rocket and lylya

Story by dbj_rab on SoFurry

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another rocket quickie wrote during sofurry downtime, featuring rocket lylya and blackjack

Lylya grunted softly as she dove from the small cliff waterfall and down into the pound below. The female otter swam around with ease, and soon bobbed her head up above the water to wave briefly to her uncle walrus.

"Oh Rocket, come on in and have some fun for a change. Quite trying to decipher that dusty old tome," she called out the Rocket raccoon.

Rocket took a puff from his pipe, "Hey this is important work trying to decipher all this gibberish and figure out how to better serve and help the loonies," he called back.

Lylya fumed slightly and soon got a mischevious grin on her face. She silently slipped back down into the waters and made her way towards where Rocket was on the bank.

Rocket was still engrossed in the Gibeon Bible and did not hear her silent approach. She quickly bobbed up and then splashed him with water. She laughed and swam away giggling.

Rocket fumed at his now soaked skin tight leotard-like clothing. He soon stripped naked and quickly dove into the pound to swim after his beloved.

"I'm going to catch you Lylya. Better watch out," he shouted after her and soon dove underneath the waves and try to find her.

Lylya giggled more as she swam away farther from him, and then soon turned around to swim behind him.

Rocket grumbled to himself slightly as he tried to find her. He spotted a flash of her brown tan fur before it disappeared again. He went up for some air and then back down again.

Lylya grinned as she suddenly slapped her tail against his ass. Rocket twitched slightly in surprise and soon turned around to try to overtake her.

Lylya teased him by swimming slowly then speeding up towards the bank. Rocket quickly caught up with her, and soon snatched her tail.

"Ha. Got yur tail. Watcha going to do now?" he said jokingly.

Lylya smirked and soon turned around to give him a kiss. Rocket blubbered slightly at the sudden kiss, and kissed her back, letting go of her tail but grabbing her ass and squeezing it slightly feeling incredible horny.

He soon ground his loins against hers, and she was panting heavily in sexual frustration. "Follow me. I know a place where there's privacy," Rocket whispered. She glanced at Walrus and saw he was still preoccupied and nodded.

They soon dove back underneath the water, and Rocket led her to a secret cave entrance by the waterfall.

They soon bobbed back up for air, and Lylya marveled at the glowing blue crystals hanging on the ceicling providing light.

"Wow this is so gorgeous," Lylya exclaimed and saw some fruit growing nearby as well. "Are these fruit safe to eat?" she asked, before plucking several.

"Yeah they're fine. Taste great," Rocket replied and soon munched on some himself. Unkown to her, the berries make a aprodizisac and drunk like sensations.

Rocket soon grinned and started to grab her close to him, grinding his swelling sheath and balls against her cunt. She gasped softly and moaned at the sensations, soon grinding back against him.

"Mmmnn Rocket that feels so good," she muttered.

"That just for starters," he said with a smirk, and soon reached out to fondle and squeeze her bouncing breasts. She shuddered in pleasure at the sensations and moaned even louder, her cunt pre'ing heavily against Rocket's slow hardening dick popping out of his sheath.

He moaned as he leaned in to nibble and suckle on her tits, while rubbing slowly down her belly and against her clit. Lylya squealed and panted heavily from the touches and squirmed against his paws, while flapping her tail back and forth.

Rocket groaned as he felt his cock get more hard and slippery with her pre, slowly pushing against her twitching vagina. Lylya groaned and growled softly as she felt his pressing dick head against her pussy and clawed through his head fur slightly, while wriggling all over and her breasts slapping his eager muzzle.

Rocket grunted more as he pushed more of his now fully hard cock against her tight pussy and moaned loudly as he felt half of his 11 inches slide into her suddenly. Lylya tightened and gasped in pleasure as she felt him invade her insides and groaned sexually into his ear, while slowly clawing along his back and using her tail to tickle his balls.

Rocket shuddered and nibbled her neck, while pushing her down and thrusting deeper into her hot love channel, while clawing along her sides and squeezing her breasts in circles.

