Eudaemon III: Rebirth / Act I, Part 1

Story by Zerrex Narrius on SoFurry

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#2 of Eudaemon III: Rebirth

Act I: The Downward Spiral

Zerrex felt awkward; that was pretty much the only way to describe it. Then again, when you stood at eight feet and two inches, and the average person was under six... that made it kinda weird to be waiting with a group of amiable, sociable, chatting parents. So he was sitting on a rock under the shade of a tree with his hands on his knees, trying to make himself invisible... and finding that impossible, once more because of his size.

He was muscular and powerfully-built as well, his strong form toned and chiseled, his clothes tight against his body: something else that drew all sorts of attention. He was a lizard, a Drakkaren, to be precise - part of the Drakkai family, a species famed for their physical vitality - and had emerald scales covering most of his body, just a shade darker than his eyes. His sky-blue dress shirt mostly hid the dark navy blue scales covering his masculine breast, firm abs, and the rest of the insides of his body, but they were just visible because he'd undone the top two buttons past the collar in this sweltering heat. He'd roll the sleeves up, too, but he was afraid of ripping the fabric by flexing too much against the shirt... or worse, seeming like he was showing off. He wasn't really enjoying the way that many of the single mothers and married females were glancing at him, and how the husbands were scowling... not that they'd do anything, he was easily twice the muscle bulk of even the biggest male there, but it made him feel a bit stupid. He was just like the rest of them, after all... he just wanted to pick up his daughter.

He sighed a bit, shaking his head and reaching up to brush his ivory white hair out of his eyes; a genetic oddity that he hadn't seen on any other reptiles, and another thing that set him apart from the crowd. It fell to his shoulders, trimmed neatly for once because Cindy had insisted on doing it in the morning before he'd left with Marina to drive her into the neighboring city of Fallsbrook, to see the play one of the high schools was presenting. It had won some award or something, and they'd sent out invitations as far as Baskin's Grove with free tickets for a grand showing for all the kids from kindergarten all the way to junior high.

The reptile tapped the toes of his polished combat boots together, brushing idly at his black jeans as he rested against the oak tree, looking nervously around again at the milling parents. They were all grouped here along the front lawn of the high school, which sloped gently upwards, then flattened out once the trimmed green grass kissed against the brick walls of the school. Along the bottom of the gentle crest was a sidewalk, leading to a short set of steps that ascended to a small courtyard of sorts of interlocking brick in front of the main entrance to the school. Parents and guardians mingled there as well, and Zerrex made a bit of a face as he counted how many of them were babbling away on cell phones... combined with rumbling of the waiting school buses lined up along the curb to bring many of the not-as-fortunate kiddies back to their schools for their parents to pick them up there, the noise was beginning to make him feel claustrophobic more efficiently than the army of people around him.

Zerrex stood up and sighed, stretching a bit and taking a glance around... then he winced slightly and quickly looked up at the sky as he saw some mid-forties lady eyeing him appreciatively over her glasses, the deer smiling a bit foolishly despite her pristine dark blue suit. It wasn't her age that was the problem - hell, he might look twenty-threeish, but he was over forty himself - but rather the fact she was staring at him like she wanted to eat him up. And by that, of course, it meant they would start with a dinner and a movie she liked, and their respective kids would get along wonderfully, and there would be flowers and whatnot involved...

The Drakkaren coughed as she began to slowly, dreamily make her way towards him, glancing at his wrist, cursing the fact he didn't have a watch, and putting his hands in his pockets as he silently prayed for some stroke of good luck... and then he let out an inward sigh of relief as he heard the doors of the school open, and the yells of kids and the stern voices of teachers. Missus suit was still moving towards him, but now at least he was able to avoid her: of course, depending on exactly how she behaved, he might grab the first Drakkaren kid who came across his path and say to hell with it and pick up Marina later.

This was exactly why Cindy usually picked up the kids: he was utterly no good with people, and had no wish to deal with anyone for any polite, patronizing, or socially-degrading reasons. He didn't like making small talk, or... pretending to be interested in their lives, or nodding sympathetically while they bitched about their problems: problems? Ugh. Try waging war with a toddling, fatass tyrant for control of a town or fighting the most powerful, most skilled warrior on the face of the entire continent.

But today Cindy had promised she'd take over working at Elliot's and run the bar, since he was going out of town... and Zerrex couldn't help but smile a bit as he thought of the female who was his wife, the mother of their daughter... and at the same time, her sister, his first daughter. That had been sorta awkward to explain... but having the city courts under his control had made that go a lot smoother than it would in most cases.

She was slender, with some good muscle on her body and tight, toned abdominals, but otherwise feminine and graceful... her scales almost the same color as his, lightening on her chest. Her eyes were a brilliant blue, though... and she was fairly tall, standing at a good seven feet and some inches. Of course, her usual clothing was enough to make anyone give a double take... triple, in some cases, if she was wearing a belly shirt that showed off the cleavage of her large breasts.

She'd taken to favoring short skirts, tight jeans, and almost always a pair of heavy motorcycle boots that had black metal plating along the toe and sides... and a few other accessories that weren't exactly something you'd see on most normal mothers. Like the collar she always wore around with the one-inch, conical spikes... and the matching spiked bracelets she liked to wear around as well. She had also been discussing getting a tattoo with Cherry, going from her collarbone all the way down to her crotch, of just black swirls and lines... but thankfully, Zerrex had made her rethink the last a bit more thoroughly, and she was still debating with herself about whether to get it or not.

Cherry, on the other hand... that made Zerrex smile a bit more, shaking his head as he watched the kids start to file past, many of them heading towards the various buses. His second-in-command, the bitch who'd always been the most elite soldier in his unit, his lover for many years and now someone who served him like a slave, and who wanted to be that to him... a dominating, aggressive, cruel female who was, paradoxically, only happy when she was submitting to him, below him... and never as his equal.

She was shorter than Cindy, standing at just about seven feet but not quite, but her body was muscular and powerful, retaining its feminine curves but trading litheness for strong bulk. She had periods where she would work out manically, pumping herself up as hard as she could, never seeming to reach a plateau... and then for a while she would level off and just work out occasionally to keep up her strength and ability. But despite the fact her arms were probably bigger than Zerrex's, she also was blessed with curving hips, a large, firm ass, and a pair of gorgeous, enormous breasts. The words "femme fatale" described her perfectly: she had the best of all worlds in her powerful but somehow still feminine body. Chiseled muscle with her hide stretched so tight overtop it was like she would rip her own scales apart with every flex, but slender, curving legs... a set of abdominals so tight and toned that you could eat ice cream off them, but breasts so huge that she could probably suffocate someone between them if she wanted.

And Cherry knew how to use her body, accent her form with her clothes, while still maintaining her own style and discipline. On her feet, she wore heavy black metal motorcycle boots, of shining steel, tipped in several heavy spikes along the toe: they looked almost like the greaves that knights of old used to wear. Then she had her standard black jeans, the same time that Zerrex wore - except hers were much tighter - and a plain black belly shirt or some other type of casual exercise top that usually gave a generous view of her cleavage, and if the weather called for it, then she'd throw on a motorcycle jacket as well.

