Obedience School: Roxan Ch.1, I'm So Fucked

Story by Darkstar on SoFurry

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#3 of Obedience School

An awesome prequel series to Obedience School made my Roxan

Obedience School

Roxan CH1: I'm so fucked..

If you asked me today how I met Darkstar, I'd tell you that the fucker knocked me out of a tree and kidnaped me for a day, not that I'm holding a grudge on either point, but that wouldn't be necessarily true. That was just how I met the real Darkstar, the side that only a select few ever really get to meet.

In truth I first met Darkstar or Dark as his friends call him, when I was nine, after my family moved here from California. We were in the same third grade class and have attended the same schools ever since. But until the incident with the tree we were never more than acquaintances. Sure we had classes together, and the occasional group project for said classes; hell I even went to one of his birthday parties, but that was back in grade school when you mom would just invite your entire class over for cake and ice-cream and call it a party.

I actually considered Dark more of a rival than a friend. I never told him that, it's easier to win when the other guy doesn't know your competing, but he was someone that I always judged myself against. Never in a mean spirited way, but if he did something great, got an A on a test or presented a great project, I would push myself to do something better. I even kept a mental count of how we stacked up. So far, I was better in math, he had more friends, I won in biology, he destroyed me in chemistry, he was the most popular guy in school, and I was more or less a nobody. Writing skill...? I'll let you decide. I had average good looks while he was a walking god carved out of onyx and living amongst mere mortals. He was openly gay, and I was still deeply closeted, that one stung the most, but, in a roundabout way, it's also one of the reasons I finally became friends with the guy.

Let me explain, it's kind of a long story but if you give it a chance it may surprise you. It all started when my dad told me he was going to run for governor...

I was a nervous wreck, I couldn't even pay attention to my history teacher as he tried to detail one of the bloodiest periods of European history. My leg was twitching, thumping uncontrollably as the same thought raced through my head over and over. They're going to find out. They're going to find out they're going to find out. THEY'RE GOING TO FIND OUT! I'm so fucked. _ Ever since my dad told me he was running for governor I couldn't seem to get that thought out of my head. All it would take was one browser history check, one ambitious paparazzi, one slip and my darkest secret would be out. I'm gay, and I'm so fucked. _ Why does he have to run for office? Doesn't he know how much attention that will draw to us? Doesn't he know how bad that is for me?!?!

Like most closeted homosexuals, the idea of any kind of scrutiny completely terrifies me. That's why I don't ever wear tie-dye shirts, or go to see gay themed movies, or even linger around anything rainbow colored. Call it paranoid, but I'm scared shitless of someone connecting the dots and suddenly being "ousted" in a public place. So having TV cameras follow my dad around 24/7 for the next six month while he campaigns is less than ideal for me. _ I'm so fucked._

The teacher's trademark, "Ever forward", and the sound of turning pages signaled a change in subject. I turned the page in my own book and looked down at my notes in an effort to follow along and distract myself from the fact that my life as I knew it was about to end. So far the only notes I had taken was a picture of a guillotine, must be learning about the French revolution, I thought idly.

I dropped my head into my hands and tried to think rationally. _ Ok, they're going to find out. If my parents find out my dad will either have to embrace it or condemn it, or risk it turning into a scandal. He's a republican and needs the Christian right for support, not looking good for me. But there are more democrats than republicans in the state and if he comes out in favor of me he can probably get a fair amount of support as a cross party candidate... He loves me...But he wants to win even more. Fuck I'm going to be disowned. I'm going to be out on the streets begging for money and sleeping in the park. I'm so fucked. At least I have friends I can count on. Worst comes to worst I can stay with Rick or Ben, they'd never turn me away, but how am I going to look to the rest of the school? And how long could I really impose on them? A week? A month? I still have two years left before college....Oh shit how am I going to pay for college if I get DISOWNED?!?!_ I was on the verge of crying, blinking furiously to hold back the tears I knew were coming. _ Ok happy thoughts, this school has a boarding wing right? I'll talk to the dean and get a room. Fuck but how would I pay for that? I don't even have a job. And even if they let me stay I'll be known as the fucking charity case faggot who's own dad kicked him out... then I can add bullying to the list of reasons why I'm so fucked. This whole school is a bunch of preppy wolf supremacist assholes. The only reason they accept me as it is, is because I'm the only one with the balls to tell Jeff to shut the fuck up!_ The sudden anger of my last thought made me slam my elbows into my desk and stomp the tail of the lion sitting in front of me.

