Broken Man

Story by DRP on SoFurry

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Well this was something. If you guys read before you know I'm finishing off my old stuff before I start the new stuff. I'll admit I'm a little nervous about this one. I remember being a bit angry when I wrote this and well I feel it's a bit pretentious. Then again that could be me. If anything else it's short so you can't blame me for wasting too much of your time. I'm really not helping myself here am I. (understatement) Anyway judge for yourself. Sit back, relax, and have a nice day:)

Broken Man

I come to you today a broken man.

I wish I could say there is always tomorrow...

But now I don't know if there will be.

Today proved it to me in the curliest way possible.

All the work I've done for so many years,

The peaks, the valleys, the pleasure, the pain.

I just can't take it anymore.

I'm going to end it.

Why should I continue?

When waking up the next day just keeps getting harder.

I don't even remember the last time I've seen the morning.

The fear, the hate, the evil you see in people.

Part of me cries out what is the root to it all?

I just don't know, but a lot of other say they do.

It's the Left, it's the Right, it's the Chinese, it's the Blacks, the Gays, the Women, the Men.

So why should I live in a world where everyone is the problem?

No matter what I say or what I do

I will still be told the same damn things.

Keep your mouth shut, always play it safe, it's just how the world works.

Every time the same damn thing and every time part of me dies.

And that only makes things worse.

You can't help others. You can't change old ideas.

You can't have a voice. You can't help the world.

If I can't do anything, should I keep living in it?

People don't want to help. People don't care to help.

So there is no point, no point for me to have to deal with this hell of a life I live.

I've made my choice. I don't want to live anymore.

I'm gonna commit SUICIDE!!!!!!!

So why don't I?

I know this world won't care if I live or die.

No matter what I do there is nothing I can do to help.

Yet, why don't I kill myself?

I can finally live without pain.

But, I can't. I won't!

As much as part of me says there is no hope...

The other part yells even loader that there is!

Then I remember how much has changed over the years.

How change has been used to create fear, but also to create hope.

Hope that this life is more then what we are told.

Hope that we can look at each other with kindness.


And nothing can break that.

There are many people who don't want change.

Sometimes for good reasons,

But others out of fear and ignorance.

I know this world is horrible, that people will do anything to be on top.

But I know that there is more,

That we are more,

That I am more.

I come to you today a broken man.

But what will I be tomorrow...?