These things had all been standard for the female, from the time Zerrex had known her back in the Goth Legion - the illegal, quasi-military unit where he'd first met her, first loved her, first had sex with her and first become her master. But over the last few years, she'd also added a few other items to her repertoire, delving into things she may not have otherwise touched if she'd let herself stand equal with Zerrex: for instance, the slave collar she had taken such pride in wearing.

It was made of strong, supple leather, clutching so tight around her throat that it could almost be called a choker, with medium sized metal studs circling it and a silver clasp holding it tight against her neck. She almost never took it off, and was always happy to explain why she wore it to anyone daring enough to ask, which sometimes caused a bit of embarrassment for Zerrex every now and then. Also, almost invisible to the naked eye, the letters "GL" had been carved in an overlapping design on the clasp: the Goth Legion had always played a strange, important role in Cherry's mind, and she still hadn't abandoned its cruel teachings, despite the fact Zerrex had.

After she'd gotten the collar, she'd also gone ahead and added a few other accessories as well that had always interested her, but she had never bothered with before. But it was like once she'd gotten the collar, it had opened the floodgates, and over the last few years she'd collected a variety of other little things that she hadn't gone for before.

Now she had a variety of piercings and tattoos over her body, decorating her muscular form and giving herself a more punk look. A silver ring through one nostril and a diamond-shaped stud in the other, a few alloy, glinting rings through the underside of her muzzle, and a round, silver stud on her long tongue, and a long bar piercing through the tip of her tail. Not to mention the intimate piercings she had... a bar piercing through each nipple, and several different piercings in her vagina, including two rings through one lip of her sex and a stud in the other.

And then there were the tattoos... the main one being black, spiraling flames on the right side of her face, circling around the eye, and going down one side of her muzzle and neck to her collarbone, thick in the middle and tapering off at either end. She also had the same kind of design on one breast, starting just above the firm swell, circling around the nipple, and with several long strings of black, tapering lings going down her stomach and over her powerful abdominals.

Finally, she had a large black "II" on her collarbone, just above her tail... roman numerals that signified the position she saw herself in, and furthermore, wanted to always be in. The secondary, the second in command, the backup, the mistress of everyone but the slave-bitch to the alpha, the number one.

Despite all her oddities, she got along terrifically with Marina... Hell, Zerrex thought that perhaps his kid even admired her a bit. And Cynthia "Cherry" Blossom had always taken care of Marina like her own... treated his little girl with respect and affection that was almost unnatural for the raucous female who otherwise spent most of her time drinking, yelling profanity, having sex and kicking ass.

She would have gladly come out and picked up Marina, or hung out with Zerrex while he was here... but although Cindy would gladly trust Cherry with her life and her daughter's, she had also been very clear on the fact that Cherry wasn't to be permitted to pick up Marina alone. Mostly because she still didn't understand that just because she could do things no one else could, thanks to the fact that she had been blessed with precognitive powers on top of everything else, she wasn't above the law outside of Baskin's Grove. And she'd also start a ruckus and Cindy would likely get a few phone calls from concerned parents whose kids were friends of Marina's. In short, it would have caused problems.

Before Zerrex could think more on the subject, though, he saw his daughter in line, and she gave a happy yell before darting out of line and off towards him, easily ducking under a teacher who tried to reach out and stop her as Zerrex walked forwards with a silent sigh of relief as he sensed the deer who'd been staring at him earlier finally backing off. Marina, meanwhile, was charging happily forwards as her father easily parted through the crowd, then she simply jumped from the top of the stairs, throwing her arms out.

Zerrex caught her easily and pushed her up into the air, spinning on the spot and making her laugh as she threw out her limbs, and with her laughter, all the awkwardness he felt disappeared. Now that he had his little girl with him, he suddenly felt fine and happy and perfectly at home, even here... and he couldn't help but smile warmly as he dropped her down into his thickly-muscled arms, cradling her against his chest and bumping their muzzles together lightly. "Hey, sweetheart."

"Hey, Daddy." Marina said comfortably, then she wiggled a bit, and Zerrex gently put her down onto her feet and took one of her hands lightly, looking down at her small form warmly. She was less than half his height - a bit short for her age, really - and her body was slight and small, even though she was already starting to develop some muscle on her form. Her scales were a light beryl that would probably darken as she matured, turning almost yellowish over her chest, and her eyes were the same brilliant blue as her mother's... something that always made Zerrex smile when he looked into them.

Her small shoes tapped quickly against the sidewalk as she walked beside her father with shy looks around at the other children; she had her mother's gentle nature as well, which Zerrex was doubly thankful for. Of course, she also had a weird shy streak through her, and sometimes she still acted like she was three instead of nine, wanting to be carried around in his arms and standing behind one of his legs when they had company over. But her father had no problem with coddling her... he knew that she'd outgrow her timidity in time, and the devotion she already had to the training and teaching Zerrex was putting her through made up for her behavior in public.

Today, she was wearing a pair of jeans and a shirt with an unevolved kitty-cat on it that was just a bit too small for her, leaving just a bit of her waist visible as she squeezed his hand, pressing almost against his side. Her backpack - a crappy, plastic thing with some superhero on it - bounced with every step, worn easily on one of her shoulders and with the other dangling loose behind her. Obviously, Cindy picked out her daughter's clothes... and Zerrex feared the day when Marina started shopping, from the longing looks he often saw her giving the prosta-tot type stuff sitting in the fashion outlets.

They reached the end of the sidewalk, and Zerrex paused long enough to check down the long laneway by the school before crossing the parking lot that sprawled in an upside-down L around the building quickly, Marina still tossing looks around that were almost wondrous - she was almost never out of Baskin's Grove, and her father couldn't help but feel amusement at the way she was looking around this place: it was like he'd let her come to another country instead of another city. But he supposed they were much the same things to someone her age, for whom a world was still an enormous place, full of wonder and innocence... for him, the world had just become another dirty ball, and one filled too often with scum and the bloody residue of past murders than anything else.

Once they made the other side of the parking lot, their feet crunching onto the gravel and used butts of cigarettes as they walked down a short path towards the street and another sidewalk, Zerrex paused for a moment and then smiled a bit, sitting down on a wooden bench that had been decorated with a black spray-paint swastika and holding out an arm to his daughter. "Got anything for me?"

Marina started to shake her head, then she paused before quickly throwing her backpack off and rummaging through it, then blushing as she held up a few crumpled forms. "Here, Daddy. These are for um... um... a... darma class or something."

"Drama, I think you mean." Zerrex responded gently, taking the papers and glancing them over, then he lowered them to his lap and smiled to his daughter, who was blushing a bit and nodding quickly. Then he tilted his head and asked her in a curious, gentle voice: "So kiddo. Tell me, how'd your day go, huh? You enjoy the play?"