The lion, Jeff, gave a startled yip and turned around in his seat, snarling at me threateningly. I gave him my dead eyes and a slow shake of my head to tell him not to fuck with me today and he reluctantly turned around. I wasn't a bully, I would never pick on someone weaker than me, but Jeff wasn't a weakling. The six foot five inch lion was a powerhouse, starting quarterback since Freshman year, a heavy hitter on the baseball team, new girlfriend every month, and enough confidence in himself that if he tried to walk on water, he would probably succeed. But that wasn't enough for Jeff, the fucking show boater would sing in the middle of class, serenading the female teachers with Spanish poetry. He had a story for everything and insisted on telling them to everyone. He was pride incarnate, and the fact that he would probably be voted prom king was just icing on the cake. The worst part was that everyone agreed that he was an annoying prick but because he was such a golden boy nobody would risk the social suicide of standing up to him and telling him that he's not as great as he thinks he is.

That's where I came in. When he started singing one day in our English class I asked him if he was in choir now too.

"No, but..." he quickly replied.

"There's a reason for that. Shut up." I cut him off mid-sentence, before he could turn it around with something like no but I should be, I'm such a great singer and all... douche. The class erupted in laughter, even the teacher laughed. And so I had begun my career as Jeff's personal head shrinker. It gained me acceptance by most of my classmates, not an easy thing for a leopard in a school that's 85% pureblood wolf. But it also showed me how easily the tide can turn and that just because I was accepted today didn't mean I wouldn't be ostracized as soon as my secret became public. This is high school after all.

The bell rang to signal an end to sixth period. Time to go home. _ Fuck I don't want to go home. _ Home meant changing into a suit and tie to pose in the background like a good son while dad talked to some important person or another in an effort to gain their support for his campaign. And there would be nothing to distract me from that gnawing aching truth. They're going to find out. The best option would be to come out to my parents myself, on my terms, so at least they weren't blindsided at some press conference. But I sooooooo was not ready for that discussion. I didn't even want to think about it. I didn't want to think about anything at all. I wanted...Nick.

Every school has somebody like Nick. Somebody who can get things no one else can. Sometimes they're called hustlers, other times their called movers or gofers, and sometimes they're called nothing at all, it all means the same thing. Nick was a drug dealer.

The funny thing is that before this election thing started I was straight edge, I didn't drink, I'm still a virgin, and I looked down on pot heads and meth addicts alike. But since I got the news I had been seeking Nick out daily.

I knew that after school he set up shop over by the sports fields. He'd hang out on the bleachers with a group of friends big enough that it wouldn't cause suspicion that people kept coming and going.

I could smell him before I saw him, so I knew he was working. Nick was a skunk, and he used his natural talents to his advantage. Try to smell marijuana through skunk, I fucking dare you. That was really the only downside to going and seeing him, I had to put up with that lingering smell while he weighed me out a sack. I didn't have a pipe so when a she wolf with bloodshot eyes offered to roll my sac into joints for five bucks I paid her gladly and tried to ignore the smell as best as I could. It was no secret that Nick had more than weed for sale. For the right price he could get you just about anything, and people at this school had no shortage of money.

The school was built back in the 1700's originally as a monastery or cathedral or something... You could still see the Christian origins of the place, even though most of the crosses and religious symbols were removed when it was converted into a school. Now days it was a private school for the ridiculously wealthy and the social elites. The Harvard of High schools, the Princeton of the private sector. It was a place for the sons and daughters of high society to get to know one another without looking like a freemason dinner social.

The she wolf, Trish I think her name was, handed me my joints and with a nod and a quick "thanks", I was off. I wasn't going far; just somewhere I could be alone. There was a wooded area on the other side of the sports fields from the school, and I knew from experience that people rarely went over there.

