Through Charlene's Eyes (Part 3)

Story by C-PRIME on SoFurry

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#26 of My sisters and I (Art and Stories)

The third part of the series (written this year, but set in 2009 like Parts 1 and 2)

After learning of Charlene's pregnancy, the two of us begin to make plans for the arrival of our son and daughter as well as the wedding we want to have (both will come in the next part).

Through Charlene's Eyes (Part 3)

NOTE: Like the previous two parts, this one is also told from Charlene's point of view

Once the doctor had done the hormonal test on me, I went back home to wait for the results. Along the way, I had a strong and sudden craving for fried chicken and made a pit stop at the nearest KFC to grab some. Once I had gotten the chicken, I had to fight the strong primal urge to stop driving and tear into that bucket of chicken right then and there. However, I was able to resist temptation until I got home. There was no need for me to get into a traffic accident or get pulled over at a moment like this.

Instead, I behaved as normally as possible until I brought the bucket of chicken inside, setting it down on the coffee table in the living room before I sat down. No one else was home at the time, so I had this meal all to myself. Then, after a quick trip to the kitchen to "steal" one of my brother's bottles of Dr. Pepper, I let my inner wild vixen out. I literally tore into the 8-piece bucket and started devouring chicken left and right, sending tiny bits of meat and bones flying in all directions. At the moment, I didn't really care that I was making a mess, I was feeling hungry and I wanted chicken!

I didn't know if it was due to the early stages of pregnancy or if it was just a natural instinct as a fox, but I nibbled and pulled at each piece of chicken until nothing but bone remained, carelessly flinging them to the side as I grabbed another piece and tore into it as well. Every so often, I'd stop for a second, slamming down a bit of my brother's Dr. Pepper. Although I knew he'd probably be a bit upset at me when he found out I took it, I'd offer to get him another bottle to replace it later. Besides, he still had three others in the fridge aside from the one I took, I was sure he wouldn't miss it too much.

One by one, I ate every piece of chicken in the bucket, leaving only crumbs and small bits of chicken left on the couch, table, and floor...along with the bones. My belly felt full afterwards, still tasting the Colonel's "Secret Recipe" in my mouth and on my breath while the scent of the meal still hung in the air throughout the living room. I took another sip of Dr. Pepper to ease down the lunch as I finally realized what I had done to the living room. "Oh my God. I made a huge mess out of this place! If Chad comes home and sees the mess I made in here, he's gonna have a cow!", I thought nervously as I got up from the couch and began the frantic effort of cleaning up the mess I made, hoping to finish before he returned home. I didn't know how much time I'd have, he was out with Melissa at the time, so it was possible he might not even be back until tomorrow. However, I had to assume that he could walk in that front door at any time.

In the meantime, I threw out all of the garbage, whipped out the vacuum and used the vacuum hose to clean the couch as best as I could, starting with it before moving onto the carpet. I was doing my best to get the place cleaned up before my brother got home that I didn't think of the possibility of him coming through the back door. Apparently, he came home as I was busy cleaning up, stopping by the fridge and noticed that one of his Dr. Pepper's were missing. I saw him come into the living room a few seconds later as his mouth hung open over the mess he saw. "Charlene Ellen Kobylenski...what did you do to our living room?!!", he asked me in a surprised tone as my ears hung down low and I knew I had some explaining to do.

"I'm sorry about the mess I made. I had a real intense craving for chicken and I couldn't control myself. Also, I'm sorry if I took one of your Dr. Pepper's...I was hoping to replace it with a new bottle before you got home", I told my brother, staring at him with my blue eyes, hoping he would calm down. My brother and I rarely fought over anything in the past and even when we did, we didn't stay mad at each other for very long. Fortunately, it didn't seem like he was too upset with me as I saw him come over and place his hands on my own, looking me in the eyes with his own.

