Arawn's Summer Meals

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The hungry croc finds he is hungry from his long journey. Thank goodness the houses nearby will provide good food.

It was a nice warm night. Welcoming and enjoyable as some people lay in their beds with the windows open. Most with screens on them so bugs wouldn't try to enter. The river nearby these homes were clear and a little warmed thanks to the summer sun from earlier. Children were happy to sleep with their windows open as well as the adults.

But something lurked in the river. It had just came in thanks to a long journey. He had noticed the houses with his golden colored eyes and knew of the humans that lived in there. He had taken a few in his old river before. Humans would call it monstrous but they all had to eat and once you're in the river you should believe that you are prey. He finally got out of the water carefully, seeing no one but not taking any risks. The night hid him well and it seemed no other diles or gators lived here. If they did he sure didn't notice them.

Arawn walks on, carrying his twenty foot long body with him carefully out of the water and onto the sand and grass. He was very hungry and though some fish were in the water they wouldn't satisfy no. He would have to be cautious though because these humans can kill him. He had seen it a few times before to his brethren and that made him cautious. He moves on, looking at the houses in wonder. Why do these two legged creatures choose to live in these strange places? Didn't they like the outside?

He shook his head a little at the thought as he wanders on. Next thing to come was tough. He would have to get in through the window. He did come to the first house and nudged at the door but found that he couldn't open it and didn't try to force it out of fear he'd make to much noise. But some sound caught his attention, giggling?

He follows the giggles through an open gate to the back of the house. There he saw something swimming about in.. water? Why swim here when the river was bigger? He once again couldn't understand and slowly got a closer look at the thing in the water. He finally saw what it was. A small human. What were they called? A cub.. no it was a child. He looks around and saw no adult nearby and considering the boy's giggles were a little lowered now meant he was not really supposed to be out here. And that may work in his favor.

This child was probably only seven years old and stayed on the shallow side. He swam around, showing he can. Not fast though. The croc slowly slid into the pool and went under the water, brushing along the boy's feet which only caused another giggle. Arawn wasn't very surprised. The children at times didn't understand danger. He slowly helped the child to the stairs. The child finally sat down and watched as a large creature poked it's head up. "Hehe fwiend?" He asked.

The croc let himself be shown and looks as the child sit down, feet in the water. He had heard the child talk and just brushes his nose against the feet which made the little boy giggle again and try to pet at the crocodile. Arawn opens his jaws and quickly made the little legs enter his maw. The child let out a confused sound as the dile took hold of the legs gently and pulls him into the water, tilting his head up and let the child slide into his large maw. It was easy as the child squirmed in confusion but could only watch as his 'friend' easily ate him alive.

He let the boy slide all the way into his jaws and with just one gulp he sent the boy into his hungry belly that welcomed the little meal. The flavor was amazing to him. Soft, a little salty but delicious. The squirms within him were good but he knew this little meal couldn't fill him. He slowly got out of the pool with his belly a little bigger and showing some squirms in it. He had to get some others. This was a buffet here.

The evidence of what happened was gone within a few hours. The evidence was just footprints and something looking like it was dragging it's belly from the water but the evidence evaporated and was gone. He continued out, avoiding some houses as he walks on, yawning some. No he can't sleep now. He will once his belly was stuffed! He goes to a house and saw the sliding glass door half open. He noticed the lights were off meaning the one here must be asleep. He carefully opened the door, letting it slide and it allowed his body in. No evidence would be left, no foot prints on this hard wood flooring as he goes from room to room, searching for a new meal.

A woman lived here alone and had planned on family coming in a week or so. She was asleep in her bed, hair still damp from the shower she had taken a half hour ago. Her body was naked thanks to wanting to be cool due to the heat. The heat made the dile almost smile. It was nice. He moves into the bedroom and knew she was there. She looked like she was practically waiting for him. No clothing at all on her which he once again wondered why they'd wear it.

She was asleep and he hoped for her to remain so. He moves to the foot of her bed, seeing her lay on her back with her feet together. Perfect! He was careful once again and opens his maw and took her feet into his maw, using his body carefully to climb up and help push his maw over her. He slowly swallowed her sleeping form up. It was easy and she showed little sign of waking up. He finally and quickly reached her breasts and that is where he tilted his head up and let her slide down into his belly with a few tilts. How amazing these humans were. She woke up to late and her confused sound was muffled and he closed his jaws, sealing her fate. He had noticed his squirming was doubled now and the female scream was muffled and impossible to hear by the neighbors.

He was filled but once again he was sure he had room for at least one more child. He would see if there were any on the way back to the river. His stomach was bigger now, full of squirming. The child didn't understand and must've told the woman where they were. But it was no use no matter how much they squirmed they were food. Nourishment.

He had saw a open window on the way back to his river and he once again took a look in the room. And there was a crib and he noticed a very small human sleeping. He pondered and just right when he was about to come in he heard a yawn coming from the other side of the little room and there was a bigger child, not as big as the one he had consumed but still.

He saw the little boy open his tired eyes and look at the window which made Arawn freeze! What if he cried? What if the parents came and saw him full of two meals? He was ready to get away but the child stood up and smiles up at the dile and.. started to sing. It was strange. The song was none other then Never Smile at A Crocodile from Peter Pan. Of course the child was way to young to understand the meaning out about ninety percent of the lyrics. The child waddled right up to the large dile and puts a little hand on his nose.

Arawn was surprised as well as getting a idea. He now knew what his main prey could be. These children were to young to know he was a predator.. a danger. Also it really shows no gator or dile were around here. Without another thought he opens his jaws, getting ready to lunge-

Suddenly and surprisingly the child put his head and arms right into the maw feeling around! This startled the dile but after a moment he was back to what he intended to do and his jaws slowly make their way over the little boy, closing around him where only his feet were out of the jaws. He moves out with his meal in his maw and moves on toward the river, hearing giggles as the young soon to be meal moves around happily in the killer jaws like it was a game.

The movements had ceased within his belly. He tilts his head back and the boy happily slid down his throat with laughter as he slid down the wet 'slide' and landed in the stomach where he moves around, giggling still as he felt some patting along the walls. "Yay!" The child called, not noticing the other meals.

Arawn patted his now belly full of prey. "So curious aren't we? What great taste you have, so happy to enter my belly my meal" He said, knowing the child couldn't understand. He slowly slide into the river and the meals in his belly didn't weigh him down as he travels back down the river. He would go into hiding to digest his food and so the humans wouldn't discover him.

There would be no evidence. No sign on what happened. Kidnapping or running away. Not once has anyone guessed that they were eaten by a twenty foot reptile. And they would never find one. Arawn waited patiently as his meal slowly became nourishment for him. It'd be a good few weeks before more children and adults go missing. And the culprit was never found. This was the good life.