As I crossed the sports fields I noticed the lacrosse team coming out of the lockers and heading my way. Whatever, they can have the field, I thought to myself. _ All I want is my tree._

The tree in question was an oak that stood at the edge of the woods directly behind the goal line of the multipurpose practice field. It was big and old and most importantly had low hanging branches that were easy to climb and relatively dense foliage towards the top to discourage unwanted attention. Like most oak trees it had a dense outer layer of leaves but once you crossed that it was very spacious inside. I climbed through the branches with practiced ease until I got to a branch about three quarters to the top. I liked this particular branch because it was fairly flat and the bark had been polished smooth and shiny by decades or even centuries of students and young kids climbing and sitting on it. It also had the added bonus of having a gap in the tree's wall of leaves that gave a pretty good view of the sports fields. _ Hmm guess I get smoke and a show this afternoon. _

I leaned back against the trunk of the tree, which was similarly polished smooth, and shifted my shoulder blades until I found a comfortable position. Then, with one leg stretched out and the other dangling off the side of my seat, I reached for my first joint.

Trish had done a good job at rolling them, tight and well packed with a carb made from a flash card so I wouldn't end up eating half my weed. Now all I needed was my lighter. _ Where did I put that thing? _ I fished through several pockets of my brown cargo pants until I found the semi-cylindrical shape of my trusty bic. Some smokers say that white lighters are bad luck, I never paid that much attention though, besides it had started with a cool design of a panther fighting a dragon, just because the plastic cover tore off doesn't somehow make it unlucky... does it? I did have it the day dad made his announcement...

I put that thought aside as superstitious and lit up.

Huuuuuuuusssssssssss...........ahhhhhhhhhh.... I laid my head back and let that old familiar numbness creep up my spine and spread its tendrils across my mind. Soon I wouldn't care about this whole gay thing. Soon I would be too interested in the sound of birds or a line of ants to think about anything as serious as talking to my parents. Just a matter of time. Here it comes, the tingling as it reaches the sinuses, a pulsing behind my eyes, electricity running across my fingers and best of all, a sense of calm. A calm feeling of assurance that everything will be alright. That no matter what happens it will all be for the best. Suddenly I can't believe I was ever worried about...about... _what was I worried about? It wasn't the birds...or the ants...wow I can't remember any more. _ I chuckled quietly to myself, dam this was good shit. I took another puff.

The lacrosse players had reached the center of the field and were starting their pre practice stretching. I recognized a few of them. The Hyena was Kyle, not the brightest kid on the block but he was always good for a laugh. The grey wolf with the Mohawk had his back to me but Jesse is the only guy in school with that haircut so that had to be him. The rest I couldn't name, except for the black Panwolf standing in the center of the group and leading the stretches. The onyx god himself. I took another drag while I watched Darkstar turn away from me, spread his legs and touch the ground to get a deep calf and thy stretch. I was impressed at how limber he was, and even more so by the definition of his ass as he presented it to the world. _ God what I wouldn't give for one night with that guy. Just one chance to be held in those toned muscular arms. I'd lift my tail for that._

I felt a stirring between my legs and took a long drag that killed my joint while I stuck a hand down my pants to give myself a firm squeeze. My mind filled with thoughts of Dark, hell of the whole lacrosse team standing around me in the locker room while Dark, his midnight black fur and pure white belly exposed in all its glory, bent me over the bench. His strong hands running over my back, holding me down firmly yet gently. The group of players surrounding us, egging him on as he lined up for entry. His tip pressing against my entrance and... "Ahhh... AAAAAAAA!" my moan of pleasure turned into a yelp when my spent roach fell from my lips and rolled into my open pants. I jumped up on my branch and shook my leg furiously to shake the burning roach out of my pants.

"That hurt", I said to no one in particular, rubbing my crotch where the roach had burned a hole through my snow white fur and left a stinging red welt. "That's pretty, shame no one will ever see it" I chuckled and leaned back against the tree, sliding back to a sitting position and turning my attention back to the gathered lacrosse players. I wonder if anyone heard that.

Luckily there was no one around except the lacrosse team, and they looked too busy drilling to notice much of anything. The team was lined up in two parallel lines facing the goal. I had seen them do this drill before. They were going to run down the field two at a time passing the ball back and forth until the coach blew his whistle, then whoever had the ball had to make a shot on goal. In soccer they call it a wall pass, no idea what it's called in lacrosse. First up was captain Darkstar, with someone I couldn't name. They jogged across half the field, passing the ball back and forth as they went. When the coach blew his whistle it was Dark that got to take a shot on goal. He shot without ever breaking stride, making it into the upper right corner of the goal. I gave him a golf clap. Even though I knew he couldn't see or hear me, it was still a nice shot.