"Next time, if you're going to get some KFC, save some for me. I saw what you did to that bucket in the fridge and it looks as if you tore into it as your non-anthro self!", he commented to me before I felt him lick my nose softly. "I still love you though", he added softly, making me murr before I rubbed my nuzzle against his.

"I love you, too", I answered back, taking my brother into my arms and holding him close to me. Meanwhile, I started to feel one of his hands move down my body, touching me around my belly.

"Charlene, is it just me, or does your belly seem to feel a bit bigger than it normally does?", my brother asked curiously as I looked him in the eyes and thought about what I wanted to say. Part of me wanted to keep the secret from him until I knew for sure, but seeing that his hand was tickling my belly, I figured I had to tell him now.

"Well, I was going to wait to tell you until I knew for sure, but since you seem to be awfully curious about my belly bulge, I suppose I can tell you now. I went to the doctor's office today and I had a hormone test done on me...a pregnancy hormone test", I mentioned to my brother as his eyes opened quite wide along with his mouth.

"Charlene, are you trying to tell me what I think you're telling me?", he asked in a surprised and curious tone. I blushed a little to his reaction before licking his nose softly.

"Well, I don't know it for sure yet since the results of the hormone test haven't come back. However, I have a strong feeling inside me that's saying that I am pregnant...and you're the one who made me this way", I answered with a smile as I could see that my brother was caught by complete surprise over this. He sat down on the couch after a moment and mulled over what I had just told him.

I sat down next to my brother and nuzzled up against him a little more, taking one of his hands as I looked at him curiously. "What's the matter, I thought that you wanted to do this with me", I asked him curiously, wondering if maybe the conversation we had with our mother a few days earlier affected his desire to breed with me. However, I felt his hand tighten on mine.

"I did...and I'm happy to hear that we may have finally done it. However, I'm also thinking about what Mom is going to say when she finds out about this. I mean, even if she WASN'T already in the hospital I don't think she'd be able to handle it", my brother told me as I licked his cheek.

"Well, we don't have to tell her. If she asks about my belly, I can just say that Maneson did it to me", I answered my brother as he sighed and looked at me.

"Charlene, you're forgetting about one thing...your pink nose. It takes a male and a female with the same genetic markers to produce the nose you have and Maneson doesn't have this. If we have a daughter and if she's born with a pink nose, it'll be because my sperm met with your egg and Mom would know right away who made you pregnant. We can't possibly tell her about this...even if we didn't intentionally breed together", he added as I sighed and leaned against him.

"Well, what are we going to do then?", I asked my brother curiously before he looked at me and rubbed his nuzzle against my own.

"We'll think of something, sis. First, we need to make sure that you really are pregnant first and then we can go from there", my brother answered softly before I kissed him on his nose and snuggled in closer to him, feeling his arms hold me tightly. "No matter what happens, I will be here for well as our pups", he added softly as I trusted his words and gave him a deeper kiss, placing my tongue into his mouth while I felt his go into mine. We murred together while kissing, feeling deep love for one another, much like that between a husband and wife. I was proud to have received my brother's sperm and likely be carrying our pups and I felt that he was equally happy about the whole situation.

Then, a couple minutes later, I heard my cell phone go off while we were kissing. As much as I didn't want to break up the passionate moment with my brother, I knew I had to answer the phone. When I stopped kissing, I took the cell phone out of my pocket and answered it. It was the phone call I had been waiting for since I left the doctor's office.

The test results had come back from the hormone test and I was told that it tested positive for the pregnancy hormone, confirming what I already believed to be true. When I heard this, I tried not to get too emotional about it, wanting to tell my brother about my pregnancy in my own way as I soon hung up the phone while he was still beside me. "Well...who was it?", he asked me curiously.

I looked at him briefly before placing my nuzzle against his, rubbing up against him lightly. "I think you and I better start thinking of some names...'Daddy'", I told my brother in a playful tone, giggling a bit at the end as I saw his eyes light up before he climbed on top of me, kissing me deeply while murring. I embraced my brother and returned the kiss, murring into his mouth as he was doing to me. Also, even though we were fully clothed, I could feel his foxhood growing erect while we kissed. I could feel it bulging outward from his pants and towards my crotch, feeling it rub against me and hump me a bit while we were kissing.

