A (Modified)Love Poem

Story by KateTheMarten on SoFurry

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A little something I came up with on the top of a mountain today. Hope you like it.

I yearn for nature. That's just the way it is.

My soul demands it, like the lungs demand air.

I desire the gleeful cries of a magpie atop a fence post,

I must have the spicy smell of fallen pine needles in the summer.

I burn for hollow stumps filled with last season's leaves,

I ache for handfuls of seeds released to the wind.

There is an emptiness inside me that can only be filled with mud,

the kind that squishes around your toes.

I crave rocks. All of them.

I pine for the place near the water where all the tracks meet.

I simply cannot exist without that blade of grass...

No, not that one, the one to the left... a little more...

Yes, that one.