Next up were two pairs of wolves, both of whom missed their shots. Jesse and his teammate made their shot, but the pair after them missed by a mile. Then it was Dark's turn again. He made his second shot in the same corner as his first, and when it went in he stopped running a made a grand dramatic bow towards the goalie. But when he looked up, I swear our eyes met. There was no way he could see me in the shade of this tree from that far away, but even so his gaze lingered and he gave a small smirk before turning around to get back in line. _ He must be smiling at the goalie, not me; I am right behind the goal after all. _

The next few rounds were fairly uneventful, the highlights of which included a grounder thrown by Jesse that made the goalie dive for the save but went in anyway. A runty looking freshman missed a catch and ate shit in the process. But before long the coach was calling last round, with the added bonus that anyone who missed had to run 2 laps before getting water. Most of them missed, to my personal amusement.

And then it was Dark's turn again. He hadn't missed a shot all day, and the cocky smile on his face said that he didn't intend to start now. He turned and said something to his partner, and then I swear that they looked straight at me in my hidden perch, then nodded to each other and began their run down the field.

I was well into my third joint by this time or I might have noticed that something was up. A normal person would have had a paranoid feeling about that last look of undeniable mischief, but being three joints deep I just chalked it up to weed born paranoia and dismissed it without a second thought.

"Huuuuuuuussssssssss....here it comes....." I held my breath as Dark lined up his final shot. He stopped dead, wound back, and released a shot with enough force to lay the goalie out cold. "PFFFFFHAAAAA *cough *cough *cough hahahahahaa. Swing and a miss, Dark!" I yelled at the top of my lungs, completely forgetting that I was hiding in a tree with enough marijuana to get me expelled from school if not arrested. But what I saw was just too funny. For all the cavalier ease with which he had landed all his previous shots, the one that counts was an epic fail. It sailed high and away from the goal, clearing it by at least twenty yards straight up. "It's good!!" I laughed, throwing my hands up in mock imitation of a football field goal. "Wrong sport homie!" I yelled, way past caring if he could see me or not.

And then it hit me. Literally, right in the head. My last thought was, maybe a tree isn't the best place to smoke after all... and then everything went black.


You know that feeling you get when you wake up late for school? Like there's a little voice inside your head screaming at you to wake up, that something's horribly wrong, and if you don't open your eyes immediately, all of existence will come crashing down around you. The voice doesn't know that you're late because you haven't looked at the clock yet, it doesn't know that you already missed the buss, because it didn't hear the buss passing you house twenty minutes ago. It just knows that something's not right and that you have to wake up immediately. That's the feeling I was getting right at that moment.

My eyes shot open in a rush of adrenalin fueled panic. I sat bolt upright like a man returning from the dead, taking in my surroundings in an instant but unable to process anything before a wave of mind splitting pain knocked me back onto my back.

"Aaaaoooowwwwww", I let out a groan of pain as my senses kicked in and told me that I must have been recently hit by a buss because every inch of my body was stiff and sore. I had to shut my eyes and concentrate on not moving just to be able to think straight. My quick look around told me I was in a bedroom that I had never seen before, which would explain the oddly comfortable bed I was lying on. But how had I gotten here? I remembered being at school, buying from nick, smoking in a tree...and then...? "Aow, what happened?"

"You fell out of a tree." Came a voice from somewhere behind me.

I hadn't really been expecting an answer to that question. But the familiarity of the voice and the matter of fact tone in which he said it helped all the pieces fall in place.

"You weren't aiming for the goal were you?"


"Asshole...thanks for the headache by the way."

"Ya I almost felt bad about it, but the whole 'swing and a miss' comment made me glad I never miss".

"How did you even know I was there? I mean before the shot... and the taunts". I still couldn't open my eyes or sit up, but as long as I didn't move I could think clearly. How long was I out?

"You've been smoking in that tree after school every day for the last week. We all knew you were there. Also the yelp and shaking branches were a dead giveaway." He chuckled and I heard him get up from wherever he had been sitting and walk over to sit on the bed next to me. "Cute burn mark by the way".

"Thanks..." how does he know about my burn? "So where am I and how did I get here?"

"You're someplace safe, where is less important than the fact that you're going to be staying here for a while."

"That's creepy". I was starting to get a bad feeling about my situation, but seeing as I couldn't even sit up at the moment, I wasn't in much of a position to argue with it. Better to try and find out exactly what was going on before deciding how to deal with it. "How long were you thinking?"

