Tales of Colt Joe Chapter 2: Problems with Ponies

Story by Joseph Okami Hatake on SoFurry

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I know this i bad and I feel bad but I just wanted it done!

So yeah we introduce a new character in this and reveal new problems with Inkwell

try to enjoy!

MLP copyright of Hasbro

"Grr..not right now.."

The brown colt groans as the sun peaks through the window,waking him from his slumber. "Meh..I could almost hate Celestia for rising the sun if I didn't need to wake up..." He said with tired tone.In no rush,the colt slowly got up off of the floor he slept on,stretching and yawning as he got off from the floor. "I wonder if my mom slept better?" He said walking toward the other room.Just as he took a step into the room he was greeted with a sudden...


Inkwell felt his heart jump out of his chest as he locked eyes with a pink mare,her smiles was wide.He backed up a little and let out a confused, "Uhh.." Then he looked to the side of her looking into the room and saw other ponies in there with other her. "Why are you-" He was cut off by the pink mare as she pulled him into the room.

"Hi! I'm Pinkie Pie and I threw this party just for you."She said with a cheerful tone.Every pony in the room cheered,their eyes all on Inkwell.He looked around,blushing not knowing what to do. "I-I-..." The words could come to him,bursting into a cold sweat he ran into the other room into a corner,breathing heavily. "No..why..no..." He said,looking around.Everything becoming blurry,as he shakes his head.


Meanwhile in the other room,everypony is socializing but Pinkie stands there confused."Hmm I wonder what's wrong with him." Pinkie asked to herself.She was about to go check on him,but was stopped by his mother."Oh don't worry about him,he's just shy around new people." She gave Pinkie a warm smile,"He'll come out sooner or later."

Pinkie looked back into the room one final time before being dragged off by one of her friends.


He continued to sit there in the corner,his breathing slowing."Okay..I think I'm okay.." He stood up and turned around,stumbling a bit as he headed towards the stairs,but when he was inches away from them he collapsed.

"No..Not now.." He said as his eyes slowly closed.

"Hey...are you okay?"

After a few long minutes his eyes opened again and standing over him was a carnation red-ish unicorn mare with a medium length purple mane with curled ends.Her lavender colored eyes were filled with concern as she looked down at him.He shook his head and slowly stood up.

"I'm fine.." He said before looking away from her. "I was just a little winded.."

She stepped in front of him. "You didn't seem 'a little' winded..."

He narrowed his eyes at her. "Who are you?" He asked with a bit of grimace in his voice.She giggled a bit and trotted around him then stopped in front of him again.

"My name is Dawn Star and I'm from Canterlot,what's your name." She smiled and tilted her head ever so slightly,making him blush a bit before he cleared his throat.

"Oh..uhh..my name is Inkwell and I'm from East Manehatten."

"Ooo~ A city boy! Must of been tough growing up there."

He shook his head. "Actually it was easy since I going to a private school...but...it was made for unicorns only.."

She looked him over noticing that he didn't have a horn between his dreadlocked braids.Then he sighed and looked down at the floor. They stood there in silence for a moment or so before she spoke and said, "Hey...you wanna get out of here?"

He looked up at her with a confused look on his face,"Uhh..I guess but wh-" She covered his mouth and giggled. "I'm not a party person either." So with that said they both headed outside,leaving the party behind them.