Around The World: Stop Two, Greece

Story by Trappedashuman on SoFurry

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#3 of Around The World

Author's note: After loosing access to my second account (Trappedashuman Lives), presumably because of the same computer glitch (which I believe had to do with my email on yahoo being used for both accounts [the number at the end of the email on the accounts changed from a "1" to a "0" in both cases, and a "space" was added onto the end of the secret answers]), the moderators have given me back access to this, my original account. This time, I've changed the email to a gmail account with no numbers in it, made sure the password is unguessable but easily rememberable, bound a guardian spirit from the realm of Kl'acchi-koTAA to the server with my information on it, and done all else in my power to obtain absolute security and backups! Again, I apologies for the inconvenience caused by this whole thing, and hope that THIS TIME I'll be here to stay.

Thank you to the readers and to the moderators for putting up with me, my excuses, and my complaints,


This story is not intended to be read by anyone under the age of 18, leave if otherwise.

-somewhere in the Mediterranean sea-

"huuuuurrrrrrrrrr...damn waves..." Oliver gasped as he leaned over the rail of the ship, it was their last day on the cruise and he swore that the second that they set foot off of this god-forsaken floating nightmare, he was going to throw himself face-down on the ground, and French the earth till he suffocated! Everyone is enjoying this trip but me, he thought bitterly, Luke is getting to fulfill his dream of seeing the world, Victor is getting away from those pushy, overly controlling parents of his and de-stressing at the same time, Sam is getting laid with everything that has a vagina and a measurable blood alcohol, Dave has managed to come out of his shell and socialize, and all this time, I've been beaten by angry locals, infected with rare regional illnesses, and had food poisoning in six different countries! Oliver then let out a sigh that rapidly turned into a gag and then a dry heave over the side of the ship.


Luke stared out at the sea from the bow of the ship, despite what Oliver and the other guys may have thought, the trip was definitely not turning out the way he'd planned. Ever since the incident at Stonehenge, he'd been having memory lapses. At first, he'd thought it was just jet-lag, but, as they'd become more frequent and severe as the trip advanced, he was beginning to think that something more was going on. He could remember the exact moment before a memory lapse began and then what happened directly afterwards, twice, he'd been in mid stride, and the scene completely changed in an eye blink, his watch apparently having moved forward from anywhere from five minutes to several hours. They always started out the same way, a tingling sensation would begin in the back of his head, and it would slowly spread throughout his brain and flow down his spinal cord to every part of his body.

Then...then he'd be somewhere else. Sitting up in bed, standing in the street, or, even in the middle of a conversation. What unnerved him further was that there appeared to be no "empty space" in his memory (you know, that feeling that you get when trying to remember something long forgotten), there was only a clear transition between whatever he'd been doing, wherever he was, and his new location.

At that very moment, the tingling in his head lit up. He whirled around, back to the rail now, before sliding down to the deck and clutching the sides of his head in his hands, "" Luke said, willing himself to stay aware and for the feeling to go away, and, for a moment at least, the tingling seemed to halt where it was, as if considering, before moving forward throughout his brain and body.

"What's happening to me..." Luke whimpered, pulling his legs up close to him, squeezing his eyes shut in concentration, and gripping his temples as the tingling spread throughout his body.

And was gone. It was all gone. The concern, the worry, the confusion, all of it. Gone. Luke let his arms drop to his sides as his eyes half opened and a coy, knowing smile crept onto his face. He stood back up, leaning back against the railing of the ship, breathing in the salt air, feeling the entire world around him, and below him. Reaching down, deep into the ocean, he gently nudged the long dormant, sleeping mind that had awakened him, Time to get up...


The captain felt a shiver run up his spine as he gazed out of the windows of the helm, " It can't be..." nevertheless, no need to take chances, "Mr. Portokalos..."


"Get the beeswax..."


