The Squall Chapter 12 as written by Mathanwy92

Story by videogame30 on SoFurry

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#13 of The Squall

Hello all. With his permission, I'm posting his chapters of The Squall to continue the story that I failed to continue. I'm sorry again for those that I let down but to be honest, I'm kinda glad that I failed with this because Mathanwy has leaps and bounds improved this story and I couldn't be happier that he has decided to continue it. Please, I urge you, go to his page and show him some much need love! He deserves every bit of it!

Mathanwy92: And theres Chapter 12. The next few chapters are actually a series of short stories between Shawn and each of his friends as he broadens his horizons and experiences with them before he meets the president in person. They will also be the first Chapters I have ever uploaded with actual adult content so viewer discretion advised... oh what the hell am I say, if anyone really cared you wouldn't be on this sight in the first place. Also want to note that these short stories are not chapters, and won't be listed as such so I hope you enjoy them...

Oh yea, also want to note that the final short story (there will be fifth) is free game! Want your character to appear in this story whether its brief or serious I couldn't care less, but make sure to send me a PM with character description and what you would like for him to do with Shawn during his appearence, or you can choose an existing character and go with that. Anyway see you then!

Woo chapter 12! Its really fun writing this story, though honestly you'll find my attention pulled away from it often here on the interwebs. See I have a story plan in the process, its called 'Bonded,' pretty much biased on the material from the mass effect series so you would have to research that if you don't know what 'Mass Effect' is. Basically starting the story of an upstart biotic named Sam Whelan and his Quarian friend Eulin (pronounced U~ lin) and their attempts to become upstart mercenaries on Omega. Good luck to them, on with the story!

The Squall Chapter 12


"Come on Jessie..."


"That's not fair, he doesn't belong to you!"

"My answer is still no Tina."

After the events of Shawn's kidnapping on top of being saved, the group found themselves on an aircraft to Alpha city, a major city network where the president of their region resided. Ashley was unable to accompany them, and was met with a few tearful replies and the smallest kiss she could muster for Shawn's sake, much to his thankful satisfaction.

When they arrived Julie, Caleb, and a small security detail escorted them to a very nice hotel suite with individual rooms for them all along with the warning that they were allowed out in public to explore the town but they would be under militant watch at all times. After the officials took their leave, the group returned to normal conversion but with suggestive remarks and lustful promises in mind things turned sour.

All of them cared deeply for the human, in a way that they only wished to show their affection in a more...ruminate way, however even though the husky was far from being the jealous type she was certainly self conscious about Shawn's condition, aware of the traumatic experience he had gone through and deeming everyone's lustful actions as selfish much to their chagrin. Shawn excused himself to allow them to talk, exiting the room quietly with a waiting escort though with his absence voices only raised.

"It's not fair Jessica!" Tina pouted, "I thought you were more open then this, you know we all love Shawn as much as you do."

"That's not the point," the husky readily argued, "you of all people should know how alien this is to Shawn, and the kidnapping sure as hell didn't help."

"Then let us help him adjust," Beth replied, making sure to keep her voice level, though thankfully the individual rooms where so spacious she barely had to bend her head (also a plus that they were on the ground floor) "We aren't being selfish Jessie, we just want a chance to express to him how much we care about him, don't we as your friends deserve that chance?"

"I'm there for him too, I want him to feel more comfortable among the idea that nearly all of the male population will want to get their hands on him, and he's already told me he trusts me," Tony piped up, the Doberman showing a slight excitement at the idea of showing the pleasures of being with another male, but flinched tearfully as his thought patterns were dashed while the husky coldly replied, " Tony, what makes you think he will more or less want to sleep or be around you, considering what that bastard Charles and Jason almost did to him I can't say I was surprised he huddled himself so close to me the moment you sat by him in the truck."

"Jessica!" Tina said sharply, moving forward to flick the canid's nose. Jessica blinked, looking toward the Doberman who looked close to tears before realizing what she said. Gasping she moved over to hug him, feeling close to tears, "I'm sorry Tony I...I'm so sorry... I just..."

She blinked as the timid male immediately moved away from her, proceeding to exit the room horridly as well, causing her to break into a sob, "gods I'm sorry... I just didn't want to push anything Shawn wasn't ready for on him...I'm so sorry Tony..."

The husky was comforted by her shark friend, Tina wrapped her arm around her back as Beth scratched behind her ears in hopes it would cheer her up, "We understand how much you love him dear, just give us that chance to show him the same... we promise we won't push it on him if he doesn't want it, but please allow us to be open with our feelings to him."

Jessica didn't respond, she just continued to sob, her feelings in turmoil. She really wished Shawn had staid.

Tony wiped his eyes quietly, slightly heartbroken by Jessica's assumption and guilty of his own lust. She was right of course, why would Shawn want to even be around him after what had happened, in the end he was only being selfish in considering...

He blinked in surprise as a familiar human suddenly appeared in his field of vision, standing quietly in the hallway. What surprised him further was that this human turned and smiled to him, commenting, "Mind coming to the lounge Tony? I want to talk to you about something."