"mmnnn babe love how you're always so fucking tight," he panted, while slowly pulling out and back in half way each time. "And I love how you're always so hung. Now fuck me you stud," she grunted and wriggled her tail tip in circles against Rocket's bouncing balls.

Rocket lifted his tail up high and groaned in pleasure as he worked his way deeper into her cunt, squirming as he felt all of his 11 inches slide into her and her butch brush against his pubic fur.

They both moaned, "oh fuck yeah," and Rocket starting thrusting faster in and out of her, making her breasts bounce even harder up and down, while she clenched herself slightly around his luscious length.

Unbeknowst to both, Blackjack was hiding nearby and soon heard their cries of pleasure. He padded in from the next chamber and grinned to himself as he saw Rocket's thrusting ass moving up and down.

The black hare licked his lips and silently hopped over. He suddenly wriggled his tongue along Rocket's ass crack and twitching pucker causing him to yelp in surprise, but still kept hammering against Lylya's loins.

Lylya moaned loudly at the sudden movement of Rocket's dick twitching in her vagina and she moved her hips back against his.

"Oh gods Rocket that felt so great. Uunnhh don't stop," she cried out, milking his cock hard as she could and feeling herself getting close to cumming.

Rocket grunted and growled in pleasure as he felt the tongue wriggle it's way into his anus and he shuddered while grinding hard against Lylya's tightening cunt and nibbled her nipples briefly.

Blackjack moaned to himself as he tongue fucked the raccoon's sexy asshole lubing it up, while pawing his own 9 inches hard in pleasure.

The hare suddenly pulled his tongue out and rubbed his heavily pre'ing cock tip in circles against Rocket's twitching star. They both grunted and growled in pleasure at the same time.

Blackjack shuddered and cried out silently in pleasure as his dick shove half way into Rocket's eager anus, while Rocket grunted and felt himself get pushed in even deeper into Lylay's clenching pussy.

Lylya groaned as she felt the raccoon shove in even deeper, and she arched her back in pleasure tightening even harder around his cock.

Blackjack panted into Rocket's ear as he kept thrusting in and out of his hot taihole, while making Rocket twitch and spasm in pleasure feeling his cock hard thrusting into Lyla's eager cunt.

Rocket soon growled, "fuck going to cum," as he started thrusting himself back and forth against the black hare's eager and deep thrusting hips, while his own cock throbbed painfully deeper and harder into Lylya's vagina and his pubic fur brushing against her clit.

Lylya just panted heavily as she took his assaults and moaned loudly in pleasure as she felt herself clench even harder around his twitching dick and cried out, suddenly cumming hard around his cock and balls.

Rocket grunted and gasped as he felt her clench and suddenly cum all over his slippery cock. He grunted more and growled in pleasure as his anus clenched even harder around Blackjacks deep thrusting dick and moaned his own cock swell and suddenly flood his coon cum hard and deep into Lyla.

Lylya gasped and growled in sexual pleasure as she felt the coon cum suddenly flood her insides. Blackjack growled and bit down hard on the coon's neck as he kept thrusting harder in and out against the coon's ass, and felt their slapping balls twitch before suddenly shoving himself in deep and hard as he could, groaning loudly in pleasure as his dick suddenly swelled and flooded hard against Rocket's prostrate and insides.

Rocket spasmed from the sensations of his anus being filled suddenly with hot rabbit cum and his cock still t hrsuting in and out of Lylya's pussy from the hare's still thrusting hips against his ass, causing him to still thrust in and out of Lylya.

Everyone soon panted and just groaned in afterglow pleasure, while the black rabbit suddenly hopped off and out of Rocket's twitching and drippling anus.

"oh gods Rocket.. that was simply amazing," Lylya cried out as she felt his dick remain hard in her, and their cum drip out together.

Rocket panted and grunted as he licked her breasts and twitched from his ass being suddenly empty. "Yeah, it was," he replied with a grin.

They soon started to get sleepy and fell asleep in each other's arms in sexual bliss and Blackjack stared silently, licking his lips as he watched the coon's anus twitch and splurt out his cum.