Cave exploration

Story by zanian on SoFurry

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Story commission for a client on FA

Aliens© 20th Century Fox and H. R. Giger

Vanguard belong to Lincard1000 (FA)

It was another day for the strange being standing in front of a spaceship. He didn't have a name; he was known under the title ''silent hunter'' but nobody knew, except for a few close relatives and friends, his real name. Maybe it was something that they didn't need to know, or maybe it was his real name; this was a matter that didn't bother him much, but confused some of the people he traveled with, sometime. He usually laughed about such petty matters; they weren't aware about his kin tradition and he wasn't the one that was going to teach them about it. He preferred to let them believe that it was a mere title, giving him a potential cover if he ever had to face a difficulty too great for him to handle; it never happened before, but maybe, one day, it could happen.

He was a Vanguard, an ancient race that wasn't known that much; sure, some people had knowledge on them, but these people were scarce, preferring to keep what they knew to themselves, not seeing the importance of the knowledge they hold. There were little that this could bring to those that hold it, except in particular situation, but these were rare and exceptional.

He was taller than some, shorter than others; one could advance he was in the average, but since getting an average was difficult task, it was easier to simply make a sweeping statement. Standing nine feet over the ground, he was quite the impressive one; rare were those that wanted to wrong him. The fact that he possessed four arms helped this impression that he projected; who would want to face an opponent that could always find a way to disarm you in the most surprising way?

Covered with a dark gray leathery and supple like hide, he could blend in the environment easier than one could think, even if his jet black curved horns could betray his position. But hiding wasn't something he was a fan of; what would be the point of such a thing when one is taller than the others and possessed a superior sense of sight? It would be a shame to betray the gifts that nature bestow to him with such lowly actions...

He looked around; for this expedition, he was alone, no one daring to follow him in the quest ahead. It wasn't a terrifying journey, but there was rumours of creatures, trap and others things that laid in waiting in here. He wasn't afraid of anything that could lurk in the shadows or the darkness, but he wondered why the rumours were enough to scare the other potential explorers away.

Was this world really that terrible? Or was there something else they forgot to tell him, something that could change the fate of this situation. Maybe there was a horrible secret, hidden in the depth of what he was supposed to explore. But again, maybe no one joined him because there was nothing; what would be the point of going somewhere without any compensation?

But this wasn't something he worried about; he was a warrior, one that made for battle, to live for the glory of the battlefield. He wasn't afraid of death; it wouldn't be the first time he would face it, in the heat of battle. He would reform, again and again, but, one day, he wouldn't be able to reform and this day, it would be the end of him. But every soldier knows that his career as an end; one cannot hope to push forward until the end of time, trying to challenge the limits impose by biology and fate. But perhaps, one day, there would be a way to challenge these limits and he would one of the first to do so; after all, even if he enjoyed the reformation, he didn't want the process to end so soon.

Anyway, what would be the chance that he would face his doom in such a place? He wasn't coming here without weapons; he had his trusted shock lance and a standard vanguard assault rifle. They were efficient weapons, but were they useful in this place? It didn't look like there was anything that could be considered vaguely menacing around.

All he could see was ruins, a sign of an ancient attempt to colonize the land. Whenever happened to those that were part of that experiment was only known by time and history, as nobody seems to have escaped the mysterious fate that fell on the colonists. All theories were possible; maybe some of them were still alive, trying to escape judgement for the law. Maybe a disease struck them, destroying them all.

Or maybe it was something else; whatever it was, it was efficient in the destruction of living and preservation of the building, as he could see that none of the ruins were destroyed by hand of man. Only nature seemed to have taken the task to reclaim his right on its land, tearing the walls apart with patience. It was probably already gone, its duty fulfilled; all that remained now was material that could be salvaged and sold back for a hefty profit.

He wondered what building he could enter first; there was so much he could explore but he had to decide. He had to make a choice, but he wasn't sure if he wanted to let his own self decide about such an important decision. Maybe he could let luck decide for him, as an agent of fate was probably more neutral than he could ever be. Or maybe it was a futile quest; he didn't have time to waste on such a procedure, even if it would give a potentially better result. There was an entrance near him; this was the invitation he needed, the only one that was pertinent in his eye.

It didn't seem too uninviting; of course, the walls were destroyed, the entrance half-blocked, but it wasn't a carnage scene, which reassure him. He entered the building with difficulty, the debris blocking his path. He pushed some of them away, freeing the passageway; it was lighted, for there neither roof nor structure to cover the top.

