Eudaemon III: Rebirth / Act II, Part 4

Story by Zerrex Narrius on SoFurry

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#11 of Eudaemon III: Rebirth

Zerrex woke up once more in Johnny's room, blinking slowly as he straightened up, then he glanced back and forth before blinking and rubbing slowly at his white locks... before he heard a dry snort from above and looked up to see Drake half-emerged from the ceiling, arms crossed, his own energy-formed hair defying gravity and staying hanging over his face and head as he looked down at the reptile with something like irritation. "So I take it you're ready to go already? Speeding up your plans and all with yesterday."

The Drakkaren nodded, and Drake gave a mumble before bringing his legs down through the ceiling and landing on his feet, clad in his pristine suit and his dark scales almost glowing. Then he closed his eyes before opening them and giving a dry laugh as a twister of black energy rose up around him. "Go downstairs and through the crawlspace, and you'll find the reverse world... get yourself through there, and I'll do the rest and wake you up. Unfortunately, I can't help you out at all there... so I hope you got balls enough to make it through yourself."

Then, before Zerrex could even say anything, Drake and the tornado of dark energy both vanished into thin air, and the reptile cursed under his breath before standing uncertainly. He looked back and forth, then muttered irritably: "Well, thanks for helping out, asshole."

He had to admit, however, the idea of a 'reverse world' in his mind made him just a tad bit nervous: it could mean a lot of things, and none of them were particularly pleasant. He paused as he thought to himself about what we should prepare, just in case... and then he closed his eyes and concentrated for a moment.

Then he felt a familiar weight on his back, and at his waist, and he grinned a bit as he looked down at the twin .52's now hanging at his hips. And he could feel Blackheart resting comfortably on him as well... and he took a slow breath, rolling his shoulders before leaving Johnny's room for the last time, glancing once over his shoulder and then heading down the stairs and then down the last short set into the basement.

He stood for a few long moments at the entrance to the crawlspace... a wooden door with a knob, more a tightly-fitting board than anything else, standing slightly-pushed out from the wall. Then he reached forwards, feeling the same dark chill he'd felt earlier, and he tugged it lightly open and placed it gently aside, before kneeling down and peering inside into a musty, earthen tunnel. Zerrex made a bit of a face, then he sighed and crawled in, moving with a lumbering, scratchy gate over several thick but dirty plastic sheets, looking back and forth at the stacks of junk he was barely able to fit between as he wrinkled his muzzle at the smell.

Then he touched dry earth, and found himself crawling not on sheeting anymore, but mouldy, disgusting dirt, into a wider area... and he wondered for a few moments if Drake was just screwing with him before something slammed behind him, and he was left in untainted darkness, with no more light streaming in from the opening. He looked back and forth, feeling almost panicked by the tight space, the horrible smell and the uncompromising dark... and then he was suddenly falling through the air.

The reptile flailed his limbs madly as he fell through what seemed like nothingness, snarling, and then he suddenly slammed into hard, cold stone with a grunt, almost smashing his head on the ground but barely managing to catch himself on his hands and knees. He felt hard asphalt bite into them though, as a road appeared beneath his hands... and he realized this was the first time he'd felt pain in this world.

He blinked, then slowly stood, glancing down to see the knees of his black jeans ripped, and his hands were scraped raw and bloody... and then he looked up... and he couldn't repress a shudder as he realized where he was, and what this 'reverse world' was. It was like a sick joke... and Zerrex snorted quietly before grinning coldly, looking down and shaking his head slowly. This... this was a world that his conscious mind never could control, but that he had used to always walk in...

The sky was red, and the buildings in the distance were black, charred skeletons, jagged as they twisted up towards the sky... and Zerrex stood on a bridge of dark, cracked stone that was twisted and broken in places, with a river of blood flowing beneath it. It had shattered down the middle, and the reptile stood on the half that remained upright... the other half had already fallen into the thrashing red froth below. There was no sun, no moon, no source of light... but everywhere that red-tinted glow, and trees bent and seemed to curl away from the sky, dead branches that offered no shade and instead moved without wind, no leaves upon any of them.

Slowly, the reptile walked forwards, along the dark path of the damaged road, pockmarked here and there in places and covered in deep cracks, with splatters of blood over it... and the ground was dead as well, the gray and tan of arid, dried up soil turned to sand. A few withered black vines stretched out in places in clumps, like bushes that had once existed, but been killed by a flash of heat and left to rot... but as Zerrex walked by one near the road, the vines trembled and reached for his legs. He leapt back, snarling and reaching up for his sword... but he grasped only thin air, and the reptile blinked before looking down and realizing that he guns were gone too, and he snorted quietly, murmuring: "Of course... nothing from the outside world could be brought into here."

Then the reptile paused and looked up ahead, spotting... a desk? He frowned a bit, then approached it slowly before snorting quietly. An old, battered oak desk... the very same one he had in his old office back at home. And sitting upon it was a rusted, damaged revolver in a leg holster... the ancient, giant gun Zerrex had brought with him to Hez'Ranna. He took this carefully, then put the holster on around his shin, wincing as the straps seemed to squeeze his leg brutally tight even without the reptile's hands working the clasp. Then he drew the gun and looked it over... stained in blood and rusty, and when he flicked it open, the shells looked black and dull and empty... but he thought it would work. The gun wasn't real, after all, just an image... and of course it would have the same twisted image as the rest of this broken world.

Zerrex looked back and forth, and his gaze finally settled upon the broken city in the distance: he had no choice but to go there, from this road. He sighed, shaking his head a bit, then began to walk down the broken path, trying to ignore the whispers he heard every now and then at his ears and the way that the gnarled trees seemed to reach out towards him.

After a few minutes, he found himself climbing over the wreckage of a broken overpass, trying to ignore the cries of children and pleas for help coming from beneath it. He trembled a bit, his resolve shaken by the twisted nightmare and hating how at the same time, the evil part of him that had originally conjured this just laughed and thirsted for more, and then he managed to climb onto a long chunk of walkway that had once been attached and slide down the rusted metal sheeting to the other side of the road, landing with a grunt on his boots... before leaping forwards and turning around with a snarl as he heard a loud screaming of metal behind him.

One of the sheets making up the fallen walkway had collapsed, revealing several long-dead bodies... except they were still moving, their empty sockets staring at him, dried-gore-streaked features pleading for help as they reached arms out through the broken metal mesh, tried to force their way through the cracks in the stone. Zerrex stumbled backwards in horror, away from the family and, worst of all, the tiny, crying child with the teddy bear, stuffing leaking from the toy's stump of neck, severed head dangling...

And then the Drakkaren stepped a foot off the path, onto the dry soil of the earth, and a skeletal, black hand shot free of the ground and seized his ankle. The reptile let out a cry of disgust, jerking backwards, and then the hand yanked him back forwards, trying to pull him into the earth as more shot free of the ground, attached to long, spindly arms, clawing madly at him and seizing onto his leg with surprising strength.

Finally, the lizard grunted and fell backwards, tearing free of the hands, and he scrabbled quickly back on his butt into the center of the road, panting. The hands felt around for him for a few moments, then slowly withdrew into the earth, leaving a gaping black hole in the soil. Despite the thudding in the Drakkaren's heart, he was almost tempted to look into that gap in the earth... but he knew that only terror and madness could lurk within, so instead he stood, closing his eyes for a moment and groaning quietly as he rubbed his head slowly, reminding himself it wasn't real, trying to calm his panic and get rid of the terror that was threatening to take over.