We stayed like this for about a minute before stopping, looking into each other's eyes while he caressed my cheek with one of his hands. "We should do something to celebrate this moment", he mentioned to me softly while I felt his hand touch my cheek fur and his bulge touch against my clothed crotch. Seeing how excited he was and given how happy I felt, I had one thing in mind to celebrate the beginning of our family.

"Do me...right here on the couch", I told him in a playful tone before licking his nose again and murring. He looked back at me, murring softly while his hand moved down from my cheek towards my pants. I felt his hand slip inside my pants and panties, reaching towards my vagina as he touched it briefly, making me gasp softly as my insides spasmed a little.

" seem to be a little dry down there, sis. We should change that before we do it again", he mentioned to me as my vagina was only slightly aroused at the moment from his humping and the touching.

"Well, we could make like we were as pups and you can rub yours against mine until I'm good and wet", I suggested to him as he murred to me and kissed my nose.

"Do you want us to keep our clothes on until your ready, or do you want to feel us touch?", he asked in response as I watched his two tails coil around each other in an excited manner.

"Mmm...let's have our bodies touch", I answered eagerly. I wanted to have full body contact with my brother, feeling his penis rubbing against my vaginal lips while our warm, furry bodies were pressed up against each other. As soon as I told him this, he climbed off of me for a minute and started to take off his clothes while I did the same. Both of us moved at a quick pace when we did this, wanting to get back together as soon as possible.

Then, as soon as we were naked, I felt him climb back onto me as I got comfortable lying on the couch cushions, feeling his erect foxhood touch against my outer lips. A few seconds later, he started to hump me, rubbing his length against my warm folds as I moaned softly to the feeling. I could feel him throbbing already, dripping small amounts of precum onto my lower belly fur, right about where the small bulge that was being produced by our growing pups was located. He was definitely ready for me, but it would take me a little while to get warmed up for him.

In the meantime, I embraced my brother while he held me, continuing to enjoy the feeling of our bodies touch while I started to feel his tongue licking softly at my neck. I couldn't help doing the same to him, murring to my brother at the same time, showing him just how much he meant to me. While I thought about him, I could feel my vaginal walls spasm frequently, getting more responsive towards his rubbing against my outer lips and clitoris as I became hotter and wetter on the inside. It wasn't long before I started to produce a bit of juice from my opening, starting to glaze the underside of his penis as it touched me while his spurts of precum became stronger and more frequent.

My belly fur was starting to become warm and sticky from his precum as he showed me just how happy he was for me. I could feel him throbbing a bit more while he rubbed against me on the outside as well, caressing my vaginal lips and massaging my clitoris to make me want him on the inside. I felt my vaginal canal begin to tighten a bit, becoming hot and moist for my brother as I thought about him, wanting to feel the rubbing of his warm and excited penis on the inside.

After a few more moments, I stopped licking his neck and moved my nuzzle up towards his ear. "Put it inside me", I told him softly before nipping at the tip of his ear gently, feeling his length throbbing as it was pressing up against my insides. I heard him murr in an excited manner as he reached down and grabbed onto his length, bringing the tip of his foxhood to touch against my opening. At that moment, I could only feel the very tip of his shaft inside me, but it released a strong spurt of precum that reached deep into my canal, starting to coat my walls with the same hot and sticky feeling that was on my belly.

I felt him move his nuzzle towards my own right before he kissed me deeply, plunging his tongue happily into my mouth while I felt him murr to me. At the same time, I felt his shaft push forward, sending his tip into my passage, followed quickly by the meat of his foxhood. He moved inside me slowly, pushing inch after inch of his maleness deeper into my vagina while throbbing with life and spitting precum out of the tip. My brother was always excited to be inside me when we had sex in the past, but today he seemed to have even more motivation than normal. Nevertheless, his shaft felt really good as it moved inside me and I started to kiss him back, feeling my tongue touching his periodically while he pushed inside me until all but his knot was surrounded by my warmth.

