The Desert Rose Blooms

Story by Coyote42 on SoFurry

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I've started getting involved with some of the furry superhero communities, and this is a story that Sam Gwosdz and I worked on to help flesh out one of my character's backstories. It's a tale of a new hero falling from grace and the aftermath.

Erin Flaherty/Miracle, Cindy Laroque © sam-gwosdz

Tamara Rosales/Desert Dog © me

Marie-Josephine Leclerc/French Rose © wolfrider

It was another hot day in Savannah; June was always a murderous mouth in the South. A brown blur hopped up and down the city streets. Tamara was swearing to herself loudly as she clutched onto her backpack, her hair flapping in the breeze as she leapt up and down from city street to rooftop. Her amulet-fueled leaping power was going to be quicker than trying to dodge traffic, and often... it was fun! She didn't care much if people noticed; usually she was just a brown blur on the skylight that many mistook for her in her heroine costume anyway.

It wasn't very long that she had been Desert Dog, not longer still that she had discovered the ancient amulet that gave her such amazing powers. Now, she thought, she really was living the stories of the heroines that her tribe's elders spoke of; how they were blessed with the task of defending everyone from evil.

She loved the feel of the breeze on her fur as she leapt around, running across rooftops without a care in the world. The amulet kept striking her on the chest, but she wasn't worried about it falling off; she knew from her research that it would never fall off unless she took it off herself. So she wore it constantly over her clothes, passing it off as a strange gewgaw that a Goth like her always just happened to wear to go with the piercings in her ear and navel.

In the meantime, a large purple skunkette patrolled the streets, a large sketchpad in her paws. Marie-Josephine Leclerc did enjoy her work very much. Both aspects of it. Being a fashion model was still as fun and glamorous as the day she started in the business. But back in Colmaton, California, she had a more sinister side, one few furs saw. And if they did see French Rose, they'd be in trouble. A glittering green jewel sat between her breasts, slightly pulsating with mystical energy. Maybe there was a little love in the summer air.

Tamara checked her watch as she skidded down the city streets. She was late for class and couldn't believe that she'd overslept again. It was just like her: the dual duty of hero and student was getting to be a wear on both. As she ran down the street panting, Tamara was too busy checking how many seconds she could save with another leap over traffic when she slammed chest-to-chest with the buxom skunk.

There was a tingle in the air as their amulets met, the Hathor stone coming full into contact with the Giribaldi Amulet for just long enough.

"Oh shit, I'm so sorry!" Tamara said, trying to pick the skunk up. She reached into her wallet, pulling out some money as a gesture of apology. "Are you ok? I'm really sorry I can't do more ma'am, but I have to go!"

What she hadn't realized was that as she pulled out the two twenty dollar bills, a sliver of plastic flew out of her pocket to land at the skunk's feet. Tamara ran off into the dust, yipping in worry about her bad luck. Tamara was too wrapped up in her own lateness to register the pop the amulets had. Too wrapped up in blending her two lives rather than trying to separate them. Why should she? She was a Hero- they didn't go skulking around afraid to use their powers when needed.... Half the time she only figured she ha the identity to get around vigilante laws.

Leclerc groaned as she rubbed her chest, barely even registering the girl's apology; she stunningly took the two twenties and scoffed as the girl left.

"Foolish girl, trying to apologize with money... it will hardly cover the fact that she's probably ruined my new dress," she growled. Leclerc was just about to stand when she noticed that the coyote had dropped something.

A laminated ID card.

Picking it up and turning it over, she saw it was a Savannah State student ID, showing a similar looking coyote female in the picture. Printed on the card was her name and department: Tamara Rosales - Archaeology.

Leclerc smiled. She did notice a slight "punch" as their two necklaces collided. That hurt her, but that meant that it wasn't some little trinket there for decoration. It was much more special.

"Hmm hmm... Looks like I'll be paying a visit to university very soon," she said.

* * *

It was good to be home and at a familiar place. It sounded just like the place she called home for four years as Erin Flaherty walked across Savannah State's campus on the sunny day. She had on dark glasses and a Savannah State t-shirt, long jean shorts and a matching blue bandana. Her cane tapped along the grass as she tested out to keep watch for the curb. However, her super sense provided more certainty as the vibrations from her feet told her exactly where the curb was.

She made her way in front of a brick building that served as administrative offices, just making her way to where she used to have cher. Some students walked around her, there for summer classes. Much like Tamara was.

Tamara was running the back of her head as she strolled down campus, her pack now on her back over her own college T-shirt. The coyote female sighed; another chewing out by her history professor Mr. Hatfield was in her future. He threatened to have her kicked out of class if she was late one more time.

She gruffed about the thought. She'd worked hard in class to let things screw up this badly; she wished she could just talk to him one coyote to another. Times like this made her grumble harder about the professors; the lot of them were just pains in hrt ass. If they just knew she was a heroine, they'd cut her some slack. It was times like this she missed Erin's soft voice of reason

The raccoon suddenly felt a familiar vibration and she sniffed the air slightly, smelling coyote distinctly. While species were of the same vein in smells, everyone had their own distinct subtle odor to her, and she recognized the coyote walking past her about 10 yards away immediately.

"Tamara? Is that you?" she called out, walking as quick as she could over to her.

Tamara's wheeled up as she thought she heard a familiar sound Erin tapped the cane on the concrete, it was distinct to the coyote's ears. No mistaking that sound either. The raccoon finally stopped and smiled broadly. "It is you!"

"Huh?" She muttered as she looked to see just the raccoon she was thinking about coming her way. With a yip of glee she ran over and hugged her friend with tighter muscles than before due to her MMA classes. The coyote nearly lifted Erin off the ground. "Spirits, Ray it's good you're here!" she sighed out, calling Erin by the old nickname for her.

Erin laughed a little as she was lifted up off the ground. She was tall and toned herself, but she was amazed at the bit of strength that Tamara seemed to have now. "All right all right, it's good to see you too, Tamara, now put me down!" she giggled. The truth was, being off the ground scared her slightly; without her feetpaws on the ground, she was actually a little blind, but the last thing she wanted to do was worry any of her friends. Not to mention Tamara was one of the few that could get away with jokey little blind nicknames for her, referring to a blind recording artist.

Tam quickly put Erin down. She always tried to be respectful of her needs without making Erin feel handicapped. With a wagging tail she eagerly looked at any changes in Erin, just for updates. "How are you?" she asked. "What's going on? How's Cali? You'll never guess what I've been up to..." She cut the last part off, about to blurt out her new identity to her friend

Erin smiled back, actually catching the "THUMPthump" of Tam's heartbeat as she caught herself, but she paid it no mind. It was a "I have a secret" lurch of her heart, but that was okay; no one had to tell her everything. She had secrets to keep herself.

"Well, California's been very good to me. I'm just home on a little vacation. I got a job at the Union University Library in Colmaton and I'm also boarding with several other nice furs. The house is owned by a tiger-serval named Zaine Einder, he's really nice," she said brightly.

Tamara smiled to hear her friend's good fortune. "Union University... nice! I'd love to go there; the history department is supposed to be top notch, but its hard for we archaeologists to get in...". She grinned a bit darkly at the mention of her landlord. "Oooh... is he.. really nice?" she asked with a jab of her elbow.

Erin chuckled at the jab. "He has a girlfriend, she's moved in with him. Her name is Marsha, she's from England."

Tamara giggled. "Sorry.. I just know how hard you were trying to find a guy while you were here.". She couldn't say much; she hadn't gone out since she became Desert Dog.

Erin blushed a little bit; she actually didn't try that hard. She did want a nice man, but few seemed to want to go out with a blind girl, no matter how pretty she was. "Well, I don't think I really tried that hard, remember I only went out sometimes with you and Cindy and others."

The coyote grinned. "Cindy was the ringleader. Most guys look at a Goth like me and think I'm either a lesbian or going to stab them. Even being all exotic to them as a Native doesn't balance that off... at least it kept 'em from calling me Pocahontas."

Erin nodded. "I guess we all have our own styles, even me," she said. The raccoon never really considered herself fashion-conscious, though Cindy did say she always wore nice outfits. Tam chuckled. She couldn't say much in her black torn jeans and long college shirt that was as dark as she could find.

Erin then looked around. "Erm... you don't have class, do you?" she asked. She felt something odd, something familiar, like a pulsating. About 30 yards away.

Tamara shook her head. "Nah, but I've got a lot of homework to catch up so my professor doesn't kick my ass out of class" she replied. "How long are you here for? I could easily get some dinner and we can catch up."