The female Drakkaren nodded quickly, smiling warmly and beginning to pace back and forth as she talked, making Zerrex grin inwardly. She was just so damn cute and bubbly sometimes... "Yeah, I really did! We, we all got to sit up in the like, the front row, and stuff, and the play was really good and really neat, it was about these witches, I think..."

The Drakkaren sat comfortably on the bench as people walked by and cars came and went from the nearby parking lot for the next ten minutes or so, just listening to his daughter talk and watching her gestures and movements with a strange feeling of serenity. As she smiled and bounced, everything felt good to him... as she spoke, her voice relaxed him better than anything else had ever done, and he felt a warmth of achievement he'd never been able to know before, and could never come close to describing. It was like even after all the years of his work as a monster, as a demon from the lowest pits of Hell, as a self-serving creature of darkness, he'd been given a second chance and a glimpse of Heaven... and Gods, he would do anything to protect this little bit of paradise that had come to him in the form of his second daughter.

Then, as she walked towards the sidewalk along the street again, still talking and not really watching where she was going, a passing, hooded punk in the company of four others - one of them a stupid-looking kid probably Marina's age - simply snapped an elbow out as she stepped into his path by mistake and knocked her flat on her back, the female giving a grunt of pain and surprise. She trembled as she lay flat, the other punks all snickering behind their hoods as they loitered onwards, her eyes filling with tears... but she was resolute, and she refused to cry, and Zerrex admired her for that even through the cold rage that was filling his system.

Over the years with Marina, he'd been careful to lock up the monsters that lay inside of him... the living darkness that wanted to rip and tear and dominate everything around him, throw chains around it and tie it down tight. But even with his iron will, he couldn't deny the fact that... he liked it. That he loved the pain and hell and torment, and that he enjoyed rape. That he simply was a sadist of epic proportions, that nothing invigorated him like causing pain... so sometimes for even him, the need to see agony and terror in the eyes of another grew strong enough to start rattling those chains.

At these times, he'd always go with Cherry to some remote location and they'd have it out like they'd done in the past until they were both worn out - and often bleeding from the fucking, fighting, and general violence, once or twice the usually-invulnerable female even crying like a baby in Zerrex's arms, yet murmuring fawning words of love and gratitude all the same - or they'd go on a hunt for some murderer, some killer, some scumbag that the Drakkaren could torture for some amusement. He justified and rationalized it in all the obvious ways - he was only hurting someone bad, it would stop them from attacking someone else, blah blah blah - but both he and Cherry knew it was really just so they could both snag someone who the police wouldn't be exactly keen on assisting once they were found, and would almost always be written off as some bit of vigilante justice.

But seeing some assholes in 'gangsta' wear hurt his daughter... his daughter, who was already picking herself off the ground and still not crying, tears still not overflowing those beautiful sapphire eyes... was too much for him, and every part of his being raised up against it. His emerald eyes hardened as he glared at the leader who had smacked his daughter so, then he cleared his throat and called out clearly: "Hey."

The boss twitched a bit, and one of the hooded punks looked over his shoulder - and immediately paled and looked away - but otherwise, they continued to walk. Marina was tottering towards him now, reaching up for a hug... and Zerrex snarled slightly at their behavior, before looking down at his daughter and reaching down quietly, wrapping his arms around her and then standing up. He quickly picked up her backpack from where he'd left it, stuffing the forms into it as the punks continued to walk away... then he passed it to his daughter as he walked briskly after them, a cold grin coming over his features as Marina curled against his chest, still trembling, not speaking, her arms tight around the backpack and clutching it to her small body. Since they wouldn't pay attention the easy way...

He reached them, and then reached down, and the little boy gave a squeal of shock as Zerrex hefted him easily above his head with one hand, and now the other three assholes spun towards him with looks of surprise, anger... and then terror as Zerrex held the kid easily sky-high, his body flexing, looking like some sort of demonic god demanding sacrifice: the safety of the virginal girl for the sinner's child. Then he slowly lowered the kid, arm outwards, close enough to the street that a passing car ruffled the kid's clothes as he curled up and began to bawl loudly.

"Let him go!" called the asshole who had shoved down his daughter, a stupid-looking kitty cat with the same orange-tan markings over his white fur as the crying kid in the lizard's other hand. The other two were some dumb-looking golden retriever and a short, stocky bear whose loose sweatshirt wasn't really all that loose on him. But even the voice of their leader was whiny and weak, and from the way his collar gaped and the hood sat over his skull, Zerrex guessed he was probably the scrawniest of the bunch.

"Sure. I'd be glad to. The street's right there, after all." Zerrex's voice was soft, but it carried easily, as people walked around them, tossing nervous glances at them but not interfering: law of the city, watch your own back first. And perhaps some of them were even jealous of the reptile who was standing up for his daughter... who was capable of standing up in front of even all these people, to do something so many would see as stupid or wrong or bullying in return to teach a lesson. But anyone who thought that the Drakkaren could do this simply because he was bigger than everyone else was an idiot, or was underestimating his intelligence.

Like it or not, doing this was just as hard for him as anyone else, because he understood the consequences of his actions: because he had the foresight to know if played wrong, it would be a mistake. Sure, he could just toss the kid into traffic, and the older brother or cousin or whatever would never screw with anyone again out of guilt with a few proper words. But killing complicated things, and the reptile had his daughter to think about too... his little girl, who, curled against his chest silently, still was stronger than any voice of his conscience. And the eyes of the people around him admittedly made him nervous, too... he wanted to come out of this the good guy, feed his conscience, and make sure that no one who knew Marina called child services on him.

The reptile muttered inwardly about needing a deus ex machina right about now, then he shook his head slowly before gently lowering the kid in front of him and saying in his gentle but commanding voice: "This is my daughter in my arms... and I will do anything to protect her. Every kid you've kicked over, every person you've hurt, is someone's child. Someone's son, someone's daughter. And they will never forget what you've done to them... pain fades, but humiliation often leaves a scar. They will grow hateful, and in time, they might seek to take that hate out on other people." The reptile's eyes flashed, and the three punks quailed before him, as the kid held out in front of him continued to cry and shiver. "They'll grow stronger than you. And they'll hurt whoever they see who reminds them of you.

"So the cycle of hate and violence continues... scum like you are the reason kids like this-" A brisk shake of the cat he was holding accented his last word. "-grow up to be maggots and filth with no jobs and a self-destructive life, just like you three. But the bigger lesson is this... you just shouldn't pick on strangers." And now Zerrex grinned slowly, and the bear and dog backed up a step towards their leader, who was shivering violently as he saw the murder in those emerald irises. "Because a stranger can be a very dangerous person indeed."

Then there was silence, except for the crying of the child... before Zerrex simply tossed him to the side and into the grass beside the sidewalk, the kid hitting it with a good thunk and rolling a bit back and forth on the ground, but Zerrex guessed he was okay. It didn't matter to him, though, as he turned and walked quickly away down the sidewalk, with his daughter cradled tight in his arms against his chest and his eyes focused ahead.

