axel's face drained away as Black faded from his view, did he really have that kind of power, his mind asked. Silently he watched the children and their digimon gathered around the fountain, they had all been though so much, yet seemed so happy to finally be going home... could he... should he?

*"Hey Axel, What are you up to?" *

*He never heard the Gatomon walk up, or her question for that matter... Slowly he raised his hand, fingers at the ready, a wicked grin playing over his lips. From somewhere deep inside he reached in and tapped into the dark energies that resided within him. As the power washed through him, it felt like a cool wind blowing over and around his body... and right into his fingers. *

*"ummm, Axel..." Cleo asked again, slightly put off by his silence and the look of mischief in his eyes. "Axel, are you ok?" *




Axel & Rena. Chap 43

*"I've sent out an alert to all DDC operatives," Yamaki almost had to scream into his cell. The shriek of the alert sirens echoing down the hall of DDC head quarters Japan was making it hard to hear anything, let alone one's own thoughts. "But I can't have them standing by without knowing where this thing is going to break through." *

"Megumi is triangulating as we speak," Izzy's voice called out through the phone. "But what ever the wave is, it's got enough power behind it to blow all of our surge protectors."

"Sir, we have reports coming from the gate room..." however the underling was silenced with but a glance from Yamaki.

"Can you not see that I'm already trying to get a handle on all of this," the head of all DDCs snapped before returning to his cell. "Izzy, could this be another attempt by the D-Reaper at gaining a foot hold in our world?"

"I don't think so, the wave's signature doesn't match the Reaper's," Izumi exclaimed.

"Do we have anything on..." Yamaki paused for a moment to rub the bridge of his nose, the blaring alarm was starting to give him a headache. "Izzy, can we do something about the alarm?"

*No sooner had he gotten the request out, then the whole building had gone deathly silent. The only indication that something was still very wrong was the flashing red warning lights. "Thanks Izzy," the ex leader of Hypnos sighed, relaxing a little as he made his way to the elevators. "Now that we can talk like civilized people, do we have anything on record that matches the wave?" *

"Checking," Yamaki could hear Megumi's voice in the background of Izumi's phone. However it was the tone in the ex-digi-destined's voice that brought the head man up short. "Sir, we have only one on record..."


"Sir, the power signature of the wave," Izzy's voice wavered as he spoke. "It matches the reading that Tai took of the BlackRenamon."

*Mr. Mitsuo Yamaki froze in place as the name clicked. "Izzy, how big is the wave again?" *

"I have it currently at... what," by the sound of things Izzy and Megumi were arguing over something, yet quickly he returned with, "We have a location."

"Where," demanded Yamaki.

"Sir, you not going to believe this," this time it was Megumi on the line. "But the portal will be opening in the plaza... DDC's central plaza..."

"How... how big," for the first time in a long while, the head of the DDC had to force himself to remain calm. "How big will the portal be?"

"It will take up the entire plaza... Sir."

*It was at this moment, as Mitsuo's cell slipped from his fingers and clattered to the floor, that the DDC's second in command had found her boss. Miss. Reika Ootori was startled to see the usually unemotional Yamaki, frozen like a statue. "Are you ok," she asked as she stepped to his side. Turning his gaze toward her he seemed to be saying something, yet she hadn't caught exactly what it was. "Say that again Sir?" *

*"I said, clear the plaza..." he breathed, suddenly on the move again, only this time towards the stares. "Call security and have them evacuate the building's plaza... Now!" *

Without hesitation Ootori was on her cell and barking orders as she dutifully followed her boss.

*Seconds later DDC security guards had swarmed the plaza outside the buildings front doors and began to hastily vacate the open space of people. Once clear, Yamaki ordered the guards to take up defensive positions, yet not to fire unless ordered. "Portal forming in 20," Izzy's voice announced over a loud speaker. *

"Do you think that they failed," Ootori inquired as she joined her boss.

"I don't know," was all Yamaki would say.