"As long as it takes". He put his hand on my knee and gave me a reassuring pat, his fingers rubbing tenderly through my fur. Wasn't I wearing pants? That little voice was starting to get louder. "Think of this as an intervention Roxan. I've seen how stressed out you've gotten over the last few weeks. You've started smoking, you were muttering to yourself in class today, and if you don't lay off Jeff soon the poor guys going to have a nervous meltdown".

"Hahira, the guys got eight inches and a hundred pounds on me, the fuck does he have to be worried about?" Fuck Jeff, the guy could burn in hell for all I cared, it was satisfying to hear I was getting to him though.

"True enough, but when you gave him that dead stare today he dam near wet himself. You know he's a big fraidy cat at heart". His hand kept rubbing up my thigh as he spoke. The little voice in my head kept trying to scream a simple truth that my mind didn't want to hear. I just had to keep my eyes closed and I could ignore it. "I know this is about the election. I know you're worried about them finding out."

"You don't know anything."

"I know you're gay"


"I know your dad is running on a super conservative platform, based on traditional family values and Christian ideals. And if your little secret got out he would have no choice but to disown you or withdraw from the election."


"And I know which option he'd take".


"Him or me?"

"Both of you". He wasn't telling me anything I didn't already know. Anything I hadn't been stressing over for weeks. But hearing it out loud, from someone else, just crystalized the irony of my situation. The only way for my dad to win with his family values platform is to abandon his only son; and he was going to do it. "Fuck him for running for office, fuck republicans for being such zealous Christian homophobes, and fuck you for blackmailing me. What do you want anyway?"

"We'll get to that, but who says I'm blackmailing you? Your secrets going to get out, but it won't be from me." He gave me a wan smile as I tried for a second time to sit up, I succeeded this time. The pounding in my head was subsiding and aside from some soreness in my back and head I seemed to be alright. I gave him a look that said I didn't believe a word he was saying and leaned back against the headrest for support. "Like I said, this is an intervention, I'm here to help." He said it so genuinely, like he was offering me a ride home instead of an escape from my downward spiral. I wanted to believe him, I wanted to believe that I was saved, I just couldn't. _ I barely know Dark, why would he go this far out of his way just to help me?_

"So if you're not blackmailing me, and you want to help me, why am I here? Why did you knock me out of a tree, and for fuck sake, why am I naked?" Unable to ignore the voice in my head any longer I crossed my legs and grabbed a pillow into my lap in a token effort at modesty.

"I knocked you out of a tree because it was the only way to get you here", he calmly explained. "Once you fell out of the tree we had no choice but to drive you to a hospital to get checked out, or so I told the coach". He left the bed and walked across the room to a dresser, opening several drawers and searching for something while he talked. "You're here, because I am taking ownership of you. That way if your father disowns you it won't matter because I own you". He smiled in triumph as he found what he was looking for and walked back to his bed, holding it up for me to see.

I watched him hold his prize with disbelief, he couldn't be serious, again I wanted to believe what he was saying but I just couldn't believe what I had herd. I understood all the words, his grammar was correct, but something about the words he said and the order he put them in just didn't add up. "You want to own me?" I looked from him to the prize in his hand and back again.

"Yes". He wasn't eager or excited, he was all business. "I'll give you a place to sleep, pay for your meals, tuition, clothes and whatever else you need; you will be able to live your life like normal. In return you'll be mine, you will do what I say when I say with who I say. You'll be mine to do whatever I want with, whenever I want, understood?" He said it like I had already agreed. His tone was firm yet gentle, like he was talking to a child who was expected to obey without question, not a classmate whose freedom he was trying to buy.

Here it was, a way out, a way to not to be homeless, all I had to do was give up my freedom, to sell my soul. My head was racing with a hundred different thoughts going a hundred different directions.

_ Fuck you! I don't need your help!_

_ DO IT! You don't want to end up on the streets do you?_

_ Don't be stupid he's just taking advantage of you, he won't actually help you._

_ He's talking about slavery dude... besides you don't even know your dad is going to disown you yet._

_ He will._

_ It's a TRAP!_

Shut up Ackbar, and its indentured servitude! Use it until he pays for college then bounce.

