Slave Trade - Insurrection

Story by comidacomida on SoFurry

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Slave Trade Insurrection copyright 2013 comidacomida

Yawning, Sidney opened his eyes, taking a moment to figure out exactly where he was. The folds of satin and silk embraced the slave master with a luxurious smoothness. Aside from the time he spent with Lord Hector in one of Lord Levid's guest rooms, it was an alien experience. As he took in his first view of the scene, Sidney was surprised to find that he was, indeed in that exact room.

"Hngh?" he murmured, completely unprepared for his surroundings. The last he remembered, he was fighting to keep up with the quick pace set by his master. Lord Hector had led the slaves through the wilderness far off the road in an attempt to get back to his estate without being seen. Suddenly, however, Sidney was laying in bed, with, he discovered, a thickly muscled, slightly shaggy-furred arm wrapped around his naked hips, "Wha?" the fox questioned.

"Hello," a deep baritone rumbled against Sidney's back and the broad arm pulled him back against a massive, firm chest, "...Slave Master."

The grip remained loose enough that the fox was able to rotate around in his bed mate's grasp, and he froze, unable to formulate enough of a thought to create a cohesive sound from his gaping muzzle. Tharis smiled warmly, gazing down at the fox, eyes creating a muted glow, accentuating the rugged curvature of the bull broad snout. Sidney finally managed to make a sound, though it wasn't exactly what he had planned, "But!"

The bull chuckled softly, and gave the fox's rump a gentle squeeze, "I would..." he leaned forward and brushed the velvety end of his muzzle across Sidney's forehead, "...but there isn't time."

The slave master fidgeted, fighting within himself against the joy he felt at being enveloped in Tharis' arms, but, at the same time, realizing that there was no logic to the situation-- that the time and location wasn't right... that Tharis... "Tharis... you...." he whimpered softly, " died."

Tharis slowly sat up, pulling fox with him. Sidney stretched across his lap in a half-seated, half-laying position, "I know." the bull acknowledged, resting a hand, palm down on the fox's stomach, "I'm sorry."

The simple, matter-of-fact acknowledgmet was somehow both reaffirming and painful; Sidney couldn't remember ever hearing an earnest apology and yet, every part of him knew that being able to receive one from the slain bull was impossible. The strange room... the situation... being with Tharis... it finally made sense, "I'm dreaming." his words came out with the same, simple, earnest neutrality as the bull's apology, but voicing them made it feel like they were tearing him apart from the inside out.

Tharis nodded forlornly, "Yes."

"Then... you really ARE--"

The bull nodded, "I am."

"Then when I wake up," Sidney swallowed as his eyes threatened to overflow, "you'll be gone again."

Tharis chuckled softly, reaching down to brush the tears away, "I never left." and he rested his enormous hand, palm down over the glowing rune on Sidney's chest. The fox found something supremely calming about the gesture and, for just a moment, he closed his eyes, able to feel his heart beat against the bull's palm and echoed from Tharis' chest against his back.

Sidney's voice came out at a whisper, "What did you do to me?" Opening his eyes, the slave master gazed up at the calming smile and glowing greenish-blue eyes gazing back down at him, "You don't FEEL like a dream."

"THIS is a dream... that doesn't mean I am." the bull answered cryptically, and slowly pulled his hand away from the fox's chest, the symbol on it blazed brightly, "We are something more than a dream."

Sidney's heart fluttered as he felt the warmth within him, gazing at the glow as if he were able to peer into his own soul... but, suddenly something Tharis said caught Sidney as odd, "...'we'?" he asked, looking up at the bull, who nodded slowly and motioned to the side.

Sidney followed his gaze to one of the room's walls... and saw what Tharis meant by 'we'. Half immersed and half emerged from the stone was a very familiar visage, "Lord Levid!" the fox squeaked recoiling from the hyper-realistic relief of the slain king. He yipped a cry of alarm, almost peeing himself when the monkey's granite eyes turned to glare at him. "That... that statue--"

"Levid." Thrais stated, and the eyes turned to stare at the bull. Sidney watched as the monkey's stone muzzle made as if to move, but there was no seam thus there was no mouth to open.