For a few minutes, there was just quiet as Marina snuggled against him, curled to his masculine body and listening to his heartbeat, then she finally glanced up as they walked towards the mini-mart where he'd parked his bike and asked quietly: "Why'd you do that, Daddy?"

Zerrex glanced down at her for a few moments, then he shook his head a bit before finally saying quietly: "I just... there are some people in the world who are bad people, and who don't learn things very well unless they're taught in their own language, so to speak... by their own ways. Lots of people will tell you what I did was bad, and maybe it was... but there are also people who will tell you that no one learns anything by force or violence, and I'm afraid that's just not true. It's a lesson lots of kids your age don't ever learn, but... well..." He smiled a bit. "You're not like most kids your age."

Marina nodded and looked up at Zerrex softly, asking quietly: "Because Mommy's also my sister and because you and Cherry were bad people once?"

"Yes. That's exactly why." The Drakkaren said softly, then he paused before adding quietly, since he hated lying to his daughter above all else: "And because me and Cherry are still bad people."

"Mommy doesn't think so. And I don't either." Marina replied with a strange firmness, then she wrapped an arm tight around his thick neck and pushed herself to his chest, and Zerrex felt a strange tightness in his throat as he smiled faintly, and once more thanked whatever forces that existed, that had given him such a tortured life, for this second chance.

An hour found him sitting back at home comfortably on the couch of his small, pleasant home, idly watching television with Cindy in his lap and Marina sitting on the floor, humming as she played with a doll in one hand and a large military soldier action figure in the other - she'd said they reminded her of Mommy and Daddy, which had made Zerrex snort with laughter.

The house was still the same as it had ever been: the front lawn plain except for the beautiful, never-rusting work of iron that had been made by the late Tinman, showing him, Cherry, Tinny himself, Cindy, and their little girl all standing together... the last a miraculous addition, because Marina hadn't even been conceived when Tinman had made the ironwork, and she hadn't been part of the original design. But whatever strange abilities Tinny had carried in life as his blessing and burden had somehow seeped into the ironwork with his death, and all members of the household were used to the subtle shifts and changes of the metal sculpture.

The garage housed a car now, instead of a motorcycle: some atrocious, mostly-black, gas-guzzling sports car that had been plated with metal instead of fiberglass, custom built by Cherry, for Cherry... and it was probably her baby, too. It resembled a four-door Impala, except for the fact that the roof had been removed, along with everything above the doors from the rear side windows and back. The front windows remained, however, including the driver's and passenger's side: in fact, these were made of bulletproof glass.

The reason for the removal of the back was fairly simple: with the pull of a hidden lever, the entire back portion of the rear seat could be collapsed, and a hidden, massive anti-tank cannon could be pulled out of hiding and worked on a swiveling, rotating turret in a one-hundred and eighty degree radius facing the back of the car. Something that made perfect sense to Cherry, of course... but just made Zerrex stare at her in horror. It was bad enough she'd had a pair of cherries and her name painted across each side and the trunk of the car in huge, swirling red letters... the fact she also loved to make the engine roar like a monster, scare people by driving too close beside them with the bladed hubcaps she'd installed, and terrify people by unfolding the cannon from its hidden storage unit in the back and aiming it at them while cackling if she was stuck in line just made him want to shove her in a barrel and roll her down the nearest hill.

Thankfully, though, most of the rest of the house was the same... his room had been cleaned up a bit, because Cindy had moved in... and Cherry had moved outside, to the small, quasi-Japanese hut that was out there, making it her private little domain full of bondage gear, weapons paraphernalia, and porno mags and movies. The only thing that had really changed was the addition of Marina's room, which had meant reorganizing the living room... not an easy trick, with the fact that it hadn't been changed in more than a dozen years and Zerrex was a creature of habit. He'd all but sulked his way through it while Cindy had watched on, eating sticks of celery and whatever else she could get her hands on while she rubbed her pregnant belly nine years ago.

And Marina's room was bigger than any other in the house, since it was a combined playroom and bedroom: but Zerrex wanted their little girl to have the best of the best. So they'd designed it that way, to give Marina plenty of space for when she grew older and wanted more clothes, more everything, and for her to exercise and do whatever else... but so far, Marina much preferred to hang out near her parents and almost never stayed in her room - or any other in the house, for that matter - alone.

Hell, on a few occasions, she'd even gone down the secret passage with Zerrex to his "private quarters," a place that was more collecting dust now than anything else. Through a literal secret passage in the basement, and down a long, carefully-constructed and sheared-up tunnel through the dirt, was a heavy metal door: and through this door was what could be called a devil's accounting office.

Through one door, an office full of files and books, all neatly organized, detailing every "request" and the results of each of these, crimes Zerrex had committed and done as mercenary work in all his years at Baskin's Grove, as well as reports and journals detailing everyone he could think of that he'd killed in the past; a set of plain, old journals locked away in an airtight safe behind the reptile's oak desk - cluttered, as always ,with pencils, papers, doodles and sheets - were of especial value, because they listed his work in the Goth Legion and his crimes before and after as well.

The next room was his trophy room, full of glittering rings, necklaces, and other jewelries and doodads that he'd taken from everyone he'd hurt and killed for mercenary work, organized carefully in special cases and shelving units - needless to say, a sparkling, glittering heap of evidence if anyone ever found it. Marina had been awestruck when she'd first saw this... then quiet and thoughtful when Zerrex had carefully explained to her, only a year ago, about things no eight year old should ever have to hear. But the reptile knew that shielding her from the truth would be the most idiotic thing he could do... better she discover it now, from his own words, than someone else tell her, or worse, she find out from any moron who tried to kidnap her to 'get even' with the Boss of Baskin's Grove.

And finally, last was the prison cell where he'd used to take his prize finds, his best hunts, and have a little... fun with them. This Marina had never set foot in, and hopefully never would see... after all, he still couldn't wash out most of the blood from where it had set into the walls, floor, and metal table, despite not having used it for many years now.

But Zerrex didn't think he'd change his weird little family for the world... after all, Marina was beautiful and perfect, obviously not hurt in any way by being the daughter of her own sister... and Cherry was out in the kitchen and muttering her way through actually trying to bake something, cursing every now and then as she burned herself or spilled some of the ingredients.

Zerrex squeezed his daughter around the waist, and Cindy tilted her head to look back at him with a smile before trading a light kiss, which made Marina grumble something - either something about ewwy grownups or maybe jealousy. Cherry poked her head from the kitchen archway as she saw the look on Marina's face, watching the little kid glare as Cindy and Zerrex rubbed their muzzles together and curled closer to each other, then she coughed and asked: "Why don't you just bring Marina over and fuck her too? Then she won't be jealous anymore."

"Cherry!" Cindy jumped and turned towards the other female with a glare, but the grinning Drakkaren had already vanished back into the kitchen, avoiding both dark looks of the young girl's parents. Then Zerrex turned his attention to Marina, who was frowning a bit and looking curious as she glanced over at her father.