"Oh, I'm here for a couple more days. Will tomorrow night work? I'll call Cindy and we can all go," Erin said. She knew the red-haired vixen would love to catch up with Tamara too.

Tamara grinned. "That sounds great! That will give me time enough to finish my ARK 205 paper."

"See you then! Looking forward to it!" Erin said happily. She leaned forward to give her friend a little hug with her left arm, keeping her cane in her right, like usual. Tamara nuzzled her as they hugged. She missed her friends, often feeling lonely in the college as most of them had moved away or gone on to more intensive studies. Only her heroing had brought her any real fun in a while.

* * *

Marie-Josephine tsked to herself as she walked around campus. So many young furs wearing terrible fashions. Jeans, shorts, t-shirts. She knew casual was about all they could afford but... She shook her head. That was for another day.

The skunk twirled the visitor pass in her fingers, that a guard had graciously given her after just a small application of her love spray... how kind of him! She always loved it when they looked at her so sweetly after the application of her living spray. Leclerc took a look at the student ID once more to get a better look at her quarry.

Leclerc looked up just in time to see her quarry hugging a young raccoon with a cane. She smiled darkly, glad to see that the coyote hadn't left campus yet. It had been a wonderful tour of campus, seeing a few art pieces that should easily fit with her collection, but the best piece of all was right there.

Erin broke the hug and wished Tamara good-bye for now. It was time to go; the bus would be arriving soon. As she left, she stopped. She felt a familiar pang. A punch of energy. One that she had felt before back in Colmaton. A pang she hadn't felt since... since her. No, it couldn't be... she couldn't be here.

The raccoon had to catch her bus, she really didn't have a choice. Still, she couldn't shake that nasty feeling with the pulsating power that brought back memories of the Gem of Hathor. French Rose almost made her one of her little harem girls because of that thing. She knew that now, and she knew she'd never call her "mistress" again if she could help it.

The skunk smiled as she saw the coyote wave to her friend and head off in the direction of the city. No doubt she lived off-campus, which made things better. But she knew she had to hurry before the coyote started bounding off again, if the blur she thought she saw earlier was her. Slinking off to find the best route, she hurried off while it still looked like the coyote was walking calmly.

She was able to tail the coyote right to an alley by the bookstore. Clearing her throat, the slinky skunk moved up just as Tamara walked by.

Tamara nearly ran into the skunk again as she had her head in the clouds about having fun with Erin again. She yipped with her ears flat and stammered. "Oh... uh... hi.. ma'am.. I'm.. uh sorry.. can I help you?"

Marie-Josephine smiled. "Why of course you can help me, mon cher..." she cooed, advancing on the coyote. Her voice was sultry, warm, almost with a hypnotic quality to it.

Tamara's unpinned her ears in interest. She shook her head as she thought that things were all right between them

"I... sure, what do you need, ma'am?" she asked. "I hope that things are.. uh.. better than this morning.."

Marie nodded, suppressing the irritation from her clothes being ruined in her mind. "Much better! I'm all right, and thank you for apologizing. I couldn't help but notice you have a very lovely amulet around your neck..." she said, getting close enough to look at it.

Tamara took a step back as Marie leaned towards her amulet. "Ah.. yes, its something I found a while ago," she said nervously. "I'm uh.. sorry if I ruined your dress... Though.. it's rather pink, isn't it?"

Marie smiled widely. "Why yes, it's of my own design! Do you like it?" she asked, keeping her eyes on the amulet. She could sense its' power.

Tamara shivered a bit. There was almost a sparking in the air as she started to focus around the gem around the skunk's neck. "It's very... uh... pink. I.. don't know if you notice but that's not my color. That's a nice amulet yourself."

"Merci beaucoup! I found it years ago myself while going exploring in Egypt. It's very precious to me..." she said. The jewel then seemed to glow as French Rose secretly brought out a compact and an odd smell seemed to fill the air.

Tamara blinked a bit, her nostrils flaring as the odd scent came to the air. "It's an Egyptian artifact?" she asked, confused. "Why isn't that in a museum instead?" Granted, that was a good question that could be turned back to her, but it was still a valid question for something that looked so... alluring...

The purple skunk smiled, the smell growing stronger. "Well, mon cher, I did indeed find this artifact in Egypt. You could say I'm a treasure hunter. In fact, your amulet looks like it came from a little treasure hunting of your own."

Tamara coughed a bit feeling woozy. "I'm... nngh... not a treasure hunter..." she said as her eyes got droopy. "I'm an archaeology student." She blinked again, her ears drooping a little.

Marie smiled and brought out her compact, opening it. "All archeologists are treasure hunters, mon cher. I'd like for you to come with me for a while; we can discuss these matters..." she cooed. She then gently blew some of the powder in Tamara's face.

Tamara growled a bit at the implication that the skunk was making and snapped back as the compact opened. "Well it looks like you dipped yourself in bubble-gum" she started before the sudden poof of dust in her face. She coughed and groaned, jerking back from the sudden cloud of pink powder.

"Just relax, mon cher... let the powder do its work."

Tamara felt the powder filling her lungs and in a moment she felt comfortable, warm inside as she looked at the skunk. "I... mmm... I... you... look... uh.. very nice..." She then got rigid, feeling stunned as she smiled, leaning in to kiss the skunk before her eyes closed. "Mmm... so pretty...."

The skunk smiled and kissed Tamara warmly. "Bonne nuit, mon cher..."

The coyote wrapped her arm around Marie's shoulders and kissed her back before nuzzling her shoulder and murring. Marie-Josephine loved the process and it was so nice to see a beautiful coyote such as Tamara go limp in her arms, dreaming such lovely things. Time to get out of here with her prize.

Tamara flopped in her arms, though the amulet stayed put around her neck on top of her t-shirt. She groaned softly, eyes half opened as she smiled. It was easy to drag her off, as Marie took her to the Lexus she drove around today in.

Gently laying her in the backseat and buckling her in, Marie took the driver's seat and looked back at the young coyote and smiled once more. "Your mistress will enjoy your company, young Tamara..." she cooed. Then she drove off.

* * *

Tamara groaned softly as she woke up. The coyote felt a strain on her arms as she woke up, as if they'd been held in place for a while. She gruffed softly, shaking her head as she felt under a fog and woke up to see that she was in a well-plush hotel room. There was flowers and clothing stacked up everywhere, as well as a few chests. She groaned to get up but found herself tied to a chair, her arms behind her and feet tied spread open to the legs of the chair to prevent her from moving. Her ears pinned back and she whined in fear, though there was some relief that she was still fully dressed. Her shirt looked a little ruffled and her amulet was askew however, and she looked around again.

"HELP!" she screamed. She was helpless, unable to make the hand motions that would summon earth to her. She was just a normal fur tied to a chair.

"No need to scream, mon cher. I can hear you just fine..." said a familiar voice. A familiar-looking skunkette came into the larger room, but she was dressed in an elaborate red and black dress that showed off her ample bosom, her Gem of Hathor set on her chest. Her outfit was complemented with same colored boots with elaborate laces.

"YOU!" Tamara snarled, her ears pinned back as her muzzle crinkled. "Let me the fuck go you psycho! Look, I'm sorry I ran into you and got your bubble-gum monstrosity dirty, ok?"

French Rose harrumphed. "Hold your tongue, fille. I have no qualms gagging you. I just want to talk to you for a while privately." Her tone then softened and she smiled sweetly. "That's all."

Tamara blinked. "Then why did you tie me up?" she snapped. "Or are you a Dominatrix Barbie too?" She just growled low in her throat but otherwise calmed down. "Talk about what?"

French Rose smiled. "I tied you up to keep your attention, that's all. Can't have you running around all over the place." She then sat down on a chair across from her. "I want to talk to you about that beautiful amulet of yours."

She strained against the bonds, trying to see if she could at least do some basic maneuvers but it seemed like the skunk had tied her hands into fists, making them useless. "NNngh..... what do you care? Think it'll help your fashion sense?"

"I care, mon cher, because I believe that it is very special and could be useful to me..." French Rose said. She didn't touch the amulet, but she decided to get a closer look at it, to see its details.

She tried to press back though it was useless the way she was tied. "Then try to take if off of me if you want it so much," she said with a smirk. "Come on, you've got me tied up. Yank it off, skunkette..."

French Rose picked up on the sudden bravado and smiled. "I cannot, can I?"

