To Be Forgotten

Story by Tsuki- on SoFurry

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#1 of Ending the world

The sun was shining brightly in the morning sky as birds sang and fluttered together in love. The flowers bloomed and smiled giving eachother high-fives and giggles when the happy little bumblebees tickled them for their pollen. There was even a rainbow in clear blue sky that seemed to just start playing music of how happy and frivolous the world seemed this perfect morning. And from a simple suburban house on a hill with a tree that seemed to keep it nicely shaded and cool entered a young leopard from the front door. This leopard was beautiful if not filled with moxy as he wore a pretty short skirt and with sequence and a pink tube top that said 'Let me lick your lollipop...' the pard danced and froliced to the music waving to all the plants and animals before breaking out into song.


Shaken awake from what the pard would have considered a nightmare the young leopard Blake got up to the sound of thunder striking nearby. He looked out the window to see it pouring outside as another crack of lightning streaked the sky in a blink soon followed by it's thunder counterpart.

"Yippee... Another beautiful morning to walk to school in," he said alound turning from the window and walking through his bedroom littered with band poster's and clothing items here and there. Leaving his room he walked straight acrossed the hall to the bathroom he used along with half of the other students on his floor. Stripping himself of his clothing and looked into the mirror still groggy even from his rude awakening.Shrugging before dumping his clothes into a private bucket grabbing a clean towel from a dispenser he walked into a stall and began to scrub his body down.

A few minutes passed in lovely quiet, except for the periodical rumbles of thunder, and he could hear the door open and more furs walkings in and talking. One voice in particular resonating throughout the bthroom walls as a certain folf the leopard knew all too well. infact you could call them best friends on good days. But the pard didn't have much time to react as his stall curtain swung open exposing his naked body to the rest of the male occupancy with the big folf with his nine tails swishing about in different directions holding a polaroid camera. There was a flash and the proud feline was startled, dazed, and now thoroughly pissed.

"ESSEX!!! YOU PERVERT!!!" he shouted, hissing as his tail puffed out, at the folf accurately throwing a bottle of shampoo left for the students to use at the slightly drooling hybrid. It smacked the said canid square between the eyes sending him stumbling backwards clutching his face. Even though he was in mild pain he was still laughing jovially.

"Ah c'mon Blake," the folf said standing himself up properly brushing a few strands of hair from his eyes with his paw before placing it on his hip holding the camera which finished developing the picture in his other. He stood there in pajama pants shirtless showing of his muscles he got from his training all for the world to see, His blue eyes flashing like the the sea in the sunlight. "I was only updating my collection of all the guys on my billboard. It IS that time of month again."

"Well next time... WARN ME!!!!" He took the curtain and closed it finishing his shower in a quiet rage as he heard another chortal escape the folf's throat. He wasn't gonna lie that the folf was hot but sometimes the idot canid just got on his nerves. He stopped the warm water wrapping a towel around his waist and stepping out stretching his arms above his head and groaned happily looking back at himself again in the mirror.

Now he wasn't one to think himself a sex god like certain hybrids-who-shall-not-be-named-even-if-they-are he wasn't opposed to how his body was turning out. He wasn't overly muscular, but not horribly thin. He definetly kept his body in shape and liked the fact he was lithe. He brushed his platinum blonde hair into place out of his dark blue eyes and dried off not forgeting to brush his teeth before leaving with his pajamas in tow back to his room. were he got dressed in his school uniform which consisted of simple cargo pants with pockets for miscelaneous equipment, combat boots, a simple grey T-shirt which complemented his pale yellow fur, and a jean jacket with the school emblem on the sides of the arms by the shoulders that you could leave unbuttoned or zip the lower sleeves off incase it got too hot out. He grabbed a wristband that was the same color as the jacket and placed it onto his right arm, some kind of remote control, and a giant shuriken laying by his desk as he left to the cafeteria in hopes of eating before class started.

When he reached the cafeteria, Blake picked up a stack of pancakes dribbling maple syrup all over them and a glass of fruit punch. It wasn't his ideal breakfast but the scrambled eggs and toast were always an iffy subject to try.He quietly ate his breakfast wondering what he would be learning today hoping to the gods it wasn't a review day.

