Kovu and Mipa: Time at Last

Story by Shalion on SoFurry

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#14 of Kovu and Mipa

Mipa's clock gives Kovu renewed energy in their relationship

"Hmmph..." Mipa moaned as Kovu prodded her. She drew in a deep breath and Kovu heard it rasp in her fattened throat in a way that it hadn't just a few moons ago.

"Mipa." said Kovu a little louder, and shook her more vigorously. Her shoulder, rotund and heavy, jiggled profusely with the motion of his paw. Kovu relished the sensation of Mipa's softness. "It's time to get up, lazy cat."

Mipa coughed wetly and yawned, her jaw creasing where her fatty neck welled up thickly against it. Sleep hung more heavily on her these days it seemed. She smiled warmly up at Kovu when she came fully aware, however. "Good afternoon, Kovu." she said and reached up her neck.

The touched noses, as they often did now, and Kovu moved his paw so as to ruffle the fur and loose skin abundant behind her ears. "Let's get going shall we?" Kovu said taking the standard position by the fattened lioness. She nodded and began to get to her feet.

Kovu helped Mipa get up as he usually did, although she was quite capable of getting up by herself. Mipa pushed up with her forepaws, her hindfeet splayed out to the side to allow room for her gorgeous tummy. Her chest dropped low and forward between her forelegs, and there was hardly any empty space left behind her legs when she was sitting up, so big her belly had grown. Stretchmarks showed through the fur there, evidence of how fast she had collected her newfound weight. She slouched where she sat, a result of her sheer bulk altering the dimensions of her body and the ways it could move. After shifting her weight forward with a couple false starts, she leaned against Kovu, straining with her splayed hind feet to raise her weighty hindquarters. Kovu rose when she was on her feet - she took a few deep breaths to steady herself, her flanks expanding roundly - and took in her granduer.

Mipa was a wholey new cat in his eyes. Standing, her generous belly fell just past her knees, well below the level of her own deeply padded chest. Her torso had gained significant depth but it also gained substantial width. Her flanks spread to either side of her roundly and very plump. She'd been growing past the original width of her shoulders for some time now and currently she sported a little more than half of Kovu's own width to either side of her where sheer solid bulk rested against her. Those flanks then curved out and down all the way to the level of her sagging tummy, making Mipa a very large cat.

She brushed against his chest as he stared at her. She purred, rumbling in her thick chest. "I'm hungry." she said playfully, in their own running joke.

Kovu laughed and reached up to pinch her fat flank with a paw, finishing with a couple pats to her bovine flank. "Well, let's go find you something to eat, then. Before you waste away." He made the mistake of turning away from her and received a pinch to his own flank. Mipa had a good sized roll of skin from the side of his abdomen between the pads of her paw.

"You're not exactly wasting away either, tub-cat." said Mipa, giving him a silly wink.

The nerve of that girl! laughed Kovu in his mind. She had a valid point, however. His frame had not escaped entirely intact with the recent deluge of food. Kovu had developed a small belly. And it was a real belly, as Mipa would frequently point out; it curved out from his abdomen, a small inverted hill of tan colored fur. His was nothing compared to Mipa's nor as sensually soft, but she tended to gently jab him about his weight. He didnt mind at all; he thought it was healthy for her to do so, especially given the daily reality of her own weight.

Kovu could felt the new weight on him as he walked down the slope from the glade, following Mipa. As much as Mipa liked to talk about his small rounded belly, a lot more of his new weight had found itself planted on his shoulders and neck, as well as his thighs and the base of his tail. His shoulders had broadened markely, but they were soft to the touch and less musclature showed despite the fact that the new fat was quite firm and dense. He could still feel it jiggle and shake slightly as he walked, however. The story was the same for his thickened haunches, though fortunately they still did not rub together the way Mipa's fat turkey thighs did. Mipa did not believe him when he told her that he was getting fat around his neck and chest area. "You just look handsome and muscular, Kovu." she would say, and he could not tell if she was lying for his benefit or not.

