Migraines in Business

Story by deltroon1986 on SoFurry

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#2 of Life Finds a Way

Here's the next installment I hope it's just as good. So any and all comments are greatly appreciated. Enjoy everyone

Recently Updated.

"Hello, Cheryl I'm guessing you had other arrangements, since you weren't present for the board meeting. So explain to me why come here to express not only your condolences but, congratulations as well?" I said trying to mind my manners. Let me tell you something about this woman, that can be summed up in three words; Lover of Death. She holds 90% of the each military branch's top secret and weapon contracts.

"Yes, I had an important meeting which couldn't be rescheduled. So do you have a few minutes to talk or should I make an appointment?" She replied curiously. Before giving Cheryl an answer I looked over my shoulder at Vala. The look she gave me said it would be a very bad idea to invite her inside. Cheryl noticed me silently checking with Vala and she clearly didn't like it.

"What's the matter can't make decisions without having to consult your barely dressed pet?" She asked. Vala growled in response to her rude comment, I raised my arm up silencing her. "Listen and listen well, Cheryl I own the controlling interest of my father's company. So I'm going to let you off with a warning. Don't even think about trying anything or you'll be kicked off the board without a second thought." I replied.

Cheryl didn't even flinch in response to my warning but, she knew better than to try. "Alright, far be it from me to argue with you Clark, so I'll keep that in mind. Answer something for me, how did a horn-dog like her become second in command. Though I've got a pretty strong idea just how she went about getting it." She stated looking at Vala's body. This time Vala snarled fiercely, causing Cheryl's bodyguards to flinch.

"Vala, go inside she's even not worth the time it'd take to bite her scrawny throat out. Cheryl you've got two strikes left and if I were you I'd leave while you're still on the board." I replied walking upstairs towards the front door. She stood there bottom glaring angrily before climbing back into her limo. The moment I closed and locked the front door Vala just let her pent up anger loose.

"Who does that fucking little cunt kisser think she is? I'd love to personally show her who the top bitch really is." Vala snarled cracking her knuckles for emphasis. Before she could work herself up any further I walked over and rubbed her neck. Her body began to relax in my touch as she kept ranting verbally. As the soft soothing pleasure worked its way through her she started to croon.

"Oooh, that feels so nice." She cooed leaning against me. I started kissing down her neck then along her shoulder and back up. By the time she actually noticed what I was really doing. She was too caught up in the pleasure to really care about anything else. "Vala why don't you go take a nice relaxing bath while I get dinner started." I whispered into her ear. Vala's ear flicked a little as she nodded and went upstairs.

When I heard the bathroom door close I walked slowly towards the kitchen. The first place I went to was the fridge to find something that wouldn't take long to cook. Once I found something she'd enjoy I got everything else I needed. As I mixed and prepped all the ingredients the whirlpool tub turned on. So she was going to be up there for a while, which gave me plenty of time to cook.

About thirty minutes later the oven beeped, I opened the door and pulled the roast out. Gently closing the door with my foot, I set the pan on the cooling rack. By this time Vala had already dried off and threw on a simple night gown before entering the kitchen. "Ah, you're just in time Vala, is there anything else you want with dinner?" I wondered turning around. She said no as she grabbed a pair of plates and utensils.

During dinner we ate quietly until Vala rubbed her foot against my lower leg. "Yes, what is it love?" I wondered looking up. This soft seductively look came to her face was all the info I needed. Like I said before when a third generation breeder finds their ideal mate. That is the person in the world they ever want to have sex with. Again in our particular case Vala and I grew up to be each other's ideal mate.

We claimed each other's virginity after Vala figured the timing of her heat cycle. Once she knew it was safe, that night we spent the first night just learning the mechanics. The following day we enjoyed what felt like the best sex ever. Around nine o'clock that morning my father grew worried so he went upstairs to check on us. When he entered my room only to see scattered clothing and us cuddled naked in bed.