"What's fuck mean?" she asked in a voice that was completely innocent, and Zerrex and Cindy looked at each other before both simply burst into laughter.

Thankfully, however, they were spared an explanation as there was a familiar double-knock at the front door, and the three Drakkaren looked up as they heard it open before a somewhat chunky, friendly-looking and aging feline walked into the living room arch, adorned in a bright red vest overtop a pristine dress shirt, his black dress pants equally neat and tidy, and a suit jacket hanging over one arm. He smiled warmly at them, his eyes sparkling a bit as he reached his other hand up to smooth down his graying fur. "Sorry I'm so late."

"Hello uncle Elliot." Marina smiled warmly, looking up at him from where she was playing, then she paused before asking him in the same curious voice: "Do you know what fuck means?"

Elliot tossed Zerrex and Cindy a flat look, and both Drakkaren coughed and looked away before the cat turned his eyes back to Marina and said nonchalantly: "It's a very bad word used by certain people who don't understand that drinking and sex aren't what life's all about."

"Fuck that!" Cherry yelled from the kitchen, then she stomped out of the archway, wiping her hands on a towel and glaring at the cat before coughing as Marina looked up at her oddly. "I mean... uh... you're a douchebag."

"What's a douchebag?" Marina blinked, looking confused, and Elliot sighed before shaking his head slowly and looking at Cherry reproachfully, as the muscular femme threw the hand-towel back into the kitchen carelessly and grinned a bit. Zerrex couldn't stop his own faint smile, although Cindy looked less-than-amused.

Finally, the cat looked at Zerrex and said mildly: "Why don't you take your girls and get out of here? I'll try and teach Marina not to listen to anything Cherry says anymore, but I'm afraid that could already be a lost cause."

Five minutes after the cat goes inside, three Drakkaren come out: one is definitely the target they've been sent to lure out, and the other two are his daughter and what they've best established as a former lover and bodyguard. They all already know not to attack the Boss... for everyone around here, he is a legend - a figure that is both mystical and real, with elements of both thrown in and often clouding the truth. They, however, have been briefed on the truth of the Boss, and not just the legends that surround him, and know he is a monster... and that he will destroy all three of them even if they were to attack him alone. Perhaps they could take down the other two, but not the Boss... not the figure who killed one of the Brothers.

That's why they're a good half klick away at this point, positioned silently atop a house, two of them all but invisible thanks to their position and the handy camouflage they've donned for the occasion: black clothes with faint grey lines through them and body paint designed for tile and shingles like the ones the two gigantic Dragokkaren lay still upon now. They're both upwards of ten feet, muscular, powerful and huge, both of them armed with a short, heavy steel blade called a kwaibar that looks almost like a machete but for its more rectangular nature and the nasty curving fang that points up towards the tip of the weapon, just before the plain wooden handle... but they both know Zerrex would disarm them a moment after they pulled it out.

They're both also armed with customized handguns for the Dragokkaren Military Force, called slowdowns, which have a built-in silencer in the barrel of the huge weapon itself. Ineffective for any range, but perfect for medium-range shooting, with the infrared scope attached to the top and the massive bullet size: bullets designed not to blow through an enemy, but fragment and lodge in their body, causing excruciating pain - hence the name. Both of them are looking through binoculars at the figure... and so is the third, except she doesn't have a set of binoculars. In fact, she looks distinctly out of place.

She is a Drakkaren, lithe, and much shorter than the others... probably by four feet, or maybe a bit more. She has a pair of blue jeans on, and a traditional blouse worn more often in another country than this one, made of wavy frills that give a generous view of her breasts and tops of her shoulders, but completely covers her arms and stomach. It also covers almost all of her back, except for the very top. Strangest of all, however, is the blindfold she's wearing.

It's a simple piece of tan-brown cloth tied tightly around her face, folded once in half so it's just wide enough to cover her eyes entirely and double-knotted behind her head: both ends of the blindfold hang down past the center of her back, almost perfectly in line with each other. And yet, despite the fact she obviously cannot see, she seems to be watching the three Drakkaren in the far distance as intently as the two huge Dragokkaren with the binoculars. Then, as a car pulls out of the garage and past the parked motorcycle, the three Drakkaren seated inside, she says in voice that is like the cold caress of a lover's vengeful ghost: "Begin mission."

Immediately, the three reptiles jump up to their feet - all of them clad in heavy combat boots, revealing the strange blind girl's true colors - and the two giant Dragokkaren leap off the roof and onto the patio more than thirty feet below, landing with heavy thuds that send spiraling cracks through the wooden surface before they step forwards and jackknife over the railing, onto the grass, at the same time tucking their binoculars into a sidepack with a beautiful, yet terrible grace. Then they begin to walk quickly towards the checkpoint, ignoring the strangled yells of the deer behind them: the owner of the house, who had been barbecuing hamburgers for his family less than a meter away from where one of the giants had landed.

Then the blindfolded Drakkaren landed in an easy crouch behind him a moment later, and the deer turned to her, opening his mouth as he stared at her in horror, watching her straighten wordlessly as he finally managed out: "What the hell are you-"

Without a word or wasted gesture, the female Drakkaren easily drew a long-bladed hunting knife from where it had been sheathed on the back of her belt, and she swung it outwards almost casually as she walked past. The deer clutched at his throat as he gagged, his eyes rolling back in his head and staggering into the barbecue, burning his arm on the grill: but even as the smell of his burning fur filled the air, he was collapsing forwards to the ground in a pool of his own blood as his eyes glazed over, his body spasming weakly as he failed to even speak from how deeply she'd severed his throat.

By now, however, the blindfolded female was already walking quickly along the lawn, hopping fences a safe distance away from the two giants as they made their way through backyards towards their objective, knife already back in its holster. A sweet, gentle smile played along her face, the opposite of the stony expressions of the Dragokkaren Military ahead, but it was impossible to tell what the thoughts running through her mind spoke of: her blindfolded eyes, after all, betrayed no emotion.

Zerrex rolled his eyes as he lay in the back of Cherry's sports car, listening to the two females idly chatting over the hum of radio. Once more, they were arguing... something that never failed to surprise him. These days, after everything that had happened between the three of them, it seemed that all Cherry and Cindy did was talk about sex, engage in sexual activities - especially if he was involved - or argue with each other, often to the point where they were yelling at each other. He thought it was rather ironic... they acted like the ones who were married, and he was the kid, when in reality it had been he and Cherry that had been married and taking care of Cindy as their daughter together for so long.

But, he reflected, that was probably a big part of the problem. Cindy had started to look up to Cherry as a mother... and then Cherry had broken it off with him because she couldn't stand being treated like an equal, of all things. She wanted to be his bitch, wanted to be the second in command, and wanted, most of all, to be free of the responsibility of making life-affecting decisions or having to think about anything more complicated than what to eat for breakfast or what position to have sex in. Cherry, after all, had never been good at giving orders... she was a follower, and she loved to take commands, which was an odd contrast to her otherwise aggressive nature.

