Tales of a changed Earth 7.5

Story by shetland on SoFurry

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#8 of Tales of a changed Earth

Tales of a changed Earth 7.5 by Raven Fox: A few short stories written by myself for the fans of this series. The first two takes place on the world the dragons come from with the third taking place on our Earth.

Unknown planet, three weeks before the event.

A set of amber catlike eyes watched as the wagon went down the trail. The black colored petite anthro fennec vixen decided to watch the wagon due to a known group of outlaws was working this area. Ewyon ran a slim black hand thru her white colored head hair sighing to herself. It's been almost two years since her friend and companion went north to find a place to live. "Oh how I miss you Sandra, you seem distant since you destroyed those two armies. But we dragons are forbidden to take sides in hyman war, even Oblivion honored that rule. Why did you do that? You never told me the reason why." The vixen thought to herself.

Unknown to Ewyon, a set of copper colored eyes were watching her. The male anthro fox with copper coloring is on duty in watching the black dragon. "What are you up to Ewyon? If you're planning to rob this wagon, I got to stop you and hope that Lynn is near by. Me against you, barely a chance because you're the only evil dragon who managed to injure Samson. I better check to see if Lynn's' near by." Shaun thought to himself doing a check to see where Lynn is located at. His mate is near by, a minute later; a silver colored dragon is circling overhead.

"Rynn is heading to our location. She should be here in a couple of minutes." Said Lynn in Shauns' mind.

The male fox nodded never redirecting his gaze from the black colored fennec vixen. He saw six figures in black clothing heading to the wagon.

"Well, it looks like they're going for it." Ewyon said to herself as she stepped on to the trail.

The leader of the group is surprised when a black colored fennec vixen walked on to the trail behind the wagon in front of him. "Move it vix, me and my group is going to make a withdrawal from this wagon." He said with a sneer as the wagon continued down the trail.

Ewyon flipped a strand of white hair off her muzzle and grinned. "I think not, you see, when people rob a coach, some merchants have to pay higher tax collection to make up for lost wages. Then customers like me half to pay a higher price on goods. The price for smoked swoot meat is already high and that's one of my favorite meals. So I suggest you leave and try to make an honest living."

The leader of the bandit gang yelled. "Kill this vix and stop that wagon."

The vixen sighed and shook her head. "So, I must teach you a lesson."

Up in a tree, Shaun muttered. "There goes that group of bandits; they're stupid in picking a fight with Ewyon because she's going to kill all six of them." He watches as they encircled the black fennec vixen. "Lynn, this is going to make you sick, looks like we're going to rescue a group of bandits from Ewyon." The fox said to his mates' mind.

"I am coming down love; Rynn is flying as fast as she can. She'll be here as soon as possible, but it looks like the two of us for now. Both of us can hold our own against her till Rynn shows up. Wait for me before you start something with her, you know what she did to Samson and Rynn one hundred twenty years ago. That was when she couldn't do magic and now she can. I wonder who taught her, because there are now two evil dragons that can use magic. Her and Oblivion." Said Lynn in Shauns' mind.

"You forgot Sandra, I heard rumors of an artic vixen using magic and we know almost known magic user." Shaun said to Lynn watching as a bandit ran to Ewyon. "It's Showtime, someone just volunteered to get himself killed." The male fox muttered to himself.

Ewyon dodged the bandit and grabbed his body throwing him to another getting ready to run at her. She sharpens her senses turning slowly keeping her balance never blinking. Another two ran at her drawing their swords to attack her.

Shaun is twenty feet from Ewyon watching the fight. He noted that there are four left of that group wearing the outfits of the Hymans who live in a Southern territory. Lynn walked up to his side watching as the black fennec vixen did a gesture and four different lighting bolts struck each bandit knocking them to the ground.

Ewyon looked around shrugging and cast a sleep spell to put out the bandits for the next few hours. "Well, what do I do to you guys?" She asked the sleeping forms.

