R and R

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Recollection And Rediscovery

I sat down heavily in the chair and palmed my face, "So...last night we?"

"All that you think happened, did," Tiri said. "I didn't believe it either until I got up and tried to walk to the bathroom." She took a bite of her food and looked to Sheila, who was setting out our oatmeal. "Do you still walk funny after a night with Will?"

Sheila sat and giggled, "I don't normally kiss and tell, but seeingas we've got the same problem." She looked playfully at me, then continued, "Everytime we make love, I feel like my hips are going to shatter."

"Sheila," I shouted, the embarassment evident in my voice.

"What's wrong, Will? I'm just getting her ready for what's to come," she said, non-chalantly. "Anyway, it's not like she's just a member of my troop anymore. She's the mother of our child."

"No," Tiri spoke, "you're the mother. I'm just a body donor."

Sheila walked over and sat next to her, putting her arm around Tiri's shoulder. "Don't even think that for a second. William and I would never hear of you not being a part of our baby's life." I just sat there speechless. "And by 'our' baby, I mean the three of us."

Tiri teared up and hugged Sheila tightly, "Thank you so much. I love you guys more than you'll ever know.

"I think we have a pretty good idea. Anyway, we love you too. Far more than anyone we've ever known," she whispered as she hugged Tiri to her.

"Um," I said, "can I get a hug, Sheila?"

"What for," she asked.

"I was drugged and taken advantage of last night for starters," I said. "I feel very violated right now."

She looked at Tiri and let her go, "Ok."

Tiri pulled herself out of her seat and shot under the table. I tried to move, but I was far too late to do anything. Before I knew it, Tiri had knocked my backwards in the chair, laying on me, and hugging my chest. "Next time," she cooed, "I'd better not have to scent a flower to have sex with you. Black Orchids are pretty, but they hurt like hell when you brush your pussy with them."

"Next time? I'm not sure there will be a next time," I said as I slid out from under her and stood.

"What do you mean, Will?" Tiri asked as she got to her feet. "Don't you want to make sure I get pregnant?"

"It's not that, Tiri," I said.

"Then I'm not pretty enough to make love to?"

"Don't be ridiculous. You're a beautiful, young, jackal, girl. But that's the problem, you're a young girl," I said as I ran my fingers comfortingly through her hair.

"Where my parents are from, I'd probably be married or engaged by now. I might even already have a child, too," she said, looking up into my eyes. "I'm old enough to make this decision in Morocco, so I don't see a problem."

"I don't see a problem either, William," Sheila said.

"I don't think this should have happened. She's just too young to be doing this, Sheila," I said as I started pacing. "I mean, come on! I'm old enough to be her father! What we've done is illegal!"

"I love you, William," Tiri whimpered, tears already welling in her eyes, "I envied Sheila ever since I joined her troop, because she would have you forever. I've told Sheila that I love you with all my heart, and now I'm telling you. I love you, William Brockton. If I have to wait until you think I'm old enough to love as a woman should, I'll wait. If that means I'll wait forever, then so be it."

She walked out of the kitchen, crying, and sat on the living room couch. Sheila walked up and rested her paw on my shoulder. "Go to her, William. This isn't just a crush. If I weren't married to you, I'm sure she'd be asking you to be her husband."

"I'm not sure I can," I groaned. I moved her paw back to her side and started up the stairs. I locked the bathroom door when I shut the door and sat down on the toilet seat. I thought and thought hard. I had decisions of my own to make. And they were difficult. It was easier deciding if I was going to propose to Sheila when we were going out.

The last twent-four hours were taxing, mentally and phsyically, and all I needed was just alittle time to sort it all out. Tiri had a point, my parents married young, they were only a few years older than her when I was born. But that was beside the point, they were married, and roughly the same age. I leaned my head back against the wall, and tried to figure out what was going to happen next.

The knock on the door brought me back to reality. "William, please come down stairs. You need to eat something."

I looked at the door, "What time is it, Sheila?"

"Three-thirty. William, please come down and eat," she pleaded. "I made you a Caesar salad."

"I'll be down when I finish thinking," I growled.

"Can I ask what you're thinking?" she asked. I could hear her as she leaned against the door.

"I'm trying to think of what to say to the two ladies in MY house," I said gruffly, "I'll be down shortly." The second I said it, I wished I hadn't. Sheila's the type that always assumes the worst when she hears things, and what I'd said and the way I said it sounded bad. I stood and pushed the door lightly, trying to decide if I was going to go after her. "Atleast somethings are easy to figure out," I thought as I unlocked the door and pulled it open.

Surprise caught us both as Tiri tumbled into my arms. Her weight caught me off balance, sending us both backwards, landing just shy of hitting my head on the edge of the bathtub. "My hero," she chuckled.

"What are you doing?"

"Enjoying you're unique scent, bunny wabbit," she said as she buried her nose into my chest fur.

"No, I mean't, what were you doing at the door?"

Her look in her eyes got hard suddenly, "I'm making sure that the love of my life and child's father didn't do anything stupid. Is there something wrong with that?"

"It's not guaranteed that you're pregnant, Tiri."