When he opened his eyes, however, he found himself surrounded by floating, billowing figures in ripped black cloaks... and somehow, he thought this wasn't just Drake playing a trick on him. Hoods covered their faces, and their hands were vicious, dark claws, and they were rotating slowly around him, then the Drakkaren felt his blood turn to ice before they halted and merely hovered. There had to be at least ten of them... but his eyes locked only on one as it reached up and slowly pushed back its cloak...

Revealing nothing. No head... just... a severed stump, the Drakkaren saw, on closer inspection. And then it slowly pulled open its cloak, and Zerrex's tough mind rattled violently as it revealed a mutilated body crawling with maggots, earwigs, and massive spiders, little more than a chunk of thick, ugly flesh connected to two skeletal arms and half a severed leg. It floated for a few moments before falling flat to the ground, and a rush of gigantic earwigs and arachnids poured out of the gaping, torn neck of the creature and flooded towards the reptile, taking up the entire roadway.

Zerrex screamed in terror; he couldn't help it. He staggered backwards, then spun around to flee... and one of the other cloaked creatures seized him, the hood falling back, and revealing the head of a strange, wormlike monster with huge mandibles and sickly intelligent eyes. It opened a maw that was filled with teeth and three long, tentacle-tongues that shot out and rubbed sharp, barbs along the reptile's face, as his features paled, and then cockroaches began to spill out of its mouth before the tongues returned into its jaws, and as Zerrex felt the first few waves of bugs beginning to crawl up his body, it shot its head forwards and slammed its sharp mandibles into Zerrex's cheeks, and then they twisted, forcing his mouth to open.

The horrible, monstrous creature kissed him, and its three tongues ripped down his throat, into his body, and he could feel the cockroaches spilling into his maw, twisting around, running rampant inside of him, as more bugs crawled up and over his body and claw hands dug into his hips. He could feel them biting, claw, and he vomited as the thing's leech-like jaws began to work against him, feeling blood spilling down his face, agonized, and it held his eyes with its own baleful orbs, the horrible white flesh of the creature throbbing and spilling pus over itself like sweat, Zerrex screaming, tasting vomit, bugs, feeling agony as he was being ripped apart, and then bugs crawling into his eyes, into every orifice of his body, biting his ass, his cock, his testicles, his stomach, inside of his throat...

And then he was alone, screaming on the ground, curled up, puke covering his muzzle as he rolled back and forth in horror... before blinking and rolling to all fours, looking around, heart thundering his chest, panting and crying, still shrieking and nearly insane with the terror, and feeling blood rolling down his body... but all his instincts were yelling at him to get a hold of himself, to maintain control, to stay calm, stay calm, that it was an illusion, that it couldn't really hurt him...

Zerrex latched onto the last thought... clenching his eyes shut, and that made the pain and the taste in his mouth better. He trembled slowly... then opened his emerald eyes and looked carefully around before beginning to breathe normally once more, adrenaline still pounding through his veins, but forcing himself to calm down. And after the horror he had just gone through... he shook his head slowly, then stood, shaking still and then whispering: "Gods, I'm fucked up."

He gave a cracked laugh at this... and it seemed to get some of the poison out, so he let himself keep laughing, crying and likely hysterical... but he didn't care. He grabbed his stomach, doubled over with the laughter... and then he felt his jaws suddenly stretched wide, and a clawed hand shot out of his mouth on the end of a triple-jointed arm, and Zerrex's eyes widened for a moment before he clenched them shut and brought his own hands up at the same time as it made to swipe at his face...

But nothing hit him, and when he grit his teeth, he clenched them only on thin air. Then he slowly peeked one eye open, and saw that the arm was gone... but it had served to scare him out of the hysterics that this world had already ironically scared him into. He shook his head slowly... then he started walking forwards down the path once more, wincing quietly as he passed a broken-down tower, from which a thousand whispered emanated.

His gaze lingered on this for a moment, and then he glanced up again... and his eyes widened in horror as he saw the cloaked figures again, lined up in front of him. There were two less now, though... and he shuddered as he remembered the bugs. They floated, and he stood there, like a deer in the headlights, just waiting for them to scare him again-

Scare me. This world is the dark world... built on fear, terror, hate and... evil. But it's still my world... these things are my... creations somehow... Zerrex felt his brain working slowly, as the cloaked things looked at each other, seemed to be sorting through each other, and he hated how stupid and weak he felt. Goddammit, I can't think, and if this keeps up they're going to drive me insane...

Maybe that's the point, spoke up another part of his head suddenly, and the Drakkaren blinked and looked up. Did it actually hurt you last time? This is still your world... and you feel pain, but is it really the same pain you should be feeling, or imagined because you're so scared-

Before he could finish the thought, though, one of the figures suddenly moved forwards as the others vanished, and the cloak fell off, revealing a strange, twisting mass of what looked like sand... and it slowly walked towards him, bits of ash blowing off in the wind before it suddenly leaped up into the air and flew towards his face, smashing into him with enough force to knock the reptile skidding along the cracked road on his back, choking him, filling his nostrils, his mouth, suffocating him and forcing into his eyes, causing them to burn as he felt it even sliding all the way down to his lungs to steal every last bit of breath from him...

But hadn't he gone through this with Drake? And he hadn't needed air then... did he need air any more now?

Zerrex's eyes flashed open with the realization... and then the creature was suddenly just... gone, and he could breathe easily once more. Except he wasn't really breathing... just as he wasn't really experiencing this; all that was really happening was that he was being tested, again and again, forced to go through the worst experiences his twisted mind could dredge up to drive him insane... because if I lose my mind, if I lose control to the point I go insane... then... that's game over, isn't it? Drake gets full possession of my body... they've turned myself against myself. And he'd not here right now because this is me attacking myself by mistake... my own darkness.

It's my darkness... and I'm shivering like a lost little puppy in it... Zerrex looked down with a frown as he slowly sat up... but before he could finish, he glanced up to see another cloaked figure standing nearby: apparently they were bent on attacking in twos. It floated slowly... then threw off the cloak, and there was suddenly a giant Dragokkaren standing there, grinning cruelly. It looked almost like his father... powerfully-built, but even huger, perhaps twenty or so feet tall, and with flexing, bulging muscles that looked almost ridiculous. It was naked, save for a loincloth that a massive cock was visibly pressing against... and then he laughed before reaching down and tearing it back, revealing an ungodly, impossible length of flesh that was still flaccid, and he said in a hungry, bloodthirsty voice: "First I'm going to spear you with my cock... and see if I can get it right through your body and keep you alive."

The Drakkaren twitched backwards in horror: he'd never been on the receiving end of a rape before... and then he gaped as he realized that not only was the Dragokkaren's giant shaft impossibly long and thick... there were small spikes sticking out of it as well. He swallowed thickly... then forced himself to remember this was his world, this illusion, even as the giant stood and idly stroked his penis to an erection that had to be no less than twelve feet long, with conical, three-inch spikes sticking out of his shaft, evenly spaced every half foot or so and all around the gargantuan, monstrous length.

He already knew, as the Dragokkaren waltzed forwards towards him, that it would be impossible to resist the giant... so instead, he had one other tactic in mind. If he was right... then he had figured out the key to get through this world... but if he was wrong... this was going to be a very humiliating and painful experience he was never going to forget. With that risk in mind, the Drakkaren stood up, and the monster with the spiked cock grinned... before faltering as Zerrex pushed his pants and boxers down and forced himself to look hungry and excited, before he turned around and dropped to all fours, raising his tail and looking over his shoulder with a grin and moaning: "Yes! Take me master... make me your bitch, put that big love-stick right through me!"

