On Candy Snakes: A Study of a Rare Species

Story by Annela on SoFurry

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To clarify a major confusion regarding the name, "Candy Snakes" are not actually made of candy. Their name comes instead from their unique psuedoreproductive processes and the consistency and chemical structure of their coital productions.

In layman's terms, they can produce candy eggs and their sexual fluids are often candy-flavored. In fact most individuals produce fluids that are identical in every way to liquefied candy.


Candy Snakes are a strange and wonderful new discovery, yet evidence also shows they have existed for hundreds of years. The reptiles possess two key abilities: pseudoreproductive candy generation, and telekinesis. Many who hear about them with no visual tend to think of them as nagas, possessing arms, but Candy Snakes are entirely snake-like, devoid of limbs. Females with prolific sexual experience may develop a slight pear or hourglass curvature along the length of the body, however this is often only seen in snakes beyond twenty years.

Very few strains of Candy Snakes possess venom or constrictive abilities. Their primary method of hunting in the wild is to telekinetically carry a sharp implement to maim their prey, then dart in, latch onto the prey's neck with their sharp foldable teeth, and either bite through and sever the spinal cord or try to snap the neck with a twist of their powerful body muscles. The carried weapon of choice is one capable of slaughter if the prey is too resistant, but Candy Snakes only use their weapon to kill if their physical prowess fails, preferring to use the weapon as a crippling tool rather than a lethal one. Some jungle tribes carry blowdart tubes or poisoned fangs rather than a melee weapon, but the usage still remains the same.

Candy Snakes prefer meat, but are omnivorous, enjoying a wide variety of food sources. Fruit Cream snakes in particular mostly indulge in fruits and sweet vegetables. To their omnivorous extent, many tribes culture their own gardens. Individuals will go out and catch a meat meal, which will last them approximately two weeks, and then tend to their gardens and occasionally snack on the produce while the meat digests. Non-meat food sources only provide a few days to a week's worth of nourishment.

Sexual Structure All Candy Snakes can be considered hermaphrodites. The male Candy Snake possesses the generic serpent hemepene structure, however a Candy Snake male's penile length vastly exceeds other snake species. This is due to the structure of the female: a female Candy Snake possesses two wombs, aligned along one passage, as if the vaginal canal were to balloon in two places. The first, most easily accessible womb is the "candy womb", where a good 95% of Candy Snake sexual activity is centered, and the second womb further in is the "breeding womb". Through a process still being researched, a Candy Snake's "candy womb" is able to convert a partner's sexual fluids into an egg comprised entirely of candy. What further astonishes scientists and herpetologists is that there are various sub-breeds of Candy Snake able to produce different candy shells, with many divisions of these breeds capable of creating a cream filling within these pseudoreproductive formations.

Genders are defined by the genital structure. Males have two hemipenes growing from a vagina, which terminates in one candy womb. Females have one penis and two wombs.

Candy egg shells are soft and pliable during formation within the womb. Cream filling is achieved when a male's penis penetrates this soft shell and more semen is contributed. Shells harden minutes before the snake chooses to lay the confections. The quality and texture of the shell and filling depend entirely upon the candy gestation, as snakes are capable of choosing when to lay their creations. It has been observed that the experience a snake has with generating candy eggs, the age of the body, and the time the egg is contained within the candy womb all have a direct correlation with the final product quality. Depending on age, snakes have a maximum holding time before the candy spoils. It can therefore be understood that the older a snake is and the more it has generated eggs, the longer it can withhold the confections, ergo the tastier the treats will be. Spoiled candies are passed without the snake's will, a bodily ejection.

To date, the following shells and creams have been identified, and all shells have been found to have all cream variants as well: SHELLS --Milk Chocolate --White Chocolate --Dark Chocolate --Fruit Chocolate (in areas rich in highly acidic fruits) --Nut Chocolate (a loose term, can mean any ground or tree nut) --Bean Chocolate (closest approximation would be the Chinese red bean paste used in desserts) --Mint Chocolate --Vanilla Swirl Chocolate (can also be accomplished with a Milk shell/Vanilla cream and rigorous sexual activity) --Candy-coated Chocolate (akin the popular M&M's candy; color is random) --Calavera (entirely white sugar, only found in southern areas, named such after the similar sugar-shell Mexican Day of the Dead treats) --Molasses

CREAMS --Chocolate --Fudge --Vanilla --Caramel --Fruit (some snakes are aligned with various fruits, but the filling may change on diet during formation) --Peanut Butter --Mint

It appears that Candy Snake females can only achieve conception if the male's penis is long enough to penetrate the first womb's cervix and reach the second cervix at its apex. Snakes tend to pair off according to age, usually a larger male courting a smaller female that his penes can fully penetrate. The opposite is only seen in treat-generating or pleasure relationships.