"Step away from them Ewyon, they might be bandits, but we're not going to let you kill them." Shaun said to the vixen stepping out in view with Lynn.

The fennec vixen watched the two foxes walk up to her. She flexed her fingers to get ready to defend herself. "Ok, time to have some fun.....I don't think so, dam, she had to show up. Is Rynn still mad at me for what I did to her father and breaking her wing?" Ewyon said as a seven foot tall female blonde colored wolf join the foxes.

"Stand down Ewyon; we'll take care of these bandits. We're not going to let you kill them. I know you can take us one at a time, but all three of us attacking you at the same time?" Rynn replied to the fennec vixen gazing at her with her gold colored eyes.

Ewyon put her hands up backed up a few feet away from the bandits. "Alright, you can take them off my hands. I was just getting tired of paying higher prices for merchandise due to supply and money coaches getting robbed. I don't kill Hymans for the thrill anymore, I stopped that stuff after I left Oblivions' group."

The two foxes and one female wolf tied up the six bandits and morphed to their dragon forms. They picked up the bandits placing them on their backs and spread their feathered wings. Rynn looked at the black colored fennec vixen. "It will take more than showing mercy on a group of bandits. Ewyon, if you did switch sides, it takes compassion and showing kindness to someone. Think about it, we'll be watching you."

She watched as the three dragons flew away. The vixen shrugged and walked down the trail feeling the dirt on her foot pads. Ewyon smoothed her white head hair enjoying the scenery as she walked down the trail to the town. "I'll spend a few days here and earn some coin so I can buy some new clothes. So I got to keep my muzzle clean to show those good dragons that I am not a threat to them. Samson must know what Sandra did to those two armies and that's why he's having those dragons watching me."

Minutes later, just outside of the village.

Ewyon didn't even flinch as a very tall male blonde colored wolf stepped in front of her. The fennec vixen sighed and shook her head replying. "Hello Samson, it's been a hundred and twenty years since we last met."

The wolf looked down at the black colored fennec vixen keeping his senses alert. "Hello Ewyon, do you realize that on a cold day my hand still does a dull ache, plus Rynn has a few scars on her side." Samson said to his adversary, he knew better to pick a fight with Ewyon. "I stood a chance against her before she knew magic, but from what I heard she has the skills of a class seven mage." He thought to himself still staring at the vixen.

"I was wondering why Rynn was so cold at me a while ago. One hundred and twenty years and she still holds a grudge, I am flattered." Said Ewyon to the leader of the good dragons doing a chuckle and stopped by Samson's' expression. "Ah come on Samson, I am no threat to you guys. I stopped that group of bandits because I was getting sick and tired of paying higher prices on goods."

The leader of the good dragons did a low grow and stopped it when he saw the fennec vixen get in a fighting stance. "Stand down; I want to know where Sandra is? Is she going to interfere against another war by destroying both armies?"

"It's not good of asking a question with a question Samson, my magic teacher told me that on my fortieth year of training. As for the where about of Sandra, she went North, very far North by the polar area." Ewyon said to Samson and changed the subject. "I was wondering if I can join you group?"

"I am sorry, a few of my followers are still mad at you for what you did to me and Rynn. So keep your muzzle clean and I might consider your offer. I've spent the last one hundred and twenty years to keep the younger dragons from doing revenge attacks on you and Sandra. Some of those hatchlings with sense picture a huge menacing black dragon when I talk a bout you." The wolf said to the fennec vixen.

Ewyon chuckled at Samson's' remark and replied. "That's the reason you have Shaun, Lynn and Rynn watch me, to keep a hatchling from earning the honor of defeating me in battle. To make you feel better, I won't kill any of your hatchlings if they go after me. I prefer the taste of swoot over dragon meat, but do keep scaring your hatchings of the menacing rogue black dragon, add Sandra if you want. The reason she did that attack to those armies, she never told me." Ewyon said to Samson and looked at him.