Once he was in, my walls gripped him tightly. They remained loose enough to let him pass through easily, but held him enough to feel the rubbing of our genitals against each other. I was very eager to feel him move through me and deliver another sticky bath of his fox cum to my womb. This time around, there would be no need for yiffberries since the deed had already been done. My brother and I were free to enjoy each other's company the way we both wanted.

Soon, I started to feel him move back and forth inside me. Moving slowly through my passage while my body spasmed around his length. His foxhood rubbed gently against the inside of my vagina while his knot bumped lightly against my outer lips and clitoris, adding to the massage I was getting on the inside. It was a very pleasant feeling, making me feel warmer on the inside as he kept moving, spitting precum deep into my passage at the same time.

We continued to kiss, getting a bit more excited as time wore on as our combined murring got louder and I felt his hands move down to my lower back. His shaft also started to thicken inside me, pushing back against my warm and wet insides while the constant tickling continued. Something told me that this his feelings for me at this moment went beyond those he already felt towards me. I started to get the feeling that his desire for me was the same as his desires for Sapphire and Melissa. I felt as if his foxhood was telling me that he wanted to be mated to me for life, possibly even to the point where he'd marry me if he could. This was a concept that I would be more than happy to accept. It wouldn't matter to me what Mom would say about it, if my brother and I wanted to be a true mated pair, we'd be a true mated pair and I would be more than happy to accept his sperm anytime we had sex together, leading to the creation of even more pups in the future.

Gradually, I started to feel him move faster, growing more aroused by the moment as our bodies touched and our genitals were rubbing vigorously. I felt his hands reach down to my butt, grabbing both cheeks lightly while I felt him driving his shaft inward, pushing his knot against my opening a bit more vigorously. In response, my walls tightened around his shaft, squeezing it a bit harder as it thickened inside me, causing my brother to murr quite loudly in response. I wanted him to feel good and to feel loved, his shaft had been massaging my insides for a few minutes already and I could feel my body wanting a fresh coating of his seed deep inside of it. As such, I placed my hands on his butt cheeks and grabbed them firmly, bringing him in closer to me as I giggled to him while we kept kissing.

I wanted all of him inside me, taking his knot into me like I've done with the rest of his shaft and letting it grow until it bonded us together again. As such, I kept pushing him towards me, feeling his bulb hitting my outer lips repeatedly as it tried to get in. Like the rest of his foxhood, it was quite active, pulsating from his arousal and his thoughts of me while I could only imagine what his balls were going through right now. They were probably stuffed with seed, ready to be delivered to my womb once we were stuck to each other once again.

I didn't want to wait much longer for the hot and sticky feeling to return to my insides. My body craved my brother's sperm and I was sure that his body wanted to give it to me. That was when I pushed him in closer to me, actually having his knot get pushed into my vagina, where I felt it begin growing the instant it got in. Once this happened, he stopped kissing me and looked into my eyes. "Sis...what did you do that for?", he asked in a curious tone as I moved my hand towards his cheek and caressed it lightly.

"I want to be filled by you...again", I mentioned to my brother softly, feeling his growing knot pressing up against my walls as I started to clamp down on it. Meanwhile, strong bursts of precum were starting to pass through my cervix, directly into my womb. "C'mon...I know you want to cum inside me", I added in a soft and loving tone, licking my brother's nose afterwards as I started to feel him hump me a little more.

"Alright sis...if that's what you want, then that's what you'll get", he commented back to me as I felt him rubbing against my walls a bit more as his knot kept growing larger. The feeling between his growing bulb and my vagina was becoming hotter and tighter as I could feel my brother's intense throbbing against my body. Having him on top of me like this with his entire length deep inside my reproductive tract made me wish that I could ovulate again for him and add to our already developing litter. I knew that this couldn't happen, but perhaps we'd be able to find a way to have more pups together in the future. For now though, I simply wanted to take his seed inside me.