As for Mipa, Kovu didn't have to lie. He loved every inch of her and every inch that she continued to put on. It had been facinating to watch her expand week by week, moon by moon, from a pudgy cat into sagging barrel shaped goliath who out massed his own increased weight three times over. Kovu figured that, considering her smaller frame, she really weighed over four times her 'proper' weight. Fortunately for Mipa, she was still young and carried all the extra weight well.... er, well, certainly well enough.

Mipa couldn't run, she couldn't even really jog anymore; she complained that her chest and belly flapped around too much when she tried. She waddled. Kovu licked his lips, watching her bulk sway from behind. And she was good at it. The whole of her fatty body seemed in motion when she walked. Mipa's bovine flanks swung side to side in her slow, easy gait, her spine curving side to side more degrees that Kovu would have thought comfortable. Her thighs, having become quite excessively blobby, rolled across one another, using the give in the skin to prevent rubbing. The tall shelf of fat at her tail head tiltled left and right as she sauntered, jiggling madly at each reverse. Between her hindlegs, Kovu could see her belly shifting. Loose dark skin accumulated at the bottom edge of her wide gut, bifrucated by the bowed out ligand which supported her abdomen. As her wide flanks shifted left and right widely, the bottom barely shifted, though each step shook the loose amalgamation of cellulite and skin like it was filled with soft pudding. Kovu could hear the underside of her tummy scraping against her knees as she walked.

It was honestly an effort to keep his purely animal side under control. Kovu had kept himself diligently in line despite the increasing temptation that Mipa offered as she ate with reckless abandon, seemingly trying to tighten the sensation he got in his loins when he looked at her. The only reason he had been able to keep himself in line this long was that one missing ingredient. A male lion's libido was highly tuned to one specific scent, almost reliant on it, in fact. The scent of a female in heat. Kovu would not say that males were non-sexual creatures without a receptive female around, but usually sex was not on their minds unless that certain scent wafted on the breeze... and then it drove them mad. Sometimes - even as he longed for it to come - he worried about how he would react when Mipa's time inevitably come. He just hoped that their relationship could survive once the beast inside of him was unleashed.

Mipa's breath was fairly heavy despite the fact that they were walking down hill. She didn't usually talk until she could sit beside one of her traps (and ask Kovu to fetch her things and make adjustments elsewhere), but right now she did. "Kovu?" she asked, turning her head against her thick neck slightly so that he could just catch a glimmer of crystal blue as she kept moving slowly in front of him.


She took a deep breath and let it out before speaking, though she was already breathing heavy, so it may have just been a natural breath. "Kovu, I've been meaning to ask you something for the past couple weeks."

Kovu's green eyes widened. Effortlessly, he flowed up to walk at her side. Every two steps, her rocking flank banged against his side; Kovu decided not to widen the gap between them. "What is it?" he asked her.

Air hissed between her teeth. "I've been putting this off, but now there isn't anymore time."

Frowning, Kovu cut across her path, forcing the fattened lioness to stop. After just a moment, she let her hindlegs fold under her, gratefully letting the great weight of her belly and rear end onto the ground. Her brisket protruded in front of her like a large, fuzzy grey fruit; it protruded nearly as far as her nose. Kovu's loins tightened again, and he had to strongly reel in the urges that seemed to pulse outwards from his crotch and lower belly. He was already half-guessing. "Mipa, what is it?" he put his paw on her, but she turned her face away.

When their faces met again, her blue eyes were piercing. "Kovu... Are you ready to start a Pride? With me?"

As an answer, Kovu pushed forward, his neck against hers and crushed her to his chest as hard as he could. "Am I ready?" he cried, real tears of relief sliding down his snout and onto her chocolate fur. "I couldn't imagine better news! I love you Mipa."

