Howls in the park (Part One)

Story by Rivi on SoFurry

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#1 of Howls in the park

Short story I wrote a while back when I had insomnia.

The Erotic music blasted throughout the room while multiple women danced on the raised platforms of the stage. Coloured lights Hung from the ceiling, illuminating the topless women in a shower of vibrant light. The room polluted with the smoke from the mass amount of men smoking complementary cherry cigars. Bartenders stood by the enormous table tops, trying to keep up with the overflowing orders - Drunks were ordering drinks faster than they could even drink them. The name of the joint was "Vixens", a downtown strip club where all business was accepted. The only rule was that you had to have the cash and they didn't care who you robbed or killed to get it. The establishment was crowded with men from all walks of life, from high class business owners to the working class who would spend their entire weeks' salary just to see some tail. Majority of the perverts in the joint consisted of the older generation. But sitting alone in the back corner was a young man, barely in his twenties. He was a canine of medium build, his muscles toned and firm. He wore a white shirt covered by a brown jacket, as well as an old pair of weathered blue jeans that were torn at the knees. His head tilted down toward his lap. He seemed to not notice where he was. His only movements were when he raised the beer clenched in his hand from the table top to his lips. His presence seemed to go unnoticed in the room. A woman wearing nothing but a G-string casually walked up to his table. Casually tucking the circular black plastic tray she was carrying between her left arm and totally exposed breast, she asked the young man if he required anything else. Without a single word or even the bother of looking up, the young man simply raised his now empty bottle of beer and shook it left and right to signify that it was empty. Returning with the new beer, the waitress placed it on the table before the man. The bottle was freshly opened, cold air still swirled around the small opening at the top while chilled water droplets raced down the sides - gaining momentum as they merged into other particles, increasing in size. Before the girl could turn her back, the beer was already pressed to his lips while he violently gulped the entire bottle in a few seconds. He slowly stood up from his solitary table. Slapping a few coins on the table to pay for the drinks, He casually began to make his way towards the exit. Street lights seemed to blind anyone who left the polluted dull atmosphere of the strip club. The man cupped his hand over his eyes, protecting his eyes. He was drunk and hung over at the same time - no doubt from days if not weeks of constant drinking. Scurrying away like a cockroach, He left the safety of the sidewalks into a dark gloomy alleyway. Trying to keep his balance, He leant his back against the damp brick face wall. Pulling a single wrinkled and half dented cigarette from his pocket, he proceeded to light it. His head fell back as he inhaled the tip of the cigarette glowing bright red as it slowly burnt the tobacco toward his face. He silently stared up toward the star covered sky. Losing himself in his thoughts as he blankly stared. She stared for a long while, only bouncing back to reality when he felt a searing pain in his fingers as the cigarette had withered down all the way to the filter. He let out a slight yelp as he dropped it, patting his hand against his jeans to try and numb the pain. Sighing, he stepped on the wasted cigarette - flattening it as he moved is foot from left to right to extinguish the flame. Rubbing his eyes at the disappointment of losing his last of his nicotine, he slowly proceeded to walk off further into the dark alleyway. The dark thin stretch was to quiet. The only noise that could be heard was from the distant police sirens and the sound of large rat populations scavenging around in dumpsters that were all over the alley. In the faint distance in front of him, He could see a figure hidden behind the steam rising from the man hole in the centre of the path. Taking no notice, he minded his own business as he walked past the shady character standing, caressing a young woman. Shivers went down his spine as he past the couple but who was he to judge people, he was wearing torn jeans and had been in a strip club until 2AM. The city was a disgusting place. The sight of partners engaging in sex in all hidden areas was a common sight at night. As he proceeded around the corner that lead toward his apartment, the man heard the young woman scream as the clothing was ripped from her body. The vicious sound of an open palmed slap echoed through the alley as the woman was struck to the ground. His ears instantly pinned against his head as he heard the woman scream again. Clenching his fists, He turned and rushed back, tracing his steps to where he had seen the girl. As he turned the previous corner, he was shocked to see the young girl lying on the floor, her skirt completely ripped off and her one arm covering her exposed breast from her torn blouse while her other hand was held against her stinging cheek. Tears ran down her face as the male figure towered over her, slowly removing his belt and undoing the zip at his crotch. Without hesitation, he young man bolted toward the couple. While he normally always kept his mouth shut and his nose out of the affairs of others - he was not about to let the rape of an innocent female be on his conscious. He ran up behind and tackled the man to the ground, splitting his forehead on the tar as he did. Cocking his fist, he landed a single blow onto the side of the mysterious rapists head; it appeared to knock him out cold. Rushing over to the girl he asked, "Miss, are you okay?" The girl seemed terrified, she curled up, kicking to get away, and she was too shocked to notice that the man was not her original perpetrator. "Please, it's okay, you're safe now" He reassured her as he slowly took his jacket off to cover her defiled body. Finally realising it, the girl screamed in terror as she latched onto the white shirt of the young man, weeping in his arms like a small child who had grazed their knee while rough housing. He gripped her tightly, keeping her close to his chest in an attempt to calm her down. Her body began to shake less violently as the warmth from the complete stranger as well as his jacket covered her. Closing her eyes, she couldn't help but notice the sweet smell of the deodorant he wore. It seemed to calm her further. Clenching on to the fur on his neck, the girl fell asleep from pure exhaustion.