_ Wait what did he mean do whatever I want with?_

_ Sexual slavery could be fun... it is Darkstar after all_

_ Ya he's hot, do it, do it, do it! _

_ You're not really considering this are you?!?!? Roxan wake the fuck up and run you idiot!_

_ But I am already in my pajamas...._

_ Those aren't pajamas you're naked because he knocked you out and stole your clothes!_

_ Naked and alone with the sexiest guy in school who's also gay.... Not seeing a problem._

All the while my thoughts raced and argued amongst themselves my eyes never left the shining object in Darkstar's hand. Held patiently in his hand was a pink nylon collar, inlaid with silver tribal designs and complete with a bone shaped registration tag. Darkstar jingled the collar gently and as the tag caught the light I could see the name "Roxan" etched into the metal.

"All you have to do is take it, and your old life of worries will end, and your new life will begin". I watched my hand reach out for the collar. It moved slowly, of its own accord, hesitating...

_ Are you sure you want to do this...?_

_ "Yes",_ the word was a whisper as my hand closed around the collar and took it from his hand. I exhaled a shuddering breath I didn't know I had been holding and clutched the collar against my chest. I looked up to Darkstar, lost and confused. I had just sold my freedom, now what?

_ _ "Good", he smiled down on me, that one word of approval lifting a weight of tension off my shoulders. "Now put it on", I smiled shakily up at him, lifting the collar up to my neck and fastening the latch behind me. I left it loose, letting it dangle around my neck like a necklace.

"No, not like that", he said in a firm voice. "It needs to be tighter, bend over and let me see". I didn't like the idea of wearing a collar, I mean, what would people think if they saw me in one? That I was someone's bitch? That I was letting Darkstar do whatever he wanted to me in exchange for paying my expenses? In other words... the truth?

The voice of my remaining pride kept objecting to my decision, it wanted me to run and find some other way to fix my problems that didn't involve me becoming a slave of one kind or another. But I had made my choice, I needed this and I was going to see it through, and if our arrangement fell apart it wouldn't be because I refused to do something as small as wear a collar._ _

I closed my eyes and bent forward on the bed, resigning myself to my new life with this first act of submission. I bowed in front of my new master and let him fiddle with the latch on the back of my new collar. The metal latch jingled as he undid it from the hole I had set it at and pulled it tight around my neck. He pulled until the collar bit into my neck and I had to wheeze to breath, then the latch found its hole and the nylon collar relaxed back into a tight but unrestrictive length. It felt weird, but strangely comforting to have it clinging to my neck, and the shiny new tag jingled quietly when I moved my head.

"There you go, how does that feel?" he asked, slipping a finger in between the collar and my neck to check the tightness.

"A little tight, but I can breathe I guess". His finger was digging into my neck, I tried to shift the collar into a less uncomfortable position but all I managed to do was squirm in his grip and cause him to chuckle quietly. "So do I have to wear this thing permanently now?"

"For now I'll let you take it off when you go to school, but you'll need to keep it with you at all times, just in case, and you will have to put it on again as soon as you're back from school, or anytime I tell you to." He frowned then, his expression turning dark he pulled me by the collar until I was looking him right in the eye, "And you won't be going to see Nick anymore, ever. Am I clear?"

I nodded nervously, taken aback by his sudden change in demeanor. _ I didn't know he was that against pot. _ His friendly congenial manor was gone in an instant, replaced by an aura of command, he stood up a little straighter, puffed out his chest and set his jaw; becoming the embodiment of authority with a few simple gestures.

"Good, now that that's taken care of, it's time to make your new roll perfectly clear". He took a few steps back from the bed, dragging me by the collar so that I was forced to crawl off the bed and onto the floor in front of him.

"Kneel." I knelt in front of him, my head forced up into an uncomfortable angle by his hand at my collar. I heard a zipper and he let go of my collar. "You know what to do".

I did. I had never actually done it, but I knew what to do. Thanks porn. _ God this isn't how I imagined my first time. _ I reached out and tried to act calm about putting my hands on the front of his jeans, my situation becoming more and more real to me with each passing second. It's funny how I was fantasizing about a situation just like this earlier today, but now that it was actually happening, it just felt wrong. I unbuttoned his jeans and pulled the front of them down to expose a pair of red boxers.

