"Family Tails" - Chapter 19

Story by AncientWolf on SoFurry

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#21 of Family Tails

This story takes place on an alternate reality Earth, about the same period as our own Earth. In this particular version of our world, some key decisions that have delayed or restricted genetic research and development in our reality didn't happen in this one. Genetically engineered life forms, or G.E.L.F.s, have become a reality whether humanity is ready for it or not.

The idea for this story came about as I was writing my trilogy, "The Sacrifice for Peace", involving anthropomorphic characters living on a world that also has a human population. After joining a website devoted to "furry" art, I got to wondering about how life might be on our world if anthropomorphic beings derived from the animal life we know would happen to become a reality. Would the general human population accept them? How would they interact with humans? Would humans and anthros form relationships with each other, and if so, how likely might it be if any were to fall in love and want to get married? What kind of difficulties might they face? Having grown up through the Civil Rights movement in the 1960's, and being in the first class of a newly desegregated school, I envision something of a similar nature taking place in this alternate reality...even if it is more on the scale of the television series, "Alien Nation". Only, this time, it's not genetically engineered aliens from another world that have crash landed and are trying to find a place as "Newcomers", but rather our own race developing sentient beings from current animal life.

I've known about the Eugenics Movement for many years--I guess it was an episode of "Star Trek" that called it to my attention years ago, and being something of a history buff, I dived into it when I ran across a reference. A year or two ago I learned of something called "Transhumanism" and got to poking around and reading up on that. Very interesting reading, that. So, I guess my natural curiosity, love for history, artistic ability, and whatever else, all came together into creating this particular story.

This is a story about a human male (I use my alternate Earth self as the person since it's easier from a writing perspective--one less character to create from scratch) and a wolf G.E.L.F. female (I love wolves, so again, something easy to write about) who meet and end up pursuing a relationship with each other. Now, I'm sure some folks are going to think, "EW! That's just sick!" Well, you know, I'm sure there were people who thought that when one group of humans started mixing with another group of humans that looked a little different. We have all sorts of art, books, comics, TV shows, and movies that have dealt with human / other life form relationships, so this is hardly a new idea.

Well, here is my take on "take a walk on the furry side."


It might take me a while to write this as I'm also working on another story and artwork for both, so it might be best to "subscribe" to this story so that you won't miss future installments. ;)"Family Tails" - Chapter 18https://www.sofurry.com/view/526349"Family Tails" - Chapter 20https://www.sofurry.com/view/533979

Family Tails

A Story of a Mixed Family in the Genetic Age

Names of actual businesses, their products, etc, are the property of their respective owners.

Story and characters © 2013 Ronald J. Lebeck

Chapter 19

Rosie didn't say anything for a while to Lupina about what she had found in the closet the day after they had come back from the center. Other things that came up right after that day kept Rosie busy, so the thoughts she had about her discovery went to the back of her mind until she eventually remembered about it.

With October coming to the end, it was time for Ron and the local Druid group to celebrate Oíche Shamhna[1]. Lupina and Rosie were curious to learn more about the celebration, so Ron invited them to attend. Over fifty members of the Druidic group came along with their families to attend the ceremony and the feast that was held afterwards. Lupina and Rosie were warmly welcomed by the group, and they were simply accepted without any hesitation by everyone present, much to their amazement. Ron explained to Lupina and Rosie the origins of the tradition, and also the various parts of the celebration. The two G.E.L.F.s were amazed by the close kinship with the land and with the Otherworld, the celebrants displayed. After the feast, everyone sat around a fire and a bowl containing mead was passed around. Each person took a turn, if they desired to, and told about someone they had known who had died, either during the year, or perhaps sometime in the past. When they had finished their remembrance of the person, they held the bowl up in salute for a moment, took a sip, and then passed the bowl on to the next person. When it came to Ron's turn, he paused for a moment in reflection before speaking.

"Tonight I remember Snowfoot, my old wolf friend of some years ago. None of you had the chance to meet her when she was alive, though if you had, you would never forget her. Even when she was a young wolf, she was a patient old soul. It was she who helped me readjust to civilian life again, and taught me what it means to love unconditionally," Ron began.

He went on to tell a bit about life with his old wolf friend. He still missed her even after all of these years.

When he was finished, he said, "I howl for you this Oíche Shamhna, my dear Snowfoot!"