"Forming in 10,"

"You do realize that if the Benden's failed, and Fuzzywig got his hands on the BlackRenamon..." she started.

"I know," he sighed as he slowly adjusted his yellow sunglasses. "But the guards are all we have."

*"Forming... now!" *

Energy cracked and the air filled with the smell of ozone as a heavy wind filled the plaza, buffeting everyone. In the very center of the open front court, a small pinprick of light appeared, then quickly expanded. With the sound of an on coming freight train, the ground shuddering beneath the feet of all present, the plaza became awash with the light of a small sun.

*Even with his sunglasses on, Yamaki had to shade his eyes with his hands. Yet as quickly as it had formed, the expanding sun disappeared. In its place, shock written over all their faces, were two very surprised digi-dragons with over a hundred raggedy children and their digimon milling about the two dragon's feet. *

"By the Sovran," Yamaki breathed.

*It felt like a lifetime before anyone realized just what had happened, the first was a stunned red headed woman who stood next to a perplexed Leomon. "No...No he didn't..." Mary's green eyes took on a look of horror, then quickly it changed. "Dam you Axel, I asked if you could just teleport the children..." she roared, seething in anger. "I was supposed to stay behind, YOU FUCKING ASSHO....!!!" *

Yet the rest of elder Benden's tirade disappeared, drowned out by the resonating cheer from over a hundred children. The applaud that erupted from the plaza echoed off the glass walls of the DDC and down the streets of Tokyo.

*~*~*~*~*~ *

"So where are we?"

*"......" *

"Black, are you there?"

"I'm right beside you Kimmy."

"Oh, ummm... good... err, is there a reason I can't see?

"Because there is nothing to see little one."

*Axel felt a shiver run though his body as the voices floated up to him. At first he wasn't sure where he was or who he could overhear talking. Yet at the mentioning of his other self, Axel's eyes snapped open. All around the DarkHumon was but a vast sea of blackness, the only thing he could see, was his own body. *

"So this is what the void is really like?"

"Not all of it," Black was chuckling... not a good sign Axel thought. "This is the transition point; we are traveling thought the valley that separates the void from all the other worlds..."

"Other worlds, are you saying there more then just ours and that of the digimon?"

"Yes little one, I'm saying exactly that."

*'This isn't right,' Axel's brain clicked, remembering that Kimmy and Black had gone to the void the night before last... so where in the hell was he? *

With his thoughts a jumble, the digi-human almost missed the shimmer of light that began to form before him. Try as he might, Axel couldn't draw his eyes off the flickering orb in order to find the source of his niece's voice. All he could do was drift along though the black as their discussion reverberated against the shimmering ball, causing it to ripple in time as it slowly grew.

"Really..." she questioned in surprise. "How many are there?"



"There is but one world," Axel again shivered, it was all he really could do other then listen to the conversation. "But the multiverse is vast and countless."

*"The what?" *

"A multiverse is made up of a group of parallel universes," Black explaned. "They are aligned on a forked path of realities, in which a world chooses one alternative at each major decision point in its history. However the outcomes of the event continue to occur simultaneously, each one itself leading to further proliferations of possibilities..." The god paused for a moment before asking, "You're not getting any of this are you?"

*"" *

"Let's try it this way," the deep voice tried again. "In a more simplistic term, think of a spider's web with its vast pattern of lines and circles. Each one connected to the next in a vast mosaic..."

*"A spider web is really a tight spiral," Kimmy interrupted, causing Axel to chuckle to himself. "It radiates out from a central point and is connected to the suspension lines like the spokes on a bike's tire." *

Silence rained for quite a while before Black spoke again.

"You do realize that I was just using it as a visual aid."

"I know," Kimmy chirped happily, "I just thought I'd throw that out there."

"So do you mind if I continue?"

*"Go right ahead." *

"Ok, as you just pointed out, it all radiates out from a central hub," Black paused for a moment to regain his train of thought. "Your world originally started in the very center, its creation. From there it began a journey, slowly moving out along the web's lines. Each intersection it came to was where a decision that affected the entire world happened... The outcome caused the world to shift paths before continuing."