Candy Snakes also possess an unusual evolutionary bond between parent and child. Incest is an extremely common practice among Candy Snakes, so much so that it has become almost imperative to a young snake's development. Candy Snakes reach sexual maturity around two years of age, but do not reach fertility until three years. Within this window, parents mate with their children, very often claiming their virginities in the process. In many villages it is tradition for a parent to take their child's virginity as a rite of passage. This is due, mostly, to the biological aftermath. When a young snake receives mature semen from a biological parent or close parental relation such as an uncle or grandparent, the wombs absorb the more matured hormones, resulting in a slightly faster and much more problem-resistant maturation of the younger snake's reproductive system. Incestuous families resist cancers and other health problems almost eighty percent more effectively than families that do not engage in incest, and recent studies have shown a direct correlation between familial activity and quality of candy. Even for young non-incestuous snakes more sexually active, the quality of candy does not reach the level produced from incest-matured individuals. This "blessing" of parental hormones is not limited to fathers. Mother snakes, while unable to produce sperm, still pass on hormones through their sugary semen. Most villages practice a rite of passage in which fathers "impregnate" their daughters with their first candy-eggs, and mothers "impregnate" their sons' candy-wombs as well. In the aftermath, it is also common for children to attempt to "impregnate" their parents. Once a young snake has had this "hormonal blessing", it is common for them to crave sex almost constantly for the next few years.

On the topic of hormones and sex, Candy Snakes do not grow drowsy after sexual activity. Any sexual play is conducted away from furniture and main travel areas and is rarely, if ever, performed in sleeping areas. For a while this mystified researchers, but the reason is quite simple and blatant: having the consistency and chemical structure of liquid candy, Candy Snake sexual fluids are sticky. Given that males tend to ejaculate a somewhat copious amount, it would be rather easy to become stuck if one were to rest in a Candy Snake's fluids. The snakes are quite well aware of this, having old tales of snakes dying in candy prisons of their own sexual creation, cemented in plce after falling asleep in thick amounts achieved from multiple orgasms. While Candy Snakes do not produce sleep-inducing hormones during orgasm, the physical strain after multiple couplings can still be quite exhausting anyway. Young snakes are well versed in these old tales, given their propensity for sex until their bodies finish maturing.

Another thing of great study interest is that Candy Snakes, while possessing entirely standard digestive systems, do not produce waste. It is currently theorized that the snakes telekinetic abilities (see next section) play a role in the total breakdown and bodily absorption of food sources. The only physical waste observed is the passing of spoiled candy eggs, which is rather rare. Spoiled eggs are often powdery and crumbly, and have a faint but rather unpleasant stale flavor instead of the expected sugary flavor. For this reason of not creating waste, many researchers appear eager to convince Candy Snakes to indulge in anal activities. The snakes still exhibit resistance to the notion.

Of final note is the flexibility of the snake's body. With the recent discovery of these serpentine tribes, and their general friendliness and eagerness to share their treats in exchange for pleasure, it has been observed that Candy Snakes possess remarkable sexual flexibility. Many females have been observed taking stallions or dragons to the hilt, a good twenty-one inches if not more and much thicker around than with snakes, yet most of the females enjoyed the encounter with seemlingly little pain. Males are typically rather reserved about their vaginas, even shy, rarely indulging anyone outside their immediate family.

Telekinetic Abilities Candy Snakes possess a telekinetic power directly proportional to the body's size. Snakes are able to mentally move small, light objects as far as their bodies are long; IE: if a snake is five feet long, its telekinetic maximum range is five feet.

This telekinesis allows them to selectively hold candy eggs within themselves. Some snakes have been observed to carry an egg for five different partners, each having given semen at a different time and desiring their treat at varying dates. The carrier remembers which egg belongs to whom, and how long each egg has been gestating. This is possibly a semi-subconscious memory system, as we have been observing various villages for the greater part of three years and have yet to witness an individual lose track of their clients' orders.

The telekinetic abilities are not effective on child-bearing eggs, however. Snakes cannot withhold their child-eggs, possibly because of telekinetic polarity.


Families appear to be related by Shell type, with Creams being the equivalent of, say, hair or eye color or patterns in other species. Some tend to gather based on cream similarity; for example, while Vanilla and Caramel creams are fairly common everywhere that Candy Snakes settle, Peanut Butter and Mint creams are often only found in North America and Central America respectively. Shell type is notable via scale shapes and colors, while Cream type is visually distinguished by color patterns on the scales. For example, a Milk Chocolate Peanut Butter snake will be primarily a chocolatey brown with orange figure-eight patterns, while a Calavera Mint snake will be a pale yellow or very light sandy-tan color with green patches.

