Crash landing on Ciburdar

Story by Seigi on SoFurry

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#4 of Incest Stuff

This is a fairly older story I wrote up around the end of December last year, after finding out wolfox09's birthday was some time in January. Sorry it took so long to finally get it posted up, wolfox! Had a deal with writer's block, accidentally activated its trap card and lost. o.e

ANY WHO, I'd love to hear any and all opinions on the story and anything else that could help me improve as a writer. Seriously. I love hearing feedback and it's /really/ helpful to me @__@;

Characters (c) me

Dantssul race (c) me

Gift to this guy right here

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[Identity confirmed. Good evening Martin Green. Current date is October 5th, 4038. Time: 12:40 a.m. Location: Ice planet Ciburdar of the Vesgalda sector.]

How long has it been, two weeks, three weeks, since this dammed blizzard started? Maybe it was more, kind of stopped paying attention after a while. Starting to get really boring waiting for this blizzard to pass so me and Mike can finally get out of here. Sucks the storm came in when it did, would love to be somewhere warm right about now.

Food supply is still doing well despite the cold. Hell if worst comes to worst we can last here for a good six more months before worrying about it. Same with the generators, just need to keep the ice off it every couple days or so, but that's just me and I know nothing on how those things work. Mike doesn't either, but he doesn't seem concerned about it.

Actually he doesn't seem concerned about much since those scans came back the day before we had to leave. He won't stop going on about the research we've been able to gather about this planet. Yeah I know it's exciting. Yeah I get how important this is. Dude I get it, I signed up for this expedition because of that (and the fact no one else that wanted my position could tell an On'iri from a Vorydra. And they call themselves xenologists! though having a background in medicine also helped me secure a spot too).

this trip has let me see my brother again. I mean, the last time we saw each other was what . . . 10 years ago? Wow . . . has it really been that long? Guess time sure does fly when you're busy.

those dreams sure as hell haven't stopped after he left. God, mom and dad would KILL me if they ever found out! I mean . . . how could I explain to them the dreams I've had of my own brother doing things to me that would make a nun blush. Anyways, before I start talking about them, something amazing happened last night.

It was getting late (though you couldn't really tell that by looking outside) and I thought it be a good idea to take a quick shower before bed. Well, while I was walking to the shower room I noticed the light was on and heard someone inside. Obviously it was Mike in there and well . . . with no one around to worry about finding me I cracked the door open a little and looked inside. Oh. My. God. It was like one of my fantasies come to life! He was right there, back against a wall, rubbing one out. I must have stumbled in on him while he was just warming up because he wasn't that hard, but god damn I got hard pretty fucking quick! thank god everyone else was gone, because I don't think I would have cared if anyone found me right there as I undid my pants and took care of myself.

Did I mention I have the hottest brother ever? I mean seriously, he has the most fucking gorgeous body I've ever seen on a male. Watching him last night, the way the light reflected off that typical black and white husky fur and how the water ran down his slim body . . . I would have tried sucking him off then and there. Only thing really stopping me was him being straight... Okay fine, I'd still try if he wasn't sober.

there's no way I'm going to forget watching him stroke over that delicious looking shaft of his, unless I like get Alzheimers or something. Better start looking up how to prevent that. Anyways where was I? Oh yeah that's right, standing in the hallway jerking myself to my brother jerking himself.

I might not have been able to waltz right in and do all of the lewd things I dreamed about, but that didn't stop me from imagining myself doing just that. Walking right in there and pressing my lips against his, hearing Mike gasp as our bodies rubbed together for the first time an-

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[Identity confirmed. Good evening Martin Green. Current date is October 6th, 4038. Time: 3:30 p.m. Location: Ice planet Ciburdar of the Vesgalda sector.]

Alright never mind about what I said before about getting out of here before the blizzard. A little before 1 a.m. a Drard class ship crash landed a good sixty, seventy meters away from our encampment. It's amazing the guy inside didn't die in the crash in that thing; those things don't exactly have the greatest safety record for personal ships. Inside the ship was an unconscious Dantssul male, only a few scratches on him but nothing serious.

I've never seen one up close before, unless pictures in medical books count anyways. Michael on the other hand never saw one before and really freaked out when I brought the Dantssul inside. Honestly, I don't blame him either.

Unlike those of us with fur, scales or what have you, a typical Dantssul's skin is . . . translucent. When I say translucent I mean translucent; even their muscles are see through! All you really see for skin is this . . . light grey . . . well I guess "aura" would be the best way to describe it.

So yeah, you can see all the internal organs, how they work (kind of since the organs themselves aren't see through) and skeletal structure. Speaking of which, their bones aren't really bones since all Dantssul's are able to alter their forms to take on the appearance of other living things. All it is is . . . err . . . I don't know how to properly describe it, but it shouldn't work at all. their bones shouldn't be able to work how they do, but somehow they do; that's all I can really say on that.

their faces are just straight up flat. No muzzle, nose, ears or lips at all. It's just flat. the way they talk is through a form of mental communication, but most of the time they end up shifting to something else that has a mouth and talking that way. And their eyes . . . it's like looking into two fist sized chunks of obsidian.