"But it didn't just shift paths, it fractured and actually took all the paths at once. With that a parallel of realitys were created. In each, life has continued along, changing their world and creating more and more realities... one in which Hitler discovered the digimon and used them to take over the world...

"I was with you up until that last part," came the teen's confused voice. "What was that about Hitler?"

"Nothing for you to worry about, that world no longer exists..."

"Did you destroy it?"


"Oh... So just how many alternate realities are there?"

*"At one time there were thousands upon thousands," Bkack said. "But I've whittled it down some." *

So intent was Axel, that he hadn't noticed that thoughout the entire conversation, he had been drifting closer and closer to the rippling, water like orb and his own reflection.

"Black, can I ask you something?"

"Sure Kimmy."

*"If there are countless worlds, why is there only one you?" *

"That's the easiest of all to explain," the god chuckled. "When your world left the center of its reality web and began its fracturing journey though time... it left behid a void... this void. The void was here before your world was created, and it was left behind when your world moved on, and it is waiting at the end of your worlds journey. The void is the begening and end of everything... and I am its master and caretaker."

"So you existed before the world was created?"

"Not in body or mind, but in form... yes."

"Black," there was an uncertain waver in the teen's voice. "Did you create..."

"Hold it right there," Black said somewhat sternly. "I know what your going to ask, and no I didn't. I was given my body and my destiny after."

*"So," she hesitated, "Is there really an all knowing God then?" *

*Once again Black fell silent. *


"I'm sorry, but that is one question I can never answer," the deep rumble from Black had turned into but a whisper. "Not because it's some sort of cosmic secret, but because I don't even know."

*"Oh come on! We both know what the real answer is... " Axel cried out into the darkness, his sudden outberst surprising even him. Only now as he began to merge with the shimmering ball could the man react to anything. Yet as the still growing sphere wrapped itself around him he caught the last words between Black and Kimmy. *

"Prepare yourself Kimmy," the dark god warned. "For we have reached my home... remember, you are under my protection, the void knows this and will watch over you here... However, you are still about to set foot into hell, the experience may prove to much.

*The high pitched scream of despair that followed ripped thought Axel like a cold razor... *


*With a head splitting groan Axel reached up and pressed his left hand to his forehead. God he felt like crap for somewhere in the back of his brain someone was in the middle of a Moroccan drum solo. Reaching back into his memories, he tried to remember why he felt like this... nothing came to him. Fearing the worst, he opened his eyes and ventured a look. Axel stiffened... *

Looking down at him, his head cradled in the thing's lap, was Black.

"Ssshhh..." the evil digi-god whispered as he reached up and gently wiped the back of his hand over his counterpart's forehead, easing Axel's throbbing skull. "Just lay still, you've had a rather taxing experience."

"What...what happened," the human finally managed.

"That all depends," Black's deep voice crooned. "How much do you remember?"

"I remember... I remember the hot spring pool," again he groaned, only this time it wasn't from pain, but the memory of Kimmy.

"Anything else," the monster quarried.

"I remember working on a beach buggy, it was red."


"And...and...nothing," the answer was more a breath then words for Axel had closed his eyes and was hissing through his teeth.

*"Easy there kiddo," the BlackRenamon whispered as he again pressed his cold fur to the man's head. *

Within seconds the shooting pain in his head became a dull throb once more. Axel wasn't sure how Black did it, maybe his cold fur was acting like a comforter or something. "Black...what happened," he asked once he could think again.

"You tried to send over a hundred tamers and their digimon home," Black answered, still using a soothing voice, "all at the same time..."

"That's not what I meant," Axel interrupted the digi-god, yet he then paused. Slowly he opened his eyes again and focused on his darker self. "Did it work, did they all get home?"

"Mary, Leo, the children... even Dee and Brian, they all made it back safely."