The Dragokkaren only stared at him... and then the creature suddenly hissed, looking infuriated as its muscles flexed and hate filled its eyes, grabbing its massive length as it dropped down to its knees, stroking its own huge cock and positioning himself against the reptile's tailhole... and gods, it was like Zerrex felt not a tree, but a tower pressing against his tender rosebud, as the monster snarled: "Oh, you'll get it bitch... all the way!"

And then it rammed forwards, and Zerrex arched his back, forcing himself to release a cry of pleasure instead of a scream of pain, as he felt the gigantic, thick meat shove several feet into him, feeling his body bulging ridiculously and spikes puncturing through him, ripping him apart... and then the Dragokkaren seized his hips, yanking him backwards as Zerrex cried out again, feeling his body tearing... but as the monster stood up to angle his huge tower of flesh into him, grabbing Zerrex's legs and pulling them open, the reptile's back pressing against the thick, muscular chest as the huge, spiked penis tore up into his body deeper and further, the pain truly was fading... and with that bit of knowledge added to his faith, Zerrex grinned and opened his eyes, then he looked up at the Dragokkaren and snarled: "What's wrong with you, is that all a big asshole like you can manage?"

The giant looked back at him incredulously... then he roared and shoved upwards, and Zerrex felt his jaw dislocating, the spikes puncture his throat, and his body become almost boneless as he was slammed downwards until the hilt of the monster's twelve foot cock slammed up against his buttocks, and the reptile's jaws were ripped wide open by the huge member pushing up through it... but now, the pain was gone. There was actually pleasure, excitement, and amusement at the fact he... had just had a twelve foot penis ripped through his body, and yet... he felt nothing.

The Dragokkaren bounced him up and down uselessly, cackling, roaring, shouting threats... but he seemed to be quickly tiring, and his body was flickering in and out... before Zerrex suddenly brought a heel slamming backwards and into the giant's balls. And just like that, the monster keeled over, and Zerrex found himself standing in front of a Dragokkaren of normal size, with a smaller-than-average and quickly softening penis, as he unlocked the dark demon that lay deep within him and looked down at him with the kindly smile of teacher to pupil. "I'll show you how it's done, okay?"

The Dragokkaren stared at him in horror... and then Zerrex grinned violently as he reached down and squeezed his own member, feeling large, thick barbs emerge over the flesh as it dropped with a thick, meaty thud against the ground... still flaccid, but already almost eight feet long and thick as a tree. The Dragokkaren screamed in terror, then turned and tried to scramble away... and with a simple wish, clawed hands tore out of the ground, and Zerrex merely laughed quietly as his own shaft grew to an unbelievable twenty feet, covered in massive, downwards-twisting barbs that would be smooth to go in, but rip the poor victim apart coming out... not that his huge cock wouldn't do that as it was.

He'd discovered the secret to this world... it was hell. But if he left the demon inside him rampage... he could pass any test they threw at him, because he would be able to respond in kind. And the reptile merely laughed again as he positioned the bulging head of his huge cock against the now gangly-body of the weaker, smaller male, before he said cheerfully: "Showtime."

With that, he shoved forwards, ripping his godlike member into the once-giant, making him scream, eyes bulging, body ripping and a waterfall of blood spilling from his devastated anus, and Zerrex snarled, feeling his body growing, thickening, as he shoved forwards again, seizing the Dragokkaren that was now tiny in comparison to his expanded, muscular body by the hips and rocking his hips forwards again, and this tile slamming to the hilt with a sigh of pleasure as the top thirteen feet or so of his bulging member tore through the Dragokkaren's jaws, as they stretched ridiculously, his whole body clinging to the Drakkaren's impossibly-massive member like a too-tight rubber glove on a hand ten sizes bigger than it. Slowly, he drew back, savoring the attempts of the once-dominator to bite him, to struggle at all, his screams, and the sight of the tears rolling down his face, smiling at the pain he was causing as the barbs he'd imagined onto his cock ripped the internal organs and walls of the tortured now-victim to shreds... and then he shoved viciously forwards again.

He slammed to the hilt, wrecking-ball sized testicles swinging forwards as Zerrex grunted hungrily, perhaps thirty feet tall and with a bulging, powerful body, his eyes burning as he glared down at his dominator and shouted angrily: "No one messes with me in my own head!" A draw back, and then a violent shove of the giant member forwards as it pulsed thickly, sending out another raw spray of blood and gore. "And no one gets to be bigger than me, either!"

He accented this with another hard shove... then he began to piston his hips back and forth, grunting hungrily and panting raw, animal breaths in and out, knowing that it would add to the terror of his victim, letting his muscles flex and bulge, loom over the pitifully-tiny creature as he rammed him again and again with his huge cock, roaring and working the massive member back and forth. His hot flesh ripped the Dragokkaren apart from the inside, stiff as steel, sending thick gouts of blood over his huge penis over and over, lubricating him further and allowing him to move with even greater ease.

The reptile worked his hips back and forth as he grunted again and again, looking down at the Dragokkaren with a grin, thrusting over and over through his body, unable to deny the ecstasy this kind of domination gave him: a level of devastating rape he'd never once managed in reality, and yet now felt a horrible, aching hunger to attempt. He slammed forwards over and over, thick black meat pounding the twisted, useless body of the attempted-abuser, and he rolled his head back as his eyes slid closed in utter sadistic bliss.

The Dragokkaren's hips bucked with every slam forwards, and his small thighs and testicles were almost obliterated by every huge, powerful smash of the Drakkaren's own incomparably-massive navy blue orbs. The scrawny, weaker lizard screamed and rocked back and forth, unable to free himself from the clutching, cold claws that had once served him, and were now obeying the far-more powerful Drakkaren, tears streaming down his features, his mouth ripped to shreds and most of his teeth torn out as well from the hard, stiff barbs that covered the Drakkaren's penis: a definite one-up on his own spikes.

The massive cock slid easily forwards with every shove now, coated entirely in blood, but every yank back was still difficult even for the strong and gigantic Drakkaren, Zerrex letting out hungry pants of effort as his barbs tore through the flesh of his victim, sending out further splatters of blood and causing bits and pieces of his inner body to come out, trapped between the curved spikes. Zerrex grinned violently with every pull back, the ecstasy trebling, and then he thrusted hard back in, loving the shrieks and cries of the Dragokkaren, who was still flailing and spasming uselessly underneath him.

He could feel himself beginning to stiffen up as he worked harder in and out... and it caused the barbs to push out further and form a wider ridge, dragging back even harder against the now-victim and causing him to scream louder, the sound music to Zerrex's ears. His claws sank into his broken legs, long torn free from his obliterated pelvis, and yet he crushed them between his hands anyway and jerked forwards, just to hear them stretch, the skin weak between body and limb by now, and the Dragokkaren shrieking and tears rolling down his face freely as he forced to live on with all his internal organs destroyed: several of the barbs had now even punctured through flesh and scale, sticking out, and Zerrex watched these travel back and forth along the ripped trenches in the Dragokkaren's body with a strange, cruel joy.

And now he could feel his cock swelling up a bit harder too, testicles burning like fire as he began to snarl and pant harder, feeling his muscular body bulging as he found he could no longer hold himself back. So instead, he did the opposite, letting go entirely and slamming again and again his monstrous length straight through his victim, loving the feeling of more than ten feet of cock ripping back and forth, in one end and out the other, moving with such speed that it caused the Dragokkaren to vomit blood more than a meter, his eyes rolling up in his head as he wished only for death or any other end to this torture.

