The Renegade's Choice

Story by Antarian_Knight on SoFurry

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#15 of The Knights of Juno

Alrighty, so it has been a very long time since I posted one of these, but I had quite a bit of other things to work on in the mean time. In any case, here we go, the first of two chapters that I have done. Gonna try something new and post a chapter each day to give people a chance to read them without being pressured. always, comments are appreciated and requested.

Continued from 'Needs fulfilled'

Twilight stared into the glowing coals of the dying cooking fire, his mind walking far away from the mountain cave where the four renegades had made their home. Just within the edge of the firelight, across the fire pit from where the black and violet dragon sat, Malcolm and Turquoise were snuggled up tight together, their limbs twined as close as only those who truly love each other could manage, the blue-green dragoness in her hybrid form tonight, the better to twine with her lover. Though it had only been a couple of weeks since the pair had gotten together, they acted almost as close as if they were soulbound, spending every moment they could in each other's company, though Twilight could still sense two distinct souls from them, meaning they had not taken that final step yet. On any other night, the image of their close embrace would have made him smile, bringing back fond memories of the first days he and his human mate had been together, those hidden nights they had lain together in her quarters or in his nest in the Aerie, but now, his eyes drifted across them almost without marking them. It wasn't that he wasn't happy for them, quite the opposite in fact, the happiness and joy the pair had found together being nearly infectious, but the dragon's heart was too troubled to allow him much joy now. Well, perhaps it would be fairer to say that his raven haired mate was the one that was troubled, but since their souls were one and the same, he felt the feeling as keenly as she did.

But then again, perhaps he too was a bit troubled. But unfortunately, the thing that was bothering him was that, through the immutable link they shared, he could feel the child his human mate carried, feel how very alive it felt. He knew, though he could not explain how, that it would only be a matter of days until Karen would give birth, and while a part of him, perhaps the feral, instinctual side of himself, was ecstatic beyond all reason that he was going to be a father, looking forward to the day more keenly with every passing second, the more rational side of himself wondered what kind of a life they could hope to make. With her no longer carrying another life within her, they would be able to fly anywhere in the world, settle wherever they fancied. But where could they be safe? Though the knights and their dragons had allies all over the world, if they went to them, they would only be returned to the mountain, to face the judgment of Argil and Mikael. And practically everywhere else they could go was controlled by their enemy, who would see their child as nothing short of an abomination. Sighing, the dragon shifted his wings a little, settling one a little tighter around his mate's sleeping form, curled up on his tail, held against his belly by his wing.

There was a possibility that they could find an island somewhere in the Pacific with no people on it, or even use their magic to make one. And perhaps that would be the best choice, just run and hide somewhere remote. Managing a slight smile, the dragon shook his head. Raising a family, or two, on a tropical island, did sound attractive, he had to admit. But to what end? What would that accomplish? They would be safe in such a place, but what then? What would they do that would be any different than here? Twilight heaved a heavy sigh and thought once more of the choices they had made that had taken them here. He loved Karen more dearly than he loved his own life and he could not imagine a life without her, especially now that they almost had a family. But ever since they had first admitted the feelings they shared for one another, they had acted on impulse, defying every rule, every warning, breaking every law laid down to keep them safe without a thought for the consequences. And now, they were paying the price for their carelessness, hiding from the only people who might possibly have accepted what they had become, and worse, dragging their best friends along with them. And yet, for all the gloom and dark thoughts he had, Twilight couldn't help but feel proud, proud that he was about to have a family. And in a strange way, he was looking forward to the future, hard though it would be. Feeling his mate shift restlessly in her sleep from where she lay, he looked at her in concern, returning his attention to his lover.

Of course, since no one had encountered the situation before, he couldn't tell if it was normal or not for a mother-to-be of a half-dragon, but Karen's sleep had been getting more and more restless as the days had gone by, and nothing he had been able to do had seemed to make a difference. Reaching out across the link they shared, the dragon peered into his human mate's mind as she dreamed, finding the images even more troubled than usual. The images of her dreams were wild, dark and strange, not quite nightmares, but close enough. Taking a moment to steel himself, the dragon blended his own mind with that of his mate, immersing himself in the dark images, lifting her out of the mire, taking her place within the nightmare.

