Go home Zeke!

Story by TovenThomas on SoFurry

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Zeke the black wolf wants a home. He's tired of seeing every other specie get bought. When will Zeke get to leave the pet store.

Go home Zeke

A Drunken Wolf Production

It was another rainy day outside the lake vista mall. Zeke could hear the rain pelting the roof above him as he lay in his hay covered pen. He grumbled softly out of boredom and turned onto his side staring through the wicker gate. He could see the empty merchandise aisles to the right and the few customers browsing the pet bins on the left next to him. There weren't that many visitors coming through today due to the inclement weather and the wolf was growing restless. There had been a red panda that showed interest but after he saw his price tag, twenty-six hundred, he had decided to leave with out making a purchase. He watched as the dragon store owner swept his broom lazily from side to side trying to keep busy. Zeke sighed placing a heavy black paw on the gate and listened to the sound of the rain, hoping that someone would take him away some day. He rolled back over onto his back and slowly drifted to sleep.

It hadn't been long since the wolf had fell asleep that a tapping came at his gate. He groggily sat up and blinked looking up shielding his eyes from the glimmer of the dragon's red scales. The owner opened the gate and motioned for the wolf to follow.

"Its your turn to stand in the front window. I need you sold pup. You've been here for two months now," the dragon said shaking his head sadly as the wolf rose.

Zeke slinked behind the lizard and waited while the owner unhinged the door and pulled out the occupying komodo dragon. The big wolf climbed in as the pair waltzed off behind him. Zeke liked watching from the window. It was the only time he was able to see what regular life looked like outside the pet emporium. He would spend long hours watching the mall patrons shop at the stores across the walk way and wished he could join them. He wondered what the large twisted brown things that a few of them ate as they walked by was. The big wolf would always press his nose against the glass and lick his lips wondering what it tasted like. A pair of lioness walked by and peered in his display and he struck a pose, they giggled and kept walking towards an unknown destination. He sat down and leaned against the side wall.

Zeke noticed an otter and a cheetah stop from across the walkway. They were both wearing white cook's aprons and the cheetah was pointing at him as if he was a long lost catnip toy. He pressed himself against the window as the otter shrugged and approached the display. He wished he could make out what they were saying. He watched the cheetah mouth something in which the otter turned bright red and punched him in the shoulder. Zeke rushed over to the panel door as the cheetah pulled the otter in through the pet store door. The big black wolf smiled excitedly and bolted to the door wagging his tail happily. He could see the big dragon nodding quickly as the two pointed towards the window Zeke occupied. He shifted from foot to foot as the two were escorted by the dragon.

"What do you think. He's super sexy. Huh," the cheetah teased as the dragon opened the panel.

"He is cute. I'll look around though and see what else is in here. Thanks," the otter replied as the dragon closed the door.

Zeke whined softly and crossed his arms pouting. He flopped onto his butt and grumbled watching through the gaps in the panel as the pair searched. He watched the pair stop at the komodo dragon and pointed. He watched in disbelief as the lizard was removed along with his records chart. "I'm a good boy," Zeke thought to himself as the pair headed to the merchandise aisle. The green lizard tailed them happily as they grabbed a cart and loaded different items. The wolf sighed and closed his eyes. "I'd be the most loyal pet ever if some one gave me the chance," he said to himself as the reptile was collard and taken to the front. He was happy for the lizard and a little jealous at the same time. The big reptile had been shipped from the same trainer as he had two months ago and was glad he'd get a home. The big wolf sighed and closed his eyes as the front door opened and closed. He didn't have the heart to watch the lizard walk off into the mall.

After getting his hopes up and thrashed, he moped in his pen curling his back to the wicker gate. He stayed that way for a few days refusing to eat. The few customers that did come by tapped on his gate hoping to get some action from the big wolf. After guessing he was sick they either picked something else or left empty handed. A week went by that way until the big dragon decided to lower his price to try and sale him faster. Zeke grumbled at his food bowl wishing he could have something new besides the same old meat and kibble every day. He reluctantly finished his bowl and watched the big dragon make his rounds adding fresh water to their bowls. He got his and sat on his back paws balancing him self with his tail. He had been fed from his trainer's paw all his life and liked to eat and drink at that level. He missed the big ox and wished he was there instead.

The wolf had drifted to sleep when a tapping came at his gate. He grumbled softly and rolled over looking up into the eyes of a well built dragon. He was wearing an expensive looking black tailored suit and sun glasses. The owner opened his gate and motioned for him to come out.

"He's a red wolf with the mutated color gene making him black furred. He's well trained and only sixteen hundred this week," the owner said happily pulling down the wolf's chart.