I took a deep breath, feeling my nerve shaking as I watched Dark's red boxers slowly tent in front of me. Voice number 176 in my head was still screaming "It's a trap!!!" Like the walls were going to collapse and expose Ashton Kutcher and the team from Punked. But Dark was really getting hard to this... to the thought of me going down on him. I looked up at him one last time, searching his eyes for some hint that this was a cruel joke, but there was no joke in his eyes just expectation.

_ To hell with this, I'm doing it. _ I pulled down his boxers and lowered my mouth to the shiny red head poking out of his black sheath. I licked it a few times before taking it into my mouth. It tasted salty and smelled like sweat and cum. His cock was softer than I had imagined, I rolled it around with my tongue and sucked on it experimentally while he continued to grow in my mouth. I bobbed up and down on him, coaxing him to harden and taking him deeper into my mouth the larger he got. I slid my tongue around his shaft and probed into the folds between his sheath and his ever growing wolf-hood.

"Aaaaahhh, that's good, just like that" he sighed in an airy voice. "Not bad for your first time, you're going to be a pro in no time". My face flushed with embarrassment over the unexpected complement, I didn't normally get a lot of them. "You're probably wondering about the collar", he said, putting a hand on my head and rubbing my ears while I sucked him off, "and yes, it is to mark you as being mine, but that's not all it marks. You see, I'm starting up a business of sorts, and that collar marks you as a part of it. One of the firsts actually, but don't worry, you won't be alone for long."

I listened absentmindedly to what Darkstar was saying, doing my best to accept what he was telling me and piece together what it was he was really saying.

At full mast his cock was hard and solid; I could only fit about half of it in my mouth without coughing. I took what I could and bobbed slowly up and down, sucking hard and lowering deeper with every pass. He made encouraging sounds from deep in his chest and I swelled with pride at the thought that I was doing a good job.

I felt an odd mix of shame and excitement when I sucked his cock. The humiliation of submitting to another man, and the wrongness of sucking his cock mixed with the pure excitement of the sexual act and the pride of doing it well to make a mind numbing spine tingling sensation of right. With his shaft sliding over my tongue and his tip pushing at the back of my throat, everything else seemed trivial. It didn't matter what my father would think or anyone else for that matter, Darkstar was here, and he would protect me. All I had to do was obey and everything would be fine.

"I can already tell your going to like being my pet, you little slut, but understand it won't just be me that you'll be submitting to. When I give you to one of my clients, I'll be expecting you to show them the same obedience you show me, no matter who they are". Fuck I'm a whore now...? Didn't see that coming when I woke up today...

_ For the third time... IT'S A TRAP!_

The gravity of what he was telling me should have been enough to send me running for the hills, but instead it turned me on even more! The thought of Darkstar pimping me out for his own gain made me so fucking hot!

I shivered around his cock and moaned loudly when he put both hands on my head and held me still, his hips taking up the rhythm and slowly fucking my face. His thrusts were long and steady, pushing in until I gagged before pulling out to his tip, then in again and out again, a slow measured rhythm that probed my mouth and throat with his cock. I let his shaft slide across my tongue and teased his tip when he pulled back, sucking hard to milk the first strands of pre from him.

My own shaft was rock hard but I never moved to touch it. I knelt there, hands on the floor, concentrating all my effort on not choking, not gaging, letting him go deeper and deeper with each thrust, willing him to go faster and harder, to cum in my mouth and on my face. But he never increased his pace. He just kept slowly fucking my muzzle like he had all day and nothing better to do.

He might have had all day, but I could feel the tension between my legs growing fast. The way he was using me as his personal fuck toy just made me so dam HOT! I wanted to grab my cock and cum harder than I had ever cum before, but somehow I knew that would be wrong, that Darkstar would disapprove. He didn't have to say it, the way he was treating my muzzle was all the explanation I needed. I was a fuck toy, and fuck toys don't play with themselves, only master plays with fuck toys.

"Look at me" he said in a commanding voice, never stopping his infuriatingly slow controlled thrusts. "Watch me fuck your face, and know that 'You. Are. Mine", he said with a wicked smile.

I looked up into his eyes and whined with need when I saw the naked lust on his face, my own face growing flush with embarrassment. His eyes were fixated on me, and his lips were curled up into a predatory grin. His eyes said it all. He was going to fuck me, then he was going to sell me to anyone who would pay, then he was going to fuck me some more and do it all over again. When he looked down at me he wasn't seeing another fur. He was seeing a cash machine, a whore, His whore.