Finally, Zerrex arched his back and jerked fully free of the abused Dragokkaren, reaching down to stroke his twelve foot long penis rapidly with one hand as he straightened and spread his legs a bit, still on his knees. He roared, grinning savagely as shot after shot of seed began to blast out of his cock, every burst seeming at least a gallon of white load and smashing down over the ripped-apart Dragokkaren like a tidal wave, coating him with hot load as the victim of his vicious, hyper-rape fell prone and bloody to the road. He screamed and spasmed in the flow as the hands that had held him in place dissolved into the ground, and then he stared up in horror at the reptile that had so viciously raped and destroyed him as the last few blasts finally landed on him after what seemed like hours, Zerrex grunting hungrily but grinning widely and licking his muzzle, his body bulging with muscle and power, his eyes burning like the darkest devil's in the deepest of hells.

Then the Dragokkaren slowly dissolved into darkness, and Zerrex snorted quietly as he let his body go back to its normal sizes. He rolled his head slowly on his shoulders as he imagined a set of pants back on himself before continuing forwards, drawing the revolver and idly spinning it on one finger as he walked around the literal pond of white seed he'd spilled out over the imaginary being who'd tried to rape him and ended up being destroyed by the Drakkaren's own vicious lusts.

It had been a long time since Zerrex had let himself bathe in his own darkness, however... and he hated the sadistic part of him that had gotten off to that so easily and so quickly. He hated how he'd so quickly turned what could have just been a simple, dominating rape into something... far more violent, far darker, and far more simply insane... and how he'd loved every minute of it. But at the same time, he smiled satirically and looked up at the red sky, sighing softly as he finally took his first steps into the corrupted city he'd always used to see in his dreaming nightmares. "This is my real fantasy world, isn't it?"

"Most likely." replied a voice, and Zerrex jumped before looking over to see Cherry standing in one of the dark cloaks, hood pushed back, a cold smile on her face as she stood with her arms crossed. Then she nodded to him before walking up beside him and saying softly: "May I walk with you, Master?"

"Are you going to try to kill me or anything like that?" Zerrex asked evenly, bringing the revolver up when she drew close and pointing it between her eyes, and Cherry smiled at him with amusement before opening her cloak and letting it fall aside, revealing her body was naked... and her breasts probably even larger than they were in reality. The Drakkaren glanced at these with slight amusement, then he brought his eyes back up and said evenly: "And what about terrorizing me?"

Cherry grinned a bit... then she spread her legs... and the lips of her sex throbbed as she tilted her head back with a soft groan, a fleshy, gnarled arm reaching out. It was followed by another as her legs spread wider, hips almost seeming to disjoint, trembling violently... and then a small head forced itself out, along with half a body of a female Drakkaren. Then it straightened, and Zerrex realized it was a bloody, gore-and-flesh version of Cindy, but perhaps half her size as the nightmare-Cherry stood with her legs spread as wide as possible and somehow balancing without falling over... and then Cindy smiled - revealing a mouth full of fang teeth - and said in a voice that was strangely, intoxicatingly sweet despite her body: "I can give you a blowjob while you fuck her at the same time if you want..."

Zerrex swallowed thickly... both at the horrible conjoining this nightmare world had made of his loved ones, and at the fact he found this terrible monster... shamefully arousing. But then Cindy grinned at him and winked, waving goodbye, as Cherry stood up one on leg and let out a moan, sweet, sexual liquids of excitement flowing down her thigh as she grasped her other angle, and the skinned-looking Cindy drew back into her body with a fleshy plop. Then she stood once more, legs trembling a bit and blood leaking down her legs... before looking up at Zerrex and smiling slightly, holding out her arms: "Carry me, Master?"

The Drakkaren nodded slowly... then he suddenly brought the revolver up and his other hand floating overtop, fanning the hammer as he pounded three shots into Cherry's chest and head. She screamed, staggering backwards and vomiting blood and some strange, black poison, her eyes rolling with dull fury as her jaws opened to reveal a mess of unnaturally-long, vicious fangs... and then her stomach bulged before skinned-Cindy tore one claw and half her face out of Cherry's thick abs with a hungry snarl, her eyes burning... but Zerrex fired two more shots directly into her face as Cherry's body fell backwards, and the added force sent the dual-female slamming into a black stone wall of a building.

The skeletal structure trembled, then collapsed, and two screams of pain went up before a massive, black smoke rose from the ruins with a horrible, ripping noise, like metal and flesh being torn asunder in unison. Zerrex snarled, wincing... then all was quiet, and the reptile stood with the smoking revolver in his hands, snorting and looking back and forth. But the rest of the streets were quiet... from the twisted hunks of metal that he supposed were cars, sitting lonely in the empty, broken road... to the towering, dead buildings that loomed against the red sky

He knew, however, that it wouldn't stay that way for long... there were still more of the cloaked creatures out there. And all he knew was that he was looking for an exit from this world, so that could mean any number of things... but the Drakkaren snorted quietly and looked down, holstering the revolver and once more walking forwards; he had an idea that it wouldn't be too hard to find which way the exit was.

But as he walked deeper into the city from the outskirts, he couldn't help but grit his teeth as he noted all variety of dark-cloaked figures flying around... as well as mostly-transparent ghosts, many of them whispering or twitching as they walked or even floated by. Most of them seemed to have no interest in him, however... and the only people who did at this point were the only other inhabitants of this strange, twisted world that he'd walked into, slaves in ripped, tattered remnants of clothes, and often with broken chains, collars, or manacles adorning their damaged bodies...

They crawled towards him and fawned as he walked past, looking at him with shining eyes, adoring him like a god... but never getting that close, or within distance of being kicked or grabbed. They were like curious wild animals... and it made Zerrex smile grimly, looking around shamefully. He knew that the one who made them that way was him... this was his own mind, after all.

He closed his eyes, rubbing slowly at his head, then wincing as a ghost ran by a few meters above the ground, chased by several other phantasms... and then he stopped in the middle of the street as several huddled, cloaked figures suddenly looked up from next to a fountain... and then all three dropped their hoods, and Zerrex felt a snarl rise to his muzzle.

Tinman: except the small badger's gold-ringed eyes were cold and desolate... Vampire, a black wolf who had also been in the Goth Legion, grinning and showing off the teeth that got him his namesake, his dark eyes burning... and a snake called Ghost, his blue eyes alight with the cruel irony of the situation. Another member of the same old force... and another that had fallen to Zerrex's hands. A homophobe, if he remembered correctly... Zerrex remembered the terror in those marine-blue eyes when he'd threatened playfully to rape him before he killed him. But sure, it made sense he of all members of the Legion would be here... a specialist at communicating with the dead, and able to perform astral projection and move things up to ten times his body weight without trouble, and roll right through walls while in that state...

The three of them dropped their cloaks, revealing black and red-splotched uniforms that would be useless in any environment for camouflage... except, of course, this one. This warped, twisted world, that was nothing but red and blacks... and all the goings-on in this mutilated city stopped as Zerrex stepped into the small square around the fountain area, hearing all manner of strange creature filling up the spaces between the streets to watch the showdown as Vampire stepped forwards first, spreading his arms and looking horribly cheerful, flicking his sunglasses out of a breast pocket meant for storing ammo in and putting them on... just so he could look overtop them. "Well, if it ain't mister badass Captain Ravenlight! Funny to meet you here in this section of your mind... ever since you had that little girl, you've been parading around pretending to be one of the good guys. But I guess you got to remembering your true core after you raped one of the lust jailors into bits and pieces."