Today's argument, though, actually did sound like it was about Marina instead of being some... weird... talking-about-one-thing-but-really-not battle that you needed a decoder ring for. Then again, Zerrex could understand that, and understand both sides of the fight.

Cindy, after all, had been born from Zerrex raping her mother... and her mother had always been there for her until she'd been murdered, and then she'd been raised by Elliot. Cherry, on the other hand - also born of rape, but not by Zerrex, at least - had been a junkie and hadn't really been mother-of-the-year material... and Cherry had gotten into sex, drugs, and booze at around ten, run away at twelve, and been forced into a military training program at the tender age of fourteen. Why? Because she'd been caught breaking into a pharmacy to try and steal some oxycodine. The choice had been facing the charges as an adult offender and being thrown in jail, or a guilty plea and being one of the test subjects for a new military rehabilitation program.

Even in the military program, though, Cherry had been abused: sexually, physically, verbally... and it had knocked her drug habits, sure, but it had also knocked whatever niceness had been left in her gone forever. And probably started her on the road to what she was now... after all, once she'd joined up with the real military, she'd been the one raping other soldiers. It sounded funny, a girl raping guys... but it was anything but.

That was how she'd eventually wound up in the Goth Legion, and it had been 'love at first sight,' between them. They were perfect for each other... and Zerrex had gladly fed her sexual needs and even taught her it was alright to be submissive, to be controlled, to need that and not be ashamed of it. Taught her too well, apparently, because it had ended in their relationship failing entirely once he'd married her out of love...

Ironic, but hey. That was his life. And now here he was, married to his own daughter, with a bitch-bodyguard-slave who liked to rape and torture people for kicks, taking a short trip out to the edge of town to go on a hike together. A hike that would likely be more sex in the woods and dirt than walking...

"Well, you really don't have to have every second word coming out of your mouth be 'fuck,' Cherry." Cindy reprimanded, looking across at the muscular female driving, her gaze reproving. Cherry, meanwhile, was singing under her breath, tilting her head back and forth and obviously doing her best to ignore Cindy. "And furthermore, I don't want you bringing her out to your room."

"Hey, what?" Cherry blinked, then glared across at the smaller Drakkaren, the car swerving wide on the road and causing a vehicle in the other lane to honk loudly at them. Cherry replied by tossing them the finger, other hand still on the steering wheel as Zerrex's stomach lurched and he rolled off the back seat and into the surprisingly-clean footwell, mumbling and hiding his face so he could pretend he was somewhere else and not in a car driven by a lunatic who thought being able to see three seconds into the future made her the best driver in the world. "That's unfair! She loves playing with me and... what, you think I'm gonna fuckin' molest her or something?"

"I'm surprised you haven't already tried shoving her into your vagina or something, actually, yes." Cindy snapped back, and Cherry growled angrily from the driver's seat at her. "But I just don't like the fact that you let all your... porn and bondage gear lay out in the open, because I'm the one she asks questions to and I'm the one who gets the concerned phone calls from the other parents, wondering why she's using words like 'pussy' and 'clit ring.'"

Cherry shrugged at this, snorting, then she idly swerved around a car ahead of them and onto the shoulder as it suddenly hit the brakes, without bothering to slow down, before twisting the wheel and slipping back into the lane. "Fucking asshole!" she yelled angrily over her shoulder, then blinked. "Zerrex?"

"Daddy?" Cindy looked over her shoulder as well, the argument temporarily forgotten as she noticed the lack of the large reptile in the back seat. Then the two glanced down and saw the lizard laying face-down in the driver's well, before they both shrugged, looked at each other - Cherry hitting the brakes to stop for a red light without looking up - then they returned to bickering.

"She knows what all that sex stuff is... like... you guys told her about it when she was an even littler kiddy!" Cherry complained, going for a different tactic now, and causing Cindy to frown deeply at the muscular femme's sulky, whiny attitude: it never failed to get under her scales and piss her off. "And so what? It's not like I ever have touched her, and I don't give her the magazines to read over or the other shit... she just sorta... finds it on her own."

Cindy simply looked at her sourly for a few moments, then finally asked in a voice that was almost mild: "What about last night, when she told me that you read her a 'special bedtime story,' complete with pictures?"

Cherry rolled her eyes upwards and coughed. "Hey, the kid wanted to know what I was looking at. And it was only softcore porn... that stuff ain't very adult, really. Just some tasteful poses and nudes and all this shit... you see worse in some of those art textbooks." She paused, then rolled her eyes at the glare of the female. "Well, it's true!"

"Like I said. I don't want her going out to your shack with just you anymore. It's not healthy for her." Cindy replied mildly, and Cindy gave a long raspberry of disgust.

"Oh, give me a break! So what, she's learning about sex from a master and some picture books!" she said irritably, then she glanced over her shoulder and asked loudly: "What do you think, Zerrex? You're the male in the relationship. Her words don't count, only yours, since females are unimportant bitches and not worthy to lick a male's feet."

"What the fuck?" stormed Cindy, reaching out to shove Cherry and causing the car to swerve slightly as the light turned green and she started driving again, grinning cheerfully at the now pissed-off daughter of Zerrex. "You're a girl!"

"Yeah, but I like my position in life, and I'm not about to deny any of those things as fact." She replied serenely, and Cindy gave a low sound of disgust before Cherry cleared her throat and called sweetly: "Oh Master Zerrex? I'm waiting on your word, Boss."

Zerrex sat up from where he was laying in the footwell, then he looked back and forth and mumbled under his breath: "Stop swerving the car all over the place. You're making me nauseated." Then he paused as Cherry looked over her shoulder with a cough and added blatantly: "And Cindy's my wife so I automatically agree with her. You're just a bitch and I can do anything I want to you."

"Asshole." Cherry muttered, but she didn't bother to argue as she hunched her shoulders and glared out the windshield, Cindy looking pacified and crossing her arms as she smiled to herself cheerfully. Then Zerrex crawled back onto the seat and lay down on it, closing his eyes and brushing his hair back from his face as they drove on in silence for a few more minutes, until finally Cherry pulled off the road and onto a dirt drive at the edge of town.

They rumbled down this for a few moments, then the female pulled up to the side of the road and stopped the car, not bothering to take the keys out of the ignition: only a suicidal idiot would even dare to think about touching her cherished Cherrymobile, after all. Then she easily hopped the door and stretched, rolling her shoulders as Zerrex climbed out over the back door and Cindy got out of the car like a normal person.

Zerrex walked ahead, brushing past Cherry and nudging her with his shoulder, making her snort as she stumbled backwards a bit. Cindy rolled her eyes at the two, but quickly stepped after her father, adjusting her spiked bracelets as she asked him mildly: "So like, where's the path?"

"Just up ahead." Zerrex replied, glancing over at her, then reaching out a hand. Cindy smiled and warmed a bit, reaching out and lacing their fingers together as Cherry loitered behind them several feet, yawning openly and putting her hands in her pockets as her heavy motorcycle boots crunched easily through the detritus along the road. Then she tossed and uneasy glance around, feeling a morbid dislike of the woods setting in: the forest had always been the absolute worst place to get ambushed, after all. Plus she had just never been the outdoorsy type.