"Uh...sure Shawn," the Doberman felt his heart flutter a little but calmed himself, knowing this was only a chat, and to not get his hopes up so eloquently.

Shawn nodded, gesturing for him to follow toward the elevator while a militant official shadowed them from behind.

"So yeah, news just posted that the human got rescued by the President's guard, imagine that!" an excited fennec said inside the elevator. She was wearing the suit of an official of importance, with balanced curves and small but well rounded breasts concealed within the tight suit and tie, along with. In spite of her serious look she was currently bouncing like a teenager on as she communicated with her friend via cell, "I heard he was escorted here to the Northern District!"

"Oh my god, could you imagine meeting him in person?" her friend replied before giving a dramatic sigh, "I wouldn't be able to with hold myself from him, honestly not surprised he got kidnapped in the first place."

"He he maybe we should kidnap him?" the fennec joked, her large ears perking as the elevator door opened and two individuals entered but she was so enthralled with her phone she wasn't paying attention to their conversation, "I'm kidding but did you see the picture of him that was posted 2 days ago?"

"Everything we imagined a human to be: exotic, handsome, all kinds of do-able...just imagine him naked," her friend replied in a seductive tone, causing the fennec to blush as she tried her best to visually remove the clothes from the picture imprint of the human in her mind.

She then asked, "Did you ever hear his name?"

There was a dreamy sigh from behind the connection, before her friend replied, "his name is...Shawn. Shaaaaawn..."

She and her friend let out dreamy sighs, and her friend squealed excitedly, "I'm taking a few days off to walk around the town and hope to god I spot him, I'll be sure to get a kiss in for you, along with a few other things, hee hee."

The fennec readily smirked, "I might get the chance before you, I do work as the secretary at the president's office, so I will be sure to give him that kiss for you."

"You're a party-pooper Shasta," her friend pouted, "don't let your roomy miss out, and invite him back so we can share at least."

"Hehehe, I'll think about it," Shasta replied giggling, "oh oops!" The elevator came to a stop, causing the phone to drop out of her hands.

"Lets get off here, Julie told me there was a lounge with a balcony on this floor...hmm?" one of the individuals turned and bent down, picking up the phone for her before standing back up, "here you go ma'am."

She gratefully took the phone, "oh thank you so much uh...I...oh..." her eyes nearly bugged out of her head, mouth slightly open in mid-sentence. The human, THE human was standing right in front of her, a curious smile emblazoned on his handsome features. Before reality could come back the second individual, a strong and attractive-looking Doberman, patted his arm and pointed toward the lounge area, prompting the human to nod and give a wave to the fennec before stepping out of the elevator.

As the elevator's doors shut, the fennec was still frozen before chatter from her phone brought back her attention," Shasta? Did you drop your phone?"

"Yes...but you'll never believe who picked it up for me..."

Tony shifted uncomfortably next to his human companion, turning his head slightly to look at him every once in awhile before looking down at his feet. Shawn on the other hand was looking out to the city, and given the opportunity to truly see its glory from a view. Alpha city was the central network city of the furs, supporting an ecosystem and economical overdraft for not just normal fur folk but all kinds. It was like taking Las Vegas and New York City and throwing it together into one then multiplying it by twelve, and considering it was nearing night time it was truly a phenomenal sight.

As a few minutes passed Tony picked up the courage to finally ask, "So...what did you want to talk about?"

"This place, this world is just...just so different to what I'm used to," Shawn continued to look out the city, "you know back at home the only family I had was my friend Jackson, and he meant the world to me...he was brother in a way I guess."

"Shawn..." Tony tried to say but the human held up a hand, his muzzle remaining quiet as the human continued, "When I came here, even with you all I felt a bit lost... even when I confessed to Jessie how I felt about her I still felt as if there was a portion of myself missing... I miss my brother, I miss Jack..."

"I'm sorry Shawn," Tony exclaimed sadly, bringing up a hand but stopping in hesitation. The larger male then blushed as the human turned to him, taking his hand with his and holding it curiously, examining the pads along the Dobermans fingers and his claws. Then Shawn spoke quietly, "I love all of you very much, including you Tony, don't ever doubt that."

Tony's heart fluttered, what he wouldn't give to kiss this human dearly, bring him close against him in a loving embrace... but he knew the best way for Shawn to better trust him as a friend was to show restraint, and Jessie had been right in a way.

Shawn smiled, tilting his head up a bit to look at Tony, "I know I might end up in the loving embrace of all of you as I have with Jess, and I'm not sure I'm ready for...well the guy on guy stuff but... if I ever end up curious enough to try it, I'll want to do it with someone I trust, "the human hesitated, then moved forward, stepping on the base of his toes as he grazed his lips gently against the side of the canid's muzzle, sending a wave of delighted shivers through his friend as he chuckled, "but in the mean time I'll need a brother figure to fill Jack's spot, care to partake?"

Tony's tail was wagging as his heart warmed and only thorough feelings of love for his friend enveloped through him, "I would be delighted to try."