Samson nodded, walked to the middle of the trail and looked back at her. "You did the right thing of sparing those bandits by putting a sleep spell on them. It's too bad that the law of the Hymans might execute them for their crimes, but we don't interfere with hyman affairs. If Sandra ever returns remind her, taking sides in a war is forbidden." The tall male blonde colored wolf transforms in to a large gold dragon and flew away.

Ewyon watched as the dragon circled a few times and turned north. "Thinking of looking for Sandra, you won't find her. The polar area just had a blizzard yesterday making the area white. Looking for Sandra now will be like looking for me in a pile of coal." The black colored fennec said to herself and resumed walking to the village.

A few days before the event, near a lake.

The large black dragon lay on the rocky shore enjoying the very hot day. Once in a while, one of the large amber catlike eyes would open looking around. Ewyon inhaled a large amount of air and exhaled. She brought up her reptilian head and looked at a tree seeing a flash of copper. "I wonder if Shaun is bored watching me enjoying my nap?" The dragon thought to herself lowering her head back on the ground, but there's the sound of a cry for help.

The copper colored male fox did a sigh of boredom as the large black dragon continued her nap at the lake shore. He remained still as the reptilian head went up and looked at his area. "Dam, she's getting big, when Samson fought her one hundred and twenty years ago, she was half that size." Shaun thought to himself looking at the black dragon as she lowered her head and closed her eyes. The fox thought back of the battle with Oblivion with a shudder. To him in his opinion, Ewyon is the most dangerous black dragon around. "Well, I count Oblivion number one of the evil dragons as dangerous. You Ewyon are second as the most dangerous of evil dragons since you can use magic. Millia use to be number two till you became a magic user pushing her to third place." Shaun thought to himself as Ewyon suddenly stood up looking at the lake and flew to the middle of the lake.

The large black dragon used her keen eyesight to look for the source of the cry for help. In the middle of the lake, she saw a small form struggling to keep itself on the surface. Ewyon dove and plucked the drowning form while it went down again.

Shaun watched as Ewyon dove to the lake and plucked a drowning hyman child and flew to the lakeshore. He changed to his dragon form and flew following the black dragon. "Aw no you don't, I am not going to stand by and watch you do something bad to that hatchling." The dragon thought to himself.

Ewyon placed the little girl on the shore and did a quick examination noting that the hyman girl is ok. She heard a roar turning her head seeing a large copper colored dragon flying to her. The female black dragon spread her feathered wings and took off.

"Chase Ewyon or check on that little girl?" The coppered colored dragon thought to himself as he flew. He made his decision by landing on the lake shore morphing to his anthro male fox form. Shaun used his magical talents to do a check up. A couple ran up and knelt down checking their daughter over.

"That was the oddest thing I ever saw, a black dragon rescuing a drowning child. Why did an evil dragon do something like that?" Asked the female hyman hugging her daughter.

The male hyman looked at Shaun. "I am glad that you showed up, who know what that dragon would have done to her."

Shaun just watched as the shape of Ewyon grew smaller and played his thoughts to Lynn and Samson. "That dragon would not have done anything to your daughter. The dragon who just rescued your daughter was Ewyon." The fox replied to the couple.

"I heard of that dragon, why did she left Oblivions' group?" The father asked.

"I don't know, I don't know. Your guess is good as mine; I got to report this to Samson, got to go. Keep an eye on your hatchling when at the lake, you're lucky that someone got her before she drowned." Shaun said to the couple morphing to a copper colored dragon and flew away.

Ewyon extended her wings straight out slowing herself. She felt the jarring on her legs as her large body landed in a field. The dragon flexed her wings a few times before she morphed in to an anthro fennec vixen. Ewyon brushed a strand of white colored head hair off her muzzle and resumed walking. "Better find a different place to take my afternoon nap. Can't go to that lake for a while till things settle down, oh well; better walk till I calm down." The vixen thought to herself walking in to a tall male blonde colored anthro wolf. "Samson, it's been a couple weeks since we had a talk. How are things at your lair? Considered my services your followers?" She asks the wolf staring at her with his gold colored eyes.