"I'm guessing he got your picture too huh?" Came a voice in front of the feline as he looked up to see a big black wolf sit down with a bowl off wheat O's in chocolate milk across the table to him. He was big buff and very much aa powerhouse of pain when he wanted to be. Which luckily for the populace was only if he were fully pushed to the edge. His uniform barely fit him properly as it fit snuggly around his body defining his muscles easily. He had a knowing, gentle smile and a warm look in his green eyes as he stared at the leopard sticking a spoonful of cereal in his mouth. "He got me stuck in my shirt as I got dressed. after you nailed him with the shampoo bottle. There is a small indent matting his fur down still. Good job."

Blake laughed at the comment from the gentle canid in front of him. "Well he got me in the shower. There had to be justice." The wolf followed suit laughing this time. As the being they were talking walked up to them with a tray of scrambled eggs and toast.

"Good morning everybody! I see you're all doing well. The pictures I got this month I think are the best yet!!!" The folf made this manly squeal of delight throwing down the copies of the polaroids of the boys he got this morning. "Take a gander. And no complaining about getting caught off guard. i'd never be able to capture such wonderful essence in manly beings if that were the case." He licked his lips forking a helping of eggs into his mouth. "Oh and Blake, I think I'm going to put your picture on the cover seeing as how perfecxt the shot was." In reaction to this Blake groaned with a small blush gracing his cheeks.

"Ess... Why do you make magazines? Better yet, how? And who buys these things?" The pard protested looking at the wolf for support who was now bug eyed looking at the picture of the leopard. His ears turning a funny red color. "J!!! Help me out here!!!"

"I have... no comment at the moment...." The wolf was too busy studying the photo. The pard in fact looked completely sexy and dominating, yet vulnerable in the photo with the bubbles stuck to certain areas of his fur. His body twisted around exposing his chest and part of his flat stomach with his paws scrubbing himself lightly. His tail perked up exposing his ass cheeks subtly hinting at his puckered hole that was hidden between them. And his eyes filled with a fierce anger and a hint of fear making him look like he would pop out of the picture and fuck you right there and now.

"Oh don't be such a sourpuss, it's not like don't share the profit with you two anyway for our weekend fun, 'laughed the folf taking a bite of his toast. 'So have you guys heard what's going to be going on in a few days?" His voice became serious all of a sudden.

The pard looked at him curiously forgeting what they were arguing about. "No, what?" His tail twitched in excitement.

"Apparently they are holding the 'Test' for any candidates eligable to take it. That means we get some transfer students from our sister acadamy taking the test with us. I heard it's a big one this time too and are going to be using full-fledge ShadowS and even the Omega weapon systems to aid in the battle. I think this one is gonna be BIG!!! Finally, I'll get to put my skills to the test!!!" The folf was obviously excited as a few crumbs of toast fell from his mouth.

"Yes, but don't get over cocky seeing as how it's a test, AND a real battle. " J said looking a little worried in the eyes, but staying calm none the less. "It's not a field trip and we could very well die out there. What do you think Blake?" The wolf looked towards his feline companion.

"I have only one more test I have to tkae today and then I'll be eligable... If I pass." the leopard looked a little worried himself. "So I don't even know if I'm going to make it for this test. Although it's just a simple field test where I go out and do that obstacle complex they have behind the acadamy training room."

"Don't worry, that part is easy. Half the test is just being able to get to the complex safely." said Essex. "Plus you may not be the only person going it so you might get put in a squad." He idly looked out the giant bay windows noticing that the storm had passed. He kept looking outside watching the storm clouds blow away. They all sat in quiet for a moment just taking in the view when they heard a strange explosion and screaming voices as a raccoon and weasel came running into the cafeteria from the west entrance, catching the attention of everyone there eating or relaxing, and exited out the east screaming bloody murder.

"THAT BITCH IS INSANE!?" A white furred beauty ran through the west entrance running after the two furs. The white being seemed to be in a rage as a fireball was sent at the closing doors to the furs. It looked like an arctic fox by the size, and a vixen no doubt by how pretty she looked with a long braid trailing after her. She stopped in mid-stride grumbling and letting out a few choice curse words. Huffing and swatting at probably non existent dust on her body she turned and stretched looking outside. Her hair as white as her fur trailing down all the way to the top of her white extremely fluffy tail.