Sidney inched away from the eerie statue, "Why is the king in my dream?"

"Because we are connected." Tharis answered, slowly standing up and offering a paw to Sidney.

The fox accepted it and stood as well, "You and the king?"

The bull shook his head, "No... all three of us."

"The..." Sidney glanced back toward the half-statue of Levid, "...the Sorra?"

"No." Thais responded, reaching out a free paw to gently touch the glowing spot on Sidney's chest, "This."

The fox glanced down to the illuminated symbol, "The royal seal?" he asked, looking back up to the bull, "What is it?"

"It connects us... you and me." Tharis responded, "...and him."

"How did you do it?" Sidney asked, reaching out to take hold of the bull's wrist before he could pull his hand away.

"I didn't." the large gladiator answered, "The Sardassi did it... just like it did to me."

The fox paused, cocking his head to the side, "But it didn't appear until after you--"

"It was already there." the old bull interrupted him.

"I didn't see it until--"

"Just 'cause you can't see it," Tharis interrupted him again, "doesn't mean it's not there." a fant smirk played across his muzzle.

"But..." Sidney paused, ears drooping slightly at the half-answers, "What IS it?"

"I don't know." Tharis admitted, "But it connects us... you... me... him..." the bull motioned with his head toward the raging, immobile statue still stuck half-way into the wall.

"Why... why him?"

The bull shook his head, "I don't know."

"He died after you did." Sidney offered, "I-I killed him..."

"No you didn't." Tharis answered, disengaging far enough so that he could reach down and take one of the fox's paws in his hand, "You defended yourself."

The words caught the slave master by surprise, "Did... how..." he paused and started again, "You saw that?"

"No." Tharis smiled softly, leaning forward to kiss the fox atop his head, "I'm part of you now. I can't SEE anything... but I could tell." and the gladiator slid his arms around the slave master.

"And..." Sidney rotated within the bull's embrace, "Can.... he?" the fox gestured to the statue.

Tharis gazed across the distance at the imprisoned monkey, "Yes." and the large gladiator chuckled softly, "I bet he hates it."

The fox paused at that, "So, he's still alive...?"

"No." Tharis shook his head atop Sidney's, "He is dead, like I am." the bull slowly disengaged, looking down at the fox while holding him at arm's length, "He and I are both dead, Sidney..."

"I still wish you weren't." the fox spoke quietly, lowering his gaze to the floor.

"I'm dead, Sidney..." Tharis repeated, then added, "but I'm not gone." The bull reached over and patted on the bed, "Sit."

Sidney did as he was bade, and the large gladiator sat down next to him, leaning back so the fox could sprawl out across his chest, "I'm glad you're still here, Tharis." the slave master acknowledged, "I just... I wish HE wasn't."

Tharis gently caressed Sidney's back, laying his muzzle protectively over the fox's head, "I know." the bull acknowledged and he let out a long exhale. The flow of Tharis' bellow-like lungs somehow brought a degree of comfort to the fox as he felt the warmth of the gladiator's against him. Sidney laid his head against Tharis' chest, wishing that he could somehow become lost in the rhythmic sound of each breath. He closed his eyes, throwing the uncertainty and confusion of the scenario away and simply enjoying the moment.

Sidney opened his eyes again as the large body beneath him shifted, and the fox felt a momentary chill of the early morning breeze. Somewhere off in the distance several birds chirped in anticipation of the dawn, and only then did the slave master open his eyes, and realize that he was not in the fine appointments of Lord Levid's castle, and he was not laying in Tharis' embrace. "Good morning, my Lord." Maern spoke quietly in Vensian. The stallion was laying with his back against a tree, smiling warmly as he gazed down at the fox in his arms.

