Chapter 7

Story by Kynexn on SoFurry

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#7 of Started with a Rock: Arc 1 - The Return

Mental speech key:


/everyone locally/


<|Kyn and Tensa|>



~Vendetta & Jasmine~


The heavy stuff is over for now. Back to regular mature content.

/And this is where you come in again. You DID promise him a week. Are you going to reward him yet?/ Kyn sat down on the ground next to Royce, but once again, making sure that he was at what he deemed a 'safe' distance.

She stood up, walking over to Royce, then pulled out the green bottle. "You know how this works, don't you pet? You need to have semen in your stomach for it to work...I suggest that you get to work then...and if you find yourself in need of...assistance....ask for it, nicely." she tucked the bottle back into her shell, and settled down out of the immediate area of him, still within reach.../I did, yes, and he'll get a proper week in my care--you're no longer bound by that week, of course, you can leave at any time./

Royce didn't read the bottle, either choosing to trust her that she wouldn't give him the wrong thing, or too naive to question it. Serena received a 'Yes Mistress.' much to her annoyance, and he curled upon himself enough for his own tongue to lick at himself, one arm spread out behind him to keep him in this position, his other fingers working at the base of his slit.

/There you go again with that 'you can leave anytime' stuff. When is the last time you have known me to actually do that after you've suggested it?/ Kyn decided to head for another room, to check on the others. /So, where are Striker and the others right now?/

/Nero was outside the door to the purple Gear room last I was with them, standing guard. I do not know if they have moved, but I doubt it considering that Striker mentioned that I wouldn't have to worry about an artificial rut affecting him when I showed him the bottle and explained what it's contents did./ She turned her head to watch him leave, then turned her head back to watch Royce work himself over again. /As for the last time you took me up on my offer to leave at any time...I've chosen to forget that occurrence./

/I think I'll go work on the order then. How am I gonna contact you in those few days then? I mean I think our connection is getting stronger so... if I'm near the casino you'll know right?/ He found his way to the designated room to find Striker and Inferno.

/Well; anywhere in the bay really, but yes...should you need me you SHOULD be able to ask one of the security to take you back to see Royce, of course, you'll have to tell him who you are, but that shouldn't be a problem at all./ Serena gripped Royce's shoulder and offered him the empty cup, just a bit before he would finish, and he did sit up properly, filling the cup with his seed; and waited for the Okay to drink it down before licking the cup clean; and showed Serena that he had indeed swallowed it down. In response she had him tip his head back, and dripped one drop of the antidote into his mouth, then waited for the results. "Good boy." She muttered to him. She hadn't bothered to look to see if Heji had remained behind...but she had some things to go back over regardless.

/Almost makes you and I sound like VIPs, Serena. See you later then./ Kyn arrived just in time to see Striker finishing with Inferno, and of course commented, "So I take it you've had your fun then?"

Striker commented back with a sultry tone, "Unless you want to join us of course. Chances are that you have something that you may need to relieve." Kyn closed the door behind him.

Serena chuckled, and out of habit, closed off the link with Kyn for a bit, and opened herself to the memories of exactly what she had done over the past two days, and even how slutty she had been under the effects of the aphrodisiac---willing to submit to everyone? She almost shivered at herself...and yet, wasn't that in a way, exactly what Kyn had proposed a short while after it? Not under the same circumstances, for sure, but...her thoughts trailed off, and she hadn't realized that her eyes had closed until she felt Royce touch her questioningly; and that brought her out of it, she opened one green and yellow eye to look at him. "Hmmmmm?"

Royce looked down at her, realized that even though he couldn't help his size, he should never be looking down at anyone ever again, and laid down to look up at her, If only meekly. "Mistress, I...uh...I realize that...before--I um...treated you was two months before Anana took you away from me that time before...and to apologize...I know that's the reason you're here, can I...atone for that...or at least try?" The reply he heard made him shiver. 'Nothing.'

After a few hours Kyn, Striker and Inferno all returned to the room in which Kyn previously was, and knocked on the door.

Roy, as his collar now read, rather than Royce, answered the door, not looking them in the eye, but rather at the floor--a few more rules had been set in place since Kyn left, but that would be spoken about a bit later, he imagined. She had melted gold and scratched the lettering in the collar, so the name actually stood out against the brown leather.

Serena hadn't bothered to look up until after the door opened, and was in roughly the same place she had been since they had left. She raised an eye ridge questioningly, but didn't say anything.