There was nothing to observe or to pick up; the ground was bare, the walls, breached, reminded him vaguely of another scene he saw somewhere else, but he couldn't remember the exact place. There was some torn metal on the ground, but it was useless scrap, nothing that was worth losing time picking.

It seems like it was a waste of time, until he noticed a tunnel, or what could more compared to hole in the ground. Was it a sign of an underground facility, or was it caused by something else that carved the earth to its advantage? Whatever caused it, it needed to be explored; the entrance wasn't blocked, like the main entrance, indicating that this part might have been spared from what happened. Maybe there were survivors, hiding in the shadows, waiting for a rescue crew to come and deliver them from their waiting. If this was the case, there wouldn't be a need for scavenging anymore.

He entered the tunnel, pondering the risk of setting a foot in this underground tunnel; it could be a trap, where rebels, bandits or monsters could be waiting for him, in ambush. Or there could be nothing, another waste of time, one that could strain his sanity to a point dangerously close to the point of no return.

It was his lucky day; there was light in the tunnel, a proof that someone constructed this passage. Maybe it was an attempt, something that was abandoned after the building was started, but he had to find to out. Maybe it could lead him to an underground facility, like a bunker or a laboratory, where he could harvest so much material.

There was a sign on the wall; he could understand what was written on it, for half of the writing was gone, but he could see the symbol. It was a strange symbol, one he never saw before; the colors were fading, but he could still see a W and a Y filling it, with some sort of motto surrounding it, but the letters were too dull, too scratched out and warned out for him to read. It was probably the logo of the colonist, but it didn't matter much to him; this wasn't private property anyway, so there little chance that this logo could would change anything in his life.

He followed the tunnel for a while, leading him further toward the bowel of darkness; there were no sounds to be heard, no signs of life, as if this was this was constructed then abandoned, a possible outcome of a mistake in planning.

He could swear that something was spying on him, following his every move; maybe it a security system, triggered by his presence that was now observing him, making sure that he wasn't going against the program. He looked around; he saw nothing of the sort. No mechanism was present nor lights that could indicate anything that sort of thing.

There were these strange formations on the walls; it seemed... organic, but what kind of animal could produce such a thing? It spread all along the tunnel, as if an intelligent being planned something beyond his comprehension.

He touched it; it was some sort of resin and, judging by the feeling it gave him, it was rather fresh. What kind of critter could produce such a thing? It was surely around, watching him; maybe he was on its territory, but it was pointless about such a thing. A mere beast was no match for him.

Or was it really? He heard a strange sound behind him, as if something landed behind him; it true that there was holes in the tunnel, used for ventilation; maybe something felt from it. It could be debris or a small beast; there were no harm in checking before continuing the trip, to make sure everything was alright.

What he saw wasn't a small beast; it wasn't even a beast. Standing a little less tall than him, the creature was something that he never saw in his life. Entirely black, covered with a hard like substance that reminded him of a bug, it was blocking his path.

Except that the bugs he knew about weren't standing on two legs, possessing razor sharp claws on the end of each digits and a bladed tail. It was drooling, or secreting a substance from its mouth; whatever it was, he had no desire to inquire what it was. The entity wasn't aggressive, but it was blocking his path.

He tried advancing, but he was greeted with a tail swipe and a hissing sound; the creature was stopping him from returning on his steps. It was surprising that it wasn't attacking him, but it wasn't planning on letting him pass. What was the purpose of this beast? Why did it want him to advance? Was it an ambush, with more of its kind waiting in the darkness?

He didn't have the time to think about; the beast advanced toward him, forcing him to take a defensive position. He thought about striking the being, forcing it to move back; the thing anticipated his move and spit on him, hitting his lance. He wondered why it would do such a thing when he heard a low, unpleasant sound; the metal of the lance was corroding, the spit melting it always.

It seemed like this creature could muster a force beyond his control; he had nothing against something that could dissolve metal and probably flesh. He could shoot it, but the splash back would affect him, making his decision a painful one.

But the animal didn't want to harm him; if it wanted to hurt him, it would have aimed toward his body and not toward the weapon. It was a warning shot, to make him understand that he couldn't resist the will of the life form in question. But it seemed odd; it didn't talk nor use tools. How could a beast have such a will?

¨Now, now... don't hurt our guest... I would like to talk to him...¨ said a voice from afar, making the strange beast calmer. Was there really someone controlling that... monster or was it something else?