Sidney sat up and the gladiator respectfully released his hold on the fox. Looking around, the slave master took in the sights of the surrounding woodlands. The pre-dawn light brought back his recollection of the previous night, taking the reality of the situation: he was in the middle of the forest and Lord Hector was leading them away from the chaos of the rebellion in Pross' capital, "It was cold, and you were shivering." Maern announced, pulling Sidney's attention back to the horse, who was still seated against the tree with the fox still in his lap, "Are you well?"

"I'm fine, Maern." Sidney responded, also in Vensian, and he looked around at the informal campsite. Dorias was awake and appeared to be mixing a collection of herbs in a woven-leaf bowl. The yak was kneeling next to Choel, who was asleep on his back, wheezing each breath; they were strong, but still uneven. The fox recalled that the tiger had having trouble keeping up with the quick pace but it was good to see that he had apparently improved over the course of the night. Once he was sure Dorias had things under control, Sidney let his eyes wander further around the gathering.

Lord Hector was speaking quietly off to one side with the ratel gladiator; it was readily obvious that the honey badger was not comfortable with the situation but was obedient nonetheless. Sidney watched the exchange closely, observing the warrior's stance, expressions, and mannerisms, silently contemplating the critical thinking that Lord hector had taught him. The slave was most likely Prossian, and was relatively young, which meant that he was probably as inexperienced as Lord Levid had suggested. A few minutes of observation later and Lord Hector finally turned to regard Sidney, and gestured him over.

The fox stood and approached the two, pausing within speaking distance to offer a deep bow to the stag, "Good morning, Master."

"Good morning, Sidney." Lord Hector inclined his head, "I hope the rest last night did you some good?"

"Yes, Lord Hector, thank you." he lowered his eyes for a moment before raising them again, turning to look at the honey badger, who kept his own eyes lowered.

"This is Balkum." the stag gave the young warrior a slap on the back, causing him to jump in surprise, "He was recently purchased by Lord Levid and was sent against my stable to test him as a gladiator."

"He thought you would be a biter." Sidney explained to the honey badger before he paused to consider his own words.

"Biting isn't allowed in the arena, Sidney." Lord Hector stated, "It is a very grave breach of the rules."

"I..." the ratel stuttered, looking to the fox, "I would never--"

"But Levid saw you bite one of the hyenas that... brought you... to... his..." Sidney suddenly realized what he was saying and slowed his words down to a halt, "...palace..." The slave master looked to Lord Hector, who was watching him, ears up, with one raised eyebrow. Sidney didn't miss the faint glow coming from the royal seal on his fur.

"Are you unwell, Sidney?" Lord Hector inquired.

Glancing to the honey badger, the fox suddenly had his first true moment of suspicion and, without really understanding why, he couldn't trust the fresh-faced ratel, Sidney switched to Vensian, "I had a dream that wasn't a dream, Master." With the new slave looking on without comprehension, the fox began to relate the events of his dream to the best of his ability in the foreign language. In the end, he was surprised at how much he was able to convey, even with his limited knowledge of Vensian.

"Interesting..." the stag nodded once Sidney had said his piece, "Very interesting..." he rubbed at his chin for a moment before his aura of contemplation came to an end. Looking up, Lord Hector gazed toward the sunlight peeking through the canopy of the forest. He switched back to Prossian, "Sidney... please prepare the slaves for departure-- we have a ways to travel at a steady pace if we wish to reach my estate before nightfall. I am going to converse with Dorias while you and Maern hide traces of our campsite."

Lord Hector turned to leave, but Sidney felt compelled to ask for clarification, "Master?" he paused as the lord slowly about faced, providing the fox his full attention. "Lord Hector... what am I to do about Balkum?" He motioned to the honey badger, who glanced to him, and then to the stag.

