The Prince and the Thief

Story by techfistWolfguy on SoFurry

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#2 of Short Stories

This was a little idea that came to mind while I was playing some Skyrim the other day. Considering the fact that my character is married to Derkeethus and works as a thief, I had plenty of material to go on. :3

As for the terms I used, I'll include a link to a set of translations down below. As I've never seen or heard any true words in the Khajiit tongue, these are merely my own creations meant to sound like something like the native tongue of Khajiits.

Link to the translated terms:

_ "Promise me that you'll stay safe."_

_ "I've come back in one piece all the other times, haven't I?"_

_ "Yes but-"_

_ "You worry too much, Love."_

_ "You're my husband, Jey! Of course I'm going to worry!"_

_ "Relax, Love. Nothing's gonna happen, alright?"_

_ "But what if something does?"_

_ I pause, the worry in his voice carrying heavily through the warm air of our abode._

_ "Nothing will happen. I promise."_

_ He sighs, trying to avoid my gaze._

_ "I'll come back soon and without a scratch on me."_

_ "Promise?"_

_ "I promise, my pond lily."_

"We're almost in Whiterun, J'Darto," the familiar voice states, pulling me back from my thoughts.

It's been three whole months away from him...

_ _ "Sre'dryska, brother," I reply, looking out the back of the wagon.

"You are eager to return to him, no?" he asks, the soft twang of curiosity resonating in his voice.

"Three months without contact has left me eager to indulge his presence," I reply with a soft sigh, removing my Nightingale gloves.

"Give him my regards, brother."

"Verysrna, Ma'dran. Thank you for taking me back home."

Ma'dran chuckles, looking back at me.

"No need for thanks, my brother. You gave me more than fair compensation for the trip."

I look down at the small satchel at my feet, the numerous valuable gems within hidden only by the dark leather.

"Steal anything special on the heist?" he queries, looking back at the road leading up toward the hold's capitol.

"Got plenty of septims to distribute to the less fortunate families. I managed to snag a lovely piece of jewelry from the noble, too. Though beyond that, just the usual."

"Just stay safe out there, J'Darto. This one knows you are skilled but worries none the less."

"You're beginning to sound like Derkeethus," I chuckle, giving him a light nudge.

_ _ "Oh? Is that a compliment, dro'skrya?" he snickers, looking back at me.

I shake my head, my gaze shifting to the small archway leading into town.

"I'd best get off here, Ma'dran. I don't want the guards to see me."

"Slow down, girl," he states, gently tugging on the reigns of his horse.

"Thank you again for taking me. I am in your debt."

"Please, say no such thing. You have repaid me ten times over. I am in your debt," he rebuttals, looking back at me.

"Let's just save the matter for another time, shall we? Perhaps over a couple glasses of mead?" I reply, a warm grin beginning to form on my muzzle.

"A fine idea, dro'skrya! Please, keep in touch. I will remember to write back this time, do not worry."

"Until then, dro'skyro."

"Mesryk dro kreshgru srikras, dro'skryo."

With a swift flick of my arm, I snag my satchel, bowing politely before slipping out the back of Ma'dran's wagon.

"Shroud me, Lady Nocturnal."

With a snap of my fingers, my form becomes entirely invisible, the cold arms of Milady embracing me.

I inhale deeply, allowing my mind to resonate with the calmness of my environment.

As I close my eyes, I take in the scent of thick summer air.

_ Home..._

I gently place my paws against the uneven stone road, my tail adjusting to even the slightest of change in the air.

_ I'm home..._

_ _"Vernyska drukronsk."

With speed unmatched by any human, I take off, sprinting toward the wall connected to the guard tower.

"Frysrydra," I whisper, my pace quickening.

As the wall draws closer, I readied my paws, my claws barely extended.

With a silent leap, I manage to cling to the wall, the low heat and dry wind keeping the stones from becoming slick.

"Someone there?" an strangely familiar voice states.


_ _ "Huh? What?" another voice murmurs, though this one sounding considerably younger.

"Hah! I knew you were falling asleep."

"Wha- You bastard!"

"You need to keep your eyes peeled, Heynrick. Sleeping on duty will get you tossed out of the guard," the older voice states.

Jarrger teaching the new guard members. Things really haven't changed.