He had no choice but to follow the voice anyway; the being wouldn't let him straight away from the designated path, even he desired to explore more of these tunnels. There could so much to see but at the same time, it was probably a life saver, for more of these creatures probably hide in the corridors.

He ventured into darkness, wondering where the tunnel would lead him. He could feel the creatures observe him, waiting for him to make false so they could rip him to shreds. He was thankful to whoever controlled them; it was thanks to him or her that he could still. He didn't mind death, but he die again and again in such a place, something he didn't want to experience that badly. There was so much he wanted to live, to feel before being trapped in such an endless cycle.

How could his presence be known by someone else then him and the creatures? Were they cyborgs, relegating the information about him to their master and creator?

¨Taking your time, aren't you?... It's ok; there no hurry for you to reach me... yet. But don't push your luck; it's not like I will let you toy with my patience forever. You enjoyed the sight quite enough; now get moving¨ said the voice, showing signs of impatience. He wasn't taking his time, but it was clear that his actions weren't fast enough for the one in charge of this facility. He didn't the power to displease this being, but it was a matter of time; when he would face it, he could either his way out of this situation, or he could use a little... more brutal approach to make himself clearer.

The path leads him to a chamber, smaller than he expected; if he could compare it to something he knew, it would be comparable to a storage room. It was strangely clear, has if the power was still intact in here. The people underestimated the survivors; if they were able to create such impressive work and mechanism, maybe there were more to this place then he first thought.

He looked around, but saw no one; was this a trap, a way to lure him into a closed space so he could be dealt with? But who that's that voice and where was it hiding? It couldn't be so far from here...

¨I never seems one of your kind before; I wonder if you will be... more interesting than those that kept company¨ said the voice, ever so close to him.

Where could that voice come from? There was no one in front of him, he thought, trying to look in the shadow. He saw eyes watch back at him, confirming that there was indeed someone, or something waiting for him. They were red, a color that wasn't normal to see; was the alien in question or some of mutant?

¨How rude of me, to stay there, not presenting myself; I suppose that it would... a decent thing to reveal myself, before I explain why you are here¨ said the alien in front of him, slowly retreating from the darkness.

The creature he saw was similar to the one he first met, but again, it would have been an erroneous judgement on his part to think such a thing. Yes, they shared the same skin type, or should say, exoskeleton and some of the natural weapons, such as the claws and the bladed tail, but the resemblance wasn't following after these points.

It wasn't blind, had hair that seemed to be made of the same substance that covered its body and a facial structure that was quite different from the other creature, resembling much more a reptile. Its chest wasn't protected by the same natural defense he saw on the other creature; either he was a hybrid of sort or the original being, that used itself as a model to create what it was using now.

Contrary to what forced him to move, it was wearing pants and seemed rather please to be there, unfazed by the fact that its ¨guest¨ was much taller than him.

¨What are you? What do you want of him? There is nothing this one can do for you, nor bring to you; his knowledge is limited and the only things he owns are not worth the capture he faced.¨ he told the entity in front him, wondering if he would have to bargain for his freedom or if his captor had something else in mind.

The creature looked at him, exanimating each part of his body; it made feel a bit uncomfortable, to be the center of attention like that, but there was nothing he could. It was a mere nuisance he had to deal with, but he had to support it; he didn't want to face another one of the being...

¨Hmmm... You have quite the strange way to express yourself and a little narrow view on reality, but I suppose these are normal, for someone who never... saw one of us before¨ said the being, taking a few steps toward him and passing a digit under his chin, letting it slide down on his chest before he stopped, grinning.

¨The creature you saw will not hurt you, unless you try to harm it... or me; you see, we are from the same kin, but... I have to say that while it and the rest of the others are rather purebred, I am nothing more than a mere hybrid. Or maybe I am more; after all, they do obey my orders. It seems I am considered higher ranked than a drone around here but I digress; I am sure you are... dying to know why you are, in such a place¨ said the being, grabbing his bottom a moment while he looked at him, like a predator observing a prey. It made feel weird, but aroused a bit; the attention he was getting was pleasant, but the situation didn't permit him to enjoy it to the fullest.

¨I talk, talk, but give no answer, now don't I? I didn't even tell you my name, but in this situation, it's not that important, as you will soon learn... I suppose I could tell you more about the reason of your presence here... or I could let you discover it on your own; if I were you, I would choose the second, but it's not like you much of a choice, anyway¨ said the hybrid, passing his tongue on Silent Hunter chest while caressing his lower stomach, not caring about a possible retaliation.

