All About FluX

Story by Poi Is For Yotes on SoFurry

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This isn't really a story. Just a little bit about my fursona .

A fursona. Most people in the fandom have one so the subject is not really talked about. Although for those that are curious of them here is my fursona on show for you.

My fursona is a coyote/dragon hybrid named FluX. No not the other flux which is a great roo by the way but his own species entirely. Flux or his "scientifically made up name" coyote industrialis is a green and black hybrid who is really comical and sometimes flaunt with his flirting. His paws can be caustic when agitated and life-giving when happy. Also he has a mark on his left side of his rump of a heart. A sort of cutie mark for you bronies if you will. He is also great at the art of poi and his profession is welding for the benefit of every fur. And persons. FluX is as friendly as it gets for you furs as well as for other people. Forgot to mention this earlier but if curious FluX can use a hidden "power" from his dragon blood flowing through him. He has the ability to shift into a walking piece of whatever material he touches with his tongue. As you might have figured out FluX is named after the caustic chemical used to prepare metal before welding. He's been through some hard times but left that in the past. So that about sums up FluX for ya. If you want to find out more just ask.