Now puzzled with what to do, he stared down at the sleeping girl. With the adrenalin now leaving his veins, He looked at the girl properly for the first time. A small canine, he couldn't tell her breed in the dark alley. He could only make out her long, dark hair that swayed calmly in the breeze rushing past them. Slowly, he climbed up to his feet. The girl was a lot heavier than she looked, but he had no choice but to carry her. He struggled to keep her steady as he reached in his pocked for his phone to take a mug shot of the man. He knew it would come in handy to the girl later and he sure as hell wasn't going to wait around for him to wake up. He couldn't just barge into the local police station with her; he was not exactly on good terms with them - nothing serious, just a few minor charges. He decided to take her to his apartment a few blocks away. He knew that she would be safe there until morning and she would at least be able to recuperate and rest.

Forty-five minutes later, he finally managed to get her to his apartment building. It was a small five story building compacted between two much larger ones on either side. The building was run down; most would think it was in unliveable condition. It was all he could really afford and well, it was his home. He took the stairs up to the fifth floor. Exhausted, he battled to unlock his front door and get her in without smacking her head on the door frame. Making his way to his bed room, He nudged the wall to the left of the door in a feeble attempt to find the light switch. Finally finding it, He kicked his right shoe off to try and fold his sheets off his bed. Putting the girl down slowly, he looked at her again. He saw for the first time how torn and dirty her clothes were. He knew that he couldn't leave her in them all night but at the same time he was extremely uncomfortable having to get them off of her. He had no choice really. Going to his draws at the other end of the room, he slowly opened the middle draw, trying to be as quiet as possible. He took out a pair of his boxers and a t-shirt. Placing them neatly on the base of the bed, be began to carefully take the torn top off the girl. He gulped as he now saw this strange female in his bed. She was beautiful, a girl that was way out of his league and probably the only one to be in his bed without the intention of a one night stand. He slid the boxers up her legs, covering her up so that she would feel a bit less violated when she woke up in the morning. Finally he placed her head on the pillow and covered her with the duvet. He brushed the hair out of her face before writing a not to explain what happened so that she wouldn't be afraid of him in the morning. He pinned the note onto a small board that hung behind the bedroom door before turning off the light and slowly shutting the door.

The dark house was lit up as the fridge door was swung open and he removed yet another beer. Falling on the couch he twisted the cap off the bottle and began to chug it down just as fast as the last one he had at Vixens. Dropping the empty bottle on the floor, He took his shirt off and lay back on the small two seated couch with his arms supporting the back of his head. With a final sigh he closed his eyes as he slowly started to drift off to sleep. Recollecting the events of not so long ago and thinking about what tomorrow would bring.