Tamara just shrugged. "I don't know, but I'm guessing you've tried already." She smirked. "And fuck off if you think I'm just going to hand it to a reject from Rocky Horror like you."

The purple skunk nodded and stroked Tamara's chin gently. "Well, there are other ways to draw out its power. I don't have to take it, you know. You can keep it." Again, her voice...

She grimaced at the stroking, pulling away. "Let me go," she growled. "People will know I'm missing.". She felt a little foggy but was trying to resist

"Oh I will let you go... in fact, you'll leave here without a scratch on you," she promised. It was absolutely true, and yet... something still wasn't right. Boy, French Rose's smile was looking more beautiful by the second.

She grit her teeth. "You'd better let me go now!" she snapped but the villainess could already see that the effect of her powers were starting to affect her. Tamara's eyes were starting to dilate. "Go.. nnghh play dress up with the other clowns."

"Just talk with me..." French Rose said soothingly. "Tell your Mistress Rose where you found the amulet, what it does. It must be a very interesting story."

She shook her head, getting foggy a bit as the scent lulled her into a state that just felt... good. She smiled softly, eyes getting half-glazed before trying to clear her mind again. "Nnngh... feel drunk... It's just.. nngh.. an amulet... Not my.. mnngh... mistress.."

French Rose pushed harder, stroking Tamara's chin once more daintily with her fingers. "Well, mon cher... furs don't seemingly keep meaningless trinkets on them at all times... I found my prized gem while exploring a temple in Egypt. Where did you find yours?" she asked again.

She rolled a bit, her gold eyes starting to go blank now as the effect finally leeched her resistance. "Mmmmnn.... an abandoned.. kiva in New Mexico... Doing a dig, found it.. not like the... standard tribal pieces.."

French Rose smiled broadly, excited at the new fact. "Ooooooooh. What made it so special and different?"

She flopped up and smirked. Even in her drugged state she was snarky. "I'm... tribal... think I don't know Native artifacts?" She drunkenly chuckled. "It.. nngh.. it's older than the Anasazi..."

French Rose smirked a little herself. She liked that little bit of spice with the coyote, it made the process all the more fun. "Well, such an old artifact really must be unique and important. Otherwise, you wouldn't have been able to tell that. Are you keeping another secret about it from your mistress, jolie fille..."

There seemed to be another wave of resistance before the direct contact with French Rose's hand on her chin caused her have a wave of pleasure. "I... mmm... I think it's... a piece of... Girabaldi. He was a mystic, traveled the world... nngh.. around Atlantis era.."

French Rose giggled with delight and clapped her paws. "I know about Girabaldi! That's a very rare find! You're very lucky to have found something so wonderful!"

She nodded. "I've only had it a few months... mmmi..." Her mind hiccuped on the word but finally the scent had done its job. "Mistress."

The skunkette smiled and stroked Tamara's hair as a bit of a reward. "Girabaldi had enchantments on some of his artifacts. Did this one have any?"

"It.. doesn't fall off even when I'm leaping in the air... mistress... and I've had... villains try to take it off... just shocks them."

"Leaping in the air?" French Rose said quietly. That sounded like a superpower. And villains couldn't take it off, true; she had tried. "Did it give you any more powers, mon cher?"

She pressed into the stroking softly, like a lover's caress. "Haven't had it long... but I can control earth... rock, stones.."

French Rose leaned down and kissed her on the forehead, about to deliver the killer question. "That's very special... you must have tried to do something to help others with these powers?"

She bit her lip at the kiss, blushing as she smiled. "THank you mistress..." She stopped fighting, as her answers came smoother. "I've taken to being a hero... If you've read the blogs my name is Desert Dog."

French Rose couldn't have been any more pleased to hear this new fact. "No, I haven't read them, but you're a wonderful little girl for telling me so... you will help your Mistress Rose, won't you, Desert Dog?"

She smiled to hear the praise, the mind control having a strong effect of reinforcing her endorphins every time she was praised or touched. Tamara was being hooked on being controlled. "Yes mistress. Anything for you..."

Deep inside her eyes, French Rose could almost see a vision of Tamara beating against a cage, screaming for help. Imprisoned within her own mind. The skunkette smiled, though it had a slightly sinister edge to it. "Excellent... now here's what I want you to do..."

* * *

The class had already begun as the coyote professor looked over his roster. Tamara Rosales... late again. He gruffed as he finalized the paperwork dropping her from the class. She was a promising student... once.

Clayton Hatfield sighed as he rubbed his forehead. "Well, looks like she's not going to show up... all right, people, let's get started..." he said, standing up and going to the whiteboard. he picked up a red board marker and uncapped it. "Today, we're going to discuss Chapter 6 and the Renaissance...."

Suddenly the doors threw open and in walked a female coyote that resembled Tamara, but as she walked with an almost arrogant gait she was remarkably different. Where her dark Goth clothing was instead she wore a tight pink pencil skirt and a frilled white shirt over a corset. The clack of high heels could be heard as she waved to the stating students.

"Whoah, is that Tamara?"

"Never seen her wear that getup before..."

"'Bout time, now she looks hot." A loud thwap accompanied that last comment. Professor Hatfield turned to his side and dropped his marker in shock, nearly marking his white shirt. "Ms. Rosales??"

Tamara had a nearly glazed look in her eyes as she walked up, drawing a finger under Mr. Hatfield's chin. "I'm here Clayton... did you start without me?"

Hatfield pulled back instinctively, stunned by the display. "Well, you know I always give tardy students five minutes... why are you dressed like that?"

Tamara fluttered her eyelashes.... she actually was wearing makeup now. "I'm turning a new leaf Clayton.". She pouted. "Please... tell me you hadn't dropped me from class... I'd be ever so sad."

"... Ms. Rosales, I... just sent the paperwork, I don't think I have a choice now..." he said nervously. He suddenly wondered why she was coming on to him; then he started getting warm, tugging at his collar. "Ms. Rosales, I'm a married fur, you know that..."

She leaned in, taking his tie and murring. "Then she's lucky to have a big strong male like you... but isn't there a way I can... convince you to keep me?". She laid a hand between his legs, not caring she was propositioning the teacher in full view of over thirty students.

"Holy crap, this is hot..." Another thwap. Professor Hatfield started to stammer and pulled back from her paw. "I... I... well..."

Tamara frowned. "Please?" she asked, leaning in to nip at his ear. She then whispered into it. "I can do it right here... right now.."

No way. That would kill his teaching career. No one would believe the truth! "All right, all right! I'll ask them to rescind the paperwork, just please, Ms. Rosales, you're embarrassing me!"

She clapped her hands. "Thank you! Let me give you a reward!". She then grabbed at his crotch while the students collectively gasped, a few hooting and hollering

Hatfield backed up from that and pointed out the door, not believing what he was seeing. "Ms. Rosales. Leave. Right now. The paperwork has been sent. Just go."

She pouted. "Oh.. fine then," she said with a huff. "You'll miss out then ...". She flipped her hair and walked to the door. "I'll just go over your head then. I'll be back Clayton."

Hatfield wiped his brow as he watched her leave and he noticed that a few students had their cell phones out recording the scene.

"That's it. No one leaves this room until any recordings of that are wiped... we have to get back to work."

* * *

Sitting behind the desk, the dean of the Social Science department had just gotten the paperwork in for the students who had just had their status changed. The badger flipped through them, and had just arrived on the drop paperwork for Tamara Rosales when he heard a rapping on the window of his door.

"Door's open," he said. Roderick Knowles was generally an open dean, accepting to furs that wanted to talk to him about things, especially students. After all, he was genuinely concerned about their educations; he had a few college-age children himself.

The door opened to reveal the coyote female decked out in her new outfit. She smiled and sashayed to the desk, her heels clacking softly on the carpet. "Hello there Dean Knowles," she purred out softly, leaning on the desk to where her cleavage was just barely noticeable in her new shirt.

The badger's eyes widened as he saw the display and then he looked down at the paperwork in front of him. "Ms. Tamara Rosales, is that right?" he asked nervously, partly because of the coincidence and the alluring outfit she was wearing. He had never seen her wear anything like that as long as he'd known her.

She saw the paperwork with her name on it and brightened up. "Oh... hello there...." she said, sliding the paper towards herself. "Aww... Dr. Hatfield went and sent it after all..." She looked up with sad eyes to him. "Please... is there anything I can do to tear this mean old paper up? It can't be good for my career..."

Knowles wiped some sweat off his brow and sighed. "Well, Ms. Rosales... I'm afraid that you've been written up enough times about tardiness... it's affected your grades and ... well, we have to adhere to the policy. I'm sorry."