Kyn basically gave a great sigh and then started talking. "Yeah, Serena it happened... as you can probably tell. Hmm, that's a rather interesting collar. Can I touch it?" He said, waiting for an indication before he would reach out and actually touch it.

"The only difference between the collar that was on him before, and the one you see now, is the fact that I added his name to it...and yes, I can tell." She paused, then laid her head back down. "You can touch you might notice, the collar says ROY, not ROYCE...In order to attempt to keep my promise to also doubles as the key word that the security will know...Roy is his Pet name, don't use the other one here." The fact that she was saying this in front of the others didn't seem to phase her at all, how much she had grown in just two days.

Kyn sighed. "I'm such an odd human. I must say, I rather enjoy Striker almost as much as I enjoy Tensa." He then reach out and ran his finger across the collar. /Oh Serena... that thing you said about Alphas and such... Royce is reminding me about all that stuff right now./

Roy lifted his head, but tilted it off to the side, he still wouldn't meet Kyn's eyes, or any of the others for that matter, and he didn't speak.

Serena chuckled, finally she stood. "Perhaps at some point, I'll be able to share the comparison with you...for now I'll just say this. It is not to your shame, but to your credit, that you can find enjoyment in your family, in many different sources." She walked through all that remained of the switches, bloody or not--a pile of charred twigs and ash that crunched below her claws as she walked, and powdered. She clamped Roy on the shoulders as she rose to her hind legs, using him to balance as she approached the doorway, choosing to lick the Slowking's neck. /Non-threatening, submissive, yes, he learns fast...although he doesn't understand why I changed his name./

Still not using his name he asked, "What is he gonna be like after you and I leave, Serena?" The things he was thinking in his head were to many to be expressed all at once.

Serena looked at Roy with a soft sigh. "Royce, go back to normal for a bit." As she said it, she removed the collar, the one thing left marking him as 'Roy', and she dropped away from him.

Almost immediately the stance changed, he looked Kyn in the eye, and that glint was back. "Did you need something? No? Then why are you in my way? There's work to be done, this Casino needs to change, after all, I've got instructions from a higher up that need to be fulfilled." Even the tone of voice had shifted back to that difficult, rough voice that was used to getting his way, very convincing, for those who didn't know his keyword. Somewhere behind him Serena mouthed the words 'say ROY three times in casual conversation to let him know that you wish for him to turn back' and held up three claws (One limb) to add significance to the number.

"Well, it was nice meeting you again Royce." Kyn said before sitting down next to Serena. Such an interesting set of circumstances in the past two days. He'd have a conversation with Serena about all the changes that would be made; the ones that Royce had mentioned.

Serena waited until Royce was gone to speak again, and this time there was a chuckle in it. "I spent a lot of the time building that side of him back up...Roy is...well, Royce without the Pride, arrogance, and humility that we literally beat into him...It's very HARD to teach something that requires you to not know it to work properly." She laid her head across Kyn's lap before. "Another part of it was spent getting rid of the switches." That made her not only flinch, visibly, and shudder as well; and she was looking at Striker with curiosity, as was her nature- but she didn't comment anymore on it.

"Getting rid of the switches...?" He paused and waited for her response before continuing with a, "Well, now, I believe you did say that we were going to be banned from this Casino. What do you have to say now then, Serena?" Once again he put one hand on Serena, and the other by his side to brace himself.

Out of habit, she pulled her fangs inside her lips, she looked much less threatening without them hanging out front like that...she relaxed a little with his hand on her, and she nosed his stomach. "Pile of ashes....and yes, I did, I didn't count on...completely breaking him like that...I know what I mean...I suppose there's only one thing I CAN say...and that's this: I was wrong. In fact, in a way...we're fucking the owner." She brought the 'screwing the director' reference to his mind, since that was where she had gotten it from in the first place.

"Serena, just what 'changes' is Royce talking about? Seems like you've done it again, and are desexualizing the more sexual residents of Bay. " Kyn said in reference to both Anana and now Royce.

"I'm making the deviants more tolerable." She answered. "You know most of the changes and rules going into place for the outside of the casino, the workers here will of course begin giving out cards, the security will not be the ones keeping watch on how much people are winning, but rather the Clefairy, no more intimidation tactics to try to scare them into making a wrong move, and the Clefairy will up their membership card, or direct them to where they can apply for one, to get free meals if they've lost a lot of money...comping, I believe is what humans call it, is it not? The rooms are possible for that as well...and so is the...entertainment. Vendetta also has been instructed to...ah...keep an eye on Royce's sexual behavior, and if he breaks the rule we set, then she notifies Anana that he's 'broken the cardinal rule'...I don't tolerate people breaking my rules, but as such I HAVE to give him ONE warning, Mind you, the warning in itself is painful enough to be a punishment.....and then if he does it again he'll be considered 'reverting'. He knows this already; He knows how much pain he'll be in if he does, he also knows that you likely wont be with me next time to save his hide."