He wanted to push the being away, but it was already being him, its hands caressing his chest, one of them moving toward his loin while the other one was staying in place. He had to resist this... assault that was performed on him. Or was it really an assault? He didn't want to be here, but to have the attention and to be treated like that wasn't something he would reject as wrong...

Was it abuse? Or was it his own desire that was stopping him from intervening? He didn't want it stop, as he felt the hands explore him, feeling his muscles, caressing his chest, his loin, grabbing his bottom then going back to his chest. The being was smaller, but it knew how to make him feel desired...

¨Don't be so tense; there is no need to worry. You'll see, in a moment that this is the place you wanted to be a long time ago¨ said the being, passing a digit on his rising shaft, making him shudder in pleasure. The touch was delicate, just enough to remind him that he was horny, but not enough for him to get real pleasure from it.

¨Hmmm... you're quite the well hunged prey, aren't you? This is going be quite fun...¨ said the being behind him, as he could hear the sound of clothes touching the ground. He could feel something hard rub against his behind, trying to prod his tail hole without any success. The fact that it was in fact a male made his imagination run wild for a moment, fueling his desire.

He tried to grab the member that was rubbing against him, to feel it in his hand, but his attempt was thwarted by a smack on his hand, while he could feel a hand around his own shaft, stroking it softly.

¨Not yet; It want to hear you want it before you can have fun¨ the creature said, pressing the penis in his hand a bit, making his prey whimper. The pressure felt good, and combined with the stroking, there was no reason to stop him; but again, was it right to let someone use him let that?

He was nothing more than a toy, for the moment, his shaft being stroked in devilishly slow pace, the tip being teased and pressured without mercy. He could the claws teased it, making him shiver with delight; it didn't take long for him to start moaning, giving in to the urge that was growing in him.

¨It seems you just won the right to have a little fun¨ said the being, guiding one of his hands toward the dick rubbing against his bottom. He could feel the ridge on it, the soft pulsation under the skin; it was a feeling that he enjoyed, but he wondered how long he would be able to feel it.

He decided to take a gamble and stroke the shaft that he had in hand, before it he would be facing another round; he wanted to make him moan, to make him feel the same pleasure that he did. But was it possible? Or was it pipe dream, as he stroked the member in steady rhythm, feeling a shiver cross the body behind him, but getting no response.

¨Getting a bit adventurous, aren't you? I suppose I could stop you, but you are a good, obedient prey and there is more than one way to make you... enjoy your place a lot. For now, I'm sure you will enjoy the next thing I'm going to do¨ said the being, moving in front of him.

He could see him, in his glorious nudity; his lower body reminded of the drones he saw, but the blue shaft, poking in the air, made him realize that the comparison was stopping there. Before he could move, he saw him approach him, grabbing his shaft in a swift move. He wondered what the creature was going to do when he saw him lower himself, bringing his knees to the ground.

He licked the tip of the member, teasing the tantalized prey, determined on having the most fun he could get from him. He took his time to wrap his tongue around the tip, letting him moan as he started to nibble on the tender flesh.

It wasn't something he was expecting, but he was enjoying it a lot more than he could let it; the feeling of the tongue on his shaft, the suckling, the attention... Why was it happening? He was being dominated a moment ago and there he was now, being in control... or that's what he thought.

He tried to place two of his hand on the head of the creature, but they were batted away, as he felt a slight nibble on the tip of his penis, a bit harder than the tease he faced before. The message was clear; even thought that he seemed in control, he was still the one that submitted.

He could feel the pleasure surge through him, a familiar urge rise in him; it was such a wonderful feeling, but he didn't want it to end so soon. It was a this moment that he felt his member being pinched, his desire toning down a bit but still ravaging his loins.

¨You really thought I would have let you come that easily? It would ruin the fun; there a lot more to do, to enjoy before you can come. Now, let's see if you are skilled with that mouth of yours¨ said the being, placing his hand on Silent Hunter head before giving a quick thrust, not letting the time to his prey to adapt to its new position.

The flesh had a flavor different from those he had the pleasure to savor before; it was exotic, a favor that he could learn to crave, but it wouldn't be one that he could enjoy all the time, on his travel. He wanted to keep on travelling, even if meant that he would have to keep on coming here, from time to time. He knew the place and could come back with ease; but would he be left to his own device?

He could feel the being thrust in his mouth, using him to further his own pleasure; it was something that he could protest, but the flavor and the position made him reconsider that though. It was something he liked; if he was lucky, he would be able to savor more of it, more of the creature and its essence.

