The Gamer's Crossing 2 - No Bones About

Story by Z-JAM-C on SoFurry

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#2 of Chronicles of FinalGamer 3 - Crossing

A new town, a new world, and a new era even for young James to explore, with a small cast of characters to remember should he wish to. There's always time to rest on one's journey.

Animal Crossing is copyrighted to Nintendo, thumbnail by James Corck, FinalGamer to me.

Daisy appeared to live not too far from the house James had slept in, hugging the cliff to the west as he knocked on the door politely with package underarm. The door opened to show a fully white-furred canine in a dress of multicoloured squares. A childish-looking dress, but a strangely adorable one. She took one look at the visitor and squeaked with surprise before closing the door quickly. "Wha-HEY! I got a package for ya from Tom Nook, what's wrong with ya!?" "Bow-WOW-Ah! I-i-i'm sorry, I was just surprised was all!" Her voice shook from behind the door as the raptor tried to calm her down. "Um, surprised? At what, me?" " know what you are right?" The question was very odd to him. She afraid of reptiles or something? Better be nice then, she seems pretty spooked. "I'm a...velociraptor?" "Y-yeah, bow-WOW! I mean shouldn't be alive!" " you hate reptiles or something because I'm not really liking this attitude of yours, miss Daisy." "OH NO NO I don't, I'm sorry, sorry I know what happened to the dinosaurs right?" "...ummmm...I know they existed REALLY long ago like millions of years ago but that's it." "So how are you here!?" "Well...where I come from, they kinda had a lot of these experiments and people made some like us and...hey presto." " did they even do that?" "I'm not a fucking scientist lady, don't ask me, I'm just delivering this package!" "Okay okay, s-s-sorry! you mind if I showed you something?" "Show me something? In your house?" "No, over at the museum...have you been there yet?" "I haven't had a chance to look around really, I just arrived last night." "Oh, well uh you doing anything at the um...moment?" "Just your package delivering." "Okay, lemme take you to the museum, you just HAVE to know!" He handed the package over as she put it to one side, before heading out the door to accompany her to the museum. It stood on the other side of town, against the east cliff, a prestigious looking place with columns that looked as if they from Ancient Greece.

The interior was like a resplendently white palace. Linoleum, marble walls, carpeted hallways stretching out in four directions, with one stairway to the basement and one heading upwards. In the middle of the hall was a brown owl with a bowtie, who seemed to be sleeping. "Darnit, why is he always asleep this time of day, makes me feel bad to do this. Um...Blathers? Blathers?" Daisy tapped the owl's shoulder, making him wake up with a panicked stutter shouting: "NOT THE ANTS! Oh...h-hello there Daisy! Here to see your foss..." His embarrassment was soon overtaken with surprise as he gaped at the one behind Daisy. "Oh! My...oh my, I thought I had seen you before but...I hardly ever expected this!" The owl looked rather flustered at his newest visitor, who was confused at the reactions to him before he was dragged down one corridor by Daisy, with Blathers accompanying as he reached a grand hall. In that hall, were several large skeletons, some of which towered to the ceiling suspended by strong wires. All of them seemed reptilian, even one with wings hanging from the ceiling. James stood in awe before the magnificent dinosaur skeletons. He knew well what they were, his own literal ancestors in all their various forms. His eyes were agape at finally seeing them for the first time. "Wow...they...were really tall." "Oh y-y-yes they were," said Blathers, "Rather in all shapes and sizes, with herbivores usually larger than carnivores." "Coooooool. D-damn it' uh, what's with you sir, you look a li'l...uh panicky." "I-i-it's just're...oh I'm so terribly sorry but you're one of them, I mean one of those, I mean a dinosaur, but ALIVE!" "And what's wrong with that?" "Well...they don't exist anymore! That's the thing!" "Well, they're around where I come from." "But....where is that!?" "Chicago." "....this is all so very confusing, oh my poor head." "Hey hey, take it easy Blathers," said Daisy as she patted his head. "Sorry for all this but I needed to show uhm...what's your name, I kinda didn't catch it." "Uhh James." "James right, I had to show him what was freaking me out too." " come nobody else freaked out when they saw me?"