*"Good." Axel's heart eased at Blacks words, but it was the smile of pride on the god's dark muzzle that told him everything. *

Both had more they wanted to say and ask, yet at that moment there was a knock on wood and the door to the room opened. "May I come in?" Axel sat up in alarm as Cleo's voice came from the other side of the door. Turning slightly he glanced back at Black... only to find that no one was there. There was a pillow where he had thought the digi-god's lap had been, and a neatly folded wet towel lying nearby.

*Had he just dreamt the whole thing? *

**Chapter 44



*"err, yeah," he called out as best he could, "I'm awake." *

*Poking her head passed the open door, a familiar looking Gatomon appeared. "Hey Axel," she smiled as she stepped into the room and gently slid the door closed. "You feeling any better," her voice was heavy with concern though she did look happy to see him. *

"Other then the fact that someone is playing bongo music in the back of my skull..." he sighed as he turned and let his legs drop off the side of the cot like bed, taking a moment he invited Cleo up by patting the spot next to him. "I think I'm doing a lot better then I should."

"That's good," she giggled as she rushed over and sprang up onto the bed. Instead of the spot he had indicated, however, Cleo quickly climbed into his lap and snuggled her back to his belly. "We were all pretty worried after what happened yesterday."

"Yesterday?" Axel blinked several time before asking, "Cleo, what happened... yesterday?"

*Within mere moments the Gatomon had filled Axel in on what had transpired. How she had come up to talk to him only to find him acting weird. She told how he had had a manic look in his eyes and how his fingers had started to glow funny colors. And then he had snapped his fingers. All hell broke lose when the children, their digimon, and half the town square had suddenly vanished. *

Yet what had really concerned her was when he began to twitch and jerk about before falling to the ground and vomiting. "You passed out after that," she purred as Axel absently rubbed her furry belly. "I had to get Rena and Kimmy to help drag you back here... though they didn't get the chance. When we got back to you, Black was holding you in his arms."

"He was?" Axel arched an eyebrow for suddenly what he had thought a dream has after all been real.

"Yep," she smiled as she tilted her head back and gazed up into his eyes. "After he put you to bed, he told us it had been you behind the disappearance of the children, and that they were all now safe and sound back home."

"Did he do or say anything else," he asked the little digi-cat.

"You'll have to ask Rena about that," she sighed.


"After he told us what you had done, they went off by themselves," Cleo informed him as she rubbed her head into his belly. "Now I'm not sure what they had talked about, but Rena was really happy when she returned."

*Axel was silent for a little while, though he continued to pet and scritch Cleo as he contemplated what he had done. If he had indeed transported half the town square along with the children and then passed out, then he must have over taxed his powers. It was the only conclusion he could come up with. So unlike Black, Axel had a limit to his abilities and once drained, he needed rest. But the question that arose was, how much power did it take to transport all that mass from the digi-world to that of the real?" *

In other words, what was his limit?

*"I..I wouldn't dooo that," Cleo's warning hiss brought him back. "Unnnnless you're not planning to ssstop." *

"huh," Axel blinked and looked down to find that while he was rubbing her ears with one hand, the other had moved down between her small legs and was... "Oh fuck, I'm sorry Cleo," he sighed, quickly removing his hand from her kitty sex. With his face now red from embracement, he gently wrapped his arms about the Gatomon and held her tight.

*It took a moment or two before the cat could calm herself, only to fine she really didn't want to. "Damn it, why do I have to be so small," she blurted out, sounding somewhat disgusted with herself. "If I was a bit taller, I would be able to do the things that... Damn it!" *

Axel nervously jumped at her outburst, yet something was wrong here and it wasn't just about sex.

*"I mean, Rena and you are built the same, you two get to do whatever, whenever, and so does Kimmy," the little digi-cat was off on a tirade and Axel decided it best to let her rant. "They are lucky, they're built more human. But not me. Oh no... the only time I get to do anything is if I'm in my Angewomon form... other wise I'm stuck watching from the sidelines... It's just not fair." *

By now Cleo had crossed her arms over his and looked ready to throw a temper tantrum. Instead she let out a huff and began to sulk. Whatever was wrong with the Gatomon, it was something that she had been holding in for some time.