She frowned, her eyebrows crinkling as she looked to the badger. "Oh.. please Dr. Knowles?" she whined, putting a finger to her lips. "I promise I'll do better..." She leaned in, to give him more look on her cleavage. "I'm not a naughty girl..."

Knowles was starting to sweat again... it was like she know how to push his buttons, like on those rare days his wife was in the mood. "Er... I'm sorry, Ms. Rosales. I really can't. It's final... I can get you an appointment to get another class next semester, but that's.... ahem... that's really all I can do..." he said, not able to resist looking into her cleavage.

"But sir....." she whined again. "I can... make it worth your while if you were to let me back into class." She climbed onto the desk, tussling her hair a bit as she finally grabbed the front of her shirt, tearing it open to show off her corset underneath that barely held her breasts in check. "What do you say?"

Rosales blushed hotly, his eyes widening as he stood up from his seat and backed up, shocked by the display. "Ms. Rosales... please understand! That is all I can do for you! I'm sorry! Now just leave!" he said quickly, almost pleading.

Tamara continued to climb over, nearly shoving her corset into his face, and brought a hand up to the tie that strained to keep things together so she could untie it. "I'm not leaving without a no... even if I have to suck your...."

"I said leave, Ms. Rosales!" the dean said at the top of his voice, pointing at the door. "I don't want to have to expel you for this!"

"You wouldn't expel a good pair of... assets like mine, sir..." Inside, she was screaming, crying out to her body to stop before things went too far. She didn't want to get expelled, she worked too hard the last two years to lose it.

"Get out of my office right now, Ms. Rosales, you're expelled!" he finally yelled, jabbing his finger at the door.

Tamara blinked. "I... wha..." she stammered as her ears drooped. She couldn't believe what was going on, though her mistress' flowered words in her ears came to mind-

"Oh Tamara, dear, don't be saddened... there will be no need for an education with your Mistress Rose. I will be all you need."

"But mistress, surely you had to go to school... and I may be in trouble now... I should go to make things up to the teachers.."

"No, darling Tamara... there are much bigger things you need to do right now. However, your mistress will help you continue your education someday because she loves you. Don't you love your mistress?"

Tamara-slave nodded eagerly. "Oh yes mistress... I would love your help. What can I do?"

"Get your revenge on them, mon cher. Leave and then come back as Desert Dog... make them feel the pain they gave you..."

"Y... yes mistress. I'll do that. Maybe give some of them a little fun first, give them a chance. Can you help me dress up for the occasion?"

"Of course."

With that running through her mind, the coyote's ears flipped back at the dean. "You'll fucking live to regret this!" she snarled out. "How DARE you kick me out of this... little better than a community college!" She banged her fist on the desk before turning out to leave.

Dean Knowles said nothing as she left. He actually felt a little sad. Tamara was a bright student and a model citizen, even if she dressed oddly. What was wrong with her? Why was she acting this way?

* * *

Erin walked across the campus; she was wearing jeans that day, as it was a little cooler. They also served another purpose: concealment. Her large handbag was slung on her left shoulder; as usual, her cane was held in her right paw..

The raccoon was a little heartbroken; Tamara didn't show up to dinner at all like she promised. Cindy was disappointed, but the two at least had a good time on their own. Maybe the coyote was busy and forgot? Well, Erin still had some time in Savannah; maybe the two could reschedule another get-together.

A familiar vibration and smell then came to her nostrils; however it also came with a third smell: Eau de Rosier.

Perfume? That was VERY strange, Tamara never wore perfume, but the rest was unmistakable about her. Erin waved at her and smiled as she approached.

"Tam, hey! Where were you yesterday? We missed you!"

Tamara was storming out of the dean's office, snarling with an attitude that had never been seen from her, she was seething from her rejection by both teacher and dean. She nearly ran into the raccoon with cane and snarled. "Watch it!" she yelled out before she looked at Erin. There was a look in her face to those with sight that was daggers to someone they barely recognized. "Oh it's you. What do you want?"

Erin seemed a little taken aback by her attitude. "Uh... hey Tamara... I was wondering why you didn't show up last night. Was the paper a problem? We can reschedule if you want to."

Tamara huffed, trying to keep her shirt closed, though Erin's special senses could barely pick out that the coyote was wearing clothes that weren't even in the back of her closet for special occasions. "Look, I'm trying to further my career here all right?" she snapped. "I don't have time for tea-parties with blind bimbos too good for us in the south who'd rather blow to California." She shouldered Erin away, confidently walking instead of the usual closed, laid back gait she normally had. Even her months as Desert Dog didn't give her the confidence for this walk yet.

Erin looked over in shock, biting her lip, she even noticed the gait. She was resisting a sad feeling in her gut. Tamara never called her names in that manner, and she didn't sound jealous of her going to California the other day.

"Tamara? Tamara, wait!" she called, resisting the urge to run without the cane's aid and instead walking as fast as she could with it.

The coyote gave her the finger and laughed as she disappeared off towards a limo, climbing in. There was much more of the powerful odor in the air as the limo took off. Erin sniffed that odor in the air.


No, she COULDN'T be here... but two coincidences in a row? First the familiar vibration, now the skunk smell. The raccoon really had to be on her toes now if her suspicions were right.

* * *

It was chaos as the campus rumbled. The coyote clad in brown fringed vest, pants and loincloth leapt into the air as she landed on top of Willard Hall. "Run bitches!" she screamed out as she wiggled her fingers, summoning the foundation itself from the hall, cracking it in places as the building shook.

The students and visitors were in shock. It was Desert Dog! The coyote heroine who'd arrived in Savannah just months earlier was busy trying to destroy a building from the bottom up. She summoned a chunk of the cement into her hand, flying as it crashed through a window before arriving. She then sent it flying, crushing a car as she cackled.

A green-clad figure suddenly appeared from behind the white Morrison building, which housed the cafeteria and a couple of other rooms for classes. The ringtailed girl, clad in a bodysuit that clung to her fur, her eyes covered by a green visor, hoped her worst fears weren't being confirmed right then. She stopped on the grass about 30 yards behind the rampaging super.

Miracle was here.

"You know it's illegal to renovate without a permit?!" she shouted, trying to get her attention.

"And don't you know it's stupid to stand on the ground around me?" the brainwashed heroine snarled as she brought her hands up, chanting out as her amulet glowed. The ground rumbled again and and four walls of solid dirt flew up around Miracle.

Miracle felt the walls rise up around her; she had no choice. She yelled out and threw an elbow at the wall of dirt, busting a hole through it. She clawed out a bigger hole and emerged out of her prison, covered in earth. There was no mistaking the vibrations the glowing amulet was emitting.

"No... no... Tamara, stop!" Miracle yelled.

The coyote snarled, leaping down to where she was standing just in front of the raccoon. "What the fuck?" she yelled out, pulling the last bit of foundation that made the ruined hall start to collapse, streaming onlookers running. "Who are you?" She brought up a boulder, ready to crush the heroine.

"The name's Miracle!" the raccoon yelled. She then nimbly dodged the oncoming projectile as it totaled a nearby parked car in front of a dorm building.

"Why are you doing this?!" Miracle yelled out..

The coyote female laughed. "Why the fuck not? Miracle, eh... I think I heard of you. Got scared after getting fucked up here in Savannah and ran away with your coon tail between your legs." She laughed again, directing some of the rocky debris towards the campus museum, that happened to have an exhibit of Egyptian artifacts that year.


Miracle tried the opening when Desert Dog's focus was away from her to go on the attack, thrusting a few punches at her stomach and trying a sweep kick to finish. As long as Desert Dog was distracted, she reasoned, she couldn't concentrate on her earthen powers.

Desert Dog growled out, grunting as she took the stomach punches, but she thanked her luck she'd taken the MMA classes she had that toughened up her abs a lot, as Miracle's blows rammed into her stomach. She snarled, sending a blow to the raccoon's chest, aiming for her solar plexus, trying to stun her so she could get away and cause more destruction. "You don't fucking get it.. I need to make this place pay... Bunch of useless assholes..."

Miracle was able to dodge back slightly to make it a glancing blow, but the punch still caught her well.


Desert Dog laughed, launching another series of blows. Somewhere her mistress was demanding this, that she destroy this heroine that was ruining their plans. She yelled out, her ears flat against her head as her tail was erect in anger. "Just fucking stay out of my way!" she snarled, muzzle crinkled as she continued to rain blow after blow to the raccoon's chest.