Oliver leaned over the rail, despite the fact that his stomach had long been empty, he wasn't taking any chances. Glancing over his shoulder, he saw the crew moving among the gathered passengers with trays of...something. Some would laugh, others would wave them away, but apparently, everyone ended up doing what they were told, and the crew kept moving. Great, Oliver thought bitterly to himself, rolling his eyes, Another wack-job tradition no doubt.

Eventually a crew member got to him, and Oliver could now see that the trays contained clumps of beeswax, "Sir, please take two and plug your ears with them."

".......are you kidding."

"No sir, not at all."

"Might I ask...why?"

"Suffice to say that it's for your own safety sir."

Oliver looked the man over, he seemed genuinely concerned, but, then again, Oliver had learned that the natives where always concerned when it came to their primitive traditions and rituals, "Fine..." he eventually said, deciding to appease the man by taking two pieces and making a great show of placing them in his ears.

The crew member immediately turned and rushed to the next passenger, and thus, didn't see Oliver take out the pieces of wax and threw them into the water.

Later, during the night, after the crew members had seemed to calm down a bit and while everyone but Oliver was still having a laugh out of trying to communicate without being able to hear each other, Oliver spotted something in the water. What the hell is tha... OH MY GOD! There was a woman in the water, completely naked, and, from the look of her blue skin, freezing to death. " overboard" Oliver shouted, then remembering that no one could hear him, "Blast it all!"

He turned to run and find someone who could help, and ran smack into Luke, "Luke! Woman! Water! Overboard! Naked! In peril!"


"Damn the Greeks and all their ridiculous customs!" Oliver said, grabbing Luke's head between his hands and yelling, " LUKE UNPLUG YOUR EARS!!!"

"Woah," Luke said, brushing him off and rubbing his ears, "easy Oli I can hear you. Where's the fire?"

"Oh thank God! There's a woman; in the water, look!" he said, pointing.

Luke leaned against the rail, looking at the figure with an unconcerned gaze, "Hm, would you look at that."

"She needs help! We have to get the captain or something."

"Well, I don't know. She seems to be doing fine to me."

"What are you..." Oliver froze as he stopped to carefully look at Luke. He seemed...disturbingly different. His mouth was drawn into a tight lipped smile that, while not sinister in nature, somehow unsettled Oliver (a kind of "I-know-something-you-don't-know" smirk), and his eyes, they seemed to laugh at everything they saw, "L-luke..." Oliver gasped as his friend's eyes flashed a brilliant green as he turned away from the ocean towards Oliver and his smile disappeared.

"Don't be afraid, and stay quiet."

Obviously, Oliver intended to do neither, "HEL..." Luke had already grabbed him and pinned him chest down against the rail of the ship, he struggled, but Luke had always been stronger than him.

Luke gripped his head and forced him to focus on the woman in the water, "Just relax Oliver, it'll be over soon," the words were not needed, however, as all the fear in Oliver's body disappeared, the woman below had begun to sing.

The sound was like a lullaby from his mother, mixed with a flock of song birds and a violin quartet, soothing him, calling to him. He renewed his struggles, desperate to dive into the ocean, "Let me go. Let me go! Please! Let me go!"

Luke released him and smiled again as Oliver immediately leaped overboard. His smile, however, once again became a frown as he focused on the still singing woman, Hurt him, and I'll...I'll...

Relax good seeker, I'll show him a good time and return him in the morning, it's the least I can do, the siren gave Luke a mental wink before disappearing beneath the waves, her song still carrying and driving Oliver to dive with her.

"Hmph, morning..." I'd better leave my self a message, I don't want to panic...