As his knot neared it's full-size, I felt him move from side-to-side a little, adding to the massage between our hot bodies as I heard him panting a bit. The flow of precum into my womb had stopped, but his shaft had become very thick within my vagina, as well as quite active. I knew he was getting ready to give me what I wanted and clamped down on his bulb hard, making sure it would stay inside me during his climax. I wrapped my legs around his lower body and brought him in as close to me as possible. "Do it to your twin sister how much you love her", I told my brother in a playful tone, licking the side of his nuzzle afterwards, hearing him yip in a high-pitched tone before he suddenly plunged his tongue back into my mouth, catching me by surprise.

A second or two after he did that, I felt the rush of his hot semen gushing from his tip, surging through my cervical passage and splashing up against my womb. This feeling, combined with that of his tongue in my mouth, inspired me to kiss him back, murring happily to my brother as the insides of my uterus were being covered again by his sticky seed. This was one of the best feelings that I ever experienced in my life. My brother and I were used to turning the tie during sex and while that was still our favorite thing to do together, the feeling of having my brother on top of me while he inseminated my reproductive tract was a change that I welcomed. I knew we wouldn't be stuck to each other sexually as long as we would if he had turned the tie with me, but I didn't care at the moment. He was filling my womb and showing his love for me and I savored every moment of our union.

My womb gradually filled up with his seed, coating every part of it that wasn't occupied by our growing pups, leaving me with a hot and tingly feeling that worked throughout my lower body. During this time, while we were kissing and I accepted his seed, I had one hand on his butt and one on his back, grabbing his butt cheek and caressing his back softly. I made sure to let him know that I loved him and was as equally devoted to him as Melissa and Sapphire were.

His entire length was throbbing inside me during his climax, especially around his baseball-sized knot. As I held it tightly in my vagina, I felt his knot pulsating quite frequently, almost as if it were a second heartbeat. I knew that this "heartbeat" was for me and was another way of my brother showing his love for me.

I felt very happy both inside and outside, having my uterus becoming full of his cum again while our warm bodies touched and our tongues happily moved around inside each other's mouths. We murred and caressed each other during his climax, not stopping for a single moment as long as I had his knot inside me and he kept pumping his sticky semen deep into my reproductive tract. I was hoping that this would last forever between us, I didn't think I'd ever want to let my brother pull out of me again. Of course, I knew deep down that we couldn't stay like this permanently.

Gradually, I felt the stream of my brother's warm cum slow to a trickle and then stop a few moments later, followed by the slow shrinking of his knot. I couldn't help whimpering a little when I felt him begin to loosen inside me, but there was nothing we could do to stop it. However, he kept being affectionate towards me while his body gradually relaxed, kissing me deeply while murring as I returned the favor to my brother, still holding onto his butt and rubbing his back fur while he remained on top of me.

His knot continued to shrink and I started to feel my body ease its grip on him, returning to its normal tightness as his bulb became less engorged and active inside me. Even though he was settling down, the feeling of what he did to me would remain behind for a while. I'd still be able to feel his seed clinging to my insides, tickling me as it swam around all over my reproductive tract, trying in vain to add to the litter that was already conceived from the last time we had sex. I would've loved to have a full-size litter with my brother, but for now I was content with settling for the pups we created together last time.

When his knot popped out of my opening a couple minutes later, that was when he finally broke the kiss between us and allowed his length to leave my vagina. When he pulled out of me, I saw a trail of his semen briefly connect between the tip of his shaft and the opening between my legs, making me lick my lips a bit to the sight. He then reached out towards me and helped me sit back up on the couch before I felt his nuzzle on my shoulder.

"You know, if you and I are going to have pups together, I think the two of us should get together as a couple", he told me softly, licking my neck afterwards as I felt a bit confused.