There was a mass chuckle at this, and Zerrex snorted before saying coldly: "At least I'm not the poser who thinks he's a badass because he likes to look overtop his shades." This got a quiet laugh as well from the crowd, as Vampire scowled, and then the reptile glanced at Tinny and asked in a softer voice: "And what the hell are you doing with these morons here, Tinman? Last time I checked, 'loser' didn't look all that good on you." A pause, and then the badger winced - even if evil, Tinny was Tinny - as Zerrex looked into his eyes evenly and added: "I don't want to have to kill you, too."

Tinny looked back at him for a few long moments, then he laughed quietly and glanced down, almost seeming ashamed of himself. Vampire glanced over his shoulder irritably, the large, muscular wolf rubbing at his chest before clearing his throat loudly, and Ghost winced slightly, muttering something under his breath. Finally, Tinman looked back up and smiled a bit across at Zerrex. "We're just creations... adaptations... and I'm no different. And I don't want you to underestimate me or go easy on me just because I look and act like your old friend Tinman... sure, I know that most of the reason I'm here is to support Vampire and Ghost... but I don't want to be underestimated. Because in this world, I won't grow tired..." And then Tinny rose a hand, pointed at Zerrex, and cocked his thumb back, and the Drakkaren smiled slightly as he heard the dry click of his revolver hammer being pulled back, recognizing too late that the holster at his waist was empty, and not needing to turn around to know the gun was floating behind his head. "And anything is possible."

"Then pull the trigger." Zerrex said softly, crossing his arms and keeping his head held high, and the badger visibly flinched before looking down. His hand wavered, and then he slowly lowered it with a sigh as Vamp snarled and looked over his shoulders at the badger, glaring at him as Zerrex smiled a bit, holding a hand out, the revolver returning to it. "Thank you, Tinny... but I do understand. I'll respect you as my adversary in this world... and I won't hold back in fighting you."

Tinman nodded, smiling again, and the show of respect between the combatants - something that would be strange, foreign, and oh so exotic in this twisted, dilapidated world - caused a shudder and murmur to run through the crowd. Then Vampire snorted and stomped his feet a few times, continuing to look at the badger in disgust before looking over at Ghost and asking coldly: "You gonna turn all pussy on me too?"

"No... I have every intention of crushing the lights out of Captain Ravenlight for good." The desert snake said slowly, and Zerrex turned his eyes on the snake, watching as he grinned and tilted his head, revealing his huge fang teeth. The scales on his face were mostly brown-grey, and then the underside of his muzzle and over his body were singed gold, with no real distinguishing features except for the extra long tail he possessed, which trailed several feet along the ground behind him. He possessed no claws, instead only sensitive, rounded digits that were currently securely covered by tight black leather gloves, and a cross and a few other penny-sale religious symbols hung around his neck, secreted on separate chains, all of them long and coded by the type of necklace, which ranged from plain steel string to ornamented, jeweled metal circlets. When you dealt in spirits, he'd found, they tended to only be really talkative with a select few, and ninety percent of the time, that meant pretending you were a priest of their religion.

Zerrex snorted softly: big words from the two morons who he'd killed himself. Vampire, also known as Drake Lazarus - he reflected that, no matter what the situation, the bad dude always seemed to be the one named 'Drake,' - would be the most difficult... he wasn't particularly strong or fast, and he obviously still hadn't improved at all in the brains department, but he was also nearly invincible. The Drakkaren knew he'd have to at least cut off the bastard's head... and probably then tie down his stumbling corpse somehow until it finally died. Vampire, it seemed, had three different sets of internal systems... and they were all alive. He was a giant symbiotic life-form, with intelligent cells that would dodge out of the way of weapons, tighten together to protect against blows, and all other manner of ridiculous ability... making him a pain in the ass.

Tinman, on the other hand, was the most dangerous, but the easiest to kill. Although he had the least amount of battle experience, was the smallest of the group, and had no real physical advantages, his power to control metal had devastating effects. It meant that Zerrex also wouldn't be able to chance using even his revolver until the badger was out of the way... and, taking a quick glance at the sidepack the badger wore, the Drakkaren was also willing to be that this Tinny had a few other tricks up his sleeve as well. If Zerrex managed to get in close, however... he could probably flick Tinny with one finger and kill him.

That's why Vampire had come forwards right away... to use his nearly-invincible body to form a barricade between Zerrex and the two weaker combatants. The Drakkaren snorted as the black wolf turned back towards him, rubbing the uniform that was tight against his muscular chest - probably a size too small for him, just so he could show off his excellent physique in greater detail. He had no regulation handgun or other weapons at his side, though... but then he reached up to the other breast pocket of his uniform, and pulled out a small metal case, grinning viciously. "And this time, Captain Ravenlight, we ain't gonna leave anything to chance. Tinny, Ghost, and me, we're gonna fuck you up good, and fuck you up hard."

"And what if I just make the three of you explode?" Zerrex asked softly, and Vampire blinked before laughing - although there was a nervous flicker in his eyes, and Ghost and Tinny both exchanged a look. The black wolf looked over his shoulder at them, and Tinman covered his face with his hands and Ghost simply shrugged, the desert snake looking lost and stupid. Vampire muttered under his breath at this, one eye twitching, then turned back to Zerrex with his grin relighting his features... before it faded a bit as he saw the Drakkaren was still standing with arms crossed and a small smile playing at his muzzle; after all, he hadn't been kidding.

"Well, you could do that." Vampire said finally, apparently deciding to play a different tactic and swallowing a bit, as he looked over Zerrex slowly, then he laughed a bit shook his head slightly, tilting his muzzle towards him gamely as he continued in an even voice, black eyes locking onto the Boss's own emerald. "But there is one thing you seem to be missing out on, Cap'n.

"This world... is built on darkness... and every time you use that darkness to... fuck something up, like you did that incubus, or you resist something that should kill you... you know, you show off in any way, pretty much, using unnatural shit that shouldn't happen, warping this world with your mind... a tiny bit more corruption seeps into you." And at this Vampire winked, leaning forwards with the hand holding the metal box on one knee, the other raised and index finger and thumb out, spaced slightly apart. "And see, every time you do that... this world gets a little bigger, lodges a little harder in your head... and the boss waiting at the end of the line gets a little stronger too. Fuck, with all the sins and shit you've piled up, you've already got a hell of a battle waiting for you... I don't envy you, even if you do dust us."

And with that, Vampire laughed and shook his head, then he straightened and bounced the metal box on one hand, as Zerrex frowned and looked at the ground: Vampire had no reason to lie... actually, probably couldn't lie, in this corrupted world where he had been reincarnated... but Zerrex didn't think that meant he had to tell the whole truth, either. So the reptile frowned as he looked across at the wolf, who was grinning coldly again... before he snorted and shrugged widely. "But hey, you don't gotta believe me. Just go ahead, blow us to shit. Make me explode or whatever, just use that twisted imagination of yours to make somethin' crazy-ass happen to me... or you know, accept the fact all that lies between you and perdition is a revolver and your own fuckin' fists..."

At this, though, Zerrex couldn't help but laugh softly, looking down and shaking his head slowly, and Vampire frowned before flinching back as the Drakkaren looked up, his eyes flashing with green fire, and his jaws curling into a snarl: "That's where you and I differ, Drake Lazarus. Because unlike you, I've never been scared of my own shadow unless I had twenty pounds of plastic explosive, three satchel charges, a handgun and superpowers to back me up... or a box full of steroids and two people I can boss around and order to watch my back while I waltz around giving my monologues like a spy movie villain.