Blathers rolled his eyes as he walked back to his resting place in the hall, muttering angrily: "Ohhh the reprobates they are never bother visiting the museum except for their bloody coffee bar. The morons they are don't care about the earth beneath their claws and think of this place as some sort of decoration! It turns me quite bilious I tell you!" "Okay okay, calm down." Daisy reassured him. "You know I still visit right?" "Oh because you actually care about our history, dear Daisy." A smooch to the bird's cheek made him blush as she went back to James. " you see what got me all worked up...sorry." "It's okay...I'm kinda...I dunno what to say, it's kinda humbling to see your ancestors' skeletons for the first time." "Especially that one." She pointed at a smaller skeleton more closer to James' size, or rather, at the height of his knees. The velociraptor. He gazed at it with both unease and fondness for the fact it was not only essentially the first skeleton of his species he had ever seen, but also that it was literally the one of his ancestors from millions of years ago. "What happened to these guys?" "Most believe that it was a...giant meteor that crashed into the earth and caused this catastrophic combo of disasters that turned the world into ice." " that's harsh." "Well, anyways, I'm sorry for being so weird with ya, especially when you were so nice to give me my package." "Well I am doing favours for Tom Nook to pay off the debt I owe him." "Ohhh you're staying here?" "...I would've said no but I'm not sure now...I kinda have no reason to go home now." "Well if you do stay, I hope we can be good neighbours. I gotta head back to my house now, so see ya around?" "Sure...Daisy." She kissed him on the cheek, which surprised him as she trotted off merrily on her way, the raptor trying to restrain his blush from it. He hadn't been kissed like that in a long time. It was such affection he had rarely experienced from one so sweet.

Returning back to the business raccoon, James was greeted with a praising smile. "Ahhhh welcome back James! I hope you managed to get around town easily." "I did actually, I was just at the museum a little bit with Daisy, she was showing me around." "Well that is wonderful, you're really hitting a chord with the people here I can tell, you're gonna make a great addition to Crossville!" "Well if I decide to stay that is." "I'm sure you'll make your mind up. Also, I'm sure you've seen the coffee bar at the museum?" "Not yet, why?" "Oh just saying...though today is Saturday." "What about it?" "Oh just sometime in the night some yokel comes in and plays his music, he's good I'll give him that but he's got no business potential, wasting his life." A little twinge came into the raccoon's eyes which made James curious, but he decided not to ask as he asked something else. "Is there anything I can do to pay my debt off Mr Nook?" "Oh...well uhm...I'm not sure whatcha can do right now. I gotta say your jeans are looking a li'l worn and torn." "It's my only pair sir, sorry." "Well you should see about some new clothes or at least fixing them next door, the Able Sisters'll sort ya out, tell 'em Nook sentcha. I got nothing else for ya right now." With a shrug, he left the place and headed to next door, admittedly not very keen on entering a tailor's, being the male he was with no natural interest in fashion or clothing. But it was a very cosy looking place, pink walls with a variety of shirts and headwear all upon racks. Two porcupines were inside, a blue one beside the door smiling at him, and the other who was brown and behind the counter busily sewing a new pattern. Both of them were garbed in adorable striped aprons. "Welcome to Able Sisters sir! How may we help you today?" "Oh sent me, he said you could help me with something about my jeans?" "Oh...ohhhh my they are in a bad state, quite a few holes too!" "I'm not worried about the holes, it's rather the damp I'm worried about." "You had those since last night I can tell, oh dear...don't worry! We know how to handle it!" "Oh really? Uhh how much is it?" "Well I think because Nook sentcha we have to do this for free!" "R-really? I mean I can pay or find a way to do it-" "No no no, I won't hear it, you just hand yer jeans to us and we'll spruce them up nicer than ever!" "Well...thank you! Damn everyone's so nice here uhm...anywhere I can change?" "Oh right!" The blue porcupine blushed a bit at not realising this, as she looked around and pointed to the back of the shop behind her co-worker, who didn't even look up from her task. "Just follow me over there." Walking to the back of the store to their living quarters and taking some clothes off in tow, she pointed James towards the walk-in closet. "Go right in 'ere, hand me the jeans and wear this for now." She handed him a pair of black denim shorts. "If you wanna T-shirt you can have a look at our free range okay?" "Uhh sure thanks." Feeling weird at the idea of undressing and redressing in someone's closet, he pulled his jeans off and put the shorts on, realising he hadn't had a bath or shower in a while. However, he did notice a waterfall north of the Museum which would offer something near it. He put on his shorts, and walked out with jeans in one hand to give to the tailor porcupine. "Thank you! Now I don't think you should be out there with so little so lemme show ya the T-shirts." "Why a free range of T-shirts?" "Well...they're kinda rejected ideas or so but we don't wanna dump 'em so why not have them free?" "Unwanted T-shirts to give away free?" He felt he should be insulted but considering he didn't have really any money, he quickly realised that he had no right to be. He was taken over to a box of various shirts, all with very weird and varying designs from horrible colour clashes to completely lazy minimalist motifs. Rummaging for a few minutes, only one really caught his eye. A blue shirt with white lines making some kind of star pattern. "Hey what's this one?" "That? Oh the guy who made it left town loooooong back, like a few years ago, so..." She shrugged as if nothing more could be said. The pattern intrigued the raptor, enough so that James decided to take it, putting it on himself. He found it to be a rather nice fit on himself. A little loose but he liked that. "Well this'll do. How long will it take to clean my jeans?" "Ohhh a drying job like that should take about...six hours?" "Fine by me. See ya then!" He left the shop, a little better now that he had something dry on his body, with shirt and shorts to look a bit more presentable. Shoes was something he'd never wear, no point with his claws and how thick his scales were, compared to the fleshier paws and feet of mammals. He vaguely remembered a mean joke about crocodile skin made into shoes because humans had such easily-pierced feet, but it was too far-off to remember fully. With that, he headed back to his temporary house to think things over, with nothing else to do. The clock showing the time to be 2pm. What was he gonna do for six hours until this show at the coffee bar Tom Nook mentioned?