But even as he shielded his mate, holding the nightmare at a distance from her, he suddenly felt the ghostly touch of another presence upon his awareness. It was a fleeting impression, the bare touch of the faintest breeze, but it was there. But stranger still, brief though the touch had been, it had been almost familiar, like the notes of a song he had forgotten long ago, and now remembered. Curious, the dragon expanded his consciousness, trying to trace the presence, to find it again, but for the longest time, he could sense only the far off minds of the pair that slumbered on the other side of the fire, like two glowing embers in the darkness. Suddenly, like a fleeting ghost light caught in the corner of eye, he sensed the other presence once again, a feather light touch, barely heeded. But, though he turned his attention this way and that, he could not seem to pin it down, the touch he sought seeming to be always just out of reach. And then, as he began to draw his mind back within himself, frustrated by the search, he felt it again, more insistent this time and he froze, holding in check his instinct to seek it. Instead of trying to grab hold of it as he had before, the dragon reached out slowly with his mind, spreading it wide, waiting for the other to make the first move, and there, almost hidden within his mate's presence, he beheld it at last; small, fragile, innocent and naïve.

As gently as he could, Twilight reached out to it with his mind, and, as he neared it, it was aware of him, reaching out just as gently. For the briefest moment, the two minds touched, a gentle caress, lasting mere fractions of a moment, but it was enough. Twilight barely restrained a gasp, his mind reeling, his concentration shattered, the link broken. Coming back to himself at once, he looked around the cavern, surprised to find it so dim, so dark and silent after what he had just encountered. It was a mind unlike anything he had ever touched. It was not thought he had felt, not quite. Whatever it was held the pure innocence of youth, a mind with no knowledge of life; no knowledge of the world, of a life yet to be lived, and yet, it was ancient, as ancient as the mountain beneath which they lay. But far more than that, the touch had been warm and bright, as bright as the sun at noon, as warm as a fire in winter, full of hope and a strange, unknown power. All of the darkness that had swirled within him, all of the troubles and problems they faced, had vanished, burned away to nothing in the face of such a presence. In that brief touch, there had been no darkness, no worry or trouble or even a hint that such things existed in the world at all. There was nothing but hope and wonder there, in a mind that was not quite aware, not quite awake.

Shaken, Twilight closed his mind, trapping the remnant of the bright presence within him, a shiver passing through his powerful body as he understood the wonderful and terrible gift he had been given. He had touched, for the briefest of instants, the mind of his child, a mind that knew nothing of the world, knew nothing of pain, and fear and worry, and the experience humbled him. And yet, for all of its naivety, the youth of a mortal being yet to live, it was also filled with the same ancient wisdom as an unborn dragon, the two qualities opposed to one another, and yet, they seemed to exist in perfect harmony, like things that should always have been united. It was almost like the bond that he and his mate shared, but that was as a tide pool compared to the vast ocean beside which it lay in its power and complexity. What the two of them had only glimpsed when they blended their souls, their child would live every day of its life.

Touching such a mind had been more profound and life changing than sharing his soul with Karen had been, and yet, even as he reveled in the wonder of the soul he had touched, Twilight felt a sudden, quiet surety still the turmoil he had felt before. He knew now what would come in the future; that he would spend his life, all the rest of the years left to him, protecting that soul, that wondrous, perfect harmony between ancient dragon and mortal human. No matter if it meant hiding away forever, or facing the whole of the world with only his mate at his side. Smiling slightly, the black dragon closed his eyes and nestled his head down next to his mate, gently nuzzling the swollen belly that held such an incredible secret. As he drifted off into slumber, he sensed his mate's dreams calm. And at last, for once, the lovers slept peacefully, the knowledge of what the future would bring holding the darkness at bay...