The raccoon grunted and gasped, trying to get away from the body blows. At a point, Miracle was able to duck one last punch and leap back. She grabbed her stomach on the backflip and landed, panting hard and trying to stay on her feet. She REALLY wished her whip was ready...

"This isn't the way to solve anything... Tamara... this can't be what you want! Look... inside yourself!" Miracle panted. She desperately tried to get her bearings, listening to the coyote's breathing, feeling the pulsating of her amulet, the softer vibrations on the ground. If that was Tamara under there... she couldn't go to the police. She'd have to take her down herself.

The raccoon's paw twitched over one pocket, waiting for Desert Dog to make a move.

"Stop.... calling me... that!" she yelled out, bringing up and tossing rocks at the raccoon to dodge. Many of the stones came from the crumbling hall, flying at Miracle in the direction of the museum. "I'm Desert Dog!" She growled, leaping the raccoon with a staff made of stone.

The raccoon leapt aside and flicked from her pocket, some bolas whipping towards Desert Dog's legs. The flying rope and weights caught on one of the coyote's legs, tripping her up due to momentum, rolling next to her opponent as she tried to swing out with her makeshift staff.

Miracle leapt back, then forward, aiming a sweeping kick towards Desert Dog's side, hoping to finally catch her off guard. "KYAH!" Desert Dog took the kick right to her stomach, dropping her staff as she grunted. However, she rolled with the blow, grabbing onto Miracle's leg and rolling forward to hyperextend the joint.

Miracle yowled and in a desperate move, she flicked out a flash grenade from her back belt pocket and heaved it at a nearby tree as hard as she could.



Desert Dog growled out as the sudden flash stunned her, making her see spots for several minutes while Miracle managed to escape while the coyote rubbed at her eyes, stumbling around while she tried to clear her vision. She screamed out, yanking random boulders and threw them around, several of them crashing through the windows of the campus museum.

Throughout the din, Miracle suddenly realized that the museum was the true target! She retrieved her bolas, dodging a couple of boulders throw her way and threw them again, catching the coyote around the chest, wrapping quickly around her with a whoosh and clacking of the heavy metal balls.

Desert Dog fell down with a whuff, her arms pinned to her side by the bola as she landed face first. She grunted, wriggling to try and get out of the cord as she tried to stand up. "Bitch! I'll pluck your tail off and choke you with it!"

The raccoon took a technique from a time she'd rather forget: Miracle drove her knee into Desert Dog's back to try to pin her to the ground. Now she could try to talk to her, and she was in no mood for games now.

"You're trying to attack the museum! Why?!"

The coyote grunted hard as she was pinned to the ground, her breasts pressing into the ground and making her growl out in pain. "What do you care?" she snorted out. "This place is a waste of brick and mortar... It should have been leveled years ago!"

Miracle growled. "That doesn't answer my question!"

Desert Dog looked up a bit and then settled down. "Well who gives a shit about your questions? I can always just make up answers..." She laughed, stalling for time as a figure darted into the museum while the dust settled.

Miracle almost felt that figure, smelled it too. She sighed and stood up. "I'll be back for you later," she said, then darting to the museum.

As Miracle arrived to the building, she sensed several holes in the windows and facade; the cross-breeze gave that away. ,The proud designed museum teetered and groaned. It had stood for quite a long time and now Desert Dog had suddenly got it into her mind to attack it.

A fallen banner draped over the stairs reading "TREASURES OF ANCIENT LYCOPOLIS"- apparently the museum was hosting an Egyptian exhibit; several big-time villains were well known to enjoy their collections. Though as Miracle ran through the destroyed doors, most of the exhibits were gone, though there was one figure looting the gift shop, stuffing the cash drawer into his pockets.

"Hey! Y'all want to come get a souvenir, it's better to come during the day!" she shouted.

The mook, a hare dressed in high-fashion duds for a street tough, turned to face the heroine and let out a laugh, pulling a gun out. "Just getcher pretty ass outta here and I don't hafta use this."

Miracle smirked as she took a slight defensive stance. "Then press your luck, my friend, because when it comes to guns... I have no fear." Her tone there was of the most supreme confidence as the thug cocked the safety on his gun.

A few shots fired, initially just to scare the raccoon off as bullets ricocheted at her feet, as the hare started to grab to get going. Most of the displays were already emptied, and he was here to clean up. He laughed and aimed closer to hitting Miracle. "Come on now... make it smart on yourself..."

Miracle didn't flinch at all. She knew the first bullets would never hit her. The second ones took some timing as she weaved to and fro, the bullets just missing her by inches. She then flipped backwards, dodging the last few rounds with a supple twist through the air, landing gracefully.

"I'm being smart... what about you, Dead Eye?"

The hare snarled, doing the usual maneuver of tossing his gun right at her head as he ran for the doors with his loot, ignoring her for the moment. He couldn't get caught, the mistress would be cross with him! He hoped the place would just collapse on her.

Miracle ducked the projectile and ran at him with a flying tackle, making him drop the loot. As he struggled, she brought out some zip-ties from one of her pouches and bound the thief's paws and feet. She glanced back over where she left Desert Dog. She felt nothing.

Crap. Rushing back to where the coyote lay, there was only Miracle's bolo and no sign of the female that was once her friend.

* * *

Where was Tamara? For that matter, where was French Rose? She had to be involved, and why was Desert Dog suddenly wanting to bust up the college that she worked so hard at for years?

None of it made any sense at Erin as she sat in her friend Cindy's apartment. The red-haired vixen politely got Erin a glass of iced tea, two packets of sweetener and a handful of Oreos. A snack she learned Erin liked back when they were both little girls. Erin thanked the vixen and munched a bit on the cookie. The television also blared in the living room. The raccoon seemed to be lost in her thoughts again.

Cindy lounged on her couch, wearing a simple tank top and shorts while they considered the events of the last week. "So tell me... have you seen anything about Tam?" she asked, taking a deep drink of her own sweet tea. Erin hadn't mentioned Tamara's double-life but still had mentioned her sudden shift of attitude.

The raccoon rubbed her forehead. "I'm still trying to figure it all out. I know she was moody sometimes, but this drastic? Calling me names to my face, something she never did to me even at her angriest... she's not on drugs or alcohol, but... something's changed in such a short period of time. I can't put my finger on it."

Cindy shook her head. "I hadn't had much contact with her the last year..." she said, muttering a bit. "So who's to say she hadn't gotten something screwed up? But... you're right. Seducing a professor in front of everyone? That's crazy."

"I just... I don't know. Something REALLY doesn't add up..." Erin sighed. She then perked her ears up towards the television. "What are you watching?"

Cindy looked up at the TV herself. "Oh.. yeah, it's coverage of the new fashion convention in Atlanta," she replied. "You want me to describe the people for you?"

Erin shrugged a little and ate another Oreo. "Please do... I can't think straight at the moment anyway."

Cindy nodded, thinking over things as she started to describe everyone, the dresses and those who were there. "And then there's an interesting couple. A taller skunk with purple fur dressed in a Victorian corset and red skirt. She's got a coyote female in a... get this, a harem belly dancer outfit. Didn't know this was a costume ball..." She blinked. "Wait a minute..." Leaning in, she poked at the TV. "That's Tamara! The coyote with the skunk!"

Erin's eyes widened underneath her glasses. "Are you sure?!"

The vixen nodded, her finger tracing over the couple as the camera panned over the attendees. "She's got long black hair with a bang combed over her eyes just like Tam..... though she's a bit buff..."

Everything came together in Erin's mind. She knew what happened.

It all made sense now.

"Cindy, we need to go to Atlanta," she suddenly said.

Cindy chuckled. "What really? You want me to take you two hundred miles? For what.. I mean maybe Tam's doing fine. Maybe she's got her own circle of friends now..."

Erin shook her head. "No... this isn't right... please, Cindy, you have to trust me on this..."

Cindy nodded. "All right, well.. it could be fun there anyway.. You know, I've heard a few things about that line from Marie-Josephine Leclerc... Might be fun to check it out while we check up on Tam."

Eriin made sure to remember that name.

* * *

The Four Seasons Hotel Atlanta was abuzz with the traffic of the fashion show. Most of it leading towards the conference center attached to it, but there were just as many furs milling around the lobby and hallways, running to grab costumes and accessories, met up with connections, or just to get to their rooms. Cindy and Erin had to part four blocks away just to get anywhere near the hotel.