"A few more questions before I go. Once I've accumulated my goal of half a million Poké, would you like me to let you know?" Kyn wasn't exactly sure what it would mean if he had 500,000 Poké, but considering the general scale of things, it seems like it'd be quite a high amount.

"I am not a creature of money, I've said this before...but if you do, then you would be at about half of what Anana gave to fix the tree house, and she did that without batting an eye at the amount." The corner of her mouth twitched upwards, and she entertained the thought that swirled, until it leaked, considering being so close to him they were practically sharing a mindscape; the question of how the old bug would actually look tied down and bound to where nary a scrap of green could be seen. Her tongue flicked out; well, they were in a bondage room, and she was still in that mindset, considering that she had all this -time- to enjoy Royce...and she wouldn't deny having entertained the same about anyone else, if asked; either.

"Question. Would you like to visit a human dwelling? Namely my own, sometime?" Kyn said also preparing to address the issue of a bondaged Scyther later.

"Kyn, I know you know that I know you know, where my mind is right now...and with that being said, this question sounds very much like a setup, considering I know where those items came from...but on the INNOCENT scale...unlike the others, yes, I'm curious about you, and your world...I don't fear what I don't know."

"It is not. The only one room in my house with items like that is... in the basement, and that is sealed off by a door. So, a tour of the house. As for that thing with Striker well... minus the blades, I'm not sure it would be very practical. I don't think he's the type to like that though." Kyn finished.

Serena chuckled a little, well, it was one way of learning more about the others, she supposed. She looked up at Kyn with a mix of curiosity and dominance, one didn't have to be in her mind to know what she was entertaining right now, then she closed her eyes, and moved away from him with a sigh. "Sorry, sorry, I should probably be trying to get OUT of this mindset, not entertaining it. I'll end up like Merlot if I keep this up...Going to have to set a rule for myself I think, none of that with someone I can't best in a duel first..." She did look at Striker after a moment. "Though I probably could these days..."

"Alright, well that's about it for now. I'll be heading out to gather the order. As well as come back with the Sharpedo. I suppose that will be bonus then? Like you said, more than likely a test of some sort. Actually, I'll probably go for a million." Kyn didn't move until Serena was 'ready' to let him up. Though he wondered why YET AGAIN she was this close to his more intimate areas, ESPECIALLY after knowing what he, Striker, and Inferno had done.

Of course, she caught the thought, and she adjusted, one claw on his leg as she lifted her head from him completely. "You really want to know? Why I keep putting my head on your lap?" She pressed down on his shoulder with her other claw, making him lay back. "There's actually two. One is the word that in TWO DAYS, I have made reference to three times; trust. The second is a claim on you; to protect you, care for you; and to call you mine. This doesn't mean MY claim overrides Tensa's on you any more than Tenra's does, it's not even in the same category, while it might be equal on the scale. For THAT, I can tolerate the scents of sex on you, their claim...Speaking of, you STILL owe me something."

"Well Serena, since I have other things on my mind and am on my way out, you'll have to remind me. Also, I'm not used to you having your head there. Not not used to you trusting me and me trusting you." Kyn sighed, trying to remember, himself.

"It was never set in stone, so to speak. I tossed a few ideas off you to see if they bounced, or if they stuck, and being as you went and interrupted them anyway, the latter WOULD have stuck." She chuckled. "To make up for it...Open." With nothing around her, with nothing in her claws, it was obvious what she wanted him to forefeit. A kiss, plain and simple...and rather mild in comparison to what she had suggested earlier.

"Hmm, but Serena..." Kyn tried to keep himself from chuckling. He'd have never expected anything like this to come from her, but then again, a lot of interesting things had been happening in the past two days.

"No buts." the words were a growl. "This is as far as I'm going to compromise Kyn, take it, or I delay your hunting expedition by four days." The words weren't a threat, clearly, from the look in her eye; but a promise.

"Hmph. Four days isn't much at all! That's not a threat at all!" However, despite his words, he leaned to Serena. He didn't open his mouth completely, but still DID open it.

