Over in that Meadow (ch 2) The Madness of restriction and the deer story

Story by ravendust on SoFurry

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#2 of Over in that Meadow

Griffin and Ash travel to Ashleys house, but along the way Griffin runs into an old burden.

The 2 new friends walked through the seemingly endless forest, they talked and got to know each other better as they walked along. Ash and Griffin weren't really sure where they were going, but it really didn't matter to them. The forest was lively that day, the trees looked a little bit greener and as the day went on, the sky had gotten a little bit bluer.The birds were out, and usually Griffin would have been annoyed by the constant chirping, but today was different, she enjoyed it Griffin was still wearing the smile on her face as Ash told her about the time 3 deer had invaded her home.

" All of a sudden I heard this noise that sounded like clop clop clop, over and over again! So I got up and decided to take the flashlight that had been sitting on my bedside table, and when I walk into the kitchen, I found the strangest thing. 3 deer were in my kitchen! 1 was sniffing the floor, another had put it's head in my sink, and the 3rd had managed to open a cabinet and was eating out of a bag of chips! " Ashley smiled at the story, it always made her laugh no matter how many times she told it. Griffin giggled at the deer story " How did you get them out?" Griffin asked curiously, " I wonder if she shot them..." she wondered in her head. " No, Ash would never do that. She is too _ __ nice to hurt a deer._

" Well, I went over to one of the cabinets and took out a box of trail mix. I opened it and poured some in my hand, and then I guess all the deer liked trail mix, because they looked up and sort of moved towards me. I held out my hand and 1 of the deer started eating out of it. Then the other 2 deer joined him. I just kept taking small steps back until I reached the door, and then I began walking out the door. The deer didn't even notice until we were out in my yard that we had gotten outside. Then I set the box down and let them have at it. They eventually left, but every once in awhile those 3 deer come and hang out around my house, and it's alright becuase I leave feed out for them!" Ash smiles at the thought of her deer friends, they were like pets to her.

Griffin interuppted Ashley's thoughts " So where are we going exactly?" Griffin asked with a happy tone. The wiger couldn't shake the glorious smile on her face. Griffin had never really smiled her poor, miserable life. Of course the occasional grin had crossed her face, but not a full on beautiful smile. Thoughts floated around in Griffins head, " What are you doing?", _was one of them. Griffins eyes opened wide, their purple color almost glowing with madness. Madness. Griffin had entered Madness, but it was so sudden, and it didn't feel like the Madness she was used to. This state of mind felt like space, like some sort of limbo, she was in the blank nothing of empty space. _" What? she spoke in her mind. " That smile on your face, why is it there?" the voice in Griffins head was nice and sweet sounding, but it sounded as if there was another voice, behind the sweet one. Another voice that showed the true nature of Madness, a voice that was cold and evil and mean. A voice that was demanding. Yes, the voice of Madness, true Madness. Griffin looked down at the ground as they walked, her eyes in a full on glow now, as Ash was explaining how far they were from her home.

" I am smiling because I am happy." Griffins voice in her head spoke solemly. The Madness in her head had been so controllig all her life, and despite her efforts, Griffin couldn't convince the Madness she was in charge. But now, Griffin meant buisness. " You don't smile unless I let you, I already told you, you can grin, and that's it." the voice sounded like a demanding child,and it pounded in Griffins mind. " Now stop."

Something happened, Griffin's beautiful smile was almost ripped from her face by an invisisble force, and all that was left was the blankness of her lips. A straight face. The wiger snapped her head up and her eyes stopped glowing. Ashley cut herself off as she was mid-sentence in answering Griffin's question " So we cou- Griffin?" Ash stopped walking all together and looked at her friends face. The blankness of it, like a clean sheet of paper. The lynx grabbed Griffins paw, cold. It was cold. Too cold for words, it was ice. Griffin blinked once, life returned to her face, and suddenly her paw was as burning coal in Ashleys paw. The gray cat instinctivly let go, the paw of Griffin felt like fire. Ash looked down and saw the fur on her own paw was singed black as if she had stuck it in a raging fire. Ashley looked back to Griffin as the lynx held her paw. Smoke rose above Griffin as she met eyes with Ash. The linx looked deep into the soul of the wiger, she concentrated on what was going on inside. Griffin looked back into Ashleys soul so suddenly, and Ash felt as if a fire was burning inside her, but she urged against it. The fire stopped all together and Griffin spoke, but it was different from her usual voice, Griffins voice now sounded helpless and weak. " Help me." she cried out quietly as she passed out in Ashleys arms.