"You shouldn't ask a question with a question Ewyon, didn't you said something like this during the last time we talked. I got one question for you hatchling. Why did you rescue that drowning child?" Samson asked the vixen.

The fennec vixen grinned tilting her head to the side. "Ah come on Samson, you would have done the same thing. I think Shaun was going to do the same thing, but I beat him to the kid."

Samson looked at the petite black vixen looking at him with her amber colored catlike eyes. He shivered and felt a ghost pain on his right hand. The anthro wolf rubs the stump where his finger uses to be at. "Let's see Ewyon, one hundred and twenty years ago you left Oblivions' group and ask if you can join my lair. A couple of days later, you and Sandra disappeared for seventy five years. I haven't heard a peep out of you two till I heard a bout a white dragon destroying two armies of Hymans in the North. I am curious a bout two things, why Sandra did that and where were you two for those seventy five years?"

Ewyon did a magical gesture with her slim hands making a glowing white ball appear between her hands. "Since you asked me really nicely Samson with a question being followed by a question, I'll answer with bits in riddles to make you exercise that wise brain of yours. When you decline my offer to join your lair, I couldn't do any magic, so I and Sandra went north to find a quiet place to live. We ran in to an interesting old hyman male who spent seventy five years teaching us the magical arts. As for that incident with those armies regarding Sandra, I never found out why she did that, but I got a good idea. A few weeks before that, Sandra seem happy and more relaxed. We were living a mile from a large farm in the woods. Sandra would disappear for long periods of time and return in a very good mood. That South army had this habit of forcibly drafting young hyman males to replace casualties. I heard they march by that farm taking some young farm hands; I was at an Eastern town looking for books. The fires of those two armies burning got my attention, I saw Sandra circling above fire bombing those armies. You know that Sandra lost her daughter when we last fought; she hates senseless killing sense that time. In my opinion, she must have fallen in love with a hyman and that army drafted him. Due to his lack of training, he gotten killed on the battle field and Sandra retaliated." The vixen said to Samson watching the wolfs' expression as she ended her spell.

"What would you done Ewyon?" Asked Samson looking at the vixen.

Ewyon thought for a moment knowing of how she answered would decide if she could join Samson's' group. Since Sandra left, the fennec has been wandering around the land by herself. "Sandra, you might have gone one hundred years without sex, but it's been since that night before that big battle. I've going at one hundred and twenty years since I had sexual intercourse and even thou he's fifteen hundred years old, Samson and Shaun are starting to look really sexy to me for older male dragons." The vixen thought to herself looking at Samson's' chiseled muscular body. She replied to Samson carefully. "I would of not of done nothing, but I would have punished the commander of the army for taking someone I loved in this form." Ewyon gestured to herself.

The male blonde colored wolf sighed. "The first part of your answer was correct, but you will still do nothing no matter what. Breaking that oath we took centuries ago is still forbidden in our canine form. When Sandra decides to return in this area, I will have a talk with her about that incident."

Ewyon curled her lips. "I am curious of what would Lynn or Rynn would of done, they're female. If some army commander takes Shaun against his will, what would Lynn do? She does really cares about Shaun; I always see a female silver dragon flying in the sky when he's watching me. Rynn is always close nearby when that team is watching me. Your daughter was close nearby when I stopped that group of bandit's a few weeks ago."

Samson morphed into a large gold dragon and spread his large feathered wings. "I am going to have a talk with some of my followers. We'll meet again Ewyon, I wished you hatched in my group, you would have been a good member of my lair." He said to the vixen and flew away.

The black fennec vixen waved at the disappearing form of Samson and resumed walking in the field. "Where are you Sandra?" She thought to herself as she walked.

Later, the lair of the good dragons.

Samson morphed in to his wolf form and extended his thoughts. He found out that only Rynn is missing. "She must be watching Ewyon." The wolf thought to himself as he called Lynn.