The lord looked to the young warrior, and then to Sidney, who wondered for a moment if it was not proper for him to have questioned his master, but, in the end, Lord Hector smirked, then turned again to the honey badger, "Balkum, your Master is dead and you no longer part of his estate. You are free to go."

The ratel looked to Sidney, then back to the stag, then back to the fox. He stood where he was for a handful of seconds then, as if making up his mind, turned, and bolted out into the forest, not bothering once to look back. Sidney watched Balkum run, wondering what must have been going through the honey badger's mind as he raced out of sight as if being chased by slaver hounds. He didn't notice that Lord Hector hadn't left until the stag rested a hand on his shoulder, "One of Talvin's spies."

Sidney turned to regard Lord Hector, "Master?"

The stag was looking off in the direction Balkum had run, speaking aside to the fox, "Before our difference in opinions, Talvin had expressed an interest in finding a way to infiltrate the ranks of Lord Levid's gladiators... I suppose the king was desperate enough toward the end to take the first option that came along." Lord Hector sighed, shaking his head as he finally headed off toward Dorias, "Fortunate for us."

Sidney watched his master move to where Dorias ministered to the tiger. The yak had Choel sitting up, and the feline was making a face as the old slave tried to get him to drink something that Sidney could smell all the way from across camp. Based on the acrid, sour scent, the fox did not envy Choel his medicine. Taking a deep breath himself, Sidney resolved to focus on the task Lord Hector had set before him, and moved to collect Maern.

As they had very few amenities, the camp was easy to pack up. Aside from dousing the small cooking fire Dorias had started, all that was left to do was to clear evidence of their passing. Once tracks were covered and leaf-beds were scattered, the party was ready to continue, and Lord Hector made good on his promise to hold to a quickened pace. The stag led the way with Sidney following along right behind. Maern and Dorias helped Choel keep up; although the tiger was on the mend he was still having trouble walking at speed.

The day wore on, and, just as Sidney was starting to worry that they would have another night out in the wilderness, Lord Hector gestured for them to stop. Believing at first that the stag had found a suitable campsite, Sidney was surprised when his master strolled back toward him and spoke quietly, "The estate is just up ahead."

"Yes, Master." Sidney nodded, suppressing a sigh of relief in favor of a more compliant acknowledgment, "I will--"

"Come with me." the stag ordered, and began heading forward again after motioning for the rest of the party to stop. Confused, Sidney glanced at the other slaves, then obediently followed after his master. Lord Hector led him to the top of a rise, and motioned down the embankment. Sidney followed the direction of the stag's finger, and gasped at what he saw.

There was no doubt in the fox's mind that he was looking at his master's estate, only it was barely recognizable. The fine fence that surrounded the property had been knocked over in places, and portions of it were still burning. Further in, the courtyard appeared to have been torn up in spots, and several of the smaller buildings surrounding the manor were destroyed-- some were smoldering while others still burned.

"Gather everyone up, quietly." Lord Hector whispered, "Give me five minutes, and then follow me in."

"I can come with, Master, I--"

"No, Sidney." the stag stated firmly, "It looks like the uprising came this way faster than we did. I have to look for survivors, and if who ever is responsible for this is still here I know I can get away faster without having to worry about everyone else following me."

"Yes, Lord Hector." Sidney bowed his head; despite his misgivings, Lord Hector was his Master, and the stag's word was law.

"If there is any sign of fighting or any danger, send Maern and Dorias." Lord Hector ordered, "I want you and Choel to stay out of sight. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Master." the fox nodded.

"Good." the stag smiled gravely, "Remember... five minutes, and come down only if everything is clear." and, with that, Lord Hector slid as silent as a phantom through the undergrowth. Sidney watched him go, heart pounding in his chest as he worried for his Master, but he did as he was bid, and returned to the rest of the slaves.

"Somethin' wrong, Sir?" Dorias asked, setting Choel to leaning against a tree, "Where's Lord 'ector?"