"Sheila told me all about your test results at the doctor's office. How did she put it? 'William could jerk off in a tissue and the tissue would get pregnant.'," she said, nuzzling my chest again. "Just call it woman's intuition."

I laid there, looking down at her. She loved me, far more than I could ever imagine. Her love for me was unconditional. I could be the most horrible person on Earth and she'd still love me. Something inside my mind clicked and I was looking at her completely different. "Well, we might as well make sure."

"What are you talking about? No pregnancy test works this soon," she said as she slid off me, letting me sit up.

Slowly, I sat up and palmed her cheek. I leaned forward and kissed her, gently but passionately. Her breath rushed passed her lips as she gasped, giving me the opening I needed to explore her mouth with my tongue.

Her surprise was short lived as she started to caress my tongue with hers. I felt her clawing through the fur of my chest. My paws, in turn, slid behind her to rub her back through the silk pajama top she was wearing.

I broke the kiss and stared into her eyes again. She reached down and started untying my pajama bottoms. "Not here," I moaned out.

Her paws dropped and her eyes told of her pent up lust. "Why not?" she asked, her voice shaking, "Why not here? I've waited so long for this."

"Too long? We made love last night," I said.

"That wasn't you last night, that was an animal breeding a female who was in heat. I want you, I just have to have you without blaming it on my heat," she said, almost crying now. A tear welled up in her eye, ready to fall as she sobbed out, "Why can't I have you, here and now? Will I never be able to have you?"

I pulled her into my lap and kissed the tears from her eyes. Her reserve broke and she cried, clutching herself to my chest. I craddled her in my arms as I spoke. "I'm yours, I've just got a couple of reason why we can't right now; 1. Lunch is ready and I'm sure Sheila wouldn't want it to go to waste, and 2. I'm sure that if the three of us were to go to bed together, we could have alot more fun there."

"The three of us?" she asked, choking back some tears.

"Yeah, she missed out on some love making this morning because we had some company. If you hadn't been there, I'd have probably laid her out on the table, " I said. The thought sank in and I chuckled, "Actually, with how she looked this morning in the light from the window, I'd have probably still done it if she hadn't made your presence known to me."

"By the gods, William. Do you guys do that often?" she asked as she moved so we could stand.

"Two or three times a day, most days. Is that alot or something?" I said, hiding the fact that I already knew the answer.

"I'm going to like living here," she whispered.

"Excuse me?" I said as I got to my feet.

She gently wrapped her fingers around my tail base and squeezed, a moan escaping my lips, "We need to go talk to Sheila, Love Bunny."

I sat and ate my Caesar salad, which was big enough to suit the emperor himself, while Sheila explained. "So you see, we all agreed that it would only be fair that Tiri live with us while she's carrying our child. We could even legally adopt her so we can add her to our health insurance," she said. She watched me for a minute, trying to figure out what I was thinking, as I chewed and swallowed my mouthful of lettuce before she continued, "We've got plenty of room and it would be easier for all of us if she was already here. So, what do you think, William?"

She was about to go into one of those 'I know you might not like it...' speeches, but I cut her off. "That's a great idea."

"What?!" she said, the surprise in her voice was brimming.

"Tiri and I talked and we've decided that I'm ok with this arrangement," I said. "I would also like to invite you both upstairs for after lunch fun and games to celebrate."

"Oooo," Tiri said in mock fascination, "what games might we be playing?"

"I was thinking along the lines of 'Let's Make A Baby'," I said as I turned and looked Sheila in the eyes, "Then a good, long, hard, game of 'Bunny Holes'."

Sheila slid her arm around my shoulder and leaned against me. "That sounds absolutely sinful, William. Are you sure we won't damn our souls in the process?"

"Well, like the saying goes," Tiri quipped, "'If the pictures they showed my in church are ture, then Hell looks alot more interest than that other place'."

"I do believe you're right, Tiri," I said as I wrapped my arm around Sheila's waist. "Anyway, it should be me worrying over my soul, living with a couple of succubi like the two of you."

Tiri patted her stomach laughing, "Rosemary's Baby, huh? Except the parentage isn't right, this time her father was normal, but mom was a demon." She stood and walked around the table. Sheila must have been teaching her how to get me hot, because she was swaying her hips the same way Sheila would when she was in the mood. She wrapped her arms around my neck and nibbled the edge of my right ear, another one of Sheila's tricks. "Let's all go upstairs and make sure this demon child is conceived."

They both started pulling me from my chair. "Hey, hey!" I shouted, "I'm not done eating."

Sheila's paw drifted down into my lap and squeezed my half-erect cock. "I haven't even started eating yet."

Tiri tightened her grip on my neck and moaned, "Neither have I. I crave rabbit meat."

I lifted the plate and grinned, "Howabout some salad instead?"

"You've got two options, William," Sheila purred, "The fun way, or the hard way."

"Which way is easier for me?"

"Neither," Tiri whispered as one of her paws slid down to join Sheila's on my cock. "The fun way is still hard and the hard way is still fun...for us atleast."

"And I have no choice whether I want to go or not?"

"Nope," Sheila chimed in, "we want a baby."