If their looks didn't make them standout, then the four tentacle like appendages on their backs would, since they serve as a male Dantssul's penis; or in this case penises. Of course Mike didn't know that when he picked them up off the ground to keep them from getting caught on anything after I had brought the alien inside. I didn't have any idea how to tell my straight brother he was holding another man's junk so . . . I didn't say anything as we went to the medical wing.

Like I said before the guy didn't have any serious injuries, but I still did a once over with one of the scanners as a just in case. Honestly it wasn't even necessary thanks to the see through skin.

I've been checking in on our new guest every fifteen minutes or so since he got here. Roughly forty-eight minutes past seven he woke up and stumbled out of bed just as I walked into the room. Like you'd expect he asked obvious questions like, 'where am I?' and 'how'd I get here?'. I told him what had happened with his ship crashing, me bringing him inside and making sure he was alright.

When I asked a few of my own questions I saw why he was like that. Turns out that scrap heap of a ship he bought had a fuel leak mid-flight in the Darunt quadrant and the last thing he remembered was drifting in space, no where near any sign of life before going into a hibernative state. Christ, it's a good thing his people can hibernate like a bear; I'd go insane drifting in space for almost a week before crash landing on an ice planet.

After that I told him about his ship and it being in no shape to fly. We might not have anything he'd need to fix it, but I did let him know we are expecting to be picked up after the blizzard and he could get a ride off here with us.

He said he'd appreciate it and after a few seconds of silence introduced himself as Vorxlor. Nice name for a Dantssul. I told him my name and Mike's, and let him know that I'd show him around the base after everyone got some shut eye since it was late. Before heading off to bed though Vorx noticed there was some slime on his 'members'. Now to someone not of the Dants race, something like that might not seem all that big a deal, but that slime can actually be a fairly big problem.

their version of a scrotum (which is located inside the body) begins to overproduce seminal fluids. Unfortunately for male Dants's, the obvious remedy to this, if they don't have a mate, would be rubbing their 'phalli' together until sexual climax for each tendril is achieved. But something like that wouldn't work during mating season thanks to chemicals produced in each tendril and their "skin".

these chemicals, when mixed together through contact with tendrils touching tendrils or their own body, create a nearly frictionless slime. Because of this, male Dantssuls can not achieve sexual gratification by themselves and for those that can't find a mate, have to go through a slow, painful, death as their "cum sacs" swell until it bursts causing internal damage.

To make matters worse, not only is the undrodan (cum sac) extremely fragile, despite being able to swell up to the size of a balloon from what I've heard, it's connected to one of their major organs. It would take far too long to explain that last bit, but to sum it up: anything happens to the undrodan and a Dantssul male is a goner.

Even though Dantssuls are known for massive orgies that last days on end and sexual prowess, I can honestly say I would NOT want to be one because of that. Really felt sorry for Vorxlor while I spent the time helping him get that slime off of his tendrils (and the bed he was on); more so when I saw that his undrodan was nearly half the size of a football. Poor guy . . .

Turning the holographic display off, the soft cyan glow emitting from the small hand held device disappeared as the screen flickered away, Martin put his personal journal away. Rising from his desk he let out a yawn while scratching at the back of his neck, before crossing the small room over to the door and stepping out into the rest of the complex.

Some time earlier Michael had shown their new guest around, mainly around the dinning room and kitchen since the rest of the rooms were all pretty much empty. Walking through the grey corridor to the dinning area, the sight of himself already sitting down and eating made Martin stop in his tracks. Seeing the image of another red and white husky like himself, except for the four tentacle like appendages on its back, and wearing the same clothes he wore the day before caused Martin to forget about the shape shifter he rescued the night before.

"You sleep well?" He asked after getting over the abrupt surprise. From the jump Vorxlor gave, it was obvious he didn't hear Martin enter the room. Swallowing his bite of lunch he responded with a 'yes' as the husky he looked like grabbed one of the brown food packs from a near by box.

"How's the food?"

"It's . . . interesting to say the least. this is the first time I've had something like this before."

"Yeah," the husky chuckled, sitting down across from Vorxlor. "I thought that too when I first had one of these."

Glancing at the unopened package he held, Martin grimaced seeing which of the ready-to-eat meals he grabbed. "Oh boy, beef brisket. Sorry you can't have any good food. I don't mean to be rude, but how come you're . . . me?"

"Well my people used to take on the forms of top predators to eat and intimidate other animals, but with, you know, no mouth we've still needed to take on other forms to eat. Sorry if I did something wrong in taking on your form. I can turn to something else if you wish." the pseudo-husky replied, ears lying back like a puppy that had done something wrong.

"No, no it's fine, really. I was just curious is all."

"So," Martin grunted as he pried open the ugly brown food package "how's that undrodan gland of yours doing?"

"It's... it's doing okay for now, kinda worried about the next couple days though." The two were silent for several moments, Martin unsure of what to say and Vorx in thought, until the silence began to become fairly uncomfortable. For a brief moment the corners of Vorxlor's lips curled up in to a small grin, followed by a short chuckle.

"Ironic isn't it?"

"What is?"