He was surprised when the being retired himself from his mouth, hitting the side of his maw with the tip of his shaft. ¨Don't think you can make me come now, not before I am done with you. Now, get on all four; you won't be... disappointed¨ said the creature, grinning while he saw Silent Hunter get on all four, his erect member trembling, waiting with anticipation of what could happen next.

It didn't take long before he felt the hands around his behind, caressing and massaging the flesh; he couldn't control himself as the hands worked their way on him, teasing the flesh. He let a short yelp of surprise and pleasure when he felt a quick bite on one of his cheeks, the pain not lasting enough for him to dislike it.

He felt a finger prod him, teasing his tail hole flesh; it took its time to explore what the flesh could offer, testing the resistance, trying the make more space into it. It was surprising that there was little to no resistance offered, but he assumed that he wasn't the first one taking the task of indulging him.

¨Oh, it seems like I won't be the first one to take you that way; I thought I would have to take my time... I'll just have to be... a bit rougher than usual¨ said the creature, giving a quick lick to the tempting flesh.

Silent Hunter said nothing, biting his lips at the thought that the being wanted to go rough on him. But he said he would rougher than usual, something that could mean two things; either it would not as soft as usual or... he didn't want to think about it, but his body reacted strongly to the thought, making his shaft twitch.

He felt the member rub against his entrance, prodding at the hungry, impatient flesh. The tease went on, making him trying to impale himself on it, but not avail, as it was retired each he tried, making his desire rise, his will erode. He wanted it inside of him, but all he could receive was frustration, as his lust rise, a digit caressing his shaft while his hole was being teased without mercy.

When he felt the member enter him, he had difficulty keeping a yelp of surprise; he didn't expect the thrust to be so fast and without precaution. But as it kept on going, the shock from the initial penetration was quick to leave him, making him clench his cheeks, trying to feel it the most he could.

Each thrust was bliss; the sensation of the flesh invading his hole, going in a depth that he couldn't reach alone, not that he didn't try before. He could feel the warmth of the other male spread in him, each thrust making him pant from the pleasure he felt. The sensation was too much to think about; the feeling of the flesh rubbing one against his own, their body making one for the moment.

He was dominated, submitted to the will of the creature, which was having his way with him and he loved it; he was treated in a way that he knew that he deserved, for he needed to be taken by a male that knew his place.

He could feel the rhythm accelerate a bit; harder the being trusted in him, louder he moaned, making the creature quite satisfied of his work. But it wasn't enough; moans were one thing, but he wanted his prey to be louder, much louder than this. What would be the point of getting a prey excited if it one wouldn't be able to satisfy it a decent matter?

Without hesitation, he grabbed the shaft, giving it a quick squeeze before he started stroking it; his prey needed to be stimulated on more than one level, to be fully subdued. He couldn't ignore this obvious fact; he didn't enjoy leaving half satisfied prey around, after all. Who knows, he could still play with it after....

The contact of the hand on his shaft made him bite his lips; he didn't want to come yet, but the pleasure was starting to get out of his control, making his knees weak, trembling under his weight.

His edge was closing in; each movement made the prey moaned, making him accelerate, making them louder, pleasing him. He could feel the flesh tighten up around his member, trying to milk him; the attempts were getting stronger and faster, making him realize that he wouldn't be able to last very long.

Giving a final thrust, he came in his prey, filling it with his essence, while he was stroking it with vigor; it didn't take long for it to follow him, the combined pleasure overwhelming it, his seed spilling on the ground.

Silent Hunter felt the seeds fill him, the hands caressing his back while the creature was panting a bit, still thrusting in him, trying to get rid of the excess energy that was inhabiting him. This was sure a strange situation; he was in a cave, forced to follow a path and now... there he was, passing the time of his life...

¨Did you enjoy your time? You see, there was no reason for you to be nervous; it was something you enjoyed, didn't you? ¨ said the creature, removing himself, giving a quick lick to the back of its temporary partner before smacking his behind.

He didn't know what to answer to the creature; he didn't want to give the wrong impression to him, but there was also the point that he didn't desire to look too easy, as if he seek such a situation in the first place. He wanted to give the impression that he was still in control, or at least, somehow able to decide about the whereabouts of the situation. But a part of him knew that this was wrong; he enjoyed this situation and even if wanted to deny, the truth wasn't there.

A thought rose into him, a strange, yet exotic one that made him shiver with delight; if his partner was a predator, as he could hear him call him a prey. Would it be possible that he would be a real prey? Not only a mere partner for pleasure but a prey that would face the same fate as any other one? But could he really ask such a thing? He didn't want to make things uncomfortable between them...