He didn't say anything at that moment he decided to wait until later to say something. An hour later, we woke up, took a shower, then got dressed and finally went downstairs. Dad kindly asked us to keep the sex to a minimum when he's home. Not that he had any problems with it, he simply wanted to avoid any embarrassment. So we did our best though sometimes Vala's libido proved hard to ignore.

Luckily we kept our heavy intimacy out of dad's radar for the most part. There was one project I'm hoping to resume is to find a way for humans and anthros to conceive children. Considering Vala really wants to be the mother of my children some day. After I get myself oriented enough with the daily in and outs of the company's routines. I'll assemble a team and pick up right where dad left off, a year before his passing.

While I flashed back we finished eating and made ourselves comfy in the parlor. Vala was clicking through the TV channels trying to find something to watch. Sadly there wasn't anything really worth watching, she turned the TV off. The next thing she did was get up and stretched out before looking at me. She crawled into my lap then rested against my chest and nuzzled under my chin.

I wrapped my arms loosely around her waist and kissed the top of her head. She turned around in my arms, wrapped her arms around and held me tight. "Since, there's nothing on TV why don't we call a night?" I asked causing her to look up. Vala took a moment to think about her options before giving me a response. "What else do you have in mind if I agree to turn in early?" She asked.

"I'm pretty sure a talented lady like, yourself can find something to entertain herself with." I smiled. She didn't even waste a second with her smart ass remark. "Oh, naturally I'm looking at my source of amusement right now. Let's go big boy, Devil Wolfess is still itchy and you're gonna finish scratching my itch." She smirked. From there she got up, pulled me to my feet and escorted me upstairs.

The size of her sex drive still amazes me most of the time but, I'm not one to whine. Honestly what man in his right mind would complain when he's getting plenty of great sex? As we reached the top of the staircase the phone started ringing. She hoped the phone would stop but, it didn't she growled annoyingly. So I walked over into the study and reached for the phone on the desk. "Hello, who this?" I wondered answering it.

"Hank, is that you?" A male voice replied. This gentleman was looking for my father and yet he sounded familiar. "No, this is Clark, Hank's son what can I do for you?" I informed. "Hey, Clark it's your godfather Eddie, how's it going big guy?" He said cheerfully. So I filled him in on everything that's happened over the months. He was silent for a moment before he explained his reason for calling.

"Wow, Clark I don't know what to say, I'm sorry just doesn't seem like enough. Though the reason why I called is there's an anthro handler who wants to retire. Sadly he's still got one left and nobody is very interested in taking her. I'm hoping that your dad would be willing adopt her or find somebody to." He pointed out. I looked over at Vala standing in the doorway and decided to help.

"Sure, Eddie what info do you have on the anthro in question?" I asked. Vala's ears perked up when she heard that then Eddie started telling me. The anthro is named Corna she's a second generation laborer with a strong attitude problem. Her handler would give us all of her records if we choose to adopt her. The next I asked Eddie to do was come by the house, pick us up and head there.

"Clark, are you sure she may still be partially feral, hence the attitude problem." Vala said with concern. Granted I was unsure myself but, I couldn't ignore someone that needed help. "Vala I understand where you're coming from but, I can't ignore this. This feels like the right thing to do but, I understand if you want to remain home." I replied. As I walked downstairs, Vala chased after me and waited on the porch with me.

Eddie's car pulled out front thirty minutes later, we jumped in and drove off. Every so often Eddie would glance at Vala sitting quietly in the back seat. The look on his face to me, they crossed paths in the past and couldn't remember from where. "Tell me something Vala have we meet before?" Eddie asked as she looked at him. She took a few moments to look at his features and search her memory.

"Honestly, I can't say that I recall ever meeting you outside this evening Eddie." She replied. "I can swear that I've run across a wolfess with you're striking features somewhere." He pointed out. The two continued to talk for a while trying to find a solution. Without warning a theory flashed across my mind that seemed the most plausible. So I decided to voice my opinion and hoped it was the right one.

"Eddie is it possible that you might've run across her mother some time ago. Since dad said Vala is almost the spitting image of her mother before she was adopted." I stated hoping my assumption was right. They were quiet for a moment as they processed my theory. Sure enough it clicked with Eddie the more he thought about it. When he finally found the memory he was searching for he replied.

