JakeFox 3

Story by KevinFoxboy on SoFurry

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#5 of BSI

Jakefox sees a doctor and contemplates his new furry life

JakeFox and BioSyn

JakeFox strode into the BioSyn lounge and looked around at all the other Fursons. Part of a corporation, Biological Synthetics Labs had advertised for humans who were interested in anthropomorphic animals and wanted to look like them. They called it the Furson catalog. You picked the species you wanted to be, and BioSyn rewrote your DNA; made you furry all over, with a tail to smack people with, eyes and ears modified -- Fursons were better, stronger, faster.

Jake had just wanted better ears, eyes, and his burned skin replaced, but BioSyn had mixed actual fox DNA with his. That way his body wouldn't reject the new parts, but he forgot about the fur and tail. That was a year ago. He'd raised a stink, but he'd signed the papers. There was no going back for any Furson.

Now he told the nurse he was back for a physical. Doctors were still a bit freaked out by Fursons, they were a new idea; and there was still prejudice. Lots of standard humans felt their humanity was being threatened by JakeFox and his Fursonkind. So BioSyn was their only healthcare.

BioSyn Labs made Fursons from people to look furry, but another division made DNA hybrids that *were* animals who just talked and walked almost upright, as slaves. Low-intelligence laborers and guards, just self-mobile tools to order around, no civil rights. Brighter beasts as waiters, maids, domestic servants. Another intelligence class were pleasure slaves; then there were custom-made sex slaves.

BioSyn Level Four slaves catered to all the vices humans and particularly men had indulged in throughout the centuries. That's why standard humans felt so scared and threatened: beasts could be like humans, and Fursons could be like beasts. Religious conservatives especially verbally attacked Fursons, and some groups physically attacked.

You thought Rodney King had it bad? At least he had a media circus and sued the Los Angeles Police. Fursons had no advocacy groups and media sided with the mobs. Fursons were thought to be sick, twisted perverts who wanted to be beasts for some sex fantasy!

JakeFox hated those humans for their stupidity. All the a-holes of the world should be shot; society had the right, no the duty, to protect itself, like culling a herd of beasts to remove the diseased ones so the remainder could be healthy. It wasn't Jake and the Fursons who were sick, it was the closed-minded bastards who attacked them.

* JakeFox was met at the counter by a lovely woman whose starched white nurse uniform hid her white-furred body and puff tail. Her face looked like a standard human, and the nurse cap hid her floppy ears. But Jake's eyes were better than human, and he saw the facial curves, the hint of muzzle, the whiskers. She was a rabbit Furson.

He did a double-take but cursed himself for hypocrisy. He couldn't demand equality for himself without giving it to her too, so he took a deep breath and announced himself. She spoke with the lilt and slight lisp of someone used to the fur, "It'll be an hour and a half wait, Ssir. I'm ssorry, we've sseveral doctorzz but the waiting room'zz full today."

JakeFox had forgotten to call ahead for a better time; his first time there he'd only had a fifteen-minute wait, but he hadn't known the appointment had been made for him. What was it about BioSyn? Sure they were polite, but only because he had money! And so much they'd done for him as part of the 'Go Furry' package wasn't explained.

The nurse suddenly looked like her inner rabbit was scared. In walked a big Tiger Fur, a natural predator. Well, so was JakeFox, but he was smaller and he'd been polite to the Rabbit. David Tiger looked like he'd pounce on Jake if he got in the Tiger's way, and some other Fursons looked suddenly nervous. David was one of those who walked into every situation like he owned the place.

The Rabbit ducked toward the head nurse office, and the Lioness came out. Tawny and exciting, she faced down the bigger Tiger, sure of herself. The .357 AutoMag hiding in the corner under the desk helped. It'd cut through the drywall of the counter and ruin the Tiger's whole day if he pissed her off. It was a bit odd for a doctor's office, but as I said, some humans hated Fursons and attacks were an occupational hazard. And the clip held more than six shots, in case a mob attacked.

Fursons are stronger than standard humans, and Lea Lion was strong enough to hold the thing steady. She trained to shoot sideways; if she needed the firepower she wouldn't have time to be neat. The supersonic bullets would ruin some of the ceiling too; but again, if she needed it, she wouldn't worry about plaster.

David was just bluster though, he saw the full waiting room and he was just there to make an appointment. Lea visibly relaxed; and JakeFox didn't know why, but he'd finished and stepped aside for David. He didn't care when the Tiger got his time, and David took his appointment card and left.

Now the Rabbit returned and JakeFox told her he'd been holding his breath too. It was a white lie, and she'd heard him breathe so she knew it; but it was polite to thank him so she did. Actually she kinda liked the russet fur, brown with a little red; and the pointy fox snout sure looked sexy. She knew about long Fox tongues too.

But it wouldn't be professional to ask a customer out. She sighed, and asked Jake what he was doing, after. He saw her eyebrows arch and took the hint; it was almost seventeen hundred, and her shift ended soon. She and Jake would have almost an hour to, uhm, talk before his time with the doctor. And if he were with a nurse it might look official.

