Feeling out of this world

Story by Solrac19 on SoFurry

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#1 of Stories

I hope you like this story worked hard on it

Felling out of this world

Hi my name is," Alex, but people call me cat cause of my initials. This is the story of how one accident changed my whole life. Well we should first start it at the beginning. It was a Monday morning and sadly I had to go to school on my birthday yeah I know sucks but the only good thing is that I can hang out with my best friend today. I always make fun of her name cause its nearly impossible to say so I just call her Nan. My plans are for me and Nan to go and hang out at my house after school. She's the only girl that knows about my condition. Oh yeah I forgot to mention that we'll what happens every night I turn into a wolf and the thing is I imprinted on her so I get a little over protective about her when people tease her and stuff. The one thing I hate about the night is that I have always felt like she was my mother cause I never really had one my mom died when I was a baby so I never knew her and so when I turn into a wolf she treats me like I'm a baby I tell her that I hate it when she does it, but I secretly like it but I'm never going to tell her that. The other thing is that when I'm human I do the emotions of a wolf would do like me being in a good mood I wold sorta like purr and stuff and when I'm sad I whimper and pout and so on and so forth. Now that that's out of the way lets get back to the story. She when I was walking down the trail I go to school I saw Nan trying to sneak up on me the only thing I love about my condition is that I have my senses heightened. I then say," Nan I know your behind me." She says," You're no fun when it comes to me sneaking up on you. She plays with my hair and I can never hide the fact that I absolutely love it when she does that. Nan start to giggle and say that's my good wolf pup. I tell her that's not fair and she always calls me that. She then replies well I wouldn't make fun of you if you never imprinted on me. Sometimes I regret me telling her that I imprinted on her. By the time we get to school I realized that I completely forgot that I I didn't have to go to school because it was my birth day. I tell Nan I don't have to go to school and if she wanted to ditch school with me. She says ok pup. I tell her that she should knock it of with the pup thing it only encourages her. Once we get there I ask her if she wants something to eat since we haven't had lunch yet. She says it's ok. She then sees a bright light in the kitchen. One of the downfalls to my condition is I some times randomly transform into my wolf form. I see her having a smirk on her face. Oh no she knows it's time for her to baby me now. She then points a finger to come and sit on the couch with her. I whimper with my tail in between my legs and she says what's the matter. She knows I can't talk. So I do as I'm told and I lay my head on her lap. She strokes my head and I just stay there purring. Sometimes I think she enjoys this a little to much. We watch the tv for a while longer and then I dose off and sleep on her lap. By the time I wake up I realize that I slept for an hour. Sadly I'm still in wolf form my dad comes home from work and her just stares at me for a while. He knows everything about me and Nan so he just asks where is Nan. I look at the couch and walk off to lick her face. Nan doesn't know this but that's how I kiss when I'm in wolf form. She thinks it's a pup thing but no way in hell am I going to her that I have been doing that since I was 14. She licks my lips and asks what's wrong baby and it's not like that like as me being a baby so there's no confusion. I stare at my dad. She says," Hi mister Alex." My dad says well aren't you lovebirds cute. She blushes and I return to my human form. The down fall is that when I change I always come with no clothes on. So she looks away and I run to my room my dad is on the flirt laughing his ass off. When I'm done changing I tell her sorry for that. She says it's ok baby. My dad says when are you going to make put and get it over with. I tell him dad I'm not going to make out with my mother that's weird. She stares at me for a while I ask what's the matter she says you never called me mom before I start to get all moody and I pout. She then does what I never thought she would do and that is she kissed me on the lips for the first time. I pass out. I wake up an hour later and I ask what happened. Nan says you passed out right when i kissed you. I ask why did she do that? She says well I found out what it meant when a wolf licks someone a week ago. I fell so embarrassed. Nan says so you really must have liked me to have your tail waging that much I ask what's he talking about she says turn around. I yell son of a bitch. She's laughing cause I'm a hybrid sometimes my wolf form merges with my human form now I'm covered in fur and my ears are gone and are the ones of a human I have a tail of a wolf. My face is the same and everything else is human. The one thing about this form is that I can't hide my feelings when it comes to my tail. I then get on all fours and chase