A Knight's Pride

Story by DoctorFlame on SoFurry

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This is a short story, nothing big or fancy. I wrote it when this idea popped into my head when listening to music.

A knight adorned in bright silver armor rode triumphantly in the forbidden woods of his home lands. Today he would fight the dragon that plagued these lands and rid the farmers and hunters of the fear of becoming it's next meal.

The woods were quiet, void of any life other than the trees that stood high above, blocking out almost all visible light. But this was short lived as the knight rode into the clearing ahead. There sat a large male black dragon, easily three men high, quietly waiting at the entrance of his lair and enjoying the sunlight that trickled down.

The knight dismounted his steed and faced the dragon, blade and shield in hand.

"Come here foul beast so that you may taste my steel and I may claim my reward!" the man yelled with a mighty voice. The dragon however simply sat there, watching quietly with his tail passively wrapped around his legs.

"I said fight me!"

The dragon did not move, simply watching the human in front of him.

The knight and dragon were distracted for only a moment as a young maiden stepped out from behind the entrance of the dragon's lair.

"Sir knight," she said softly, "please leave now. I have no wish for another to be slain by this creature in my name."

"Fear not fair maiden, I shall save you from this beast." The knight only stood there a moment before facing the dragon once again. "Now, fight me!"

The dragon did not move, simply staring at the knight. They stood there for the longest time, nether one daring to make a move before the knight finally gave in and ran for the dragon, bringing his blade high to make a killing blow to the heart.

The dragon only moved a little, bringing up a claw and quickly slamming it into the knight's chest, sending him flying into a nearby rock with enough force to dent his armor.

The maiden sighed softly as the dragon lowered his head to her level.

"Stupid knight..." she hugged the dragon's muzzle and kissed it between the eyes softly before walking back into the cave. "Make sure you clean up afterwards, I don't want to smell him on your breath." She said over her shoulder as she disappeared into the darkness.