"No, Vampire. For me, perdition has actually always been just under my feet... and the only thing stopping me from falling into Hell has always been my own willpower." Zerrex motioned around at the red sky, the blackened, burned buildings, the twisted, corrupt sidewalk and broken fountain that Tinny and Ghost were pressed back against, and the entire world seemed to reverberate and twist with the anger of the Drakkaren as he snorted. "You seem to forget, this world, isn't just a nightmare from my subconscious... it's a world I used to fantasize about until I found out I had a one-in-a-million chance of pretending to be normal. Of getting to raise a family, of having a wife and kid, friends and getting to be bored at parent council meetings on the school budget and play pool with some other fathers down at the bars on Saturday nights. And yet you and everything else keeps coming back, again and again..."

Zerrex clenched a hand into a tight fist, slamming it down against his thigh as his glare ripped into Vampire, caused the showy wolf to stagger back in surprise at the raw hate that flashed there. "I am reminded, over and over, that my life doesn't get to be normal. And that even if I walk out of here alive and sane, in control of my own goddamn body, it's right back into Hell, and it'll be into war. And you know what? I'll likely be happy. Sick, twisted, and much as I hate it, war is where I belong, and I was never comfortable in peace times, sitting around on my hands and listening to people talk about the 'horrors' they had to endure over their lives. About mothers bitching about how goddamn hard it is to raise a kid when they should realize it's a fucking blessing, and fathers saying their sons are disobedient or reckless, or talking about how they're trying to get their kid on the sports team 'cause he's a bit of a loser, not realizing they're just trying to change themselves, doing all the same stupid shit their parents did.

"No matter where I go, destruction follows. So you know what my answer is to you Vampire? It's a loud fuck you, and here's some clarification just so we understand each other." And with that, Zerrex brought up the revolver and fired a round into the wolf's head, sending him staggering backwards as he shrieked in agony, brain matter splattering out the back of his skull, before the reptile cocked back the trigger with his thumb and fired again. And again. And again.

Six shots later, and Vampire lay slumped on the ground with a hole in his head and five bloody tears through his chest and stomach, massive exit wounds out his back filling and overspilling with blood as the metal box lay nearby, tarnished and scratched from falling on the concrete. Tinman and Ghost both stared with horror at their fallen compatriot... and then Zerrex snorted quietly, automatically checking the revolver: and again, he found that the bullets were no different, his white hair falling over his face and shadowing his emerald eyes as he snapped the cylinder closed with a flick of his wrist and said softly: "Get up, scumbag. I'm not stupid enough to fall for that trick."

A dry snort echoed up from the ground, and then Vampire looked up: one black eye was gone, and his teeth were soaked in blood as he spat out bone shrapnel from his skull that had torn out his jaws... before he grinned coldly as he stood up, one ear dangling uselessly from a few scraps of ligament and muscle: the base had been near where the bullet had torn out of the wolf's head.

He looked grisly: a shining rib was visible through his uniform, and several loops of intestine were hanging out his stomach... and then the wolf winced and let out a long groan, leaning forwards and clutching at his abdomen, drool falling from his jaws as the coils of gut suddenly writhed before sliding like fleshy snakes back into his body, and the gaping wounds closed like lipless mouths. Vampire's shoulders twitched and his head jerked as his body regenerated rapidly, and then he looked at Zerrex coldly, his one black iris glaring at him as the Drakkaren said softly: "Oh dear. Looks like you aren't getting that other eye back... and I can see a certain something coming off you."

Vampire twitched again, then he looked down at himself and hissed: he was steaming dark energy into the sky, his body breaking down like the Dragokkaren, the incubus that Zerrex had turned the tables on earlier, had done. Except the black wolf seemed to be holding out a bit harder than his friend had, as he looked up at Zerrex for a moment, then down towards the black box, and then he made mad dive for it as the Drakkaren snarled and brought up his gun.

The revolver, however, was immediately torn out of his hands as Tinny raised a hand and made a pushing motion, the lizard stumbling back with the force, his eyes widening as the gun flew through the air and then skidded into the crowd behind him, as a collective sigh went up. Then he turned as Vampire began to cackle, drawing out the single syringe that was inside the metal box with fanatic reverence burning in his single eye... and Zerrex snorted before kicking a nearby chunk of concrete up into the air with one combat boot, then drawing his foot back and hammering it hard with the steel toe on his foot, sending it flying through the air and smashing into Vampire's arm, causing him to scream and throw the needle a good distance away.

When the glass syringe hit the ground, it shattered, and Vampire shrieked before scrabbling forwards on all fours towards the fallen syringe with dismay, watching as the liquid inside bubbled on the cracked concrete and slipped into the road. Zerrex grinned viciously at this... before grunting as something suddenly picked him up and threw him a good ten feet backwards, causing him to land heavily on his back. He looked up in shock: Tinman certainly couldn't do that... but then snarled as he saw Ghost fainted on the ground, and Tinny standing over him, wincing and holding a long coil of steel wire at the ready, on the defensive. Dammit, Ghost is using his astral projection to-

Before he could finish that thought, a powerful blunt force slammed down into his stomach like a piston, and the reptile's eyes bulged, Zerrex clutching his abdomen and snarling in agony... then he flailed uselessly against thin air as he was suddenly levitated about a foot above the ground before being slammed down into the black asphalt hard enough to leave a small crater, spiraling cracks going in all directions from where he'd impacted. It knocked the sense from him for a moment before he quickly sat up, shaking his head as gray and black lights flashed in front of his eyes, snarling in desperation... and then his eyes widened in shock as he Tinman's arms outstretched, the badger wincing and a broken skeleton of a car floating above his head, before he hurled this at the Drakkaren.

Zerrex's first instinct was to catch the vehicle... but it looked so damaged that he would likely end up catching part of the frame, and the rest of it would smash into him. So instead he did the next best thing, tensing his legs before leaping upwards and grunting in exertion as the car flipped rapidly through the air beneath him. He flipped in midair, and time seemed to slow, leaving him almost floating over the car for a moment as he reached one hand down and grabbed the exhaust pipe, seeming to pluck it with a strange gentleness from the bottom of the car... and then things sped back up, and Zerrex landed in a crouch from his flip as he threw the pipe like a spear at Tinny with a snarl, who squeaked and fell over Ghost's body as he fell to get out of the way of the rusted hunk of metal. The interruption caused Ghost's astral form to flicker into view and then distort, the snake levitating some twenty feet above him and yelling silently at Tinman, features furious and agonized as the badger struggled to climb off the desert snake's body.

Meanwhile, Vampire had stuffed the broken syringe into his mouth, and his features were twisted with agony as he chewed on the glass and then swallowed with gagging shrieks that caused his whole body to convulse... and at the same time, he was licking at the black pavement, tongue bloody from both the glass and scratching against the ground. But Zerrex could see his muscles writhing and bulging under his clothes, and then the black wolf suddenly arched his back on his knees as he let out a roar, arms going out to the sides as his body bulged hideously and his uniform shirt ripped to shreds, exploding into pieces of tattered cloth as his voice roughened into a deep, violent snarl, his legs thickening and his boots tearing apart as gigantic paws ripped through, and Vampire slowly got to his feet, his one black eye glinting in its socket with a psychotic, predatory hunger, his teeth lengthening and his fangs growing too large for his mouth, his arms and muscular upper body bulging, becoming so huge and powerful that his pink, raw skin showed through in places, his pelt of black fur no longer able to cover his body.