it around yeah I know but I just hated my tail right then and there so yeah she laughing at me. After about 5 minutes I stop and a pounce her she starts to scream and I giggle a little. Nan starts to say that's so unfair so she flips me over so I'm on the bottom and she's on top I blush on look away. She says what's the matter baby. I whimper and she give a quick yelp. She felt my boner. I then hide in my bed whimpering still. She says it's ok it's nothing to worry about. I whimper and say yes that was bad of me to think of that. She then says wait why we're you thinking of I was talking about the boner. I blush more and say nothing. She yell Alex if you don't tell me what you were thinking of so help me I will find out the hard way or the easy way you decide. I cross my arms and turn around. She grabs my wolf ear and pulls it as hard as she can. In pain I say ok fine I will tell you. Letting go she jumps up in the air clapping yay. Sometimes she does act like a mother and it kills me when she does that. I look at her and I start to day dream about her. She looks at me saying baby what's wrong. I snap out of it and yell nothing with my tail in between my leg. She yells at me saying do I have to pull your ear again or are you going to tell me what it is you were thinking of? I pout and whimper me already getting use to saying mom I say mom I don't want to. Saying in a nice tone she pouts and says please tell me baby please. I say only if you don't look at me weird afterwards ok. Puzzled Nan she says ok ?!?! I was thinking of you naked. Staring at me she looks at me and says nothing for a while. I ask her what's the matter? She says well I kinda new that you might have thought of that. How do you know Nan? Well first you're a guy, second when you did think of that you look at me with a smirk and you blush also your tail was wagging like crazy. Oh well I hope this wasn't weird for you. Well yeah cause I'm basically like your mother you even said it yourself you called me mom. Well I'm sorry I guess I will just go to my spot sorry Nan. No cat I don't want you to go to your spot! Why I fell bad for what I did I deserve to go. Alex if you go I'm going to cry! Nan I ... Fine I won't go. Hey Alex look you're back to your human form not your hybrid form. Well now I guess it's almost lunch time. What do you want to eat Nan? How about I cook for my baby this time (giggles). How about next time you do that I chase you and tickle you instead. Oh yeah I forgot to mention that Nan doesn't like to be tickled she is very ticklish. Alex if you do that I'm going to kill you. Giggles hmm I tickle you and you nearly piss your self and I die seems like avoid trade. Alex slowly walks to Nan. Nan walks backwards not knowing about the wall and is cornered. Alex giggles and then pins her to the wall. Nan begs for mercy. Please Alex I can't take much of this. Well I don't know. Please looking at Alex all sad like. Ugh don't look at me like that. She then manages to get Alex's hair ha now I got you. No don't pull my hair ow ow ow! Ok you win now stop with my hair. Ha I knew that if I got your hair that I would win. Ugh that's so unfair Nan! Well you started it. Nan then checks the time. Shit it's Almost time for your transformation. I didn't even realize that. So I ran to the spot that I always go alone as usual. Sadly this time I didn't tell Nan not to follow me. She said that the day I forget to tell her is the day she can come. So she followed me to the forest and she startled me. Right after that I fell backwards into a river. I then wake up this time only to find out that I'm my hybrid sate. I'm badly injured by the fall I then see Nana is even worse. I limo over to her and she's passed out I try to carry her but my leg is broken from the fall. I then start to see someone walking toward us. I then notice that he's a hybrid like me. Amazed I ask for help and then I pass out. I then wake up surrounded by hybrids like me then remembering about Nana I panic looking for her I ask where is Nana. One of them say calm down she's right here. Surprised she looks completely fine. I then ask where am I. The same man says your home. Confused I say no I don live here. The man says your a hybrid like us that's why you can transform into an animal. I then walk on all fours saying mom I'm scared she says it's ok baby just go with what they say ill be right here with you. Whimpering with my tail in between my legs she says all right ill go with you if it helps. With happiness I start to lick her face. Ok Alex calm down. Whimpering I look at her. She says all right after this how about I play with your hair. I start to smile. Ok but first lets go and see what they have to say. We follow them into a room the man asks to talk to Nana alone for a while. I sit patiently. The man tells Nana that he thinks that Alex might have imprinted on her. She says that she knows this already. She also says that she knows that he sees her as his mother because he never had one. He says you do know why will happen after both of y'all get older right? She says no what? Well he sees you as his mother but yet your his he so he can see you as a possible mate. She then says Alex would never do that. The