¨You seem quite silent; is something tormenting you? You didn't enjoy it? Or is there something else, something you want to me? ¨ said the being, looking him in the eyes, being strangely affectionate and caring.

¨There is one thing this one would like to ask... but he doesn't know how to ask it or if he should really bother with it¨ he replied, looking at the red eyes of the being, unable to say what was wandering in his mind. He wondered what could be the reaction of the creature of he was to say what he was really thinking. It was something he enjoyed, but it was hard to find others that enjoyed it as well... If he was lucky, maybe the answer could be positive... But again, if the answer were to be negative, what would he do next?

¨This one would like... to be eaten alive; you are a predator, aren't you? Could you... swallow him, so he could feel like a delicious meal for a short moment? Don't worry about him; he can reform after any lethal injury¨ he added, not giving the time to the creature to reply.

The creature stayed silent for a moment, as if the declaration shocked it; for a predator, its hunting instinct weren't turned much toward the treatment of prey after capturing them. Sure, he seemed to know how to have fun with them, but was he afraid of eating them? Was it possible that for him, hunting wasn't related to consumption?

¨I could eat you... but I have to warn you; you would be the first one that would actually face that fate. I also have to warn you that you would be staying long in me; my metabolism is faster than you think and you would be expelled rather... quickly¨ said the creature, looking at him.

¨Then do it; have neither fear nor hesitation. Swallow this one whole; make him feel like a real prey¨ he replied, trying to encourage the being into performing the act he was dreaming about, the one that could be accomplished with a little will.

The creature was silent, as if he was calculating the best way to indulge its prey in the fantasy that it just exposed. Or maybe it was trying to find a way out of this situation; after all, it wasn't that comfortable with the desire expressed and no one could force it to follow it. He could run away, leaving his prey behind, letting it in the hands of the drones, which would surely have plans for it.

Without a word, he grabbed the paws of his prey, dragging him toward him; it took Silent Hunter by surprise, for he did not expect such a thing to happen. But it was a pleasant surprise, one that he desired more than anything.

He watched as he saw the being lift his leg toward his maw, giving a quick lick to the sole of his feet before letting them slide in him, his hands pushing the body toward the gullet. He didn't oppose any resistance; there was no point in such a thing, as he felt the warm throat surround his legs, the moist flesh and the muscles massaging his muscles, dragging him toward the stomach.

More his body pass through the maw and the throat, more he could that pleasant feeling of completeness; he was in such a warm place, treated in such a nice way, why would it be a bad thing? It felt so good to be here, the muscles pushing down toward his final destination, compressing him, rubbing his body in a way that he never thought possible.

He felt the hand push him further down and soon, his paws were engulfed as well, the darkness engulfing him, making his experience closer to the dream he had. He was in the stomach, waiting for the next step to happen, feeling good to be such a good meal, curious to know if he had a pleasant taste or not. It was question that he could ask him when he would reform... for now, all that he really cared about was the feelings assailing him.

The creature caressed his distended stomach, full from the oversize prey he just swallowed a moment ago. He didn't know how much time it would time for his meal to dissolve, but he was satisfied that it wasn't it was struggling; he didn't want to fight something that could tear his guts apart.

He could feel that acids dissolve him; it was painful, but it was a pain he seek, one that he desired above else. He would be a meal, a sensation that he enjoyed; he wasn't able to see anything, but he could feel his body parts melt, the acid corroding them.

The bulge was shrinking, permitting him to move again; he decided to leave the cavern, leaving the equipment behind him. The digestion was getting faster, as the mass was dwindling in a rapid pace, eroding the thought of the being that occupied that space a moment ago.

The outside world was strange to look at, but it made a nice difference to go there, for a while; he needed to see it, to explore what kind of ship brought that being into this world. He was only familiar with the one that brought him here; he wondered how many type of ships existed out?

It was smaller than imagined, disappointing him a bit; he was waiting for an impressive vessel, something that mark the imagination, but the only thing he saw was a small shuttle, make a single individual. He didn't know how to use it; it was a shame, but he was sure that his... meal could help, when he would come back.

He felt a rubbing in his guts; an urge was rising in him, something that needed to be taken care with haste, before he would resume the exploration. After a short survey of the environment, he found a secluded spot, giving the peace he needed to finish his business. With a grunt, he expelled the small, acidic, dried remains; he wondered how the being would come back from this state, but when he would, there would be a lot to do...