Slowly, I stood and turned around. I weighed my options as I looked at them; I already knew Sheila's sex drive could kill a normal male, and Tiri already proved that she would drug me to get what she wanted. I chuckled as the thought of running to my Suburban came to mind. "Alright," I said, "I'll go peacefully."

"Damn," Sheila muttered as she looked at Tiri, "I wanted him to struggle."

"Better he didn't. He looks strong. We might have had to hurt him, and in turn, his performance if he fought."

"Am I just a piece of meat to you two?" I asked.

"By all means, no," Tiri cooed as she walked in behind me and slid her paws down along my pajama bottoms, caressing my thighs. With te same smooth caresses, she glided her paws in the waist band and wrapped her fingers around my shaft. "But, this is, Love Bunny."

Sheila moved in close and untied the drawstring of my pants, letting them fall to the floor. "Come to bed, William," she moaned.

It was my turn to moan as Sheila untucked her shirt and pushed my cock under it. It pressed against the soft belly fur underneith as she hugged herself against me, encircling my neck with her arms. I moaned again as Tiri started stroking me, squeezing drops of pre-cum onto Sheila's stomach.

Tiri let me go and I could feel her moving around, but just as I was about to look she had a hold of me again, stroking even harder. I felt the pre-cum flowing, coating Sheila. I was getting hot, hotter than any other time Sheila and I played this particular game. I threw my head back and gasped as Tiri drew a clawtip lightly down my shaft.

"He's close," Sheila whispered. "Get up on the table."

I felt Tiri's paws leave me again as she slid onto the table. She lay there, naked as a jaybird, with her legs spread. She'd pulled out of her pajamas when she let me go the first time. "Cum inside me, Will. Make me a mom."

I took her ankles in paw and rested them on my shoulders. Sheila reached in from behind me and positioned my cock at Tiri's lightly-furred lips. We all moaned out as I tightened my grip on her ankles and entered her. I slowly sank in to the hilt as Sheila moved her paws to my furred sack, massaging my balls gently. Tiri and I moaned as my head touched gently against her cervix.

I carefully climbed up on the table, placing my knees even with Tiri's hips. She growned as I rested agaisnt her legs and forced more of my cock inside her. Tiri's groan got louder as my cock threatened to penetrate her womb, so I settled back a bit.

"I've got an idea," Sheila said as she took hold of the cheeks of my ass, spreading them gently. "Roll onto your back so I can enjoy that tongue of yours, William."

I grabbed Tiri's hips, but she spoke just before I was about to move. "No," she gasped, "I'll do it, Sheila."

"Are you sure, Honey? You don't have to if you don't want to," Sheila said.

"You guys have and are sharing with me, all I want now is to share you with you," Tiri moaned out as I carefully started thrusting. Sheila stayed right where she was though, holding me open, her breath hot against my asshole. After a few minutes, Tiri was getting impatient. "Sheila, are you coming or what?"

"Not yet," she chuckled, "but William is." I was going to ask what she meant, but then I felt it. A soft, wet, flick as her tongue slid over my puckered hole. I moaned out and thrust roughly into Tiri. Tiri screamed out as her climax boiled over inside her, tightening her walls around me.

"Oh gods, Sheila. Whatever you did to him, keep doing it. If I don't pass out first, I'll feel him cum," Tiri cried out.

Sheila wasn't about to stop, in fact, she hadn't even gotten ready to start. I felt her gently push her tongue in, passing my anal ring. I felt it squirming inside me, stimulating me to no end. I gasped at it as it touch some rather sensitive flesh and thrusted again, pulling her tongue from inside me. Tiri growled in turn as my awkward thrust jabbed her insides, sending her into another orgasm. Between her spasming muscles and Sheila's tongue training to snake back inside my ass, I was closer than close to my own release, I was there.

"Oh fuck, Sheila move, I'm gonna blow," I screamed as I started pounding Tiri's abused pussy. I took hold of Tiri's sides for leverage and started thrusting as deeply as I could into her. Short, sweet moments later, we were howling out our ecstacy for all the world to hear. Her muscles clamped down, neither letting me in or out, as I filled her tight, young, pussy with my seed.

Between holding my weight and the earth-shattering orgasms, I wasn't surprised to see that Tiri had fallen asleep. I spread her legs and laid down on top of her, craddling her to my chest. Sheila joined us shortly, but said that she had a few things to attend to before five and she left. My vision was fading in and out as consciousness was surrendering slowly to a refreshing sleep.

We both woke gently with a warm blanket draped around us. Gently I got up, scooped Tiri into my arms, and set out to find Sheila. It was harder than I thought at first, seeing as she wasn't in the living room, the bathroom, the den, study, and her car was still parked outside.

I was walking out of the den, about to go back downstairs to check in the backyard, when I heard something from out of our bedroom. Carefully, I pushed the door open with my foot and there, covered in sweat, comforter stained by her juices, lay Sheila. Her fingers were busily working at her sex, although the rest of her hadn't the energy to move. Her head was slung back heavily against the pillows, mouth open, and tongue lulled out to one side.

Without even opening her eyes, she moaned out, "I...was wondering...when...you two...would...get here."