Poetry for LIberation

Story by D(A)rkWolfi(E) on SoFurry


****this is just some poetry i thought of, not yiff, not a story, i hope no one gets pissed that i am using this as a place to put my poetry. meh, i doubt it. this poetry may not be that good, its just off the top of my head. so enjoy (A)//(E) peace****

the light came shooting into my mind

waking me up inside

from the moment we are thrown into this world

we are taught whats right and wrong

gays are bad

furs are weard

anarchy cant work

peace is wrong

god and country is the only way

these tears are nothing

their narrow minds won't sway

animals must die

human superiority is the only way

i choose not to eat their flesh

or wear the skin of my breathrin

we are all animals

would you eat your dog, or wear the skin of your brother

mindlessly consuming we walk into the malls

corporate america tells us how we should look

lies are posted all over the walls

corporate america blinds us from the truth

fast food kills

the government lies

can you see the sad eyes

of the child starving in a far off land

or an animal crying in pain

as its hung upside down

its throat is slit

blood spills over till the animal no longer moves

put upon your plate for a nice price

in the name of convenience we consume the murder

you dont see cuz you choose to ignore these atrocities

this is for liberation

liberation of our hearts and minds

of our love and sexualities

of our right to think for ourselves

and live our own fucking lives

she wakes up in the morning

to the mirror that stares back at her

she sees an ugly mess

she thinks herself to be ugly

that is what she was told as a girl

she saw it on tv

all the pretty plastic modules

wearing there plastic smiles

if you dont smile and wear your make up

how will you ever look good enough for your man

buying into the lies

she isnt good enough to be loved

so she put on make up

choking on fingers

she's now pretty enough to be loved

but she cant love herself

taught from the beggining that inteligence is bad

as long as you smile and look pretty for your man

nothing else matters

you'll get married and have kids

who in turn will perpetuate this cycle of ignorace

this cycle of mundane darkness

she smiles in the dark where no one can see her

in her mind she looks fat

not good enough for anyone

so she chokes on fingers and plasters on her colorful mask

brake this cycle

women's liberation

femenism isnt just for women

unity of the sexes is the only way

as long as one is opressed no one is free

this is for liberation

human freedom

animal rights

one struggle

one fight

this is for liberation

you may think my dreams are unrealistic

you may think what can one person do

to go vegitarian or vegan

to reject the mainstream

to reject what they tell you

how can one person make a different

you may think i'm waisting my time

but it isnt about one person, its a unified struggle for freedom and liberation

this isnt right

this isnt fair

caught in thin air

floating on a cloud of pain

held in a dark hand

the heart of a fox

dripping from the scientist's hand

blood all around

the cost of progress

this isnt right

the cruelty must end

animal liberation

you wear your make up

eat your bloody flesh

wear your fur coats

leather studded belts

not even once questioning where it came from

look beyond what they tell you

reject the things they say

the lies they've forcefed to you

from the day we are thrown into this life

we are taught whats right and wrong

cant you hear the frustration blaring in this song

we must push forth

i can only see a better world

built from the ashes of this one

this is for liberation

liberation of the mind and heart

liberation of the sexes

liberation of the animals

i see it everyday

another ad

i wont buy your shit just cuz i'm gay

i'm sick of this

you feed us shit

i dont need your face cream or new clothes

fuck your greed and money

your capitilist system makes me want to vomit

i see you ever day

marketing towards the gays

perpetuating the gay steriotypes

fuck your ideas of what we should be

then i see

so many buying it

the straights think we're a bunch of queens

becuase thats all they see

i detest fashion

i dont understand this

gays dont even question it

though so many do

but the media chooses not to show us

the ones who care

the mainstream only sees another flaming queer

major companies show open mindedness

we dont see that their suport of gay pride is just a farce

a mask to cover their greed

its all based on money

so many know this

but do nothing

appathy is the enemy

this is for liberation

no more greed

no more bombs

no more death

no more cruelty

every day i see this

the filth in this world

you may say that my dreams of unity and peace

are unrealistic

well i say the curent way you live your life is detrimental to the enviorment

what do you want to leave your children

and the generations to come

do you want to be the problem or the solution

these words flow from my paws for liberation

i dont want to hear another animal cry

or see another child starve

or another innocent person die in a war that makes no sence

this fight is long and this struggle is difficult

i dont want to live in a world wear possesions matter

and people dont

i dont want to be just another angry teen

i have a cause

a reason to fight

i need a reason to resisist like i need a heartbeat in my chest

this is for liberation

liberation of our hearts and minds

of our love and sexualities

of our right to think for ourselves

and live our own fucking lives

****well that is that. please comment and tell me what you think, wheather you agree or not i want some feed back. i think this is the longest liberation poem i've ever done. well see ya furs. (A)//(E) & PEACE (i hope no one gets mad that this has nothing to do with the content on this site. i was on this site then sudenly i wanted to right some poetry and this is what happened 5 minutes later, haha. sometimes i just get the urge to write. maybe its from listening to Conflict for 2 hourse in a row. well laters) i'm kinda thinking of what to write for gutter punks prt. 3, i think that will be the last one. i think i'll post some stricly yiff oriented stories soon, while i think of stuff for gutter punks 3, hehe, well laters all. love & peace