"My entire race needs sex to survive and look at me. It's only going to be a couple days until my undrodan swells up and I'll end up dying, because of it. It's just ironic really."

Taking hold of a glass of water, the alien drank down nearly half of the liquid before he set the cup back down. "Dunno if you know this, but when a Dantssul comes of age and hit what you call 'puberty', they're told what happens if they can't find someone, no matter what gender, to mate with during this time. And after that, they have to come to terms with it too. It's actually harder than you think accepting death like that, but man... I honestly thought I wasn't going to die like this."

"You know that doesn't have to happen." Martin started. Setting his food down on a table, he could feel heat already starting to rise in his cheeks as his words left his lips. "I could help you out until you're no longer in mating season."

Vorx blinked in surprise hearing what the curly tailed canine said. After letting what was said sink in, Vorx spoke up again. "You would really do that? For some alien you just met?"

Grinning sheepishly as he took care of faint itching at the back of his head, Martin shrugged. "Hey, I can't in all good consciousness sit by and watch someone die from something that could have easily been avoided."

"Heh, you know Martin that's really kind of you to do this for me. I mean it too; even if you're just trying to get a really good lay I still think it's nice of you."

"So," Vorxlor exclaimed as he stood up "how do you want to do this? Want me to stay like this, or do you want me to look like something else? And so you know, I'm not going go judging you on some form you want me to take."

"W-wait, you want to do it now?!" Martin stuttered, his already present blush growing more.

"If you want to go somewhere else, or wait till later, I can understand. But I do have to warn you, the longer the wait the bigger the mess is going to end up being."

"Oh, I don't really have a problem with doing it here, just wasn't expecting you to want to go at it so soon."

"Sorry about that. Just got a bit excited for a moment; I mean, I might have accepted that I could die from this, but that doesn't necessarily mean I'm just going to give up. Well... not unless there isn't someone willing to help me out like you want to."

"Wait, what do you mean by that last part?" Martin mused, only having heard of the biological aspect of Vorxlor's race.

"Hm? Oh, well to my people forcing yourself on anyone for any reason, even if it could save your life, is one of the four things that one can do to get the death penalty and an eternity of suffering. Or at least that last part is what our faith has taught us. Even if that part wasn't true, our death penalty is enough to detour anyone from even trying. Trust me you don't want me to go into that bit."

"Enough about that though, it's not all that a pleasant topic to talk about. Umm, is there any form in particular you'd want me to take, so I may practice for whenever you're ready."

"Well I doubt Mike is going to come in here any time soon, so doing it now shouldn't be a problem. Umm... you promise you won't judge me or anything?"

Vorx nodded and grinned at the husky. "Hey if you're thinking of something you think might be too kinky, you should know nothing is kinkier than a Dantssul orgy."

"Alright... could you umm... could you look like my older brother?" A shiver ran up Martin's spine seeing the size of the grin that grew on the shapeshifter's muzzle after he finished his sentence.


Mike strolled leisurely down the long corridor, not in any rush to get anywhere as he sipped on his watered down coffee. Only a few hours had passed since he last saw his and his brother's new guest, since he left the alien to a couple MREs he took the time to set up. thinking about it, the last time he saw his brother was when Martin took their guest to the infirmary. Scratching an ear he tried recalling the name his brother used to call the alien. Varglugar? Duzlor? Ezmar? Giving up after a while he decided to ask his brother when he saw him again.

In the mean time he finally gave in to his hunger and was on his way to get something to eat. Taking another drink from his cup, Michael realized there was nothing left and he must have finished the rest of the drink while trying to think of the alien's name. Still, he tipped the cup back to get the meager amount that remained and made his way to the dinning area. As he came near the doorway to where he last saw the alien and where the food was kept, he noticed a series of what sounded like muffled grunts and moans coming from inside the room.

"Fuck... such a good little brother! Just like that, take it just like that! Oh fuck little bro, f-fuck!" Clearly hearing that, he quickened his step, reaching the doors in only a few quick steps, and yanked one of the silver metal doors open. As soon as the door open he froze up at what he saw, his coffee cup slipping from his hand and shattering against the hard floor.

His little brother lay on top of the largest table in the room hands bound above his head by a tentacle-like appendage, his back arched and glazed over eyes nearly rolled up into his skull. A thick semi-gray tendril stuffed deeply enough into Martin's muzzle, that a slight bulge appeared in his throat. Inside the appendage in his maw, what looked like thick white liquid flowed through the tube and into Martin's gullet The sight of his brother wasn't exactly what caused him to freeze though, it was what the tentacles were attached to that did it. the sound of the coffee cup breaking caused the owner of the appendages to draw his attention away from Martin and Mike found himself staring face to face with the exact image of himself.

The copy of him panted as it straightening up. this only caused Michael to get a glimpse of another tendril, though far smaller than the other two, buried deep in his little brother's shaft pumping that white liquid into his little brother's swelling sac. Michael stood there in shock hearing his own voice talk to him, realizing that this had to be the alien his brother treated earlier. He barely registered what the alien was saying as he saw his brother turn his head, eyes going wide in just as much shock as Michael was in.

"Oh h-hey there. You're brother was just uhh... saving my life."