"That's it I did meet your mother ten years ago and I mistook you for her." Eddie stated slapping his forehead. Vala sat there clearly unsure on how to proceed with this topic. I already knew Vala never got to see her mother after she was born. Since a nice foster family came by and agreed to be her care takers. Until my father came along and adopted her into our small broken family years later.

"Are you certain I look just like her, Eddie?" She asked sounding very unsure. I took a second to shuffle in my seat and look at her with concern before he replied. "Yeah, you could be taken for her twin except for a few minor things. She's a first generation breeder and I'm sure you can picture her features. Sadly those do put your very lovely figure to absolute shame no offense." He started saying.

"When I interacted with her, she was somewhat timid around me and other people. After a while she did warm up to me and what allured me was her eye color. She had one dark yellow eye and one purple eye, very pretty honestly. I know where to find her if you want me to Vala though I wouldn't get your hopes up. Nayane, that's her name though she probably won't recognize you. Though you two are aware of what's done when any anthro gives birth." He finished.

"Yeah, I know we're separated and checked to make sure pups are devoid of health problems. Can you at least tell me she's being treated well by her current handlers?" Vala replied. Eddie gave her a warm smile then gave her a strong nod yes. That seemed to ease her mind as we finally arrived at our destination. The handler and his wife were waiting patiently on their front porch.

Once Eddie parked the car, we exited and walked over to the front porch. Eddie greeted them as did Vala and myself before they brought us towards the stable. "What can you tell me about her before we meet her in person?" I wondered. The handler walked back to the porch grabbed something and handed me a rather large folder. I took it and looked it over carefully read over the files.

Everything about Corna was kept in remarkable detail, including all her incidents with potential owners. "Vala, maybe you should go in first, since she'll be less likely to lash out." I said. She nodded as she made her way inside the stable to meet Corna. While I talked business with her handlers as to how much they for her adoption fee. It shocked me when they said they'd be happy to see her find a home.

As we walked closer to the stables I could hear a healthy conversation going on inside. It would seem I was smart to send Vala ahead hoping Corna would open up. Eddie and Corna's handler remained outside while I took a chance and entered the stable. When I walked up behind Vala, I saw this lovely red furred African Lioness. She stood roughly four inches taller than Vala, she was muscular and quite curvy.

Corna took a moment to size me up before deciding to come any closer to me. When she did her soft green eyes really accented her deep red fur and long dark brown hair. "Hi, Corna my name is Clark how are you?" I said offering her my hand. She stood up as the calm look on her face changed to something less pleased. "Go, get fucked human I'm not in the mood for any of your shit." She snapped walking away.

Vala didn't take to kindly to Corna's rude response at my very polite greeting. Before Vala could do anything I decided to bend a rule my father stressed heavily over. Never under any circumstance raise your hand to lady, human or anthro. If my memory serves me right anthro lions normally need a firm hand at first. Though only if they display an alpha mentality and what I'm planning will showcase my authority.

I silently told Vala to leave the barn and keep everyone else out until I come out. Vala agreed hesitantly but, she walked towards the door and closed it. What I was about to do would classify as really brassy or really, really stupid. While Corna had her back to me I stalked up behind her and before she knew it. I tackled her firmly onto the ground catching her literally with her pants down.

Corna cursed loudly at me while I kept her pinned face down on the ground. "Now you listen to me you cocky little bitch, I came here to give you a home. Only to slap me in the face Oh I don't think so and here's a news flash for you. I NOW OWN YOUR SORRY ASS!" I barked keeping her pinned. Sadly Laborers are known for their strength regardless of their species or gender.

In her case I knew of a weakness, I leaned down, grabbed her scruff and pulled. The next thing I had to do would unfortunately land me in the doghouse. When Vala finds out what went on in this stable between us I'm a dead man. Now a lot of you are wondering just what the hell I'm planning on doing. To answer your question it's relatively simple I have to claim her as mine.