The small group of furs watching stood stunned at the new fur standing there in front of them. Blake made a small cough looking at his companions as the folf looked slack jawed, and the wolf looked completely shocked by the blatent display for the disregard of the acadamy rules. He kept staring at the two and then at the other students who just waited for what this crazy fur would do next.

The folf got up and began to saunter off with a strut inhis step towards the pretty vixen muttering to herself. He had a cocky grin plastered on his face. he leaned around the girl's body taking her paw in his using his best charming smile on her.

"Hello there cutey, and what's a pretty little vixen doing at our school huh?" He was using his macho voice to try and make her swoon. "If you are lost or anything I would be honored if not privilaged to show you around ma peche." The white face turned to him smiled sweetly and two white paws grabbed at the folf's arm tossing him into the wall.

"WHAT CAN'T YOU GET THROUGH YOUR HEADS?! I AM NOT A GIRL!!!" The white figure shouted looking angry again. "I COME HERE TO TAKE MY LAST TESTS, AND EVERYONE KEEPS CALLING ME A GIRL!!!! AUGH!!!!! I'M WEARING THE BOY'S UNIFORM FOR GOODNESS SAKE!!! AND I'm A WOLF IF YOU MUST KNOW!!!" He huffed again clapping his hands in good riddance turning around and bumping into a big black mass. His ears splayed looking up at J eyes widening.

"I would like to apologise for my friend and anybody else, but if you could please keep your temper in check and NOT throw my friends around like rag dolls it would be greatly appreciated." He smiled at the smaller wolf holding out his hand who took it shaking it slowly in fear. The bigger wolf laughed, "Now if you could be so kind as to apologize to my friend that you just threw I'm sure we can help you if you need anything." He motioned to the dazed male lying on the ground looking commenting about pretty birds.

The white wolf let out an embarassed laugh before walking over and helping the folf up. "Um... Sorry about throwing you and all. I hope we can become friends or something." He helped carry the hybrid back to the table, with the help of J, where Blake waited watching in obvious amusement and curiousity at the new male. When they finally got situated around the small table everyone else was either pretending to not listen in or actually trying to finish their meals to get the hell out of there.

"Hello! My name's Blake, the wolf there is J, no one knows his real name, and the guy you tossed is Essex. Nice work I must say." The leopard said chuckling as the folf shook out of his reverie looking like he was astounded that that had happened to him and that he may cry.

"Hi Blake, J, and Essex! I apologise yet again for my actions." the small wolf said smiling genially at the small group. "My name is Tsuki. I cam from The north academy to take my final test at some complex thingy and then I'll be a candidate to take the Test."

"Really?! That means we might be able to take it together on a squad!!" The pard looked generally happy about this fact and relieved to know he wouldn't be the only one doing the 'pre-test'.

"That would be aquite a fortunate event yes, "tsuki agreed flicking his bangs trying to get them off of his eye failing as they fell back into place.

"And then maybe we all get to be in the same squad for the Test! That would be even more lucky than that!" the folf thought out loud. "Oh and Tsuki... Have you ever thought about getting you picture taken? I umm... run a magazine I make as a side business.. And I am wondering if you wouldn't mind being in it from time to time."

J and Blake were about to say something in protest to save the white wolf the trouble, until he agreed saying he had nothing better to do just so long as he got a cut of the profits from the ones he was in. The other two sigh as the folf clapped his hands in glee licking his lips with a scary glint in his eye as Tsuki tilted his head to the side in confusion at everyones responses. Blake looked at the clock on the wall.

"C'mon Tsuki. If you are taking the complex test with me then we better get to the assigned classroom to do so," he got up and motioned for the white wolf to follow after him bringing up small conversations here and there leaving the two bigger canids behind.

"Well, I guess if the complex test is today and the Test is in a couple days then we must have the rest of the day to ourselves after homeroom." J said watching the two go talking to the drooling folf. "Want to go train while we wait for them to finish their test? Although I'd appreciate it if you would wipe the drool from your mouth. it's embarassing for all of us." The folf glared at the big wolf wiping his muzzle. Getting up and heading to homeroom with J following close behind laughing.