An artic vixen with a silver sheen to her coloring walked up to him kneeling. "What do you want leader?" Lynn asked Samson.

"What would you do if a hyman army took your rider or Shaun away from you and something bad happened to them?" Asked Samson watching Lynn's' reaction. He noticed a flash of anger in the silver colored eyes and then the anger vanished.

"Ah, you found out why Sandra destroyed those armies. I think with the oaths we took along with the Hymans, the oath includes it's forbidden for Hymans to take our riders and us in our canine forms. Something like that voids the oath because I studied it after I finished my training with you. Rynn told me that part when I became one of your advisors. If a hyman took Shaun or my rider, the oath protecting them is void. I will punish the offender in my vulpine form and bring the offender to you for further punishment. You just don't frak with a vixens or a dragon's mate. Those armies found out the hard way when they took who ever from Sandra. I think she over reacted by laying waste to those two armies, but she is an evil dragon." Lynn said to Samson. "Do you need anything else leader?"

"No, that's all I need to know, you just helped me how to talk to Sandra if she shows up in this area. I do half to deal with her soon, because she did over react against those armies. That why we're having problems with bandits in the North part. Due to Sandra destroying two armies, the hymans doesn't have enough armed men to deal with those bandits." The wolf said to the vixen.

"They shouldn't have tried to take that country. If they hadn't of taken farmhands, they wouldn't have pissed off Sandra. It may sound heartless; they brought these problems upon themselves by trying to make their provinces larger to bring in more coins. I find gold the most useless metal around, it's only good for cushioning the area a dragon sleeps on." The vixen said to the wolf.

"That will be all Lynn, let me know when Rynn returns because I need to talk to her." Samson said to Lynn watching her kneel to him and walked away.

One week before the events of chapter 5, Troys' place Midvale Utah.

Ewyon hugged Troy giving him a kiss stroking his cheek. "I'll be back later; Samson wants my assistance on something. He says that a group of goblins are causing trouble near Ogden."

The human made a face because John, Rynns' rider told him of his encounter with a group of them. "From what John told me, those are the ugliest things around." He said to the vixen giving her a look.

"Plus they taste bad, kind of like burnt bacon." The vixen said to the human grinning. She looked at him saying. "Stay out of trouble and I'll be back soon."

Troy watched as she walked to the parking lot and morphed in to a large black dragon and flew away. He watched as she turned North and he walked back in his place sighing. The human sat at a chair picking up a book recognizing as one of his Dragon Lance novels. "I can't believe she reads these." Troy thought to himself placing the book back on the coffee table.

Sandra is having one of her moments of a bad itch. The artic vixen is cussing to herself due to Dave is going to be gone till tomorrow. "Why did he take that charter job?" She thought to herself working a couple of fingers inside her. Sandra heard Troy walking down the hall to the bathroom. A few seconds later, the shower came on. Her sharp hearing heard him singing Smoke on the water by Deep Purple. "Oh no, Troy, music does strange things to me. It's always the lute playing and a male singing that does this to me, plus I need to clean myself off." The vixen said to herself leaving her room.

"Some bastard with a flare gun, burn the place to the ground!" Troy sang as the door to the bathroom opened. He was surprised when Sandra walked in the shower with him. "So, what brings you in here?" The human asked the vixen as she looked at him with her gray colored cat like eyes.

She hugged him tight pressing her full figure against the humans' skinny body. "You see Troy, I and Ewyon are sisters and we always shared our stuff." The vixen grabs Troys' genitals playing with them and purred. "We even shared our riders." Sandra said to the human giving him a kiss.

Troy being in a tough spot knew he couldn't do anything to Sandra. Ewyon is strong, and he couldn't escape the fennec vixen when she had him pinned to the ground when they wrestled. Sandra is a good foot taller than Ewyon and must outweigh her by forty pounds. "Sandra isn't fat; she has what people call a full figure. Large breasts and a full backside, plus she's three hundred and twenty years older than Ewyon. I had fantasies of seeing her naked, but not having sex with her." The human thought to himself looking at the artic vixen.