As kinky as this sounds to some of you, felines do respond better when pleasured. Granted I had hoped that I didn't have to resort to this sort of thing. Sadly I've got no choice but, I'll tell all you right now I take no joy in this mess. Corna snarled while I slipped my hand up her skirt and between her well muscled thighs. Being scruffed caused Corna's body to instinctively relax, allowing me full access.

Keeping my teeth latched tightly on her scruff, I moved my other hand underneath her body. Reaching up to cup one of her large firm and perky C cup breasts. She gasped when I began toying with her nipple and her dampening sex. As her body continued to betray her, Corna did everything in her power to resist. Sadly my experienced touch proved to strong for her to fight off for much longer.

Once I started teasing and pinching her swollen clit in-between my fingers. A soft guttural moan exited her muzzle as the pleasure started loosening her up. Slipping my thumb into her soaked pussy, a moment later caused her to moan a little louder. Wiggling it inside her passage, I notice that her hymen was fully intact. As her inner walls clamped firmly around my thumb trying to pull it deeper inside.

Corna was giving into the bliss I was providing, while my erection demanded freedom. I knew she was enjoying what I was doing to her but, I was waiting for a sign. Sure enough as I tweaked her clit a little harder, Corna finally caved in. After a solid twenty minutes of me sexually teasing of her virgin body. "I CAN'T STAND IT ANY MORE JUST FUCK MY BRAINS OUT, ALREADY!" She howled lustfully.

I gave her scruff a firm tug before, teasing her clit and erect nipple some more. Causing the lioness to tense up and convulse as the pleasure coursed throughout her body. As she settled down some, I withdrew my hands from where I had them. The last thing I did was release my grip from the scruff of her neck. Before carefully rising to my feet but, I kept a firm eye on her as I stepped back.

As she regained control of herself, I kept myself ready for anything she had planned. I was waiting to see if she'd willingly rolled onto her back and fully expose herself to me. Corna rolled over and sat up on her knees but, the scent of her arousal lingered. Watching her close as she brushed the dirt from her fur and clothing. She crawled over to me and rubbed her hands firmly along my crotch.

This growl like purr began exiting her mouth a moment later as she undressed me. Pulling my pants down around my ankles then gingerly tugging my boxers down. As she looked up and saw my semi rock hard cock, Corna just stared. It was obvious she's never seen a naked male before, let alone this close. Luckily her breeding instincts kicked in as she exposed her naked body.

Corna moved around onto her hands and knees and raised her tail up exposing her wet sex. As I moved up behind her, allowing my cock to brush against her sex and ass. Bending myself down against her back, I reached around to fondle her perky breasts. She gasped softly as I began to knead into the soft, firm flesh. While I ground my cock against her wet slit as she tried to match my rhythm.

Mimicking a lustful growl in her left ear, this earned me a soft gasp in return. "Are you ready my dear?" I whispered. She nodded as I began teasing her dripping wet slit with the tip of my cock. "Just so you know it's going to hurt at first. So if you want me to stop at anytime, Please don't hesitate, okay." I informed as she looked at me. She turned away to think it through, so I stopped teasing her sex.

"Please, take me I want to feel that monster of your deep inside my cunt. You've proven yourself very worth of my loyalty, services and my body...Master." She replied nuzzling my cheek. I whispered softly instructing her to brace herself for when it happens. She nodded as I pulled back then thrusted myself into her virgin passage. Breaking through her hymen and slamming my tip against her cervix.

Corna cried painfully the second her hymen broke but, the pleasure would wash it away. I waited patiently to see if she wanted to continue or stop and go get cleaned up. Her arm reached back and hooked around my neck as she looked at me. "Are you okay, Corna?" I asked with deep concern. She smiled softly then she leaned up and kissed my lips affectionately.

As she pulled away I reached over and brought her lips back up to mine. We shared a deeper kiss, while her body craved for more sexual attention. "Please, continue master I need it." She begged repositioning herself. The first thing I wanted to say was, don't call me that but, that would ruin the moment. So I slowly withdrew my cock from her pussy as her convulsing inner walls tightened.