"But, aren't we already a couple. We've been close to each other for as long as we can both remember and we both love each other", I answered back to my brother feeling him licking my neck some more.

He murred to me gently as I felt one of his hands touch the small belly bulge I had. "We've been together as brother and sister for the last 30 years, we've also been together as lovers. However, I was thinking of a relationship that went beyond that", he mentioned to me as I turned to face him, my nose touching his.

"Are you saying what I think you're saying?", I asked him curiously, thinking that I knew what my brother meant. With one hand on my belly and his other hand taking one of mine, he looked at me with his sky blue eyes and nodded.

"Well, we were there when Kit and Firecat married each other, why couldn't we do the same? I know it would only be a symbolic gesture, but I want to make sure that you and I are never separated from each other ever again", he told me as I blushed and nodded. My hand held his tightly and I rubbed my pink nose against his black nose softly. "I don't care about what Mom would think of us doing this any longer, I feel the same way towards you as I do towards Sapphire and Melissa. I need you to stay in my life, Charlene", he continued softly as I murred softly to my brother before kissing his lips.

"Of course I'll marry you. Besides, our pups are going to need their mom and their dad", I answered sweetly to my brother before we kissed once again as he pinned me back on the couch. This time though it wasn't for sex, it was for the deeper emotional love we felt for each other and the anticipation of the two of us being mates for life. We wouldn't speak of this to Mom or the rest of our immediate family, only to those we knew would be accepting of our decision.

As it got later in the day, my brother and I gradually settled down to our normal selves as Melissa, Sapphire, and several of my nieces and nephews came home, all of them piling onto my brother and giving him kisses and hugs. He was a very loving dad to his kids and as I watched him interact with his sons and daughters, I could see him doing the same with our pups when it came time for me to give birth to them in a couple of months. For now though, all I could do was wait for that day to come.

Later that night, while I was in my bedroom; sleeping alone while I let my brother sleep with Melissa and Sapphire, I started to have visions in my head. I started to think about what our pups might look like when they were born as well as how many I was going to have. I knew that I had the potential to carry large litters inside me. When I was 12 I had a fertility test performed on me and the doctor estimated that I could carry up to 14 pups in my womb comfortably. While it was very unlikely that there were 14 pups growing in my womb right now, it was quite possible that there was more than one inside there.

My mind continued to wander while I slept, thinking about when they would be born and having them snuggle up to my bosom to nurse for the first time. In my vision, I saw two little fox pups, a male and a female nursing from me. The male pup looking a lot like my brother did at that age with very light blonde hair on his head and the female pup looking much like me, only with dark blonde hair instead of brown hair. Our future pups looked very cute together and I couldn't help but wonder if they would be destined to form a relationship just like my brother and I did. It certainly was possible, after all, Chad and I bonded together while we were in mom's womb. However, anything at this point would be merely speculation and it was too early to say anything for certain. We'd just have to wait until they were born to find out.

One month later...

As the weeks went by, I watched as my belly slowly became larger, feeling the pups my brother and I made together grow larger and stronger inside me. My pregnancy was going according to plan thus far as I made sure to eat plenty and eat healthy to make sure my son and daughter would come out of my womb being chubby and healthy. During this time, I also paid my mother visits in the hospital every day or two, to check up on her chemotheraphy was going. Since she had started the treatment, all of her body fur had fallen out and she looked a lot skinnier than she did before being admitted to the hospital. Though on the plus side, she was still alive and her prognosis for recovering from the leukemia was good. As an added bonus, she finally stopped smoking as a result of the treatment, which is something she had done for many years...even when she was pregnant with my brother and I. Chad and I both detested her cigarette smoking ever since we were pups and we had both pleaded with her to stop in the past.