With a deep sigh Axel took pity on the kitty. "Cleo, what if you were taller," he began, "While yes, there would be several up sides to it, there would also be a big downside." His voice was soft as he again took to scratching her large ears. "Yes you could do more, but what about Kimmy, you wouldn't be her kitten anymore?"

*"I... I hadn't thought about that," the Gatomon sighed heavily. *

"Hadn't thought about what?"

*Looking up, Axel and Cleo found the other half of their team standing in the now open door. With the question having come from Rena, Axel found himself answering without thinking. "Cleo is upset that she isn't tall enough or human enough for her to do... some things." *

The Gatomon stiffened against his belly, fear catching her off guard.

"Is that true Cleo," her tamer asked as she and Rena ventured over to Axel's bed and sat down next to the pair.

"....yeah..." Cleo whispered, ears drooping in shame.

"Why," Kimmy wondered as she reached out and took one of the cat's glove covered paws into her hand.

"I'm just so small," wailed the digi-cat as tears formed in her large blue eyes. "And it's not just because I want to be with Axel..."

*"But what about us," the teen blinked in confusion. *

"Don't you see it Kimmy," Cleo pulled herself from Axel's arms and crawled over to her tamer. "Look at us Kimmy, look at how different we are now." She said, still having to look up into the girl's eyes even though she now stood in the human's lap. "Over the time we have been partners and lovers, you have grown into a beautiful young teen... yet I have stayed the same."

*"But Cleo, I love you just the way..." yet Kimmy was silenced when the digi-cat reached up and placed a paw over her mouth, Cleo had to stand on tiptoe to do it. *

"Kimmy, you are a budding teen, no longer the 7 year old stick of a child I first met." Tears began to drip freely as she talked, hidden feeling erupting from somewhere deep inside the cat. "Look at me, I'm barely 16 inches tall, and most of it is my oversized head," Cleo was cupping her cheeks to emphasize her words. "Not long ago we battled together, working side by side, but now... now you have to carry me where ever we go... it makes me feel"

*"Like a burden," *

"Yeah," Cleo nodded, then blinked in surprise at the deep voice. Where Axel had been just a heartbeat before now sat the living shadow that was the BlackRenamon.

"ummm, Black," Rena spoke up from the other side of Kimmy. "What did you just do to Axel?"

*"Nothing," the lord of the void shrugged. "He is still a little drained from the massive teleporting he did and needs rest, so I took over." *

"Oh, ok then," and everyone seemed to agree with Rena.

*"Now then, back to sweet little Cleo's troubling predicament," the living shadow said as he pivoted himself on the bed so as to look at all who sat off to his right. "If I'm hearing all this correctly... then you, Cleo, no longer feel like a contributing member of this team because your size keeps you from helping with most of what they...what we do, am I right?" *

"...yes..." came the dejected nod.

"I take it that these feeling started when Myotismon used you to capture your loving Kimmy?"

"...not all, but yes..."

"But Cleo..." However the teen was again silenced, not by her Gatomon, but from a glance from Black.

"And I bet it's getting harder and harder for you to have a sexual relationship with Kimmy?"

"...more and more..." sniffled the cat.

*Ignoring the horrified look on Kimmy's face, Black reached out and plucked the Gatomon off her lap and gently cradled her in his strong arms. "Cleo, that is the plight of all digimon. What does one do when the child they love so dear out grows them?" Cleo shivered for it was like he was reading her deepest thoughts. "Boiled down, a digimon has three choices, they can digi-age to their next form, they can learn to live with the problem, or they can choose to leave their tamer." *

It startled both Rena and Kimmy to hear the evil god talk in such a heart felt manner, yet that was nothing compared to what he said next.