"Does he have all his shots and vaccinations? How's his demeanor," the dragon said prying open Zeke's mouth inspecting his teeth and gums.

"He's up to date and all his immunizations and are all listed in his chart. He was trained to be a big lap puppy," he added.

"My wife's anniversary is coming up. I guess he'll do. Let me take care of some business and I'll come back for him," the black dragon said extending a claw.

"All right, we'll be looking forward to seeing you next time," he said shaking the fellow lizards claw.

Zeke was in high spirits as the black lizard left. He would finally be getting a home. He wagged his tail happily. He smiled happily as the owner patted his head.

"Took long enough," he chuckled closing the wicker gate and putting his chart up.

Zeke flopped onto his back and made hay angles in side his pen. He wondered what his new owner would want to be called. "Master, Sir, Big Daddy, each one sounded good," he thought to himself. He closed his eyes and tried to fantasize about what his new life would be like with the winged creature. He could tell he would be well taken care of by how well the dragon had been dressed. The owner had taught him the flashier the outfit the better his life would be. He had seen all sorts of people come and go inside the shop in his stay. Families buying pets and supplies for their children as well as single richly dressed individuals. He had even seen a pair of female cougars in swim suits come in and purchase some lucky grey wolf. All he had to do now was wait.

The first two days were murder as Zeke stood on tip toe trying to look through the gaps in his wicker gate at the display window. He couldn't wait to see some sort of glimpse of the dragon walking up the mall walkway towards the pet store. He smiled wagging his tail telling himself that soon his new master would walk in and whisk him away to a new life. After the fourth day of no dragon his tail started to wag less. He moped in the corner again with his back against the gate. He couldn't believe he had gotten his hopes up again. "Maybe I'm not good enough," he told himself closing his eyes. His water bowl was filled behind him by the owner. He sighed watching the dragon and curled up wishing someone would come and take hiim away.

Another few days had gone by and Zeke had given up hope. He laid on his back in the hay listening to the soft hum of the over head florescent lights. The red dragon was adding a new chimp he had just gotten in to a cage. He closed him in and went to work straitening the merchandise aisle. The black lupine leaned against the wall of his pen and wished he could escape. He watched curiously as his training partner came walking into view. The komodo dragon was walking behind the white otter on a leash towards the pet store. He watched curiously through the gate as the door opened and the pair came in. The wolf nosily pressed himself against the wicker gate trying to hear as the otter shook his head and handed the leash over to the dragon.

"Is there anything else you were interested in," he could hear the dragon saying.

"I'm not sure, I'll take a second look at the black wolf over there. He was cute," the white otter said walking towards the pen.

Zeke jumped up and wagged his tail working up a good butt wobble. He eyed the otter in his white cook's apron as the dragon opened the wicker gate. Zeke crouched down and balanced on his tail putting his paws up in a begging pose.

"He's a big lap dog," the dragon said letting the otter into the pen.

"That's good. I'm usual very busy during the week and need a distraction for my free time," the otter said brushing a paw over the wolf's dark head fur.

"His name is Zeke. All his info is in the chart," the red dragon said handing it to the small chef.

"Zeke huh, you want to come home with me Zeke. I need a taste tester," the otter asked scritching him under the neck.

"Yes sir," Zeke blurted out quickly hugging the otter tight.

The otter chuckled and pulled himself from the wolf and patted him on the head lightly.

"I'll come back for him tomorrow. I have a shift tonight and you'll be closed before I get off. Can you have him groomed and ready for me," the otter said reaching out his paw to the dragon.

"Can do," the dragon said shaking his paw.

Zeke beamed from ear to ear watching them converse on the way to the door. The big wolf watched wondering if the otter made good food. He stared down at his silver food bowl and turned up his nose. Maybe tomorrow he would get something tasty to eat and couldn't wait to see what the otter would provide. He would eat and do anything the otter wanted if he freed him from his pet store prison. He couldn't wait to get out of his pen and go home with his new master. He watched the otter leave the store and followed him with his eyes as he walked down the mall pathway. Zeke curled up and closed his eyes. He wanted to get the rest of the day over with as fast as possible so he could be with the otter. He didn't sleep a wink that night.

The next morning was a rainy one. The black lupine could here the rain splattering heavy upon the rooftop above as he peeked through his gate as the store owner turned on the lights. He could already see different furs doing their shopping, carrying large bags from one place to another, as they toured the mall. Zeke was only interested in the small otter. He had felt so small yet strong in his arms. All he could think about now was keeping the otter safe and making him happy. He wagged his tail eagerly as the store owner came to take him to the back grooming area. He waited impatiently for the the dragon to open the gate and made a bee line for the back when he finally removed the bolt. Zeke skidded across the tile floor through the double doors in the back and looked around for a tub. Seeing the white basin in the corner beside a large hose, the wolf jumped in. The red dragon laughed deeply walking in through the flopping double doors.