_ _ I pull myself up and over the wall, quietly landing on the top of a wooden barrel.

The small archway leading into the streets gives me a clear view of the barren walkways, the life they cradled during the day absent at this late of hour.

Without making I sound, I dismount the container, silently making my way toward my small abode.

As I pass the black smith's forge, I take a moment to listen to the quiet snapping of the fires fangs, slowly devouring the coals.

A deep breath fills my lungs with the thick scent of smoke, reminiscent of the fireplace Derkeethus and I had shared so many eves of drink and conversation.

_ _ I sneak past another guard, pacing the lesser traveled walk way that stretches behind the forge.

A warm smile forms on my muzzle as our abode comes into sight, the small patch of mountain flowers we had planted still growing.

One bloom sticks out to me, the shade of blue its petals bear reminding me of his eyes.

I pluck the small bloom before making my way toward the back of the house, a hidden entrance into the basement camouflaged by several bushes.

Trying not to draw attention to myself, I slowly open the wooden door, slipping into the low-lit room below.

I breathe a sigh of relief, snapping my fingers to allow myself to become visible once more.

I sling back my hood and remove my mask, taking a deep breath of the musty air.


I set aside the flower and satchel before slipping out of my Nightingale armor, placing the suit inside a small closet on the other end of the room.

Inside sit the clothes I wore the day I left: a simple beige shirt with blue accents and loosely fitting pants.

I don my new attire, snagging my gifts for Derkeethus before slinking into the kitchen.

Surprisingly enough, he wasn't there.

"Derkeethus?" I call out, quietly closing the door behind me.

I quickly scan the surrounding area, the fireplace without company and the seats without patrons.

I swiftly make my way up the stairs, the door to our bedroom slightly cracked.

With silent steps, I approach the door, glancing through the small opening.

Bathed in the pallid light of the twin moons sits my Love, his dark green scales becoming a pleasant emerald shade as his shapely body is dappled by the light of the heavenly bodies.

I quietly slip through the door, approaching him with caution.

"You may be a Nightingale, but I recognize the sound of your footsteps no matter how quiet you try to be," he remarks, his velvet voice carrying a strange sort of giddy.

"It is good to see you again, drej Lyrnya," I reply, taking a seat next to him.

"I missed you greatly while I was off in Cyrodiil. I wish I had gotten the chance to write you," I sigh, looking over at him.

He simply smiles, taking my hand into his own.

"Don't worry about that now, dear. You're back in one piece, just as you promised... that's all that matters to me."

I can't help but smile, his words soothing my mind and body.

"I brought you these," I state, passing him the flower and small satchel.

"Oh? What have we here?"

"A small collection of things I picked up for you while I was out. I didn't want you to think I had forgotten you."

Derkeethus's cheeks come alight with the soft pink glow as he takes a whiff of the small bloom.

"Thank you, Jey. You never cease to surprise me."

"Ah, but you have yet to see what's inside the satchel, Lyrnya!" I chuckle, giving him a soft nudge.

With a gentle tug of the flap, he unveils the countless gems within, his sapphire eyes lighting up like fireworks.

"W-What? A-All of this is for... me?"

I nod, planting a soft kiss on his cheek.

"I kept the best of the Heist's loot for you, my pond lily."

"And, before I forget, I brought you this, as well."

From within my pocket I withdraw a golden necklace forged in the shape of a star, a glowing piece of rare stahlrim ore etched into a heart taking the center fold of the jewelry.

"Sdreiy dru kress, drej Lyrnya."


"Please, take it, my Love. I wish only to see you happy after being gone for such a long time."

I unhinge the small hook in the back of the necklace, gently laying it around his neck. With a soft 'snap' the hook locks back in place, allowing the masterfully crafted piece of jewelry to sit comfortably around his neck.

I place my free paw on his cheek, looking deeply into his eyes.

"Hrethgru dyrj, drej Wryvnasra..."

Derkeethus moves close, gently placing his lips against mine, the warmth and intimacy of his gesture sating my hunger to be with him once more.

I gently wrap my arms around him, indulging in the gesture I had gone so long without.

After what seemed like an eternity, he moved back, his lips parting from my own.

_ _"Frystrana yitru Ystronsa... "

_ I love you, my pond lily... Forever and always... _