While I visited her in the hospital one afternoon, I was certain that she noticed that I had a belly bulge from the pups that were growing inside me. She commented to me about how she was glad that she'd still be able to see my son and daughter grow up and wondered when they were due. I told her that they'd be born in about a month and that once they were big enough to visit, I'd bring them over to see their grandmother. I didn't bother to tell my mom that Chad was their biological father since I knew she'd probably have a heart attack if she found out that my brother and I bred together. Although, I also knew that if my daughter came out of my womb with a pink nose and mom saw it that she'd know right away that we had done what we did.

Chad and I had planned for this potential problem in advance and developed a soft black cover that would fit over our daughter's nose to keep our mom from discovering the truth. She'd only have to wear it when we brought her to see her grandmother and would allow her to go without it when Chad and I were home alone with our kids.

Speaking of my brother, he's been awfully busy these last few weeks, preparing for a wedding ceremony for the two of us in Rapoville (since it was legal to marry family members under raposa law). Though the marriage wouldn't be legally binding here, it didn't really matter to me. The principle of having my brother being paired to me for life just like he had done to Melissa and Sapphire was more than enough to make me happy. He had also invited Kitsuneyoukai and Firecat to come see us when our son and daughter were born. He had gone as far as to get them plane tickets and a room at a hotel so they wouldn't have to worry about it. We both wanted to have them here to be the godparents of our kids, knowing that we were there (along with Melissa) when Kit and Firecat married each other. We both felt it was our way to thank them for having us there for one of the most important moments of their lives.

However, this was still a few weeks away. In the meantime, my brother and I continued to make plans for our twins as we sat together later in the evening after I visited mom in the hospital, feeling one of his hands caress the bulge of my belly.

"So, how are our little ones doing today, sis?", I heard him ask me softly before feeling him lick the side of my neck lovingly while his hand caressed my belly a little more. This feeling made my toes curl a bit and my tails wrap around each other, feeling passionate in nature as I murred sweetly to my twin brother.

"Mmm...they love having you touch me like that...and so do I!", I answered happily, feeling him kiss me on my neck before he nuzzled up against me softly. "Mmm...just think about a few more weeks, you and I will have something we've both wanted together for a very long time", I added as I felt my brother's lips slowly move up my neck, planting kisses along the way until they reached my mouth. That's where we exchanged a more passionate kiss together as I felt his free hand touch the side of my face lightly.

"By the way, I've been doing some thinking about what we should name them and I think that they should have something in common with us", I heard him explain softly to me, thinking about what he meant by this for a few moments.

"Wouldn't it be awfully confusing if we named them after us? After all, don't you already have a son named after you?", I asked my brother curiously, thinking he wanted to name them after the two of us.

However, he shook his head briefly and moved in closer, touching his nose against mine. "That's not quite what I had in mind, sis. I was thinking that since we both have the same set of initials, they should have the same set of initials as well...though different from ours", he mentioned to me as I looked into his blue eyes while feeling his soft and loving touch.

"So...what did you have in mind then?", I asked curiously.

He smiled to me and rubbed his nose gently against mine. "Well, do you know how you and I have the same middle initials as mom and dad? Well, I was thinking of giving them our middle names as their first names", he responded as I thought about his idea for a second*.

"Hmm...Edward and Ellen. Sounds a little bit more formal than I'd like, but I think it would work", I answered as my brother kept rubbing his nose against mine.

Well, those could just be their given names. We could call them Eddie and Ellie if that will make you feel better", he suggested to me as I embraced my brother to me and nuzzled him softly.

"Oooh...I like it. Eddie and Ellie it is!", I told my brother sweetly before kissing him deeply, putting my tongue into his warm mouth while we continued to snuggle together on the couch. Inside my womb, I could feel our Eddie and Ellie moving around a bit inside me. Apparently they had heard what we were talking about and they were giving their approval to the names we had decided on for them.

To be concluded...

*: The part that mentions how I have the same middle name as my father is 100% true. I gave Charlene my mother's last name because I shared my middle name with my dad and I wanted the two of us to have the same set of initials.