Zerrex and Cindy, meanwhile, were enjoying the atmosphere... the sounds of the animals in the trees, the relaxing breeze that ruffled through the woods and made the leaves whisper softly to them, secrets that only those familiar with the forest could ever hope to hear. The male Drakkaren leaned over and nudged his daughter with his muzzle as they walked, and the female's soft laughter added to the chorus as she smiled up at him and pressed against his side, squeezing his hand tight and loving the caress of his hair against her face; it felt to her like the place had been built for them, and, as much as she loved her daughter, it was admittedly nice to have time for just herself and Zerrex... and sure, Cherry too. Much as they squabbled, the older, muscular female was still a part of their family in her eyes... a strange sort of half-sister, maybe, or maybe like a several-times-removed cousin from the not-so-stable part of the family. Cindy couldn't help but grin a bit and toss the female-in-question a look over her shoulder, watching as Cherry made a sour face at the forest in general to their right, covering her eyes and appearing to scan the trees for would-be enemies. She's never stopped thinking of life as one big war, but... it's like she's never wanted to, either. So I don't know if she amuses me, or if it's just pity...

Cherry caught Cindy's look a moment later, then she stuck out her tongue and blew her a loud raspberry, before trotting up and slapping Zerrex's buttocks firmly. The male jumped with a wince and a cough, then he looked over his shoulder at her mildly, as Cindy snorted laughter. "What do you want?"

"Sex?" she piped up hopefully, and Zerrex rolled his eyes before turning down a narrow path and heading into the forest, Cindy snickering and following quickly along at his side, their hands still tightly clasped. Cherry gave a snort at this, then she trotted quickly along behind the male reptile and his lover-daughter, adding: "Or you know, maybe we could go and get wasted and kill stuff..."

"Get a life, Cherry." Zerrex responded over his shoulder, and the muscular female snorted and crossed her arms, tossing him a flat look. She followed quickly behind the two into the woods, however, wandering along behind them down the path and tossing the occasional suspicious glance back and forth.

After a few minutes of this, however, the powerfully-built female quickly grew bored and sighed, putting her hands behind her head and looking skywards as she walked, idly sidestepping a raised root that would have tripped any normal person if they hadn't been watching where they were going. In front of her, Zerrex and Cindy were quiet, apparently savoring the sounds of the forest and the environment, but Cherry felt herself quickly growing more and more fidgety, until finally she gave a loud raspberry and halted as they walked into a meadow, looking at the two meditatively. The two other Drakkaren paused, then both turned, Zerrex giving her a mild stare as she asked in a tone that was bordering on whiny: "Are we going to have sex now? Because I don't see why I need to be here if there's no ramming of the rod into my tender parts."

"You weren't invited." Zerrex replied flatly, then he paused as the female coughed and rubbed the back of her head, narrowing his eyes. "Actually, I specifically remember you badgering us until we let you come along. And it would be nice to just... walk around somewhere outside and enjoy the scenery for once instead of having you constantly trying to nail me, you know. Cindy is right here, and in some cultures, it's rude to hit on a guy while he's with his wife."

"Details, details... and in some cultures, marrying your daughter is kinda frowned upon too." Cherry countered, then she looked to Cindy almost pleadingly, as if seeking out help there. "And hey, come on! I do my share, I give my part, and all that shit. Hell, most guys would be ready to fuck themselves in the ass just for a chance to get a taste of my nether regions."

Zerrex rolled his eyes, crossing his arms and continuing to look at her mildly. "And most guys can count on just one hand how many times a day they have sex. With you around, I can't count the number of times you try and jump me even if I use both my fingers and toeclaws."

"Most guys don't have a penis the size of a baseball bat, either, though." Cindy chimed in from beside him, massaging a hand lightly down his back, and the male Drakkaren looked at her blankly for a moment before blinking.

"You're supposed to be on my side." He spluttered finally, then rolled his eyes as Cherry grinned and sidled up close, trying to ignore the rising urges in his own body as she slid her body up against his muscular chest, as one of Cindy's hands slid teasingly downwards to lightly squeeze one of his firm buttocks. "Seriously, I'm not in the mood to nail either of you today. I just want to go on a freaking nature walk and look at some freaking squirrels or something for once. You're going to end up making sex boring."

"Says you." Cherry snorted amusedly at this, grinning teasingly up at Zerrex as she half-lidded her eyes, her hands rubbing lightly down his chiseled abs through his shirt before grabbing the waistband of his pants and playing idly back and forth along it, as Cindy slid behind him and leaned up to nuzzle the back of his neck, her hands squeezing his hips lightly before sliding delicately into his pockets. "I know more ways to fuck than there are days in a year. But hey, okay, fine. If me and girly-girl can get you in the mood then, you gotta have some fun with us..."

The temptation was too much to resist, but Zerrex managed only to give a grunt of consent, biting his tongue lightly inside of his muzzle as Cherry leaned up against him, one of her hands easily flicking the top button of his fly open and the other moving up to rub lightly along his throat. Cindy, meanwhile, was massaging his thighs teasingly inside his pockets, working close to his groin but never quite moving to brush against the thick shaft that was still secreted in his black jeans.

The male Drakkaren murred lightly, tilting his head upwards and closing his eyes in light pleasure as Cherry slowly lowered herself downwards, trailing own body slowly along his chest and feeling her breasts pressing tight against the male's own firm masculine musculature. At the same time, she slowly unzipped the reptile's fly, grinning a bit as she began to pull down the reptile's pants with what was almost reverence.

At the same time, Cindy straightened, pushing against Zerrex's back and reaching her hands around to gently play at the buttons of his shirt, flicking them lightly open one-by-one as the Drakkaren let his arms lower to his sides, lowering his head with a soft sound of pleasure. Cindy's hands pushed gently inside his shirt, massaging and slowly rubbing over his masculine breast as she rested her body against his back, beginning to gently push his shirt open and down from his shoulders.

The reptile's shirt slid from his body, falling down to puddle on the ground around his feet, along with his pants as Cherry slowly slid these down as well. Then she began to nuzzle and rub at his crotch teasingly through the fabric, nosing the large bulge in the cloth as Cindy ground herself against her father and husband's back, playing her hands gently and teasingly over his now bare, chiseled chest as she kissed lightly at his neck and spine.

Cindy's fingers pressed against the masculine breast of the male, working gently along under his collarbone as Cherry teasingly grasped the stretchy elastic waistband of his boxers and tugged them down bit-by-bit, murring softly as the thick penis of the Drakkaren was revealed, a girthy, huge obsidian member with a great rounded head that looked thicker than an apple. Cherry tugged the lizard's boxers the rest of the way down as she licked her lips hungrily in anticipation, reaching up to squeeze the still-mostly-flaccid cock in one hand, leisurely stroking it as she reached up with her other hand to squeeze into the lizard's hip.