The raccoon lugged her handbag carefully, some very precious cargo inside. She knew she would have to ditch Cindy somehow. That was the $64 question, but she would have to find a way.

Tamara needed a miracle.

"Hey, there she is right there..." Cindy said, pointing out the skunk walking towards the elevator bank, glad-handing with some of the groupies and business folk around her. The coyote in her grasp seemed to go along. Cindy pulled Erin towards the two of them. "Tamara! Hey Tam!" she called out, helping Erin weave through the tight knit of people. Cindy continued trying to call out to their friend, but the closer they got, the more it became apparent that Tamara wasn't listening to them. She stood with her eyes glazed over as she just stood like a puppy waiting for its mother.

Now that she was closer, Erin could fully sense the amulets around both Tamara and the skunks' necks- there seemed to be a link between the two, almost as if one was drawing power off the other. 'I don't believe this. Leclerc IS French Rose... what has she done to Tamara?' she thought.

"Dangit, why isn't she- hey Tamara where are you going?" Cindy commented as she tugged on Erin's shoulder. "They're heading for the elevators..."

Suddenly an announcement came on the PA. "All show attendees, the free concert is about to begin, in the conference center's ballroom." A crowd shoved right through the fox and raccoon, as a few people ran late.

"Erin! Whoah, hey, watch it!" Cindy protested, separated from her friend.

"I'll catch up with you later, Cindy, don't worry!" Erin shouted back, being pushed away from her friend.

The raccoon seized the opportunity and pushed through the crowd, their nose ringing through her sensitive ears, over to the service elevator.

Meanwhile, Tamara was waiting patiently next to French Rose in the elevator to the penthouse. She looked dully at the floor, like her mistress had ordered her to, to just be an accessory and eye candy in her cute harem girl outfit, something the skunk claimed was part of her couture line's "fantasy collection". French Rose kept her in line by scratching behind her ear and murmuring sweet nothings in French.

Then she launched into a nonsense song sung to the tune of "Alouette", all about Desert Dog and how pretty she is. It did its job as the coyote was further kept in the skunk's spell.

The elevator bell dinged to signal their arrival at the penthouse suite. French Rose's tone immediately changed to a more irritated one, but she still led Desert Dog in a gentle manner.

"Those fools... I told them to be more prepared... at least the helicopter is still on schedule... we'll be going to the Bank of America Plaza later, mon cher... you're the key to helping your Mistress complete her plans..."

Desert Dog sighed happily, the praise clutching around her heart as it had for the past week as she followed her mistress dutifully. "Yes mistress, anything for you..." she said softly. "Will you have me dance for you today? I know it makes you so happy. I can try to remember some of my tribes' dances."

The purple skunk smiled broadly and clapped her paws. "Why I would love that! We have some time before the chopper arrives. Please dance for your mistress, Desert Dog!" French Rose said with genuine glee. She was looking forward very much to the performance, a good pick-me-up from the disappointing news she got earlier about the slight delay in the makings for her weapon.

In the meantime, Erin finally reached the deserted hallway of the service elevator. Two large potted plants were in the room, basic ferns. Easy enough to hide behind. Ducking behind one of the large pots, Erin removed her outer clothes and dark glasses and equipped her belt. Lastly, she pulled the green visor over her eyes.

'Hold on, Tamara... your miracle is coming..." she thought. The raccoon walked over to the elevator, leaving her bag carefully hidden, and pressed the "up" button. She knew she was walking right into a trap, but she had to rescue her friend somehow.

Meanwhile as the skunk sat, eyes fixed on her pet, Tamara started to limber up, stretching. Her eyes seemed dead inside as she moved, tired of fighting every move. She felt weary on the inside, her mind on the brink of permanently giving in, of starting to need her mistress' love. A permanent addiction to being a toy, French Rose's "Little Indian Princess".

So she danced, it was all she could do now. The dance was a story-dance of heroes and battles, of courage and valor. Those stories felt like bitter lies to the heroine so lost in evil's clutches.

French Rose smiled and watched the dance; it was extra special with Desert Dog dressed in her harem garb. It was the loveliest thing her eyes had laid on in a long time.

Suddenly the elevator dinged, halting the coyote's dance. French Rose's head snapped over to the doors. "Quoi?" she asked in surprise. "I did not asked to be disturbed...."

The doors opened to reveal a familiar looking raccoon with long black hair, clad in a green sleeveless bodysuit. A white utility belt was strapped around her waist and a green visor set over her eyes. Miracle walked into the penthouse, and smirked. "Nice to see you again... French Rose."

French Rose realized whom her "guest" was and, much to Miracle's surprise, clapped. "Wonderful!" she said with a laugh. "The heroines are just jumping at the chance to be with me now! Come, take your place, Miracle. You will be a fine addition to my exotic Indian Princess..."

The raccoon scoffed. "Never again. Desert Dog's coming with me, Fifi. Either you let her go, or I'll make you."

"Perhaps you should ask her?" French Rose said with a laugh. "She has been with me more than long enough to get to know me... and I love her." Tamara turned at the prodding and knelt at French Rose's feet' nuzzling her hand

"I said let her go, French Rose! She needs to go home!" Miracle said again, slightly louder.

"She is home.. are you not?" she asked, scritching under Tamara's chin.

Tamara murred, looking to Miracle with dead eyes twinged with sadness. "I love my mistress.. there is nothing else waiting for me. She... is my home."

Miracle's jaw dropped a little, her mouth agape. Was this what French Rose wanted to do to her? She was getting incredulous. "No! No, it isn't! You have a career, you have friends, you're leaving it all behind! Desert Dog, please, you have to come to your real home! What about your mother and father?!" she implored.

French Rose continued to scratch Tamara behind the ears. As she did, Erin could sense the link between the jewel around Rose's neck and the one around Tamara's strengthening, looking like a strong leash that bled into the coyote's mind. A web that looked nearly complete. "I am not 'heartless,'" Rose said. "She will be cared for, allowed to see her family.. but she wants to be here.. All you are doing is interfering." The skunk turned her eyes to try and lock with Miracle's.

" And why not, Miracle... you are a beautiful 'heroine as well... surely you remember the love and pleasure being at my side.... even if it was too short a time."

Miracle scowled, wanting badly to forget how the skunk touched and caressed her when she was tied at her side. The heroine got back into a defensive stance, noticing the link between the jewels immediately. That was the answer. It wasn't unusual for some to resist French Rose. Maybe the raccoon had a stronger will?

"I'm going to ask you once again, French Rose. Let her go."

"I will not," French Rose said as an alarm rang. "Ah, quel do mas,... we have run out of time."

"What do you mean?!" As if on cue, she heard helicopter blades in the distance, fast approaching.

The skunk stood up, as did Desert Dog. "We have appointments to keep. Au revoir, petit Miracle.. until next time." They moved towards the elevator that was still waiting.

"No! I won't let you leave with her!" she yelled, rushing at French Rose, trying to catch her on the back of the neck with a hard chop.

French Rose rolled her eyes as Miracle attacked. On reflex, Desert Dog tackled Miracle full in, driving her shoulder into the raccoon's midsection. Miracle gasped out with a loud grunt and lost her breath, crumpling to a heap on the ground.

Desert Dog quickly pressed her arm on Miracle's neck in an attempt to make her pass out, leaning on her chest with the same dead look in her eyes.

"Tie her up, and bring her with us," French Rose called out. "'Hurry up with it, the chopper is waiting." The elevator doors closed, leaving the two alone.

Miracle coughed, getting her breath back and tried to struggle. "No.... Tamara, please...."

She growled, patting down the raccoon's pouches, happening upon her sets of bolas. They'd be perfect.

"How do you know my name?" she snarled as she roughly yanked Miracle's arms up, using the cord of the bolas to bind her wrists.

Miracle struggled as she was tied, but she was unprepared for the question. "Er, well, I... I can sense it from your amulet. I saw that in your civilian identity..." she said. The raccoon silently prayed that would be enough as she squirmed.

Desert Dog then tied Miracle's ankles together, finally getting off of the raccoon's throat to accomplish it. As soon as she was finished with that however, she straddled the raccoon's belly, and grabbed for Miracle's mask.

"Noooooo!" Miracle screamed, trying to tilt her head away.

Desert Dog grabbed her hair, wrenching Miracle's head so she could stop moving and then peeled it off, not caring if the spirit gum ripped out fur or not. Miracle cried out in pain when her hair was pulled and once she felt her visor was forcefully whipped off, she shut her eyes tight and whimpered loudly.

The coyote's eyes, narrowed as she saw the raccoon's face.