Sandra moved Troy's erect member and grasped his waist pulling him closer to her. The vixen kissed him feeling his member work inside her. "Relax Troy, I needed this, I suffer from a high addiction to sex." She said to the human feeling his smooth human skin on her.

He slid down the wall on to the floor of the tub. Sandra followed him still having his erect member inside her. Troy relaxed looking up at the vixen straddling him grinning. The human noticed that the vixen has a black skin under her white colored pelt explaining her black colored areolas on her large breasts. "So, tell me a little about yourself." He asked Sandra.

Chuckling, the vixen answered shutting off the water and gave him a kiss. "You see Troy; you know I am five hundred and twenty years old. Ewyon and I have the same mother, but different fathers. She regrets some of the stuff she did in the first eighty years of her life." Sandra puts a finger on the human's lips saying. "Just leave it to that, I am not telling you of the stuff we did when we were part of Oblivion's group. So let's enjoy each other's company for this time, plus I am glad that you were here in my moment of need." She hugs Troy feeling his lean body against hers feeling her orgasm release.

Troy sighs feeling the vixen's body feeling the difference her and Ewyon. He relaxes and returns Sandra's hug feeling her large breasts pressing on his body. The human looks at her gray catlike eyes and releases in her yelling. "I know Ewyon will find out about this." Troy said to Sandra.

"Don't worry, I'll take the blame. My sister will just give me a lecture and I can handle it." The vixen replied to the human getting off him. She does a gesture and her fur is dried. Sandra walks out of the shower and turns back to him grinning. "We just might do this again soon. Next time play what you humans call a guitar, you need to practice your singing." The vixen walks back to her room sighing in relief.

Troy steps out the shower grabbing a towel drying himself off wishing that her could do magic like the two dragons living in his apartment. "Why do these dragons morph in to anthro canines? I keep forgetting to ask Ewyon why, I'll ask her when she gets home." The human thought to himself putting on his clothing.

Hours before chapter 5, middle of Salt Lake City Utah.

The gray colored wolf with a bit of green in his pelt landed roughly on the ground with a red vixen. He looked up at the black colored dragon hovering an above him with hate. "You traitor Obbit, I am going to make your death slow and painful for this! When I am healed, I am coming to get you and the rest of the traitors who allowed this!" Oblivion yelled at the black dragon flying away.

"What a fucking coward, he didn't have the courage to take your insults." The vixen said as she help the wolf stand up. Riva flinched when the gray wolf yelped when his broken leg touched the ground. "I am going to make those vixens pay for what they did to you."

Oblivion did a chuckle. "Now, now my vixen rider, we need those vixens help so I can get back to my rightful post as leader of the dragons. Then we will deal with them when the time is right. I am flattered that you stayed with me, but why?"

Riva looked at the anthro wolf doing an evil grin. "Now if I stayed with that traitor, you would kill me when you get healed and come back to your group. I have a case of self preservation and I find wolves more attractive than black fennecs." She strokes Oblivion's cheek. "You just suffered a temporary setback, your bones will mend. When you are healed, I'll be on your back watching as you kill that traitor."

The wolf grinned showing his lethal teeth. "That's my rider, I am feeling better. I just saw a place where we can have a little fun. My arm and leg might be broken, but my equipment is still in working order. Served me well in the last two thousand years."

"But my lover, you still has that youthful stamina." The vixen grins and gives the anthro wolf's equipment a gentle massage. "Come lover, I am ready." The wolf and the anthro red vixen ducked in an alley why. Minutes later there were the moans and yells as the couple had sex behind a building.

I hope the fans of the series like this chapter with a few short stories in it. My friend will send me chapter eight when he can. He thanks all the fans of this series making him writing this series again. RAVEN FOX:)