She sighed, crying a little herself, and pushed against his much firmer body, letting him feel some of her formidable weight. He could take it. "Any day now, Kovu, we'll be able to make some cubs together."

Somehow, Kovu found even more strength to squeeze her soft torso and the harder he squeezed, the more she sighed relaxed into him. Neither one of them wanted to break the embrace for a long time. Even Mipa didn't mind if they missed out on checking some of the traps this evening.

The storm rolled in from the east about an hour before dusk, just as Kovu had foreseen. Water blanketed the oasis like a curtain and thunder boomed in the skies overhead as the Ancestors lashed their tails. Checking the soggy traps suddenly became trebly difficult. Mipa sat on a bed of lush ferns which held the ground together despite the liquid onslaught and dictated instructions to Kovu. The black maned lion honestly didn't mind as he tugged on vine and rope with his teeth or tried manipulating Mipa's delicate mechanisms with his still clumsy paws. All he had to do was look over his shoulder to see the rewards for his effort.

Kovu had developed a powerful physical attraction for the chocolate furred lioness. Her soft, round, bulging form seemed exquisitely feminine, at once powerful in her sheer mass and delicate in her increasing lethargy. The fact that she chose to ask him to perform menial tasks she used to do herself was actually more of a turn-on than a hassle. The rain came down and smoothed the fur on her wide back. Where she lay, her flank swelled in a vast, smooth brown plain transitioning to her grey tummy which sprawled generously over the damp ferns past her knees. "Now you have to lift the counterbalance, Kovu." she shouted at him over the thunder.

"The what?" asked Kovu, cluelessly.

"That log over there." tittered the lioness, waving her paw in the general direction. "You dummy." she added affectionately under her breath, but still loud enough for him to hear.

Kovu grinned and moved over to where she directed, splashing through ankle deep, black mud. Working in the rain was not so bad, when it came right down to it. He was soaked and muddy, but the effort kept him warm and being well fed these last several months had stockpiled his form with both new muscle and new sleekness; he was up to the challenge. As Kovu hauled the weight of the log high up into the canopy to provide energy for the snare, he thought about what Mipa had told him, about how much she'd change in the last several months and how much things between them had stayed the same.

Mipa weight, just like the height of the log he was raising increased as time went on, and so increased Kovu's physical attraction to her. However high the log went, however, the tension of the vine he was holding in his jaws stayed the same, much like the tension that still existed between himself and Mipa. Now that he thought about it, remarkably little had changed between them. They shared the fruits of their respective hunting techniques and slept together every night. Kovu learned about balances and triggers and knots and Mipa learned more about how to behave socially as a lion. However, Kovu still did not know much about her past, nor even the very basic reason why it was that no amount of food ever seemed to be enough for Mipa's greedy maw.

When the lioness saw food, she became someone else. Normally quiet and subdued, she became straightforward and insistent in eating protocols, favoring anything which increased her own portions. No matter what they caught or how much, it never seemed to be enough to satisfy her. She ate until she couldn't possibly eat anymore. Kovu hadn't questioned it, hadn't wanted to question it. It was too much of a turn-on to watch her eat and sigh and imagine her belly getting rounder still, her body heavier and softer. And when she'd obviously begun to slow down due to her sheer weight, that had been a turn-on too. He'd been at her beck and call these last months together, just so that she wouldn't feel the hassle of her own bulky body, hoping that she wouldn't change her ways. In a way, it had been glorious.

And now everything was coming to a head. With Mipa coming into heat, he could finally fulfill everything his adolescent hormones have been demanding of him. He would feel her soft girth under him, the breadth of her wide back between his forepaws... His brawn would be contrast to her doughy softness. Kovu sighed with longing.

"Kovu!" shouted Mipa and the lion felt the vine slipping between his teeth. He bit down. "Concentrate on what you're doing, Kovu!" she chided. "You know how long it took me to find a vine that long?"