It was Erin Flaherty.

Desert Dog's paws trembled; she seemed to shrink back. "Er... Erin?" she asked, her eyes clearing a little bit. Tamara couldn't believe it. Her friend Erin, her blind friend Erin... was a superheroine. And she came to save her... She was here, risking her life... for her.

Erin kept her eyes shut tight. "Tam... please, put my visor back on... let me go..." she whimpered, sounding scared since her cover was blown. She almost didn't realize the hold was breaking.

"I... nngh... I can't... Erin..." Tam said, holding her head. "I..hav... I.." She shook, falling to the side as her eyes closed hard. "No.. I have to follow her..."

"Tam, help me, please!" the blind raccoon said quickly.

"NNngh... I... I'm sorry Erin..." she whispered out and reached for the bolas. Miracle had a pang of hope, she could feel the web starting to fray, the link slowly severing. But suddenly a radio crackled to life.

"What is taking so long?" the voice of French Rose called over. "Mon cheri... We must leave now!"

Tamara twitched and suddenly the link seemed to reassert itself. "Forgive me, mistress," she said sweetly. "I am almost done..." She placed the mask back on Erin's face, restoring her identity. She then sat the raccoon up and Miracle heard the unfurling whip of a small piece of fabric.

"Tamara... please... don't do t-mmmmph!"

The raccoon let out a muffled grunt as a small scarf was pulled into her mouth, muffling her last plea. She tried to shake it out, but Desert Dog knotted it hard at the back of her head. The scarf smelled like French Rose's perfume, and tasted just as bad. Miracle let out a muffled whimper and struggled Bound by her own devices, gagged by a fashion item... how humiliating. The raccoon flattened her ears, feeling trapped and helpless, the usual first memories of Static returning.

Desert Dog grunted, flopping Miracle over her shoulder. "Just relax Miracle," she growled out. "You're not going anywhere for a while." She headed to the elevator, the heroine in her grasp as she headed to the roof.

Miracle flattened her ears, the sound of the chopper blades like torture, as Desert Dog approached the transport. The heroine reflexively squirmed again, her tail still. She was admittedly scared. Was French Rose going to make her a member of her harem now?

Desert Dog walked across the roof to the helipad where the impatient villainess was waiting for them. "It's about time," French Rose said with a gruff. "Load her in and we shall be off." Desert Dog unceremoniously dumped Miracle across from French Rose's seat, the raccoon squeaking out a grunt of discomfort into her gag. The skunk sat across from her captive and Desert Dog reclined at her mistresses feet, like a loyal puppy. French Rose smiled and stroked her hair.

"My beautiful Indian Princess..."

The doors shut with a slam and the chopper lifted off after a shudder. French Rose looked out of the window, smiling at the skyline while stroking Tamara's ears. "Soon everyone will have the same clarity of vision you do Desert Dog...." she cooed. "And Miracle will be first to watch it happen, helpless.". She laughed darkly as the chopper flew on.

'If she only knew...' Miracle thought sarcastically. But what did she mean 'everyone would have the same clarity as Tamara?'. Was she going to...

No. Impossible. She was going to try to hypnotize a lot of furs at the same time?!

"Wmmm ammm ymmm dmmmfmm tmmmf?!" Miracle protested into her gag, trying to break her own bonds. The heavy metal balls made it harder for her to try to slip them loose, the weights occasionally klaking to their own beat.

"I do not know if you were around Grant City when it had its riots..." French Rose said with a smile. "It was... merely a test of a larger device. I think... Empress of Atlanta had a nice ring to it, no?"

Miracle didn't actually expect French Rose to answer her muffled question, but her eyes widened underneath her visor. How? How could she expect to hypnotize a city of just over 400,000 furs?!

The way Miracle cocked her eyebrow at her in shock made French Rose laugh. "It burns your mind doesn't it... how I will do it? Well never fear for you will be... intimately familiar with it soon enough. How will you feel... tied to a device that shows you my love and unable to stop it... Delicious."

Miracle shook her head, trying to plead to her friend to snap out of her hypnosis. It wasn't much good; what she had to say was stopped by the silk scarf tied in her mouth.

"Relax Miracle... everything will be wonderful soon. Desert Dog.. tell her."

Tamara smiled in a drugged state.

"Mistress' love is wonderful... You come to crave it like breathing. It will be bliss, Miracle."

Tamara leaned forward and kissed the raccoon on the forehead. "You won't need to fight again. Just live for her."

Miracle could only watch them, bound and gagged, helpless to do anything. She was losing her friend, and to what? To be a plaything to an evil skunk's whims until she tired of her?

The raccoon then tried pulling her firmly tied wrists at the thought.

No, no! She had to escape somehow and save Tamara. but she felt the chopper slowing. Time was running out.

The chopped alit on a helipad on top of the Bank of America Plaza building, towering over all of Atlanta. Apparently, French Rose had converted some security as there was no response to them stepping out. Tamara carried Miracle across the roof while the wind howled, the Atlanta landscape all around them. Attached to the many antennae was a huge canister, smelling similar to French Rose's perfume.

"Tie her to the canister... granted I don't know what that much dust will do to her... but it is a good test, no?"

The heroine struggled in Desert Dog's grasp, but she was a little tired from trying to break free from her own bolas. Tamara did what she was told, grabbing up a few supplied ropes and roughly laying Miracle spread eagle over the canister, as they were stretched, tying each limb off firmly.

Miracle thrashed against the bonds, but she noticed the gag started to slip off when she rubbed her head against the bomb. Working it quicker, the knot loosened and she slipped the cloth down to her neck, spitting out the gag.

"PTUI! ... Desert Dog! Stop! You don't know what you're doing!!"

Tamara shook her head. "It will be fine soon," she said. "We'll be sisters in Mistress' love." She reclaimed her place, kneeling at French Rose's side.

"Cease your struggles Miracle!" The skunk laughed. "She is mine as this city will be!"

Miracle still tried to struggle, the freezing cold wind feeling like a blizzard to her heightened senses. "So, what?! Do you plan to hypnotize the whole city?!" the raccoon shouted as loud as she could, her squirming weakening slightly. The ropes were starting to cut into her wrists; Desert Dog had tied them well. However, her right leg seemed to be a little more loosened...

"Yes... yes I do," French Rose cooed, walking closer and scratching Miracle under the chin. "There is enough of my powder here to blanket the entire city... enough to make them all love me... and turn the men into women as well... a fun side effect, no?"

"No, it's not!" Miracle said firmly, squirming harder with her feet. Her right foot was coming loose...

"Half a million females...all loving me... the stuff of fairy tales, Miracle." She smiled wide, spreading her arms. "With that much power I'll be able to take over the country! And its thanks to your friend! Her amulet gives me the strength to activate the powder!"

"What? So that's why you wanted her this whole time?!"

"Of course.. without her love and her amulet... all this powder would do is rewrite your mind... nobody else's... not from this range."

A wave of anger surged through Miracle's body. She knew French Rose never stood for love. She had never experienced it herself, but she knew it wasn't this. This was evil, and she had to stop it somehow.

"Stop struggling Miracle," Rose said as she leaned in, kissing the raccoon. "Just think how you'll be calling me Mistress like Desert Dog... I will love it..."

Miracle blanched at the kiss then growled, her will steeled by the comment.

"I told you... I would never call you mistress again!" She lurched her right leg upwards. The momentum snapped the ropes. Her leg traveled upwards to French Rose's bosom. And the Gem of Hathor.


The skunk sailed back with a shriek and landed on her side.. She was in severe pain, struggling to breathe and clutching her chest. At the same time Tamara screamed while clutching her head. Miracle could sense that the web around her friend's head was dissipating, the leash to her amulet snapped. The coyote fell on her hands, panting hard as she tried to regain her thoughts, growling..

"Bitch!" Tamara screamed as she pounced on the Skunk. "How dare you!" She started slapping and later punching the prone form, rolling it closer and closer to the edge of the building. Miracle notices the vibrations that French Rose's form is making, and realizes what the coyote is about to execute.

"Desert Dog!! Stop it! Killing French Rose is only going to cause more problems, and in case you hadn't noticed, I'm going to be turned into raccoon-flavored grits if you don't get over here and help me!!" she screamed over the howling wind. Tamara snarled, picking up the skunk who was starting to groan and wake. But as Miracle's pleas came over the wind, she stopped, snapping her head to see her friend tied to the bomb... She yipped in fear, dropping French Rose on the ground and running over. "I'm coming!"