"I'm glad your going home today too Zeke. You were a tough sale. Mental note, no more wolves," the dragon said shaking his head and turning on the hose.

Zeke sat in his pen after his deep washing and long brushing. He had previously had a few patches of split ends from laying on his side so much, but now his fur was strait and shiny. He even had a green bow tie to complement his eyes as he stood waiting for the small mammal. The big wolf pressed his paws against the gate and waited as the rain grew heavier. He sighed softly as the time went by. After a while his ears flattened as the clothing store across the hall way turned off its store front lights. He watched as the big dragon padded over and leaned down to his pen.

"Sorry Zeke, maybe tomorrow," the dragon said placing his left claw on the wolf's gate.

Zeke tucked his tail as the store lights over head went off one by one as the dragon did his closing duties. He laid down and curled up taking off his bow tie and setting it next to his food bowl. He hadn't eaten his kibble and meat since he figured he was going home. He looked at it in his silver bowl and layed down beside it. He was too depressed to eat. He sighed curling up and went to sleep inside the dark store building.

The next morning Zeke wasn't feeling to peppy. He had gotten his hopes up now for the last time and was bitter. He turned his back to the customers and growled if he heard anyone tapping at his gate. The wolf didn't know what would happen if he didn't get sold. So far he had now been there the longest and had seen every other animal come in before him and after him leave. Another set of knocks came at his gate but he quickly dismissed them with a low rumble. Feeding time came and went with the wolf deciding not to eat again. He didn't see what the point was anymore if he was just eating to stay alive to live in a pen. He wished he had gotten to stay with his trainer. The big brown ox was firm, but at least he got to live in a barn with other animals. All he could see was the merchandise aisle and the last few empty pens. Another tap came at his gate and he snarled trying to be left in peace.

"What's the matter Zeke. Don't you want to go home," the otter asked to the wolf's back.

Zeke rolled over staring up into the blue eyes of the little white otter in his white apron. The wolf jumped up wagging his tail happily as the dragon handed the otter the clip board. He couldn't believe the otter had come back for him like he said he would.

"Come on big guy, lets get you some supplies," the otter said flagging him from the pen as the dragon pulled back the bolt.

Zeke jumped from his pen and hugged the otter tight lifting him off the ground. He nuzzled into the otter's soft cheek fur mushing their whiskers together as he moved his head from side to side.

"Down boy," the otter chuckled squirming in the wolf's grasp.

Zeke nodded setting the otter down and trailed behind him as he walked down the first few aisles. The wolf was finally happy it was him that was walking down the green carpeted aisle picking out items. He watched the otter grab a cart from the front and tossed a leash, bowls, toys, and a brush into it before moving to the collar section. Next to a large engraving machine rested the large display of leather. The otter picked one out and placed it up to his neck fur. He shook his head and grabbed another one doing the same thing. Satisfied with a nice thick black one with green stitching, the otter wrapped it around his neck buckling it on. They moved to the front counter where they started the paper work for his sale. He watched as the two conversed on local vets and eating regimens. After another paw shake the otter signed the dotted line making Zeke officialy his.

"Alright Mr. Soontag," the dragon said handing him a fresh copy of everything they had just went over. Your going home Zeke. I'm going to miss you pup," you better no come back," the dragon said balling up a claw at the wolf.

The wolf nodded as the dragon gave the otter a token. The otter lead the wolf back to the engraving machine and inserted the token. After pressing a few keys on the screen and selecting his choice of tag shape, waited as the bone shaped one he picked fell down. Zeke held out his neck proudly as the otter clipped on his name tag. Above the zip code and address it read "_ Zeke _" in bold italics. Zeke wagged his tail happily as the otter clipped on the leash tugging the wolf towards the door. The big red dragon waved as the otter opened the door letting Zeke out. The wolf had never been through the front door of the store before and was in shock by all the smell and colors. He was glad his small master had rescued him from what seemed like a night mare. He had hated the cramped pen with the hay under paw. The black wolf wouldn't miss the meat and kibble at all. He swore to himself he would be the best pet possible so he would never have to go back to the pet shop. The wolf looked around wildly with his tail wagging as the otter steered him from behind towards the mall exit. Zeke was finally going home.

I wrote this for those of you that Love Zeke and Sam. Hope you enjoy the prequel as much as i liked writing it. (Let a wolf know if you teared up from the sappyness. That was my goal). Feel free to comment!