"Lord Hector's estate is just over that ridge." Sidney motioned to the rise, "It looks like someone attacked it, and he's gone ahead looking for survivors."

"What?" Maern asked simply in Vensian. Sidney turned and repeated his earlier words so that the stallion could understand them. The horse frowned, "We should be with him." he announced as if his opinion were fact.

Despite the fact that Sidney agreed, he was not about to go against his Master's orders, "We are supposed to wait five mintutes and then join him if there isn't any trouble."

Maern scowled, but kept any further thoughts to himself. Instead, the stallion moved over to where Choel was resting and checked on the tiger's bandages. Choel was perfectly content to issue out long streams of four letter words every time Maern caused him any amount of pain, but, for the most part, the stallion ignored him and tended to his wound.

Sidney waited impatiently, more of his attention in the direction of the manor than toward the slaves. As time continued to pass, the fox waved everyone forward, and they followed him up to the ridge. Choel shooed both Dorias and Maern away, mentioning something about wanting to stand on his own two feet; Dorias made the tiger scowl by pointing out that he was using a broken branch as a walking stick. As a group, they gazed down at the damaged estate... which was silent, save for the occasional cracks and pops from the various fires.

"Alright..." Sidney spoke up, "No fighting... let's go." and he hurriedly jogged his way down the hill, eager to reunite with Lord Hector. Maern and Dorias followed after him while Choel carefully picked a path down the incline. Rather than spread their numbers out, the slave master waited for Choel to catch up, and, as a group, they proceeded to where the road met the destroyed wooden fence of Lord Hector's estate. Sidney was surprised to see that someone was waiting for them.

"Finneas?" Dorias was the first to speak up, "What're ya doin' out 'ere?"

"Lord 'ector asked me t'wait for yeh." the mouse explained, "an' 'e said t'lead yeh t'im." Glancing over one shoulder, then past Sidney and the yak, "This everyone then?"

"Yes." Sidney stepped in, "All four of us." he motioned to everybody in turn, "What happened here?"

Finneas waved for everyone to follow, and started walking further into the estate grounds, "Slaves all 'round Pross are risin' up... some Lords're encouragin' it an' some are tryin' t'keep it from 'appenin'..." the mouse continued past the manor. Glancing up, Sidney saw many faces gazing down upon them from the broken windows. The fox almost ran into the mouse, who had stopped once he lost the slave master's attention, "Lotsa scared slaves 'ere."

"What happened here?" Maern asked of nobody in particular.

Dorias answered him in Vensian, "The uprising passed through." and then switched to Prossian as he addressed Finneas, "Why'd the slaves attack 'ere? Lord 'ector's a good man."

"They didn't." the mouse answered, "When they passed, a number a slaves from Lord 'ector's 'ouse got it decided t'take over. Th' freemen an' th' servents gathered up with slaves loyal t'Lord 'ector t'fight em back."

Sidney let out a sigh, "Everything's going crazy..."

"zit true that Lord Levid's dead?" Finneas questioned, stopping at the door to the work shed and motioning Sidney onward.

The fox walked to the door and paused with his paw upon the handle, "Yes..." he sighed, "Lord Levid's dead." he shook his head, "It's all changing..." he turned and smiled at the mouse, "But I'm glad the right side won here." He turned the handle and opened the door, and then froze.

Standing in front of him, ready to welcome him to the work shed was Ulric. While it was a surprise to be standing face-to-face with the lion, what really caught his attention was Lord Hector, who was behind and to the right on his knees, face bloody and eye swollen. "Funny you should mention that, Sidney..." the lion grinned wide, "I'm glad 'the right side' won too." Ulric swung his fist, the fingers rapidly filling Sidney's vision-- the fox saw a great flash of white, then everything went black.

* * * * * *

"Sidney?" Lord Hector's voice pulled at the fox's consciousness through the haze of pain-laced blackness.

"Ngh?" it was the best the addled fox could come up with.