The two then hugged, making their way hurriedly back to their room as a couple furs hanging in the lounge were starting to get excited of the human's presence among them. As they entered Tony was surprised as a mass of white and black fur pounced him, saying the words 'sorry' many times before he was able to settle her down and comment that he was never mad at her, he just doubted himself as Shawn's friend.

Reassured, Shawn stepped forward to the middle of the room, "Everyone."

They all stopped to look at him, Jessica moving to his side as he looked up at her, smirking and kissing her muzzle much to her excitement before commenting, "I want you guys to listen so this is clear: everything that has happened the past few days has been a bit of a rush for me and it might take some time to get use this, how you think, how you act, how you approach things so casually..."

He moved over, surprising the T-rex among them as he moved to sit down next to her, leaning against her leg and looking up thoughtfully at the ceiling, "its all happening so fast, vore, nearly all the guys on this dimension are bisexual, getting kidnapped, macros... any normal human would have ran and hid himself as deep underground as he could so he would never experience it...

"But a part of me believes this is destiny, I know Charles dragged me here forcibly but think about it, what if Alan Dufan was never shot into my world and the smoothie fandom never kicked off? Would you all treat me as you do now, an alien human in your midst, or would you readily shun me for what I was?"

They all immediately opened their muzzles to protest this claim but he dashed their chances aside by saying, "I met another human yesterday, and he saved me from Charles and Jason's cohorts before they raped me... and I watched him, masked and cloaked, brutally beating down all the anthro's that opposed him during the rescue and a sudden thought came to mind."

He gestured for them to come sit with him to which they did, Tina and Tony sitting at his sides while Jessica leaned against him, all them leaning against Beth as they listened to him attentively to which he continued, "He was like me, taken from our world without option...but unlike me he wasn't greeted with friends and taken in with love, he was alone and feared the world he was put in... and did everything it took to survive in it; one day I hope to meet him again and show him to you guys, because I want you all to show him the same care as you have shown me."

They all nodded quietly as he finished, "That's why you guys are my friends, I love and trust all of you...and if I ever want to try something, if its being with another male one night- Tony nodded, tail wagging- if its to experience the 'excitement' of vore- Beth let out a growl of approval- if I just want to let loose and have fun- Tina smirked mischievously- or be with someone I love- Jessica nuzzled him affectionately- then I know I can count you guys, my, my family."

They all murmured readily in agreement, and as the day wore to night the group found themselves asleep in their own dreams, the comfortable darkness of sleep taking them all as they cuddled close to one another.

Shawn knew he wasn't alone, at least not anymore...

The lion named Charles had survived his debut from the president's militant, but he was far from giving up on his ambition to bring humans into the world. Even now, while Jason and Morah rested in the medical bay, he was overseeing the activation of his greatest project once more.

Wincing a bit he realized that going after Shawn would be too much of an endeavor, and without his human DNA code he wasn't able to make a resolute portal like before, which meant the machine would only activate for a short amount of time and drop another poor human in some place of random origin.

Better then nothing though, "how much until the generator finishes powering up?"

"50% till maximum sir!"

"Excellent!" the fierce lion smirked maliciously; nothing was going to stop him from achieving his dream this time...

The dark haired young man tossed the netting onto the boat as one of the dock workers assisted him, commenting, "might wanna be careful out there tonight sonny, weatherman says there might be a pretty rough squall out there... you sure you want to go alone?"

The man stretched after finishing putting the netting onto the boat, looking toward the elderly worker with a smile, "Hey I may be an artist but I'm certainly not a weakling, plus my friend showed me how to pilot a boat somewhat so I'm sure a bit of rain won't stop me."

"Alright sonny, good luck to you," the elderly man shook the blonde male's hand before handing him a cap and heavy yellow jacket, "just be careful with her alright? old girl has been out to see more times to count."

"I won't be long, are the fishing charts still in there?" the young man replied to the elder, hoisting on the jacket as his green eyes blinked up at him from the boat. The elder nodded, giving him a compass as well as he pointed out toward the sea, "most fishermen only go out about 10 miles eastward sonny, it's where the bigguns' tend to bite."

"Thank you," the dark haired male commented, smiling as he hit the boats engine, waving cheerfully toward the dock worker in thanks before steering the boat and checking the map quietly. Sure enough there were coordinated directions for popular fishing spots along the 10 mile fishing radius the dock worker proclaimed.

Spots Shawn might have fished at before he disappeared, although the wreck of his boat was found his body wasn't, not even by coast guard divers. It was a complete enigma, and the guard had been so mystified they deemed him lost at sea and most likely dead.

Jack knew better, he knew Shawn had been too experience as a fisher to the simple fact that if he had survived his boat getting destroyed he would have been able to wade or flare for help, also adding he had been top of swimming class for just occasions like this. All the precautions and he still drowned or died? His friend refused to believe it.

Jackson nodded in determination as he set out; hoping to find a clue as to what had happened to his lost friend, "Hold on brother..."