Zerrex was unable to repress a murr of pleasure, feeling himself growing towards full erection under Cherry's light stroking, light bliss radiating from the touches of the females as they pushed against him and massaged slowly over his body. The female on her knees before him continued to stroke slowly up and down the huge cock, urging the black penis up to its full massive length of thirty-two inches; truly an impressive length of flesh.

The Drakkaren slowly tilted his head upwards, unable to deny the ecstasy that was rolling through his body now and reaching one hand forwards to rest on Cherry's head, as she pushed her muzzle gently against the base of his cock and slowly began to lap gently up along the bottom of the huge black tower of flesh. Her tongue worked slowly along the great length, teasing him as he leaned lightly back against his daughter, feeling her firm breasts pushing into his back as she leaned up to whisper softly: "We're all yours, Daddy... we're here to do what you please, all for you... and we're gonna have plenty of fun with you, but first we need to get you all prepped and ready... and I'm going to let Cherry have first swing at that..."

"Good." Cherry murmured from where she was on her knees, grinning a bit as she leaned forwards and pushed her muzzle against the testicles of the male, tongue sliding out to lap at one teasingly, curling lightly around the huge orb as she inhaled his scent, his musk: it was strong, it was bitter, and it was oh so goddamn good. She felt herself rubbing her thighs together anxiously, already beginning to become a bit wet as she thought of that huge member between her legs, knowing what Zerrex could do with his cock and wanting to feel him taking her, her still somewhat-new rings and piercings rubbing against the massive flesh as he pounded her again and again, and she did her best to please Cindy with her tongue...

But right now, it was Zerrex she needed to work on... and so she pushed her thoughts aside and instead did all she could to tease and please the male, lapping slowly at the thirty-two inches of shaft as she drew her muzzle upwards, then tilting her head to the side and opening her maw wide to let the huge member pass between her jaws, moving slowly down with the Drakkaren flesh between her jaws like a dog with a bone, her teeth tickling over the steel hard flesh and tongue cradling it in her mouth. Her drool formed a good coating over the hot flesh as one of the male's hands rubbed slowly down against her head, the Drakkaren grunting quietly in pleasure as Cindy's hands continued to move slowly and gently over his breast and shoulders, massaging his firm, powerful muscles with reverence as she continued to whisper promises of pleasure to her father and husband.

Despite the reptile's earlier argument, he could feel himself already beginning to stiffen up; it had actually been a while since they'd done this, or even had time to be alone, and be intimate. And although the reptile usually could last for an hour - or more if he was in the mood to drag it out - right now he could feel his need for sexual release, for an orgasm growing hard and strong in his body, could feel an animal instinct rising up through his form as he growled lightly, his eyes still closed, feeling Cherry sliding her maw lightly up and down his black-fleshed member and her tongue sliding and massaging along his cock.

His thick muscles flexed, and his body shuddered with the light bliss that rolled through his system as he grunted lightly again, rolling his shoulders slowly as he bowed his head downwards, a grin spreading over his muzzle as he kept his eyes closed, white locks falling in his face as he felt Cindy slip to his side. Her hand reached down, fingers playing delicately against his abs as the other wrapped around his neck, flexing and pushing her chest forwards so her bosom stretched and rebelled against the confines of her shirt and bra, rubbing against her lover's side as she gently grasped the base of the male's huge cock. Cherry took the cue to slip to the front of the male's penis, reaching up to grasp Zerrex's hip with one hand and to snag Cindy's waistband with the other as the younger, sleeker female whispered: "Go on, Daddy... let it come... just let the pleasure take you..."

Her hand stroked up and down the long member as Cherry pushed her muzzle forwards, closing her eyes with a murr of pleasure as she took the male's thick cock into her maw, beginning to bob her head slowly up and down the reptile's huge member and taking in a surprising amount without the least hesitation, the thick head of the reptilian cock nudging the back of her throat with every movement forwards, her long tongue wrapping around the girthy member as she slid her head back and forth, moving in tandem with the steady stroking of the other female. Zerrex grunted again, his grin curling slightly as his eyes clenched a bit tighter, his breaths coming almost in sharp snorts from his nose as he tried to resist giving in to the two females still, but he could feel himself already stiffening up as Cherry continued to move steadily back and forth, Cindy's arm around his neck, the other squeezing and massaging up and down his obsidian tower of flesh as she whispered dirty, naughty things no father should ever say to her father. "Oh come on, Daddy... fuck her face... make her choke... let it out, at least give her your load, drown her in your seed... and then put it between her legs and you can taste how wet I'm getting while you fuck her until she screams..."

The male Drakkaren felt his bliss rising, rising, his cock stiffening, his testicles almost swelling... and then he finally let out a long, masculine groan, his eyes opening and rolling upwards in his head as his body flexed powerfully, beginning to thrust despite himself as his one hand clenched hard into Cherry's skull, the other slamming down and grabbing one of his daughter's buttocks as she suddenly began to stroke him faster and harder: at the same time, however, Cherry suddenly drew back with a grin, bowing her head and closing her eyes as she slid her hand from Cindy's waistband to grab and fondle the huge blue testicles of the Drakkaren, her other hand clutching his hip as Cindy's hand stroked rapidly up and down the hot black flesh, the female urging at the same time: "Come, come, come!"

And then the first jet of hot, white seed flew from the tip of the male's length as he let out a snarling, animal growl, his back arching, fingers squeezing into each female's body and gazing up into the sky as his jaws opened wide. The first blast fired an amazing distance: it left a trail of white load for a distance of almost ten feet, and the next series of volleys flew a good distance as well, many of them leaving streamers of seed splattering over the face of the female in their wake before Cherry moved up with a moan and what was almost the shiver of a junkie getting their first fix in days. Bursts of hot reptilian semen splattered over her features, coating her in thick, viscous globs of the stuff, and she rolled her head slowly back and forth with animal sounds of pleasure that were filled with nothing but lust and desire, a hot flame lighting inside of her very soul. Maybe no one could understand it, but this was where she belonged, this was all she had ever wanted... and it felt like paradise.

Then the blasts of seed trickled to a halt, Cindy's stroking hand slowing in its movements, a pleasured murr rising in her throat as she looked down at Cherry with a grin, feeling Zerrex's body flex and a shudder of bliss roll through him. Then she glanced up at him as he looked down at Cherry with a deep murr, emerald eyes flashing as the muscular, powerfully-built female slid down a bit, as if dazed with ecstasy... before his eyes flicked to Cindy, and he moved his hand back from Cherry to reach up and grope one of his daughter's breasts roughly, making her cry out a bit at the strength of his grip as his other hand slapped her buttocks hard beneath the tail, the male growling lightly: "Now you got me in the mood... but you've woken up quite a rowdy, rough beast in me. So I hope you're ready."

"Fuck us hard, Daddy." Cindy replied with a grin, squeezing the base of the male's steely shaft hard and urging out another few drops of his seed, and the male growled lightly in response before answering her request.