*"But I'm going to give you a forth choice, my little angelic kitten," the look in the dark shadow-fox's eyes showed a sympathy that few but Axel knew he was capable of. "But this choice is not without repercussions, what kind I can not say, but none the less they will crop up." *

"Black, what are you playing at," Rena found herself demanding.

"Cleo, is it true," Kimmy's quiet voice interrupted. "Is it really getting hard for you to be with me?"

"I don't like being a burden to you," the cat sighed from Black's arms. "As a Gatomon I'm no longer useful to you or anyone... only when I'm Angewomon do I seem to make a difference."

"But I love you the way you are," Kimmy whimpered, "I don't want you to change..."

*"And that is what makes what happed with Myotismon that much more difficult for me to live with." She was shivering now, clutching to Black for the support she desperately needed. "That monster used me, Kimmy, used me to get you and I couldn't stop him... I...I failed you and nearly lost you to him." *

Kimmy sat in numb silence, her mind racing to find a way to fix this, yet her heart kept repeating what needed to be done... she just refused to listen. That was until her aunt's voice broke into her mind. "Kimmy, to us digimon, there are two types of failure." Turning her head she glanced at the yellow fox. "One is to fail in battle, this type we can live with... providing we survive said defeat."

*"The other is to fail our responsibility to protect our tamer and/or lover..." As Rena talked her ears drooped, showing she spoke from experience. "This type of loss eats at us, its worse then a slow death because no mater what we do, no matter how hard we fight, no matter the abuse we take in getting back that which we lost... in the end, our tamers, the ones we care for more then ourselves... they got hurt and we couldn't prevent it." *

"Something happened," Kimmy whispered, her hand reaching out to her aunt. "Something happened to you and Axel, didn't it?"

*"It was the battle in witch Axel and I became hybrids," Rena trembled as she recalled the battle. "Just after we separate from being Sakuyamon, forcibly split into our separate forms... I was left paralyzed, unable to move I had to watch as that horrible little digimon decided to kill Axel first, that way I would have to live with his death... my failure..." *

"But Axel survived," Kimmy blinked, "You two survived and became lovers."

"You don't understand," It was Cleo who spoke next. "It doesn't matter that he or you survived, what matters is that we, the ones who promised to defend and watch over you, that we failed to do our duty."

*"But Myotismon would have killed you," the teen barked, not understanding what either of the two digimon were saying. *

"Don't you get it Kimmy," Black said as he cradled the small digi-cat. "A digimon would rather die while trying to protect their partner, than to see the ones they love get hurt." The dark Renamon paused for a moment, a slight smile crossing his muzzle. "Before Axel and I joined, I wouldn't have given any of this a second thought, but now..."

"Now I know and understand the feelings behind that drive to protect," he chuckled as he softly ran a thick finger along Cleo's belly. "Even I, the god of the void, have felt the icy grip of fear that comes when failure was near... though at the time I didn't understand what it was."

*"What are you talking about," asked the confused teen. "Who did you almost fail to protect?" *


*For a heartbeat Kimmy couldn't comprehend what the evil god had said. Yet then her heart skipped. "Wait... down in the tunnel... when Myotismon threatened to kill me..." Black nodded as she spoke. "You hesitated, I remember thinking that that something wasn't right... You, the BlackRenamon, who had no regard for life, stopped in your attack when my life was put on the line." *

*"I almost failed you..." *

"But I don't understand," the bewildered teen looked ready to start pulling her hair out. "If you were there to protect me, then why the hell did you rape me?"

"I was there to save your life," Black said flatly, "not protect your virginity... besides, it need to be done."

*"Umm, before we reopen that particular can of worms," Rena coughed, distracting Kimmy and Black. "Weren't we trying to help Cleo?" *

"Quite right," the master of the void returned his attention to the Gatomon in his arms. "Cleo, if you are willing, I can change you," his voice was soft yet supportive. "I can give you what you seek, yet at the same time keep what Kimmy love's most about you."