He lumbered forwards a step, then he convulsed again as his body thickened, and Tinny was staring with shock as Vampire grew another foot, roaring like a violent animal, foaming and frothing at the mouth, reaching up and simply tearing off the tattered ear as black blood poured from his empty socket... and then he looked up at Zerrex with a vicious grin before charging, now almost half again the size of the Drakkaren. The lizard snarled and stumbled back... before he felt something grab his body and lift him into the air, restraining him as he struggled helplessly against Ghost's again-invisible form.

He snarled, then closed his eyes and slammed his feet down, knowing that even as a phantasm, Ghost's strength was limited... and the invisible being seemed to shudder as Zerrex managed to force himself free from the air, before the Drakkaren made a shrugging, throwing motion as he bent forwards with a grunt, muscles flexing powerfully, and the force that had been restraining his body was suddenly gone; instead, Ghost's astral body came into view once more, a distorted, static-torn version of the snake hurtling through the air with a silent scream, his limbs flailing before he smacked into Vampire and knocked the goliath down with a loud grunt.

Zerrex snorted and immediately began to charge to the side, to put some distance between himself and the monstrous, super-sized Vampire and the quick-moving Ghost... but before he could get more than a few steps, he felt something snap around his neck, wrist, and ankle, causing him to stumble and fall to a kneel, one arm yanked out and his other hand clawing at his neck as a noose of steel wire dug into his throat. His emerald eyes twitched as he looked up to see Tinny biting his lip, wincing and holding three long strings of steel wire between his fingers, but his eyes were closed as he rose the other hand, this one with three narrow-bladed, small knives held tight.

The Drakkaren struggled uselessly as he heard Vampire getting to all fours and then loping towards him with a hungry snarl, turning to see drool falling from his muzzle... and Ghost again seized his body, dragging his other arm down forcefully, taking away all manner of defending himself as the reptile winced... then the black wolf leaped forwards to pounce him, his jaws opening wide and black eye glinting with victory as he lunged towards the Boss to land a fatal bite and rip him to shreds with the gnarled claws on his fingers... and out of desperation, Zerrex did the only thing he could, throwing himself forwards and bringing his other leg up as the steel wire cut viciously into his ankle and neck, at the same time twisting his body to bring his leg up.

It passed through where Ghost apparently was, and, despite invisible, the astral body of the snake was again sent flying away through the air... before his boot smashed into Vampire's stomach, sinking into the earlier wound the reptile had made and causing the black wolf's eye to bulge, blood shooting from his maw and over the reptile's face as Zerrex roared in exertion, swinging his leg down and using it more than an axis than a piston as Tinman yanked back on the steel wire and threw the knives at the same time. There was a bang like a shotgun as they fired off from his hand at enough force to smash through the sound barrier... and then Vampire was howling in agony, body convulsing, and Zerrex could see three small narrow tips coming out from inside his stomach and breast as he looked down at the Drakkaren in shock, and the Drakkaren looked back up with a snarl before finally kicking him off his foot and sending him skidding along the dry pavement a few feet, the black wolf's body twitching a few times as Tinny shrieked in horror and rose his hands to his face, losing his concentration.

The steel wire loosened from where it had almost torn through Zerrex's body, leaving instead only deep, bloody gouges, and the Drakkaren quickly tore free of this before picking up the only thing in the area he knew Tinman wouldn't be able to manipulate and throw back at him: he seized Vampire by the ankles as the black wolf sluggishly looked up, the demonized, gigantic creature almost looking more like a baby than a threat before squealing and flailing as Zerrex spun around with him once, twice, thrice, gaining momentum as he turned on his heels. Then he grinned and threw him like a discus in a satellite throw towards the still-shocked Tinman, and the badger screamed, reaching up to protect himself, but far too late.

Vampire's body - perhaps more than a ton of thick, genetically-enhanced muscle, from the strain Zerrex had felt in moving his body and how hard his muscles were bulging right now - smashed into Tinny's slender, ninety-pounds-when-wet-in-baggy-clothes frame, and crushed him through the stone wall of the fountain and into the centerpiece in the middle. A slog of disgusting black water poured out, with a few mutated, flopping bugs and creatures Zerrex didn't want to identify, and then Vampire rolled half-in, half-out through the gap in the fountain wall, stunned. Tinny, on the other hand - Goddammit, I didn't want to do that... I'm sorry, Tinman... rest in peace... - had in a word, been broken.

His skull was crushed in, his eyes glazed, and his entire narrow frame was twisted and wrecked, like a toy soldier that had been smashed apart by a cruel child with a hammer. Zerrex took a moment to sketch a silent salute and a respectful nod to the body as both Vampire and Ghost stirred - the latter's concentration disrupted, awakened from his fainted state by the black gush of filthy water that had poured forth from the fountain - and then the two turned and slowly looked at their fallen comrade.

Vampire staggered first to his feet, almost whining in his throat as he reached out and grabbed Tinny's dead body, shaking it quickly... before trembling and falling back on his ass, staring in horror as it slowly dissolved into dark motes that floated up into the sky and vanished. Then the black wolf looked over his shoulder with a mix of horror and fury at Zerrex, before letting out a wounded roar and scrabbling to his paws to charge blindly at the reptile, tears of blood leaking from both eyes as Zerrex stood and retained the cold, rigid salute, one arm across his body and head bowed low.

He charged towards him, snarling in fury, hands clawing out in feral rage... and then Zerrex turned and reached out at the same time, snagging one wrist and slamming the other elbow into his gut, causing him to reel forwards over his body, spitting blood and his eye bulging in its socket, threatening to explode as well. Then he slammed his hand up, grabbing him under the jaw and twisting his wrist as he threw the giant monster wolf over his body and then straight down into the pavement, cracks spiraling through his skull and his neck popping viciously in place, shudders racing along his spine as his vertebrae popped like firecrackers. Then he fall backwards, sprawled on all fours, staring sightlessly at the sky and his body twitching mindlessly, uselessly, the rest of his brain leaking out of the gaping hole in his head as he finally slumped and dissolved into shadowy dust.

The Drakkaren snorted quietly, then he held up his hand and gave a single cold command: "Gun."

The revolver flew out of the crowd, thrown by a thousand worshipping hands, and Zerrex snagged it in midair without bothering to look, slapping the hammer down with the palm of his other hand in front of his waist and then bringing it up to point at Ghost, who was standing, shivering, eyes wide and stumbling back into the fountain, his eyes horrified, his body trembling violently. This snake, who'd been killed by the Drakkaren in life, only to come back in his head and then be killed again, coldly once more, callously once more. But then the desert reptile gave a shaking laugh, holding up his hands in surrender and saying: "If you kill me now in cold blood, I'll just come back stronger and-"

"I hate philosophy." Zerrex said softly, then pulled the trigger. A moment later, there was an echoing bang, and Ghost fell down to his knees, most of his head literally blown away: before his body even hit the ground, however, his form was blown away by a strong wind in so many sparkling motes of black dust. Then the Drakkaren laughed quietly and looked up at the red sky above: "But if you want to play like that, then remember this... in war, on the battlefield, there's no such thing as cold blood or surrender. There's just living, dying, and the hell that goes on in between."

Then he glanced around, surveying the gathered crowd, and from slaves to ghosts, monsters like the Dragokkaren incubus that had assailed him earlier and broken, incorporeal beings dressed in long black cloaks, all were bowing to him, wordless murmurs rising up like the mad prostrations of a dying, raving priest. And down on street, the crowd parted to form a path, and Zerrex snorted softly as he began to head down this path, glancing idly at the sign and unsurprised to note that the street was named 'Intent.'