Serena gave a soft churr, "Just...don't cut your tongue against my fangs." She lowered her snout to his lips, and gently kissed him, snaking her tongue (quite literally) to rub against his softly, and removed her claws from his shoulders, she wasn't greedy--to her credit--she could have held him there much longer than a brief kiss. She pulled back soon after, and sat, licking her lips. "Thank you, now you can go." there was a slight chuckle in her voice.

"...and that thing about lizards and their tongues... it makes me think about rimjobs given by them in a different way. Now I leave you with that thought." Kyn said, exiting the room.

<Cruel and unusual punishment.> She mentally snorted at him. <I really didn't need to remember where your tongue had been.> When they were out of the room, she did stick her tongue out, all the way, showing just how long her tongue this case, all the way down to where her front leg joint would have been, had she turned her head to try to reach it. Slowly she brought it back in, breathing fire over it as she did...just to be safe.

<Seems that that idea remains strange to you. Oh, it gets worse Serena. Do you think I can convince Anana to give me one?>

<If she's high, the way...her tongue is about as long as her body...that sounds like it could get...messy...but yes, the idea will remain strange to me until I actually perform one...>

<Perhaps I should explain to you about how such things that you are thinking about, are avoided, as Tensa does have a long tongue, as you know.> Kyn was out of the area in which lead to the hallways at this current time, and was headed for the entrance to exit. <Oh and one last thing before I go. By any chance... do you think Merlot would ever use her primary typing to... find out what I am if you were there with me? Or would that... be a waste of her time?>

Serena chuckled at him. <DOES he now...maybe it's time to have a tongue length contest...I might actually have a chance of WINNING that one.> She paused. <And no, I don't think so...she might try to add you to her collection if she did though.>

<And now you've just made that contest comparable to a cock contest. Dammit Serena, I am not gonna be wearing a maid's outfit! Well, at least I won't be heading near that castle anytime soon.> Kyn kept moving further and further away, until he figured it would be a safe distance to let Miru out.

<Yes, yes I did.> She waited until she could barely feel him before sending him a picture of her closets of maid outfits. <Choose a species that is black or grey...A shiny Charizard maybe?>

<The first one you said, that Charizard. Wins hands down, as being black.> Kyn tried, not exactly sure if Serena would feel it.

<I'm not sure....? It's breaking up> Words weren't working anymore, she instead tried to convey confusion through the link instead.

Kyn walked back about a mile, and then repeated his earlier thought conveyance.

<And that means....What exactly? That you like that idea?>

<...what idea? I just chose a species.> Kyn also conveyed confusion over the link as well.

<Meeting Merlot in a disguise as a black Charizard so that she doesn't want to dress you up?> She answered.

<Oh. Right. That does sound like a good idea but... wouldn't she just find a way.... to make it work?> Kyn folded his arms, visualizing the REGULAR Charizard in a maids outfit, and then he immediately went into a neutral state of feeling again.

<Nope, she doesn't like the contrast of grey against black, so she wouldn't even try.> She started to wander, collar in hand as she looked for Royce. <I do hope my manner of finding a way to forgive him is acceptable to you...Roy I mean. I could never forgive the person that he was, but the person that he has become, I can.>

<Why does it have to be acceptable to me, Serena? You fulfilled my request, and I believe that is what really matters in the this case.> The portal was open at the earlier point and was hopefully far enough away that wilds didn't wander into it in curiosity.

<Because ball or not, you do belong to me, and as I said when the switches were out, I would do almost anything to make you happy. Now, good hunting.>

<One more thing... Serena... how is it... that a stranger for another world... has fallen into your category of things to protect with your life...? I'm just... after all this time, still thinking about that...>

<To your question, I have only one other. How is it that Pokémon can fall in love with something completely out of their race? When you can answer that one, I'll answer yours.> Of course, it wasn't something she could answer, and he likely wouldn't be able to answer the other either.

<I can answer that. Personality and... because of the fact that were similar enough. He was young, I was young, we didn't have time to learn to disagree with it yet and we never have since.> He responded right away.

<Mmmhmm....> She answered, not really paying any attention, stalking her prey, what, he'd gone back into the open? Oh, that wasn't going to bode well for him, but she hadn't said he couldn't...of course the ring around his tail was still there...She tucked the collar away and crept up on him, tapping him with her claws, and said in a falsely sweet voice.

"Someone wants to see you Royce. They're waiting in your office."

"Not now Serena...tell them they can...." He turned and caught her eye, and that attitude caught in his throat. "Oh, oh, that would be the boss, wouldn't it? My apologies, lead the way."