*This got the BlackRenamon an odd look from all in the room. *

"Cleo," the teen reached out and took hold of one of the cat's gloved paw. "I won't pretend to understand what you are going though, nor do I want you to change." Kimmy shivered, a heavy weight leaning on her feelings for the Gatomon, "However, this decision is yours to make, all I can say, is that I love you no matter what you decide."

*"Black, are you sure you should be..." But Rena stopped in her questioning when she saw the god flash her a wink. *

"I want to be with you forever, Kimmy," the cat sniffled, whipping a tear away with her free paw. "Yes we are lovers, yes we care deeply for each other... But look at me. I have reached my limit, I no longer contribute to our relationship other then being able to give you pleasure... and even that is getting harder for me to do."

"Are you really sure about this?"

"I have only you to lose if this doesn't work," Cleo tried to force a smile.

*"Black," Kimmy shifted her gaze to the god. "What do you offer?" *

"In one of the worlds that I ravaged not long ago," the dark god of the void said, closing his eyes as he remembered the bliss in ripping said world apart. "In that world the Salamon, the rookie form of Gatomon and Leomon, could evolve into a third form... Nekomon, the catgirl digimon."

*"A Catgirl?!?" *

The word was blurted so loud by the girls that Black had to blink his eyes and shake his head to clear the ringing. "Ok, let's not do that again... please," he asked, giving each a warning glance. "Now as you may or may not know, Neko is short for Nekomimi or (cat-ears)..."

"I think we all know that Black," Kimmy interrupted. "What I want to know is... how much of a change does this entail for Cleo?"

*"If you love her as much as you clam," the dark god glared, "then does it really matter?" *

"Please Black," Cleo begged softly from his arms. "What will happen?"

*Taking a deep breath, the BlackRenamon sighed and began. "You will grow, the average height of a Nekomon was 3 to 4 foot. Your body will fill out, looking more human. And then there are your paws..." he took a moment to poke at her large foot-paws. "You will develop hands and feet instead of paws." *

"What about my fur?"

"That should stay the same," he shrugged. "You should also keep your ears and tail."

*"And my attacks?" *

*"For the most part Gatomon and Nekomon have the same attacks," the god tilted his head, remembering the brief battle that several Neko had put up before he erased their existence from history. "However, they did have this one attack, it was called Neko-Neko-Kiss..." he sighed happily. "It was a stun attack that could be blown or applied directly... though it only seemed to work on males." *

"I'm beginning to like the sound of these Nekomon," Kimmy giggled while trying to ignore the dark look Rena was giving Black.

"So do I," Cleo agreed, yet she hesitated before looking up at Black. "Black, what if I don't like what I turn into?"

"I'll just revert you back to being a Gatomon." He shrugged

"Wait," Rena piped up, her ears perking up in dismay. "Are you saying that the transformation isn't permanent?"

"I wouldn't be much of a god if it was," BlackSetRenamon said, a hurt look showing on his muzzle.

"Well," Cleo looked to her lover.

*"It's up to you Cleo," Kimmy smiled as she gave the cats paw a gentle squeeze. "But who knows, it might be fun to experiment with the Nekomon form." *

*"Then that settles it," Cleo barked, pushing herself into a sitting position. "Black, make me a Nekomon..." she demanded, then in a softer more respectful tone, "...please?" *

"Then close your eyes Cleo and relax," the master of the void chuckled as he placed her square in his lap, her back to his belly. "Now I warn you all, this will be little unsettling..." Before anyone could ask or protest to his warning, Black took hold of the Gatomon's hips and pulled back.

With wide eyed fascination, Kimmy and Rena watched as the cat began to sink into Black. The cold shadows that was his fur creped around her body, drawing her into him. Within seconds Cleo had almost vanished, melding with the dark god, only her head and round belly remained. As her tummy quickly slipped away and the shadow began to creep over her face, Cleo's eyes snapped open, "Kimmy, I lov..."

And Cleo was no more.