I am the Enemy

Story by Alexos Drausus on SoFurry

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This was something I wrote after something else I wrote to vent to somebody got into the hands of someone it shouldn't have and it managed to temporarily hurt someone I care greatly about. Thankfully its over now though, and I managed to keep a great friend.

Why can't I just let it be?

I have turned into the enemy

I fear I may have ruined your life

I have caused you so much strife

With this I can't even begin to help you

I don't know what it is I'm supposed to do

I'm so sorry for what I've done

It seems I can't ever win, no matter what, with anyone

And please understand that I'm scared too

I wish there was no consequence for loving you

It would kill me slowly if you wanted to be apart

But I would do it, I want you to be happy with all my heart

Please don't hate me for what I did

I had no idea that you kept it hid

I've hurt you once, once too many

But I'm here to help you if you let me