JakeFox was single, Rita the Rabbit was too; and Fursons used to be human so they still had the feelings and needs. DNA differences meant species couldn't make cubs, so as long as both were adults, no harm, no foul. Lea had a boyfriend, and Fursons scented each other's emotions, so she covered for Rita and checked her beeper number. She'd call Jake through Rita in time for his appointment.

JakeFox and Rita Rabbit walked off together, but what they did and where they did it are none of your business; and I'm trying real hard to keep a PG rating here...

* JakeFox had agreed to help advertise for BioSyn trans-fur- mations a year ago, and he'd been with a team to furventions across the USA. He'd met humans calling themselves 'furries' who were standard humans just looking into being furry. They just talked about their interest, and some ran around dressed in costumes. But Fursons looked down their snouts at 'furries' because Fursons were *real* furrs.

Put your money where your mouth is, people! Don't just play- act, do it for real! Jake and the BSI team told everyone at furventions to just take the plunge and Go Furry as they had; sure there were problems, but nobody's life is free of 'em.

One major problem was American society. A few hundred years ago, some people braved the weeks on a sailing ship and came to the New World to escape religious persecution; but that just meant they set up their own equally hard-hearted groups. Nobody really knew what being 'laid-back' meant; they were all stuck-up wusses who thought their society was better than what was already there.

JakeFox thought Americans were still stuck-up and overly prideful. Heck, his own parents had disowned him when he Went Furry! He'd used Internet chatrooms to talk with Europeans who seemed a lot more accepting of 'different' people, even Fursons. He continued his musings, considering his Fursonal feelings.

OK, Going Furry was still new and BSI hadn't worked out all the kinks. One big one was it cost a lot. Money sure, but also emotional cost. You might lose all your friends and family, and your job. Look, just because I'm furry all over and have this big bushy tail that smacks you doesn't mean I'm not still a person with feelings!

And OK I don't have long fingers anymore, they get shorter when hands become paws. My feet lost a toe, I'm a Fox now, just four and they spread out for balance. I walk taller with my heels in the air, but when I stand still I drop them to stand upright.

So I'm still the same height, just thinner. You don't have to rush away from me on the street, subways, or airlines. And hey cops, *I am NOT an escaped zoo animal*, put your dartguns away! I don't smell like a big dog animal, so OK I got this sexy snout and sharp teeth but I'm not a monster!

Sometimes JakeFox got a bit carried away. BSI never warns Fursons about the emotional cost. Then there's the legal hassles.

Since your DNA changes, you're no longer the same, legally. Passports are valid for humans, not Fursons. Your birth cert lists human parents and child, that's not you anymore. Visas get people in countries, driving licenses picture a human.

So, you go thru a court with all your old human documents and someone from BSI Legal. More than just a legal name change, more than a sex-change, this is a legal species change! You gotta keep the human documents that prove who you *were* as well as the new BioSyn and court docs that prove who you *became*, who you are now.

Whew! I know you readers didn't expect all this detail, and I know I'm stepping out of character as third-person narrator. But I've been interested in 'furry' for *decades* and I've gotten in trouble for role-playing, so I've had LOTS of idle time to think about it.

* JakeFox had read through the BioSyn Product Catalog but didn't like the idea of making a personal slave animal for a rich person. Paid valet, OK; his dad had hired one for him when he was human. JakeFox had been uncomfortable seeing slaves at his parents' friends' parties.

He also looked at the Pet Catalog; he hadn't heard of it before! It seemed a bit cruel and prideful to buy a custom-made pet when there were plenty of natural animals in shelters that needed good homes.

But BioSyn knew it; they left the regular domestic cats and dogs for nature, and advertised less usual mammals, lizards, snakes, birds. And made up some others.

Recom DNA meant you didn't need the whole genome of an animal, just the bits that make it a species. So recently extinct animals could be brought back! Remember that ice-age baby mammoth? Enough DNA was preserved for replication, and since scientists knew they were making guesses, they could make a new mammoth!

Of course, that's just the body. You still can't study behav- iour because it's learned, and all the mommy mammoths are dead. So you put the baby with a herd of elephants in Africa and accept you're not John Hammond bringing dinosaurs back to life.

Or you look at fossils and make guesses about structure. Mark Harris and Tom Warner knew they were 'flying blind' when they made whole-body human R3s and especially when BioSyn Mark Two made DNA mixes. So they talked to a new tech company called Hot!Tech to model DNA changes.

At first nobody thought it could be profitable to sell 3D animations of animals; but they were wrong! Remember, you don't have to feed or clean up after a hologram; you can't pet it either. But apartment-dwellers could have their own holopet without neighbours complaining about the noise.

Sure, you could make a movie of a lion, tiger, or leopard. But a DNA model was even better! More than just anatomically correct, this was DNA-correct, and 3D. They even sold models to schools for study.

* So JakeFox worried a bit about the moral implications of what he'd done. He just wanted better eyes, ears and skin; he hadn't asked to be furry, it just kinda happened! And now his life was changed forever. It was up to him to make the best of it.