Walking around the place once more, he decided to head back to the town office to see more of the town, perhaps learn of the history or so. Walking in he found a different pelican at the register, a charming white-feathered one instead of the irritable pink one from before. "Uhhh hi there." "OH hello there stranger, I don't believe we've met!" "No I guess not...where did the pink one go?" "Hm? OH you mean Phyllis, she's my older sister...sorry about her, she's kinda cranky." "All the time or on certain nights?" "She's always working night shifts so...uhm anyways what can I do for ya? Handle yer mail? Donate to the Boondoxians? Open an account?" "Uhh no no thanks I was just kinda curious about the town itself was all, miss...?" "OH, sorry, name's Pelly, and you are?" "James." "James, alrighty!" "I've kinda been wondering about staying here actually." "Well Crossville's a wonderful place to stay if ya like small places like these, so why not stay here?" "Well there's people back home I'm worrying about...then again I have no way of getting home anyway and they've probably um...a-anyways I was asking about the town." "Well...tell the truth I don't actually know how the town was made, sorry." "You don't have some kinda history record here or something?" "Nope." "...that's weird. Who's the mayor?" "That'd be Tortimer back there in the office but you better have an appointment if you wanna see him." "Hmmmm...nah, know what, I won't bother him with that kinda stuff, he's probably busy." "Are you sure? It's no problem at all to getcha an appointment." "No no, I'm just uhhh...kinda stuck not knowing what to do here. Nook said he had jobs for me but nothing today, and I'm...I don't suppose you got any jobs for me or ways to make money?" "...well, if you really wanna get money quick, you can always sell stuff to Nook." "But I got nothing to sell." "Well there's always stuff around the village. Oranges, fish, seashells by the shore, it's a start. Might even find fossils in the ground if you got a shovel and the museum doesn't need them." "Well...if that's what you think I'll see about it. Thanks miss!" With a nodding smile, she waved to her newest acquaintance before stammering out: "OH OH waitaminute!" James leaned back just out of the door to hear. "If you ever decide to stay here, you gotta fill out some forms, just to warn ya okay? Nothing fancy, just names and such." "Okay doke, thanks!" And with that he could finally leave, looking around the town to scavenge and sell. The first thing he noticed were the oranges. He had never seen oranges growing from trees before, so to pluck one down was strange to him. But he gathered as much as he could and headed to Tom Nook's store with about five oranges, carefully unloading them on the counter to the raccoon's surprise.

