A Golden Oppurtunity - Chapter Two

Story by Naraki Kennedy on SoFurry

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#2 of A Golden Oppurtunity

Theseus is a treasure hunter, but his clumsiness and carefree attitude go against every requirement for the job.

He doesn't let this deter him on his quest for infinite wealth as he braves caves, dungeons, and monsters alike.

Follow his adventures here! :3

Well, the theme here seems to be abnormally short chapters,

but it kind of works with how this story flows, so I guess it doesn't matter. ;3

Chapter 2

Theseus's eyes fluttered open slowly and he sat up a little too quickly, making his head spin. His ears flattened backwards as he flopped back down and let out a low groan. "I suck SOOOO much." He said to himself. "One easy run. ONE! That is literally all that I ask!" At this moment something skittered across his peripheral vision. He paused, his tirade forgotten, straining to see or hear anything else. The darkness wasn't complete here, but his night vision had long since been extinguished. He stood slowly, planting his boots beneath him as his ears quickly swiveled to and fro, listening for any signs of trouble.

He quickly muttered the spell again, but to no avail. He couldn't even feel a spark. He swore under his breath and drew the short sword hanging his belt. Even without magic, he would finish what he had started. He willed his eyes to focus on a small pinprick of light floating in the distance, and, holding his free arm in front of him, set off at a slow shuffling walk.

As he closed the distance, so did what was following him. He could feel its eyes boring twin holes in the back of his head; inadvertently causing his ears to once again lay back flat against his skull. Theseus fought the urge to turn, instinctively knowing that if he did, it would be his end. He walked on, doing his best to remain calm as the unknown creature slowly crept closer. Twenty feet from the source of the light it had gotten bright enough to see, so he risked a glance behind him. What he saw caused him to whimper like a pup.

Standing nine feet tall, the hulking beast's muscles rippled under it's brown, leathery skin. Its jet black eyes burned with hunger. Theseus's eyes traveled to its feet and hands which rested on the smooth tiles that covered the floor. Each of its fingers and toes were tipped with long, wicked claws, which were obviously for the ripping of flesh. It chose the moment he dropped his eyes to spring, not giving Theseus much more time to observe the beast.

It swiped viciously as it landed, aiming for where he had previously been standing, but Theseus was already on the move. His one advantage was speed and he intended to use it. The rubber soles of his boots gripped firmly to the smooth tile, and he silently thanked himself for not being cheap when he bought them. The smooth tile turned to rough stone for a moment and then back again as he cleared the threshold. Not a second after his entrance an iron portcullis slammed shut, separating Theseus and the beastly creature with three inches of reinforced metal. The beast skidded to a halt and growled loudly as it paced back and forth, its eyes never leaving Theseus.

He yelled loudly, brandishing his sword at the creature as it paced. "Ha! Foul beast, you thought you could best the mighty THESEUS! Well I think not!" Feeling quite proud of himself, he watched the beast trot back into the darkness from which he and it had just emerged, giving a mock bow to an invisible crowd when it finally faded from view. Dropping his façade, Theseus sighed heavily and sheathed his sword before dropping heavily to the floor and passing out cold.