"Lord Mikael?" A voice said, making the commander of the knighthood look up from the stone tabletop before him. It was very late, long past the hour when most of the knights and their dragon companions were asleep, but as usual, he found rest elusive. Though he would have liked nothing more than to sleep curled up with his wife, as his dragon companion Argil did with his mate in the far off Aerie, the troubles of the war had been weighing on him too much of late. In the weeks since the defector had been retrieved and the two young wing pairs had vanished, he had spent more and more time puzzling over where the enemies of the Knights of Juno were getting their orders. The allies the knights had, had been spending a great deal of resources to try and find proof of the defector's words. He could not have lied without Argil knowing about it, so at least he believed it, but the possibility that the defector had been misled always existed. And yet, though all that had turned up was a few rumors repeated third or fourth hand, it all made a strange kind of sense, the actions of the various groups seeming a bit too coordinated to be random, their rivalries a little too perfectly orchestrated. But, when he looked up to find his second in command in the doorway, he put aside his musings.

"Yes?" He replied, getting up from his chair and walking to the doorway, speaking quietly so as not to disturb his spouse.

"I'm sorry to disturb you so late sir, but this is a matter that I did not think could wait." Tamerin said, and Mikael nodded, coming out into the corridor to find that two wing leaders were standing behind the other knight, looking tired. It took him a moment, but he suddenly recognized the pair, his mind suddenly on full alert. The two officers were the mother and father of Karen, and if they were here, then this visit had something to do with the search for the missing Knights. "Something strange happened a little while ago." When Mikael looked expectantly at the two wing leaders, the woman hurried to explain, the scale pattern on her jumpsuit shaped akin to aspen leaves, but deep green like the needles of a pine tree.

"I was sound asleep, or at least, I think I was," She began, her fingers twitching at her side as if she were nervous. "I was dreaming, but I can't recall clearly what the dream was about. And then, gradually, the dream began to change. It was like looking through a fog bank, only vague shapes seen in the distance, and I began to feel things. I felt fear and uncertainty at first, almost as if I were lost, and then suddenly, those feelings seemed to fade away, replaced by a calm unlike anything I have ever felt before. And with the calm came a feeling of comfort and relief, the same sort of feeling one gets when held by one we love. But the odd part about the dream was that all of these feelings felt almost the same way we feel when our dragons are feeling something they are trying not to share with us; muddled almost. The sensations got so strong that it woke me up, but as soon as I touched my dragon's mind, I knew all of it had not come from her. I cannot be sure, but the only other place I can think of that it could have come from is my daughter. Just before she was born, I could sometimes feel her while I was asleep, when she reached out for me. This dream felt almost exactly the same as that did."

"And I have felt something like that before, too, about a week ago." Her husband continued, the pattern on his clothing a steely sort of grey, not quite silver. "Though I didn't pay it much mind at the time. Now I wish that I had."

"While this is all interesting, it is hardly conclusive evidence," Mikael replied, stroking his chin with a hand, "Is there any proof, anything that we could use to determine if it is from Karen?"

"Well, not exactly," Karen's mother replied, looking down at her feet in embarrassment. "But just before I woke up, the mist I saw seemed to clear, and just for an instant, I saw an image of a mountain valley, a place I think I recognize from one of our search flights up north. If I am right, then that is where they all sought refuge after they fled. And if it was, then they might still be there, or at least, it would be a good place to start looking."

"Hmmm..." Mikael hummed, then nodded. "I have to agree with you. Do you think you can find it?"

"Yes, I think I can." The woman replied, stepping aside so Mikael could pass her.

"Then let us go and wake the dragons." He stated, heading off at a quick pace down the hall, walking the familiar path towards the spiral stair leading up to the Aerie, his mind already touching the powerful presence of the white and silver Dragonlord upon which he rode...


Malcolm sat, staring up at the sky, his hands behind his head. He was outside the cave once more in his usual spot, leaning back against the smooth boulder. The air was chilled, the breeze sweeping through the pines the icy breath of winter. The sky was white and grey, the air holding the crisp scent of snow, and normally he would be heading for the cave mouth and its accompanying shelter, but still he sat against the stone at his ease, looking up at the sky with a smile on his lips. Truthfully, he did not care if the sky opened into a blizzard and covered him in snow right now, because, sitting beside him, with her lovely blue-green scaled head on his shoulder, was Turquoise, his draconian lover having dozed off some time ago, the sight of her enough to keep him plenty warm on its own. Strictly speaking, they didn't even need to be out here keeping watch anymore, the quartet having decided that the rest of the dragons had probably stopped looking for them by now, but it was still pleasant for him to spend his days out under the open sky, a desire that Karen didn't seem to share, perhaps because of her blended soul.