Candy Snakes live in hidden tree-based villages, predominantly, although some such as the Peanut Butter Creams have been known to dwell in ground-based structures. They exhibit much the same loner instincts as other snakes, but also tend to live in large family groups within these villages. They appear to hunt in cycles, where individuals will gorge themselves and then bring back food for their children, then rest for a few weeks while the food settles.

Governmental structure is loose, family units generally keeping to themselves except to court, pleasure or provide food. Guidance is deferred to the eldest snakes in a sort of mayoral setup, however it is rare for individuals to assume leadership.

The majority of a Candy Snake's life is spent having sex, primarily with family members and close relations. It is very common for snakes to simply mount each other and indulge in hours of passionate sex. This is also practiced widely in the research community, as many female Candy Snakes appear to enjoy having us simply take their tails and penetrate them at a moment's notice. "Cock-sleeving" is a growing trend while researchers take notes or read; a practice in which the male simply rests his penis within the embrace of the female snake's passage. The females express great enjoyment just from the "fullness" of having a penis inside them. However, they prefer to know the partner first and do not take kindly to strangers attempting to indulge in this practice.

While incest between same-sexes is common, Candy Snake sex is almost entirely oral or "straight", IE a penis penetrating a vagina. The boundaries are usually gray when it comes to hermaphrodism, but given the clear-cut distinctions between the hermaphrodite genders in Candy Snakes, it is safe to say they are almost entirely heterosexual even in male/male and female/female pleasure relationships. Homosexual and anal activity are very rare and often only done for the sake of exploration among youth; given their pension for honesty and total acceptance of sexuality, there are no recordings of any Candy Snake expressing more than bi-curiosity, even among their own histories. In general, females are much more likely to indulge in seemingly homoerotic activity among their own kind, including cunnilingus, but are uneasy about performing it outside of their kind. Males are much less prone to show homoerotic tendencies even with their own family members; some enjoy orally pleasuring a family member's penis on occasion, but rarely more than that is ever practiced, and they prefer to orally pleasure their female relations in this manner. It is often only performed to indulge in consumption of the partner's confectionary-grade sexual fluids.

Some Candy Snakes have begun to venture into the world abroad. It appears that their easy-going outlook on sex and enjoyment of penetration serves them well, though being isolated for hundreds of years they are still wary around strangers. They are quick to warm up, but still cautious, and are known to break relationships immediately if they sense danger, be it physical, mental, emotional or otherwise. Overly affectionate partners have a tendency to become clingy, possessive, or demanding of attention, which triggers the red flag for a Candy Snake. They enjoy affection and are very cuddly creatures, but are not afraid to back off or flee a situation if it becomes too smothering.

Most Candy Snakes tend to gardens when they settle down from their youthful sex drive. When they are not hunting or indulging family members and friends with coitus, they can usually be found tilling soil or watering planted patches. Candy Snakes also occasionally enjoy arts and crafts, especially egg painting. Many will find dyes in the wild and mix them with their own sexual fluids to create a color, mixing that with ground and dried plant fiber to create an opaque candy paint to apply to their eggs. This tradition was, during early stages of discovery and investigation, jokingly connected to the Easter Bunny. Oddly, though, the snakes vaguely hinted at knowing of an Easter Bunny of sorts, but denied their eggs being the ones the Easter Bunny spreads around the world. This led to jokes about lawsuits and drama if the sexual source of the eggs came to light. Candy Snakes exhibit a great sense of humor.

In regards to crime rates, crimes are somewhat rare among Candy Snakes, likely due to the unusually respectful cultural system. Criminals are dealt with swiftly and harshly, however, as Candy Snakes have very little patience for wrong-doing. Of morbidly interesting note is an historical account of Southern Candy Snakes, mostly near the equator, approximately one thousand years ago. Criminals would be gathered throughout the year, then drugged and laid on a sacrificial altar while the elder snakes covered them in semen, adding layer after layer for a whole day in the hot sun until the criminals were imprisoned in the sugary cement. Those who managed to escape were considered forgiven by the gods, but those who failed to escape would eventually perish. "Death by Bukkake" is the term the researchers have coined it for now. This practice was limited to South American groups of Candy Snakes and is no longer performed, but criminals are still punished harshly, often with physical beating or more calculated methods such as blood-letting via careful incisions to induce blood-loss sickness, a form of torture. Northern sects do not indulge in torture, often instead taking advantage of reptilian cold-blooded traits by building jailing cells in cold water such that the floor is a few inches beneath the surface, forcing the occupant to reside in the water, slowing them down and sometimes inducing hibernation. This also drags out the pain from beatings, as the reduction in body activity also slows healing. Crime rates in snake villages observed so far are extremely low, and are usually only minor offenses at best such as petty theft. This is, as mentioned before, likely due to the cultural standards of respect, and also due to youthful promiscuity and general indulgence in casual sex meaning that everyone knows just about everyone else within a village.

Possibly more to come as more is discovered.