Miracle's was heartened to hear that clear voice of Tamara's again, but she was still in peril! As Desert Dog neared, Miracle motioned to her upper paws. "My left leg and paws and still tied! Hurry and get it loose! We have to figure out a way to diffuse the bomb! How much time do we have?!"

"I don't know!" Tamara said, her ears flat in fear as she started to worry at the ropes. Meanwhile the skunk got to her feet, growling.

"Ungrateful wench!" she yelled, running for the chopper.

Tamara looked back, seeing the villain getting away. "Noooo!" she yelled. "I have to stop her!!"

"Just get me untied! We'll figure it out!"

"Let her go! We don't have time! If he bomb goes off, she wins!"

Tamara howled in frustration as French Rose hopped on the chopper, taking off. She snapped the last of the ropes off, tears coming to her eyes. "Its not fair!!"

Miracle dropped to the ground, looking at Desert Dog. "Forget about things being 'fair', please! THe bomb can still go off! We have to figure out a way to disarm it!" That was all on the raccoon's mind at the moment.

"I don't care!" Tamara screamed, tears flowing. She ran to the bomb, yanking her hands up and screaming out her spells. Several free chunks of cement from the building swirled around, slamming into the wiring box holding the release mechanism.

Miracle sensed that the cement knocking the release mechanism, realizing that was the key. "Desert Dog, that's it! Keep at it!" The elemental fueled tantrum raged as the wiring box sparked and shredded. The container took some hits too but the powder blew up in the air, away from the two of them.


The detonator, free from its housing, knocked the heroines on their back but they were caught on the roof's barrier, prevented from falling to their deaths. The building shook but in the end, only a few antennae were damaged; relatively quick repairs while the propellant in the tank harmlessly expelled into the air.

Miracle stood up wearily, rubbing her wrists and sore sports. "It's over... finally. Atlanta's safe..." she sighed. She then heard a quiet sobbing from beside her, and she looked over. "Tamara?"

Tamara was curled up on the ground, her mask tossed to the side as she just sobbed, her body shaking. She felt dirty all over. The coyote clutched around her neck at the amulet. "I wish I never found this!!" she yelled out. "My life is ruined!"

Miracle jogged over and kneeled down and put her paw on her shoulder. "Tamara, your life isn't ruined at all."

Tamara looked to Miracle with a growl in her throat but it died quickly. "I can't go back to school, Erin... I'm a wanted criminal back home... and what if she comes back?! She'll... shell just.. rape my mind again!". She bawled, clutching Erins shoulder again.

Erin hugged her friend, rubbing her back as she sobbed. "Tam... you can always get a fresh start... even after what happened, someone out there will give you a second chance... and if French Rose does come back... there are others that can help."

Tamara whimpered and cried, clutching at her amulet once more. "I... don't want to do this anymore...." she said quietly. Erin pulled back and held back at an arms length to Tamara. "Tam, I've been there. Have you heard of Static?"

She sniffed, nodding. Static was around Savannah a lot... it was a miracle she hadn't run into Tamara yet.

"Static has kidnapped me twice... tied me up and tortured me. I still have nightmares. But I'm still here..." Erin deliberately withheld her encounter with Sandstalker. The last thing she wanted to do was scare the living daylights out of Tamara in her state.

"But the stories..." the coyote said with shaking voice. "Heroes are supposed to win in the end, take out the monsters... tricked maybe but like this!? Why were we made heroines to just suffer?"

Erin sighed audibly. "Suffering is part of the job... you're going to have to deal with a lot of it. I learned that the hard way too. My friend Spectra... she advised me to hold the reason why you want to be a heroine in your heart and be strong, because that is the only thing that will get you through this life. I want to defend furs from harm, and no amount of Statics and French Roses in the world can keep me from doing that. What makes us heroines, Tamara... is that we get back up when we're knocked down to the dirt and take another swing."

"I.. don't know... I thought it was fun... I liked helping people... thought I was like the heroes in my tribe's stories," Tamara said quietly.

Erin nodded, understanding the rationale. "It's not a decision to make lightly, it's not a game... but the reward is helping furs, even as simple as stopping a purse snatcher. We have defended furs... we saved the city. Even if we're the only ones that know. That's what the heroes in your stories do."

Tamara nodded and sighed, looking down at the mask that lay on the roof. "It's just... hard," she replied. "It was so easy to just get away with using my powers a little bit to help me get to class or to get around. I... think that may have been how French Rose found me."

Erin frowned a bit, taking a bit of a serious tone. "That's actually one of the most important things about the costume." She points to her mask. "This isn't just for decoration. No one can find out that a blind girl can actually "see", and it would make it easy for furs, good or bad, to track me down.

Tamara sniffled, but relaxed a little bit. "It explains a few things...." she whispered. "Erin.... Does it ever get good? I'm just afraid it's all going to be getting captured and... dealing with the consequences."

Erin smiled broadly. "I've saved several girls from being kidnapped for a slavery ring in Colmaton. I'm still the queen of stopping purse snatchers. I've met amazing furs I otherwise wouldn't have, and I've grown stronger and more resilient as a result. The rewards might be few, but they are special."

The coyote nodded, and sighed, her head thumping back against the building. "But I've got nothing in Savannah. I was only there because of school... Maybe I should go home, prowl around Phoenix."

Erin gave Tamara another hug. "I'll support anything you do, Tamara. You know I'll always be your friend."

She nodded and looked to her. "Is there... any room with where you are? There are a lot of schools in California."

Erin scratches the back of her head. "There's ... little room where I'm staying, it filled up pretty quick. But Union University has dorms. If you can get in there, you can stay there until you find an apartment."

She nodded. "I think I'd like that."

"Good. Now let's get out of here... Cindy's probably worried sick and I still have to hope my bag and cane are where I left them!"

* * *

"Wake up mon cherie...."

Tamara's eyes snapped open, as she looked around. She looked around her and gasped. She was back on top of French Rose's bed. In the skimpy harem costume. She screamed a bit as she looked with wide eyes. There sitting on the bed was French Rose, twirling a collar with "Tamara" etched into it.

"Good morning, mon petit chien." She sat there, her legs crossed with a smile. "It didn't take very long, but I have found you.. And I even got you a gift."

Tamara sweat hard as she saw the collar, shaking her head, unable to move. "No... please.."

"Oh no, not this... You have to earn this again..." French Rose chuckled and knocked as suddenly one of her other minions arrived with Erin, who was stripped of her costume and crying.

"Now take care of her."

Tamara shrieked as she found herself walking towards Erin, arms out. She couldn't stop herself as she brought her hands around her friend's neck and squeezed.


* * *

"Tam.. Tam, wake up..." Erin said to her friend. The raccoon nudged her on the arm.

"No... no.. please... don't make me... Nooo... please..." she muttered, tears welling in her eyes

"Tam? You're having a nightmare..." Erin said quietly, gently prodding her again.

She awoke with a start, breathing hard as she clutched hard on his shoulder. She tried to catch her breath, coughing a bit. Erin patted her on the shoulder, seated next to her on their flight from Atlanta to Colmaton. "Calm down... we're about to land..." she said quietly, trying not to upset her friend.

She woke up, groaning and looked to her with a shock but finally let a breath out. "Sorry... I... nightmare.."

"Yeah, I guessed that..." Erin said quietly. She had periodic nightmares herself about her nemesis Static. Tamara was just going to have to deal with them periodically. The raccoon then pointed to Tamara's paw. "You're still holding the letters too. Did that have something to do with it?"

The coyote looked down at the two letters in her paw. One of them was a discreetly-typed letter from the Bureau of Superheroes explaining that her application was rejected, that she was on probation due to her activities in Savannah, but that extenuating circumstances allowed them to be lenient. The other letter was an acceptance letter from Union University, accepting all her transfer credits from Savannah State.

"No..." she admitted. "Same one I've had for weeks. I don't know why I applied, I guess I thought I should be legit."

Erin kept the conversation discreet, but she still whispered. "Just give them some time. They'll accept you. Just like I have.

She smiled. and nodded, nuzzling her friend's shoulder. "I don't even really care.. You said you weren't part of it and you're not in trouble..."

Erin nodded. "I know a couple who work with them. They're good furs."

"I'll need all the contacts I can get," the coyote said with a sigh. "At least I'll be closer to my folks."

"See, you're thinking more positive already," Erin said, smiling.

As the plane began it's final descent, Tamara knew that's what she had to do. Think positive. Things would surely get better.

For both Tamara Rosales and Desert Dog.