Oliver's lungs were burning by the time he'd caught up with the siren calling after him, but that was soon solved as he fell into what appeared to be a bubble on the ocean floor. He started to rush to her where she was laying on a bed like stone-slab, but she had stopped singing and his mind was beginning to clear. Her skin hadn't been blue because of the chilly water as he'd thought before, in fact, she didn't really seem to have "skin" at all. Her body was covered in teal scales that glittered in the refracted light of the bubble, and her long hair fell over her body in indigo heaps. Her feet seemed elongated, there were claws on each of her toes, webs between them, her hands were similar, but not nearly as elongated of out of proportion. Her eyes were slitted with yellow irises, her nose merely a pair of slits that opened and closed with her breathing, and behind her perfect, plump lips, her smile (while not threatening) showed serrated, vicious looking, shark-like teeth. As for the rest of her body, it looked rather normal, if not for the teal scales that faded to an even lighter shade on her modest bust and vagina.

Despite the fact that escape was clearly impossible, and the fact that her smile seemed genuine, Oliver skidded to a halt and tried to make a sharp turn away from her. She was to quick however, and was on him in an instant, her claws literally sinking into him. Oliver didn't feel any pain, nor did any blood appear to leak out as she retracted her claws from him, but his entire body had gone limp, "Just a little something to keep you relaxed" she giggled to him, with a hint of the magic of her song mixed in.

She laid him on the slab gently, his eyes still franticly daring from place to place, his glasses tilted to one side. He couldn't stop her as she undid his pants and slashed away the front of his underdrawers. His eyes widened as panic began to set in, being unable to move and being stripped by some...thing was sending his flight-or-fight instincts into high gear.

She looked at him a moment, frowning a bit, "You're really scared aren't you..." her voice was kind, concerned, and sweet like honey, and as she gently caressed his face Oliver began to feel his fear leaving him, "Trust me, you're going to enjoy this." She began to sing again, but this song was different, Oliver's cheeks flushed as he felt his body warm, every muscle relaxing...but one.

He felt his member beginning to stiffen as the song continued, becoming harder with each passing tone. His heart beat at a steady pace, as did his drawn breaths, both seeming to keep time to the wonderful music. The siren straddled him and began to massage his body as she sang, kneading out every last kink and fatigue in his body. Oliver felt happy, loved, and content, he only took advantage of the sedative wearing off to sigh, smile, and spread himself out a little to give the beautiful creature better access to him.

The siren slowly moved down his body, touching and stroking his face, neck, crest, belly, and finally, manhood. Oliver would have moaned, but didn't want to interrupt the beautiful music. So he contented himself with giving a thrust into his captor's tight grip.

Her stroking, as with his heartbeat and breathing, fell in perfect step with her music. Oliver could feel his pleasure fluctuate in intensity as her voice hit different notes. His logical mind, almost completely shut out by the pleasure and music, dimly realized what was going on. Ultrasonic frequencies, of course..._Certain rhythmic vibrations in the air (certain sound frequencies) were known to be able to cause complex feelings and behaviors in life-forms, anything from relaxation and passiveness, to blind, animistic rage and ferocity, _Or, as she's doing, lust and pleasure.

The level of control, however, went much farther, for, despite her stroking, teasing, and nakedness, his breathing and heartbeat had remained exactly the same, perfectly in beat with her musical voice, Ultrasonics can influence body systems, that means that she could...oh God... She could, conceivably, stop his heart and instantly kill him with a slight whistle. That feeling of being helpless, completely at the mercy of another person's whims, coupled with her incessant, and increasingly insistent stroking, sent him over the edge. He cried out as his muscles tensed and spasmed, his vision blurring as he was slammed with the intensity of his orgasm.

The siren quickly cupped her unoccupied hand, making sure to catch every last drop of his seed before slowly lowering her voice, bringing him down slowly. She held the essence beneath her aroused and dripping sex and began to slowly finger herself. The thought of what she was about to do sent chills up her backbone, it hadn't been part of her deal with the seeker, but she just couldn't stop herself. She quickly built herself to orgasm, spilling her own juices into her cupped hand with Oliver's seed before lifting the mixture up and chanting a few words over it before placing it at Oliver's lips.

"Drink it..." Oliver didn't hesitate, still in a haze from the remnants of her song and from his own orgasm moments before, he drunk down the mix of his own and the siren's fluids, licking her fingers clean, "good...time to get you home, little one..."