"Woah woah woah, what's goin' on here?!?" "Thought you could use some oranges." "Well...thank you but I'm sure my Vitamin C doesn't need checking." "I'm selling them, Mr Nook, not giving. How much?" " you wised up huh? Got the brains of a businessman in ya huh?" "Well...I pick things up quick." "I'm sure ya do. Now, I will give you...300 bells for each. Actually you should be carrying a wallet or something rather than yer pockets so, I'll just wrap the bells up in a nice sack for ya, okay doke?" "Sounds good to me, thanks!" The raccoon ducked behind his counter and brought out a small burlap sack that jingled heartily of money, though it was a small bag admittedly to be holding 1500 bells, adding to the 500 he got from Rasher to make up a lovely 2000 bells. With thanks to the store owner, James left with pride at having more money than before, not remembering a time when he had so much on him...or what he thought was so much here. "Now...fossils." And with that he stepped out, only to fall down into a hole. With a surprised yelp, he found his legs to be trapped and he tried to wriggle loose, the hole rather snug around his body irritatingly, but after a while of trying to struggle out of it, feeling more and more frustrated as well as dirty again, someone passing nearby noticed him. "Need a hand, pbbbhht?" Bob's slitted gazing eyes made James slink back a little against the ground before he reached his hand out. "What's the matter? Ya don't trust me to not leave you in the ground like a corpse?" "Uhhh no, no it's not that, just didn't recognise you for a sec." Pulled out of the hole, he shook and brushed the dirt off his legs and waist, as Bob explained the hole. "Your first pitfall, right? Sneaky pranksters love to bury those and let them open right up under unsuspecting paws. Nothing harmful though...unless you have an urgent meeting, or you have to stop someone." "I uhh...guess so." "Watcha doin' coming outta Nook's place?" "I was just selling oranges to him." "Ahhh, citrus currency, pbbbhht. Course you wanna get some REAL bells in that li'l bag of yers, you wanna get fossils." "I was about to do that actually, buuuut I haven't got a shovel." "Could lend ya mine." The offer surprised him. Either people were really trustworthy in this town or they were very generous. Or maybe Bob was, despite his rather odd demeanour. "Really? But why?" "I hate seeing someone scrabbling pathetically on the ground fer money. It offends me." "...right. So you're just being generous?" "Generous ain't the word for it really. I see it more as a service." He seemed to pick words with such care, as if to absolutely make sure that nobody else mistook him for whatever else he might be implying in their minds. Perhaps he knew he had a presence, and made sure to dissuade others about it. "Well...thanks a lot! Alright, where is it?" "Over at my house, hang on."

He walked away to his house by the beach and hurried back within a few minutes despite a rather leisurely pace he took, to present a strangely new-looking shovel, immaculately clean. "Wow....barely any dents or ever use this?" "Barely, pbbbhht. Only when I have to kill some weeds with a good digging out of the roots so they never come back." "Makes sense. You don't want me to give it back to you or something?" "Oh just think of it as my service to you, or a gift, whatever you wanna call it! Now go and hunt some fossils scaly boy! Personally I recommend digging around Daisy's house. Yanno Daisy?" "You mean the dog beside mine?" "Yep. She's got some nice fossils buried around there that she don't know about. She doesn't like to admit this but...she's terrible at finding them. Kinda why they're a prize to her. If she asks, just say you love fossils too." "Hahaha...alright then. Thanks Bob!" With a wave he held the shovel over his shoulder, and walked to Daisy's house, still rather surprised about the gift. It felt so clean and unused, that he felt he didn't have the right to use it. But nevertheless, he took the opportunity and began to plant it around her house, not too close to her door of course. He spent hours digging away at various parts of the lawn, making sure to cover up after himself out of politeness, and the fact that this was essentially trespassing. It felt like hours certainly for him. Though it had barely been one hour alone, after a laborious effort of many uncovering and covering of holes, when he got a rather surprised voice going: "Bow-WOW!" "AGH SHIT!" He looked up to see Daisy staring at him with confusion and the slightest of anxiety. "Uhm....listen I-" "Wh-what are you doing!?" "I...uhm...I..." He had to think an excuse fast, but there was only one thing he was looking for and she probably knew it. "I was...looking for fossils?" "Fossils? R-really?" "Yeah...I thought you might be busy and didn't wanna bother you...and I was curious about someone told me to go dig for them around here." "Aww...hey, yanno what?" She walked out of her doorway fully, her bare feet trampling the ground, scrunching her toes when she stepped upon freshly dug dirt. She tapped the raptor's nose. "All ya had to do was ask, silly dino." "I..."