man says just look at the way he acts around you. After that they meet back with Alex because Alex is a hybrid he is allowed to stay with his kind yet he knows no one here and the ask Nana if she would like to stay and be his mother till he no longer needs a mother. She says he is 16 he doesn't need a mother. The man says he me be in physical but in mental he is but just a young pup. She says she will do it. So now they moved him in a room the thing is this is a one bed room house so they need to share a room. Next morning Alex wakes up earlier then Nana so he just stares at her for a while day dreaming about her. After a while he snaps out of it and makes a snarling noise that wakes up Nana. Nana asks what's wrong and he blushes and says its nothing with his tail in between his legs. Nana says am I going to have to pull your ears again!? I whimper and say no. She says good then be a good puppy and tell me why you were snarling. I tell her you know you can act like a real mom and that's so unfair that you threatened me to pull my ears if I didn't tell you what I was thinking. She says well I'm curious. I mumble a little to curious. What was that! NOTHING I yell. So are you going to tell me or no? I reply do I have to ? Yes yes you do.I then run under the bed and say now how are you going to pull my ears. Sad she starts to fake cry but I didn't know that. I come out from under the bed and look at her asking not to cry. She then immediately grabs my ear and says ha I got you now. I tell her I don't care if you tip my ear your not going to know what I was thinking about. So she said its worth a try to find out. Sadly I had I for the soreness I had. So you were thinking of making out with me. Yeah embarrassed and blushing she says stop that. I ask what do you mean she says about being embarrassed I ask how do you know I was embarrassed. She says your face and tail. I pout and say no more. She asks what are you talking about I say your not the boss of me. She says how about I reward you if your good if you let me be be boss I ask what kind of reward. She comes closer to me and says how about this she then kissed me on the lips. My tail wouldn't stop moving from side to side. She then laughs at my tail. I then blush and look at her smiling. She says you have that look on your face again. I say do not. Nana giggles a little bit, but I just can't help my self she is just so perfect. Oh yeah I never did tell you what we looked like sorry about that. Well I am about the average hight of a teenager I am not that skinny little built and I have brown eyes and black hair. Nana is same hight as me and has blue try's and blond hair that is gorgeous. The thin is I just love everything about her the way she smiles pouts and plays with my hair and stuff well that's what we look like hope this helped. Now back to the story. So she grabs my ear and says snap out of it! Ow ow ow ok I'm out of my trance! Pouting I tell her I'm going outside. She says we can't for a while I ask what do you mean? They said we haw to stay in here till tomorrow something about a ceremony. Oh we'll what should we do till then? Well they told me that hybrids like your self love to chase balls and getting rubbed. The man told me that if you find what they call a soft spot and he lets you it means something. What do it mean? Oh nothing you need to worry about baby grins devilishly. Don't make me come over there. Giggling I see she has something behind her back. What's behind your back Nana? Just this. It's a ball. Do you really think that I'm going to chase a ball around I mean I know I do weird stuff cause I'm a hybrid but I don't think that a ball is going to work Nana. She throws the ball to see what would happen. Right when she threw that all I wanted to do was get the ball and bring it to Nana. When I brought it back I was on fours with my tail wagging happy from side to side with pride. Once I gave it to her she's amazed that it worked. Woah I can't believe it worked. Snapping out of the trance I say don't do that again. Smiling she throws the ball and I just had to stare at her smile just for a little bit. With that she catches me gazing soon her beauty. So what are you thinking of this time baby grinning? Ughh nothing I was just looking around. Then why are your pants sticking out hmm. Shut up its none of your business! Giggles ok but if you really liked me this much all you had to do was just say you did and you never know I might like you back. Well I don't know how to ask you that's why I haven't done it before. That's why you never asked before? Yeah I know it's stupid. Well try. Can't we just say that we are already going out. Nope you have to ask. Ugh I walk over to her and just pout for a little bit and she heard me whimpering. She looks at me and says tell you what if you do it I will be your girlfriend and I will play with your hair more often. Wagging my tail I say Nana do you want to go out with me? Happy she says yes. After that we go and sit down on a couch I place my head on her lap looking at her. Oh so now you want me to play with your hair. I look at her with puppy eyes. Oh all right just for a while. Purring I just get sleepy and I to sleep on her lap.