The siren easily lifted his tired and submissive body and carried him out of the air bubble, towards the surface, but by the time Oliver's head broke the waves, light blinded his eyes, and she was gone.

"Man Overboard!!!"


Luke started and jumped back when he saw the duplicate of himself standing in front of him, only to realize an instant later that it was a mirror. There had been no pause, there was no gap, one moment he'd been cowering on the front of the ship, and now, he was back in his cabin. Luke glanced at the clock, finding that no fewer than twelve hours had passed, That does it, I need to see a doctor...

It was then that Luke noticed an envelope clenched in his hand, "What the hell?" Opening it he discovered two shocking things. A photo of himself, and a handwritten note. At first glance, or to anyone other than Luke, the photo was unremarkable, it showed him with two fingers pressed over his lips in a "shh" gesture, and holding a copy of yesterday's Wall Street Journal. What made the photo shocking was that, one, he had brown eyes, not green, and second, they didn't have any newspapers on the ship, let alone the only one that Luke actually had a subscription to.

Unlike the photo, however, the note was quite clearly abnormal (other than the fact that it was Luke's handwriting).


I'm taking a risk just by leaving you this much information before we go dormant again, however, I feel that the shock that you'll no doubt experience soon after reading this warrants an explanation, or rather, a placation. You need not worry about Oliver, he'll be perfectly fine...

Oliver? What is it talking ab..."Man Overboard!!!" Luke's thoughts and reading were interrupted by the call. Dropping the letter and photograph, Luke raced out of the room and onto the deck, looking around a moment before seeing what he already knew would be there, Oliver in the water...


"I'm telling you I'm fine!" Oliver said as he was thrown onto the stretcher and wheeled through the ship towards the infirmary. Granted my vision's still blurred, but I feel great.

"Please remain calm sir, we have everything..." They're not even paying attention, Oliver thought, rolling his eyes, If I didn't know better, I'd say I was back in America...

After several hours in the infirmary, where the ship's nurse (who was, predictably, male) poked and prodded him for any problems before, almost sadly, giving him a clean bill of health. The nurse, however, did insist that he stay in the infirmary overnight, It was at this time that Luke finally managed to get in to see him, "Oliver, are you okay?"

"Yeah fine, vision's a little blurred but otherwise..."

"Your glasses are fogged man..." Luke said grabbing a tissue from a nearby box and handing it to him.

"Thanks..." Oliver removed his glasses to clean them...only to have his vision clear instantly. Startled, he put the glasses on again, blurred vision, off again, clear as day, better even, like seeing the world in high definition. The colors were more vibrant, more violets and deep reds. Then the significance of it hit him: for the first time he could remember, he could see without his glasses...


Luke was even more confused getting off the ship than he was getting on, first the memory lapses begin to appear more like split personality disorder, then Oliver goes overboard, comes back, starts wearing contacts, and dropping hints to Luke as if they both know something no-one else does, only to stop after another lapse and not even acknowledge, his previous hints. Finally, there was the matter of the note, he'd finished reading it when he'd gotten back to his cabin, and it had done nothing to ease his fears.


We're taking a risk just by leaving us this much information before we go dormant again, however, I feel that the shock that we'll no doubt experience soon after reading this warrants an explanation, or rather, a placation. You need not worry about Oliver, he'll be perfectly fine. As to ourselves, we're relatively fine, but it's not safe to be ourselves all the time when we still don't know what we are, hence, our "memory lapses." Whatever happens though, keep going, don't stop the trip, and don't tell anyone about this.

Best Wishes,


Luke knew that he what he should do was immediately fly back to the states and submit to incarceration at the nearest mental facility, but every time he thought about telling someone, or going back to the states, he got a splitting headache. What the hell is happening to me? He thought bitterly as he watched Sam step off of the gangplank ahead of him, onto Egyptian soil...