He blushed slightly at the tap on the nose, feeling like a kid again at such a gesture. "I thought" "Well, maybe you and I can do this and then we can do it properly huh?" "Well...this is my first time digging for fossils and all, so that'd be real nice of ya." "Alright then! Lemme get my shovel!" She ran back into the house and immediately had it in her hands when she was back out the door a few seconds later, a trusty looking thing with several dents but clean of dirt. She took good care of it clearly. She stood beside James and began to dig away with a practised gusto, putting her shoulders into it and noticing the dirt piles around. "You sure dug around!" "I was a li'l eager, sorry, hehehe." "Oh don't be, not enough people are so enthusiastic about fossils anymore, I'm always glad to see someone else into them...even if they only knew of them like two hours ago." "You brought them to life for me...then again I am one already." She giggled at the joke, her laugh infecting the raptor enough to make him chuckle with her. To him, her laughter sounded like clear water running over a pile of smooth marbles. As they dug together, he asked her a few questions when he had the chance. " long you lived here Daisy?" "Ohhhh it's been so long I can barely remember the day I arrived...kinda feels like I've always been here, yanno?" "Yeah I got that when I was back home...can't even remember much the day I first arrived there." "Hehe, maybe our heads are fossils too!" She tapped on James' head like a door, making him smile as they kept working away. Soon enough they were making a rather large hole and Daisy felt the need to climb out of it. "Hey what's up? Afraid to get your dress dirty?" "Well I did just get it dry cleaned, but it's not that. I'm not really good at deep holes or climbing outta them." "Ahhh, lucky you have me then, I'm an expert at climbing!" He stayed in the hole and dug away with a furious vigour. Daisy merely watched him with admiration at his energy, and soon after about five minutes, there came a signature CLUNK. "OH, I think I found something!" The beagle's eyes widened at the sound and she put her hands together in excitement as the raptor clawed away at the dirt around the object. He soon uncovered a sizeable hard rock, with some odd white bone-like carvings into it, a little similar to the ones he saw in the museum. "OH MY GOSH! IT'S A FOSSIL!" Daisy's squeal of delight made James look up suddenly with agasp. "Wait, THIS?" "YES YES, OH JAMES! Quick get outta there, lemme see lemme see!" He scrambled out of the hole, pushing the fossil out carefully onto the ground level and clambered out. Daisy eagerly picked up the fossil herself to examine it. "Hmmmm...OH...It's an Ammonite! IT'S AN AMMONITE!" "OH WOW...what the hell's that?" "It's an ancient creature that was in the sea, I've been LOOKING for this for so long! Thank you James!" And with that she planted a kiss on his cheek, making him blush and chuckle awkwardly at such a blessing from her. He wasn't sure why he did. " was like...pure luck really, I only dug over here cuz of this little pattern that kinda looks like an X-" "Whatever ya did, ya finally found me this, and...oh I'm so happy!" "Well uhh what do we do?!?" " found it so it's yours by right..." "Heeeey now, what do I need a fossil for, you have it." "B-b-but you were diggin-" "'ve been looking for this. Go ahead, there's plenty more fossils out there I can find okay?" "....thank you." She whispered these last words and hugged him, the raptor putting his arms around her. He hadn't felt a hug like this since Sarah, but he tried to forget for now and just hold her, letting himself stay happy with her. Soon he had to ask: "Um...what you gonna do with it?" "Hmm?" "The fossil, Daisy." "OH...the museum of course! They need this." "Well, let's go over right now and show that owl guy, whatcha say?" "Of course!" The afternoon was starting to cool down as the two walked across town to the museum, and James felt he had made his first real friend in the town, his opinion on staying here swaying a little bit more.