Trying it's best to keep my thick, long cock buried deep inside her tight wet sex. About halfway out I thrusted myself back inside sending a huge jolt of pleasure up Corna's spine. Let me share something real quick, laborers aren't really known for their sex drives. Though their ability to learn new skills quickly proves handy even in this situation. Sadly Vala was never this tight even after our first time having sex.

As I worked up to a steady rhythm her inner walls gripped even tighter. Corna felt like she was on fire as wave after wave of bliss cascaded throughout her body. As I continued thrusting heavily in and out of her clutching passage like a piston. So to make things far more enjoyable, I got slightly rougher with my actions. She loved it when I firmly groped her breasts and thrusted even harder into her cunt.

"Ooooh, G-GAWD DAMN!" She roared passionately. I leaned down and playfully bit her neck earning another heavy moan. At this moment Vala already knew what was truly going on in here. Sadly she couldn't help herself, she snuck in and masturbated until she came. While I continued pounding away at Corna's pussy like a impact gun. Driving the buff and curvy lioness purely insane with climatic euphoria.

"UHHNN, OHH YES! HAHH-AH! Oh! OOOH YEE...EAAHH Like thAt, Oh Ga...Wd JUsT LikE That, SQUEEZE THOSE TITS!" She moaned as her climax peeked. I decided to keep her on the orgasmic ledge for a good while. "UH, YES, YES OOH FUU...UCK, Make Me, CUM, OH DaMN MAKE ME CUM!" She cried passionately. Sadly with all my teasing I failed to notice my own approaching orgasm.

With one final deep thrust into her hot pussy was all it took for the both of us. My cock erupted heavily into her eagerly awaiting womb, filling it with my fertile seed. Corna's body went rigid as her long awaited orgasm overcharged her senses. A thick mixture of our combined juices slowly leaked out of her pussy. While this deep growl began vibrating in her throat as she enjoyed the wonderful afterglow.

"OOH THaT WAs SOOO WOnDeRR FULLL!" She purred head butting my chin gently. I slowly moved my hands away from her perky breasts down towards her belly. Affectionately rubbing her well muscled stomach making her purr louder. Despite this being her very first time having sex it was still incredible. We shifted ourselves onto our sides and cuddled for a good while.

When all of a sudden this loud orgasmic howl filled the barn just seconds later. Corna show cased her flexibility by twisting her body ninety degrees to the right and looked at me. "Please, tell me you know who or what made that noise?" She asked. Taking a very deep breath before nodding yeah I know who made that howl. I whispered into her ear the information she was looking for and snerked in response.

After we recovered from our intense love making, Corna escorted me to a small make shift shower. So we could clean up and enjoy little sensual bathing in the process. I politely told, Corna to get it running while I grabbed something real quick. Though it was more like someone as I tracked, Vala down removed what clothes she had left. As I picked her up and carried her cum covered lower half towards the shower.

"Wow, Vala that was one good strong orgasm you had, huh?" I said briefly feeling her drenched thighs. As I turned the corner, Corna saw me carrying Vala and she kindly opened the door. When the warm soothing water hit her fur, Vala woke up from her orgasm induced daze. "You can put me down now lover." Vala stated. So I put her feet down and allowed her to step under the shower head first.

Another half hour went by we dried off and put our clothes back on before exiting the barn. We walked around to the front of the house, where Eddie and Corna's handlers were waiting. "Corna, are you going with Clark or are you staying with us?" Her owner wondered. Corna didn't say anything she walked up to him and his wife. Wrapped her arms around their necks hugging them tight and said her goodbyes.

"Eddie, could I speak to you for a moment in private." Vala said placing a hand on his shoulder. While I kept my attention on Corna as she continued with her heartfelt goodbyes. As Vala and Eddie talked about things I would learn about much later on. Meanwhile as I stood there watching one chapter of my life come to a close. Several new challenges, problems and chapters still lie ahead for me, Vala and now Corna.

To be continued.