Heaving a contented sigh, the dreadlocked knight watched the first few flakes of snow drift down lazily from on high for a few moments, and then slipped a hand into his pocket, drawing out a small figure made of plastic. It was an ork figurine from his warhammer army, something he had happened to be carrying around the day that they had run from their comrades. He still didn't know why he had stuck it in his pocket on his way out of his quarters that day, but he was oddly glad that he had. It was a reminder of the simpler times they had all shared before they had gone to war, before all of this had happened. Slowly turning the figure between his thumb and forefinger, he smiled, remembering the first game they had played using Twilight's idea to improve it. It seemed almost to have happened a lifetime ago. As he contemplated that game, he set the figure down on his lap, flowing a small portion of his magic into it, bringing the little figure to life. As the little ork looked around, wandering aimlessly over the fabric terrain of the knight's outstretched legs, Malcolm found himself wondering if even back then, he had had feelings for Turquoise, as Twilight and Karen had admitted to having. Truthfully, he still wasn't sure, though he liked to think that, even then, there was a part of him who had been attracted to her. Of course, it wasn't like it mattered much. They were together now, and that was that.

Draping one arm around his dragon, Malcolm drew her closer, resting his head against hers, drawing in a breath filled with her wonderful scent. As odd as it sounded, even to him, he didn't mind the hard and odd turn that his life had taken since they had left the mountain on that fateful mission, mostly because it had brought him and his dragon together. Grinning to himself, he issued a silent command to the tiny ork with his mind, making the little figure change direction as it wandered. Watching it carefully, Malcolm grinned as it wound up before making a diving leap off his leg, landing on one of Turquoise's instead. The tiny figure skittered a bit on her scales, almost falling off onto the ground before finally catching the edge of one and hauling itself upright. At the feeling of the little figure walking across her scaly hide, Turquoise stirred a little, nuzzling her mate with her snout, her eyes still closed. His grin widening, Malcolm gave another command to the little soldier, the ork making its way upward, walking right up to Turquoise's torso and standing for a moment, examining what amounted to a huge, scaly cliff face before him. After another moment's hesitation, the little figure picked a place, and, holstering its tiny gun at its belt, started to climb, its tiny hands using the edges of the dragoness' scales as hand and foot holds. Shivering at the unfamiliar sensation, Turquoise finally opened her eyes, the pretty liquid stone of her eyes tracking the small figure, a grin spreading across her lips as the ork made its way up her abs.

To Malcolm's surprise, the dragoness didn't say anything, just observing as the ork scaled her chest like a mountain climber, shivering as the small hands and feet tickled her ribs. Then, finally, the ork stopped in place, looking up at the edge of Turquoise's right breast, which, from its perspective, must have looked like quite the overhang. Finally, the figure brought its legs up under it and threw itself upward, catching the edge of a scale with its fingertips and both Turquoise and Malcolm chuckled as it dangled there for a moment, scrambling in panic for purchase with its legs. Then, finally, using only its arms, it managed to haul itself upward a few scales, finally getting its legs underneath it and hurriedly scrambled up a little ways before settling flat on its belly for a few moments, using the dragoness' nipple as a brace to keep it from sliding.

Turquoise was giggling madly now, trying to hold it in so she didn't send the tiny figure tumbling down her body, and Malcolm found himself laughing as well, the image of the tiny ork clinging like that, its legs braced against her nipple being too funny for words. Then, finally, the figure struggled up into a crouch, crawling onward and upward towards Turquoise's neck, using her collarbone as a step. Turquoise was laughing heartily now as the tiny figure continued its climb, making its way up the side of her neck before free climbing its way up onto the top of her muzzle. When the figure finally stood there, astride the bridge of her snout, it let out a tiny cry of triumph, waving its gun in the air as Turquoise crossed her eyes to look at it. A moment later, the ork seemed to notice her, leveling the tiny gun at her threateningly and Malcolm reached over, plucking the figure from its perch by the back of its armor.

"Now, now, that isn't very nice." The knight admonished, shaking his finger at the tiny figure. Utterly unimpressed, the tiny ork made a rude gesture at him and Malcolm let the magic animating it fade, Turquoise laughing at the tiny creature's antics.