I felt the pressure in my shaft grow up towards my cock and knew I wouldn't last much more of this. I wined pathetically and tried to express my need through my eyes since speech was obviously impossible. I begged with my eyes, begged him to let me cum, begged him to fuck me harder, begged him to pull his cock from my mouth and jerk off on my face.

"Looks like somebody needs to cum", he said patronizingly before switching back to his commanding master's voice, "Hold it. If you cum before me you'll be getting a piercing and wearing a cock ring to school tomorrow.

I whined again, my ears flattening against my head, and tried to think of something else, anything else. _ Uhhh quick dead grandma...Dead puppies...Holocaust victims...getting fucked by NAZIs...FUCK WHY ISNT THIS WORKING!?!?!?!?_ I moaned loudly around his cock while a random mental image of a NAZI Doberman holding a suffocating Jewish poodle balls deep on his cock ran through my head_;_ the poodle struggling to push himself away from the soldier holding him down, but too weak from months of starvation and lack of oxygen to get away. His struggling getting weaker and weaker until he finally goes limp in the NAZI's lap; his final breath a gurgling choke as the Doberman cums in the dying poodle's mouth. _ That is so not helping..._ I whined again, louder this time, feeling myself reach the point of no return.

My orgasm was coming, I had to change tactics. I put all my effort into making Darkstar cum, pushing my head down on his shaft and rubbing my rough tongue along his length in a desperate gambit to make him cum before I did. I pushed myself farther onto him than I thought possible, feeling his girth stretch into the back of my throat. The pressure in my cock, aching for release, outweighed my gag reflex as I pushed myself deeper. My throat bulged around his shaft, and my collar dug into my skin, cutting off my air supply as I tried desperately to make Dark cum.

I couldn't breathe, my heart was pounding, my lungs were burning, and my dick was so hard I thought it was going to pop. I pushed my nose into his soft white pubic hair and instantly my senses were filled with the scent of him. A tingle ran down my spine, making me purr and shudder from head to toe, vibrating my throat around Darkstar's shaft and causing him to bend over and grab my head with a moan of pleasure. His hands scratched me behind my ears and his knot twitched in my mouth.

He was on the edge, about to lose it, but it would be too late. Seeing how much pleasure I was bringing to him, how he moaned every time I purred, how his cock twitched every time I licked his knot... that sent me over the edge. With one last defeated purr of pleasure, my will power gave way and I came. My hips humped at empty air as my cock exploded beneath me. It was the greatest orgasm of my life. Spasms of pleasure radiated throughout my body, my limbs went numb, and if Dark had not still been holding me up I would have collapsed onto the floor. My lungs burned for air while I hung there, but I couldn't pull away, I couldn't do anything but hang there and cum.

Darkstar was holding me down firmly on his shaft his hips pumping against my face in a futile attempt to push himself deeper. I couldn't breathe, I tapped his leg to let him know I needed air, but he didn't even notice. I pushed against him, pulling back while my lungs screamed for air, but he held me firmly in place, humping wildly now from his need to cum. I needed him to finish, I reached up and took hold of his sack, caressing his balls and squeezing gently, tugging softly until I heard him give in.

His short grunts turned into a cry of ecstasy, his knot swelled, forcing my jaw wide as my vision began to swim from lack of oxygen. His shaft pulsed in my throat, his tip erupting in a torrent of burning hot cum. I choked and swallowed shot after shot of his seed. My strength was fading, I couldn't even lift my hand to cradle his balls anymore, my vision went dark, and still he came. All I could do was let him hold me there and use me as his personal cum dump. It all couldn't have taken more than a minute or two, but it seemed to me that he came for ages, while my lungs screamed for air and my consciousness faded into darkness.

The last thing I remember before darkness overtook me completely, was him pulling out of me and letting me slump to the floor with a thud; and somewhere in the distance I thought I heard a voice say, "good boy, now you stay there, and we'll deal with your little accident in the morning".

To be continued...


Author's Note: This story is a prequel to the amazing story Obedience School! written by the amazingly talented Novastar, which you should all go read if you haven't already. A special thanks to Novastar for letting me contribute to his series, and to Darkstar, commissioner of the original story series, for commissioning me to continue this side story into what I hope will be an entertaining journey for all.

Hope you all liked it, comments, critiques and ideas always appreciated :)