"For the path to hell is paved with good intentions." Zerrex murmured softly, as he walked down the broken, corrupt black stone of the road, shaking his head slowly as he glanced idly at buildings on either side. Then he finally came to a long, ragged bridge, frowning a bit as he looked at it curiously with a tilt of his head.

The water - but it looked like blood... the raging river of blood that probably spilled into the stream he'd started at earlier - was low, and the floating, broken bridge had been half-carried downstream, only staying in place because it was dragging on rusted, hidden chains that locked into the bottom, from his guess. The metal bridge had long, tall tiers going up either side, towers of metal that were connected by long steel crossbars, these slats all of the same rusted red metal... but Zerrex could see that otherwise it was built of swollen, stained wood that floated on heavy black logs over the raging water. He had no idea how long it was, though... after what looked like twenty meters across the wide expanse of water, the rest of it was lost from view in a thick, dark mist that obscured everything.

Zerrex frowned as he spun the revolver idly on one finger, looking at this new problem with a frown. The blood-water flowed down a long, straight canal... and the bridge, right now, was floating who-knew-how-far away from where it should have been. Peering into the watery abyss, Zerrex could see the maroon stains of rust - or blood... this world... I... am just completely screwed in the head... - lapped only a foot or so away from the top... when the current level of blood was maybe forty feet down. It wouldn't be hard for him to jump down onto the bridge right now... but the rocking of it and the fact everything on the other side would likely be soaked would mean he'd have a hell of a time getting back out. Assuming that he even could, and that the bridge wasn't currently leading to a wall instead of the pathway he had to take.

The reptile muttered under his breath at this. Now he needed to find a way to raise the goddamn water level... and then he paused and glanced up as he heard a few soft giggles, looking to the right and then blinking as several slender, shapely female Drakkaren appeared from the shadows of a broken building, walking slowly towards him. But their feet ended in cloven hooves, and they had large, skeletal wings on their back with thick leather skin between them, and all of them had black collars with silver, rounded spades on them, and he didn't have to be told what these were: Succubi, sexual demons of lust and sin.

They smiled, all of them with burning, bright blue eyes, and the three all wrapped their arms around him... one kneeled down and hugged his leg, one cuddled against his waist, pushing her nose against his strong abdomen, the last wrapping her arms around his neck and looking into his eyes with a smile that revealed sharp, inwards-curving teeth, speaking in a voice that seemed unnatural and eerily echoing: "Greetings, Master... are you having a problem?"

Hands massaged along his muscular body, and sent out thrills of strange, warm pleasure rolling through his form. They were all green-scaled, with lighter yellow over their body, and their bodies... perfect. There was no word; he didn't think that even the angels would look as beautiful as these strange creatures. They slowly played their claws - and they had no fingertips, only large, thick, black curling talons that took up the entire end of the finger - over his clothing, causing a soft scratching sound along the fabric as another of the triplets asked in the same voice: "Trying to get across the sunken bridge, Master?"

"Yes, I am... can you three help me with that?" Zerrex asked softly, tilting his head as he gently reached out to touch one on the shoulder, rubbing down the back of the other and smiling slightly... but keeping himself as distant as he could and unexcited. These he had to deal with differently than the incubus... since the succubus was a sexual demon, rape and any kind of desirous action against it would just empower it and give it more control over his body in turn. So instead he'd have to play it carefully...

But the creatures laughed and stood up, wrapping their arms around each other and the tall male Drakkaren, all of them smiling into his eyes with their own blue eyes burning. Then the three female demons looked at each other before they giggled and drew back, three pairs of hands touching his chest and face as they slowly moved back, and the one in the middle laughed and beckoned as she threw her arms around the neck of one of the others. The two demons traded a quick, light kiss as she was picked up by the others and they walked quickly backwards, easily carrying her as she spread and flapped her wings a bit, licking at one of the others' breasts as her eyes half-lidded, and she continued to beckon to the reptile as they hurried away down the short stone pathway they had first come from.

Zerrex frowned a bit as they vanished around a corner, then he shrugged and followed slowly, moving along the grey stone of the walk as he glanced down and saw that here, the long trench met with a large square pool area that bridged off from the main path, ramping slowly up to four evenly-spaced stone cement pillars that rose up to the red skies above. Zerrex blinked as he stared at these, the three succubi standing nearby and giggling as they clustered together, holding and touching each other, vicious grins on their faces as Zerrex saw the source of the blood.

A female hung from each people, their arms tied together by thick strips of rawhide with manacles that had been melded together overtop these, with chains jingling quietly, leaving them hanging from heavy, U-shaped spikes that had been pounded into the stone. Their legs were also spread, feet resting on large stone platforms that stuck out over the ramp slightly, with deep-gouged trenched through the stone from which ran blood... and three of the females were leaking literal rivers of blood, which flowed into the trenches, and then down the ramp and pumped into the water in massive torrents. Zerrex stared at this, then he realized they were virgins... or had been, and now they were leaking that virginal blood to fuel the raging river below.

It was twisted, it was sick... and horribly, the reptile also found it arousing. He grit his teeth, looking at the four females, and feeling a chill run down his spine: all early and definitely virginal rapes of his, all of different species. A black pantheress who almost shimmered blue with the luster of her fur, a husky that was almost pure white with only a few clouds of grey over her body, a red equine with a long golden mane... and a green Drakkaren he recognized. Mostly because of the swatch on her hip, a strange, curving birthmark that looked like a tattoo... and she of course, was the only one not bleeding. Ironic and cruel... yet he couldn't help but grin coldly as he glanced over the group of succubus, saying softly: "You want me to rape her."

"It'll raise the level of the River Styx... and you'll also pay our toll." said one of the females, who was currently squatting and clinging to the leg of another, her blue eyes burning as she smiled at him coldly. One succubus stood tall, and the other had her head resting on the straight-standing one's breasts, bent a bit and half-kneeling behind the low-squatting demon. "But you don't have to fuck her... however, we'll still take our toll from your sexual energies. And we all have... very big hungers to fill, and we all get... a bit violent."

As she spoke, a light wind ruffled the Drakkaren's hair, and he twitched as invisible hands rubbed over his chest and body and seductive voices of madness whispered in his mind, to take them, make them scream, see who would break first... but knowing that even if he could conquer one or two of the triplets, the last one would either suck out all his life or kill him if he posed too much of a threat for even their sexual prowess to overcome. Or hell, they might just toy with him sexually for a while until they had him mewling like a kitten for more or to ejaculate, and then after he had that one blissful orgasm, rip his cock off, gut him and eat him alive. He'd studied his demonology well... after all, he was likely going to Hell, so he might as well know what his company was going to be like, right?

He paused for a moment as he glanced over the four again, noting their colors, and then letting his eyes rove up the pole... and noting a symbol carved into each, above the iron horseshoe spike binding their arms above their head and backs to the cement pillar. Old, traditional symbols... wavy lines, jagged lines, a curved half-spiral, a flat line, all above a different female... and then he smiled slightly and glanced back at the Succubus. "The four elements. Air, water, fire, earth. And she's earth."

"Mmm... the energy released from you raping her successfully will be enormous..." breathed one of the succubi, and then she slowly, passionate kissed one of her sisters as the other lapped teasing up her inner leg, grinning at him widely. Zerrex felt tempted again, his body twitching, wanting to respond, to go over and throw himself at their mercy... but instead he nodded and looked towards the task ahead of him with a strange, slightly-morbid eagerness. He supposed it was cruel... but how many chances did he get to enjoy raping a virgin twice? Especially when that virgin happened to be Cindy's mother...