"I need you to sit up, Sidney." the stag requested. Somewhere in the back of his mind, Sidney realized that it was his master's order. Despite having his paws lashed together behind his back somehow, with every last piece of willpower he had, the fox managed to push himself up off the ground. He groaned as his head settled back into place atop his shoulders, the change in angle causing a new fresh rush of pain.

"Yes... Master." Sidney groaned.

Despite the dizziness that accompanied the opening of his eyes, the fox risked cracking them faintly; even through the bleariness, he could tell that he was still in the work shed. "What... happened?"

A movement from his left caught Sidney's attention, and he realized that Lord Hector was there with him, scooting a little closer. "Ulric led the slaves in a revolt." he explained simply, and quickly progressed to a different topic, "Try to turn your back toward me." noted the stag, angling himself away from the fox at the same time.

Trying to focus through the pain, Sidney did as he was commanded and, moments later, he felt Lord Hector's strong grip on his bindings. He sat there, breathing heavily as he attempted to will the pain away. Although it was not fully effective, the fox did manage to clear his vision a great deal. He was so focused on trying to get his thoughts in order that he was surprised at the -snap- from his bindings and, suddenly, his paws were loose.

"Alright, Sidney..." Lord Hector noted, "Now get out."

"Yes, Master." the fox acknowledged, and delayed long enough that he could steel himself against the vertigo he knew he'd feel at standing. Slowly rising to his knees, he let out a breath before turning to Lord Hector's bindings, "I'll have you free in--"

"No, Sidney..." Lord Hector announced calmly, "there is no time."

"But I need to free you too, Mast--"

"No..." the stag declared, "you need to leave. Now."

The fox surprised himself, "No."

"Yes, Sidney..." Lord Hector pressed, "They have me-- that is what they want. If I am still here they will not bother going after you."

Sidney shook his head, "I'm not leaving with you, Lord Hector."

"Yes you are, Sidney." the stag glanced at him from over his shoulder, "That is an order."

The fox paused, part of him wishing he was able to ignore the command, but he knew at that moment that the contest of wills was already over-- he was Lord Hectors, which meant that it was not his decision to make. The words came out as a meek surrender, "Yes, Master." and Sidney went to the work shed door.

"Sidney..." the stag called from behind him.

The fox paused, turning back to look at Lord Hector in the hopes that he had changed his mind, "Yes, Master?"

"Finneas brought everyone else to the stable." Lord Hector rotated himself around to face the fox and leaned back against the work shed wall, "If you can, please try to rescue them on your way out."

Sidney nodded, thankful that the stag had given him a command that he could feel good about, "Yes, Master." and he reached again for the door knob.


The fox didn't turn around this time, keeping his back to Lord Hector as his tears started to flow down his cheeks, "Yes, Master?"

"When you're beyond the walls, head for Vensii." Lord Hector directed, "Travel east."

"Yes, Master." he hated himself more every second his paw lingered on the door knob, truly not wanting to abandon his master.

"...and Sidney?"

"Yes, Master?" the fox creaked the door open a half inch, realizing that their conversation was near an end.

"You're free."

Sidney let go of the door and slowly turned around to face Lord Hector, "Now?"

"Yes, Sidney... now" the stag nodded, smiling faintly, "I can think of no other way to repay you for your dedication, and devotion, and--" Lord Hector paused as the fox came back over to him, "Sidney," he began, pausing as the former slave began undoing his bindings, "I--"

"You freed me, Lord Hector." Sidney met his gaze, "and now I'm freeing you."

A thick, shuffling step at the door caused the fox to pause in his attempt at undoing the ropes, "I beg to differ." Ulric announced. Sidney turned to face him just in time to see the lion unfurl his whip, "Now... are you going to be a good little fox, or are we going to have to discuss discipline?"

Paws clenched, Sidney did something he never thought he would do; he turned and stood, ready to face down Ulric.