Kovu, holding the long vine in his mouth, turned his head and winked at the fattened lioness, mumbling something incoherent. She waved him off with a lazy paw. Kovu snorted and pulled down with the strength in his shoulders and neck. However his mind turned to less pleasant topic, brought to life by the friction burn he'd suffered on his chops."What about after? thought Kovu. What about when she is my mate and we have cubs?" Kovu honestly had some difficulty imagining Mipa as more than a sexual object. He'd ignored so much about her, simply for who she is and what she's been becoming; namely something straight out of his deepest darkest fantasies. Mipa was at the heaviest she'd ever been in her life and - with any luck - would soon be pregnant. "Could there be any drawbacks other than the sheer weight of being so heavy?" Kovu wondered. He didn't know. He'd never met another fat lion. Another reason why Mipa seemed so intensely interesting and unique. Still, faced with the prospect of starting a new pride with her, Kovu wondered for the first time if what he wanted for her might not actually be in Mipa's best interests... No, that wasn't quite right. It was the first time that he cared if it was in Mipa's best interests or not.

Mipa waddled over after Kovu had finished lifting the weight. Effortlessly, she tied a complex knot, finishing the snare. Water dripped from her chin and she said, "Phew. That's one done." She let out a breath like she'd done any of the actual work, but she grinned and Kovu knew she was teasing him. He stepped forward and nuzzled his face against her chubbier one.

Kovu began walking then along the route that he'd since memorized. "Hopefully the next one will have something in it." he commented.

Mipa supplied an answer she knew Kovu would like. "Good, because I'm starving."

Kovu chuckled. She'd been giving him more of these one liners and he still wasn't sure if she meant them or if she was just saying them because she knew he liked it. As her big belly was rocking towards his side, he sauntered over and banged his flank against hers. She stumbled just a bit, knocked off ballence. Kovu said, "I don't know about that. You look pretty round to me, and you're not even pregnant... yet!"

Mipa bared her teeth at him, but turned it into a grin and stuck her tongue out at him as she recovered her waddling gait; Kovu wondered if she could indeed run anymore. "Only because you keep stuffing me full of monkeys and forest pigs!" Mipa grunted. She meant it as a joke, but Kovu wondered how much she really meant it. She continued, tossing her head and throwing a stream of water off of her, "And I'll be getting even rounder when the little ones come." She winked at him

Kovu smiled an honest smile despite his recent turmoil. He put his head over Mipa's neck, feeling her soft warmth under him. "I'll like that, Mipa."

"I know you will, Kovu." said Mipa, raising her head slightly. Kovu's eyes widened a little when she added. "Just don't ever leave me."

The lion's breath caught in his throat momentarily at the sound of fierce passion in her voice. As he removed his head, he managed. "I won't Mipa. I promise." The black-maned lion cleared his throat and shook his mane so that it was out of his eyes. "I think I see something dangling up ahead..."


The middle of the evening found the two cats back in Mipa's glade high in the oasis. The catch had been heavy with well fleshed monkeys and ground nesting birds. With the oasis having doubled in size already with the rains, there was a lot of food to go around. As ever, there only seemed to be enough food to satisfy Mipa's craven hunger despite the obvious bounty.

It continued to rain and Kovu watched, drenched to the bone as Mipa smacked her chops and tore meat away from the small bodies to swallow in big gulps. The sight made him feel tense and hot and tightened his loins. Though he was still a little hungry, he passed over a small limp primate, just so Mipa could stuff herself just a little bit more. It made him feel so good to see her take it with no resistance at all. After all, everything belonged to her already, or so went the hasty reasoning. But then again, would Mipa be setting as many traps as they currently had if she'd had to do all the work? Especially with all the new bulk weighing down her feline frame. Kovu licked his chops, savoring his own meal for the eyes.

Change was hard, though perhaps recognition was the first step to achieving a new equilibrium. Kovu was willing to take it slow. He had enough on his plate just now and the first order of business was how to show Mipa that he could be a King her her eyes...