"You are silly Malcolm." Turquoise said, leaning in and giving him a kiss on the cheek. "And I love you for it."

"I love you too Turquoise." Malcolm replied, dropping the figurine back into a pocket as he kissed her in return, full on the lips. Turquoise returned the affectionate kiss a moment later, clinging close in reply. But, when Malcolm started to move back from the kiss, Turquoise came with him, kissing him again, this time more deeply than before, clinging close. A heartbeat later, Malcolm found his dragon switching position so she was no longer sitting beside him, but swinging a leg over his so she was sitting in his lap, her goal quite clear when he saw the mischievous gleam in her eyes. Grinning at her, the knight leaned in and kissed her neck, delighting in the sensation of her talons trailing down the front of his jumpsuit towards his nethers. It may just have been his imagination, but Turquoise seemed to have a mighty sex drive, greater even than other dragons, but then again, he had nothing to compare it to. And, he reflected as she ground against his hips, it wasn't like he was going to complain either. All of a sudden, Turquoise stopped her amorous teasing, both of them suddenly looking up at the sky at the same moment.

For the first time in weeks, the pair felt the alarming presence of dragons in the sky above them, felt them coming nearer and nearer by the moment. Reacting almost as one, the pair scrambled to their feet, running as fast as they could for the cave mouth. Now, Malcolm was glad of the coming snow, for it hid them for a few crucial moments. Taking care to hold their minds as closed as they could, the pair ducked into the cave, hurrying to bring their magic to bear on the entrance, reactivating the concealing spell behind them. Then, they sat in the passage together for a few moments, resisting the natural instinct to expand their awareness and touch the other dragons, waiting and hoping that they would not be discovered. For a few moments, the presences stayed at a distance, growing no nearer and no farther, as if they were circling high above them in a wide arc. Then, to their horror, Malcolm and Turquoise felt the sensation change, beginning to draw nearer, near enough now for them to pick up more details about them. There were only twelve of them, six humans and six dragons, but two of the latter felt far different than the others, sending icy tendrils of dread through the waiting pair.

The presence of most dragons felt much like any other mind that possessed magic, albeit with greater strength and power than most. But these minds were as a hurricane compared to a brief rain shower in strength, so powerful that they could belong to only two beings. One, the one in the lead, held so much power it felt almost as if one could see it with eyes closed, a brilliant light like the sun in the sky. The other held almost as much power, but far greater depth behind it, the wisdom of millennia of life shining through. Malcolm and Turquoise knew instantly that they were the Dragonlord Argil and Scarlon, his mate. And that realization made a sudden chill rise within them, for there were no two dragons on earth who would be more likely to see through the spell hiding the entrance to the cavern. If the dragons that circled above them came down into the valley, then it was even odds that they would be able to locate the cave, whether or not their spells worked as they should. Malcolm and Turquoise sat still, holding tight to one another, hardly daring to breathe as the flight of dragons drew ever nearer, agonizing in their waiting.

There was always a chance that they would pass them by, that they would land in some other valley, or perhaps even not land at all. There was a chance that the six dragons being in the area had nothing to do with the renegades, and it was mere coincidence. And then, right as the dragons flew low over the cave, something changed, fate choosing that moment to intervene. All at once, pain exploded in the minds of Malcolm and Turquoise, both rider and dragon letting out a gasp as it burned into them, destroying their concentration. It was like a mental cry, a feeling of anguish and pain and need, a sensation in a voice that they knew at once. It was Karen's and they knew at once that the other dragons had felt it as well. A moment later, the pain was cut off as if a wall had suddenly appeared in its path and the pair hurried into the main cavern, both sensing already what was wrong. When they entered, they found a bright light kindled near the ceiling, and by its sudden glare, they saw what they had feared. Twilight was in his hybrid form once more, kneeling beside his human mate, who lay on her back, pain on her face. Malcolm and Turquoise looked at each other in understanding and horror.

Now, at the worst possible moment, Karen had gone into labor. And now, they both knew instantly what they had to do. Turning back towards the entrance, the wing pair prepared themselves, drawing every scrap of power they possessed to the surface, making ready to hold off the two most powerful dragons in the world...