Ron closed his eyes, lifted his face towards the stars, and began to howl. Many of the people attending had heard wild wolves howl before--when they heard Ron's howl, it sent shivers down the spines of more than a few, for it sounded exactly as a real wolf's howl. Lupina, upon hearing his howl, felt inexplicably moved to join her mate, and added her own voice to his, in an eerily beautiful duet. When they finished, Ron and Lupina opened their eyes and looked at each other lovingly, their eyes glowing in the light of the fire. The other humans saw the light reflect in their eyes--at first, some thought it was just a trick of the light, but it soon became clear that his eyes were glowing, just like those of a wild animal...just like hers. Ron took his sip from the bowl and offered it to Lupina who took a sip in return. Ron pulled a small object out of the pouch attached to the corded belt of his ceremonial robes and held it up. Lupina grinned, and reached into her left pocket and pulled a small item of her own. As they fitted the two carved pieces of walrus tusk together, everyone heard an answering howl of wolves off in the distance.

Rosie was stunned. After hearing the tale about Ron's old wolf friend, the way he and Lupina howled together, and seeing the two charms fitted together, Rosie remembered what her friend had told her about them. Several of the other people who knew about Ron's little ivory charm, were amazed to see that Lupina also had one, and that they both fit together perfectly.

"No way!" Rosie thought to herself.

At the end of the festivities for the evening, after everything had been cleaned up, two of the participants came over to talk with Ron, Lupina, and Rosie. Aoife and Sean O'Connelly, a couple in their thirties, had known Ron since he first moved to Fairbanks. They had met at a local coffee shop one afternoon, and had noticed the pendant he always wears--an ancient Celtic design dating back at least to the La Tene Period, if not to the Hallstatt Period[2]. Once they learned that Ron followed the Druidic Path, Aoife and Sean promptly invited him to meet with a local Pagan group.

Aoife asked Lupina and Rosie, "What did you think of our celebration tonight?"

"It was a lot different than the Halloween stuff we learned about," Lupina replied.

"Yeah," Rosie agreed, "a lot different, but a lot nicer, too."

"You could have joined in when we remembered those who have passed before," Sean said to Lupina and Rosie.

The two G.E.L.F.s looked briefly at each other and then Lupina said, "We...don't have any ancestors."

"Yeah, we don't have any of our own kin; we're the first of our kind," Rosie said.

"Oh, well, I suppose so," Sean said. "Still, you could have said something about anyone if you wanted to."

"Maybe next year--a lot of things are still rather new to us," Lupina suggested.

"That's fine, hun, no worries," Aoife said with a grin. "We're glad that you two joined us tonight. I hope you have found that we're a rather accepting lot."

"It was a fun experience tonight, and nice to meet more friendly humans," Lupina said.

"If it wasn't for meeting the big guy, we'd be living in dumps...or worse," Rosie added.

"Yeah, we had a pretty rough start, but maybe we've got a chance now, isn't that right, baby?" Lupina asked her mate, putting her arm around Ron's waist and looking up with a smile.

"Aye, luv, that we do," Ron replied, putting his arms around the shoulders of both his mates.

"Ron, forgive me for saying it, but you seem...different, since the last time we saw you," Aoife said with a hint of concern.

"Yeah, how did you mimic a wolf howl so well? And what's with the eyes, man? Are you wearing some kind of contacts tonight?" Sean asked.

"He didn't mimic one--I understood what he said perfectly, Lupina said with a grin.

"Huh?" Aoife and Sean asked nearly in unison.

"Wolves do have their own language, you know," Lupina said with a little smirk.

"Yeah, skunks do, too," Rosie added. "Most animals can understand a little of each other, like this...," Rosie performed a series of growls and hisses, and then stamped her feet a few times in a particular pattern.

Before Lupina could respond Ron said, "Heh, that's easy! That's what she does if she finds out I'm eating rum raisin ice cream and haven't offered her any."

Lupina laughed and said, "Nah, that's when she says this...," and Lupina made a similar sound, changing one of the growls.

"Oh, yeah, that's right...I forgot the 'r-r-R-ra' at the end," Ron snickered.

"Hey!" Rosie demanded, putting her hands on her hips and giving her tail a flick. "You know darn well that's not what I said!"

"You know he's just pulling your tail again," Lupina said with a grin.

"Hmpf! I still say they shoulda gave him a tail while they were changin' his insides," Rosie pouted.

When she saw everyone looking from her to Ron and back, Rosie said, "Eeep!" and covered her mouth with her hands.

Ron pulled Rosie to him and hugged her. While he was doing that, he told Aoife and Sean, "We recently went back to where Lupina and Rosie came from and I received some 'enhancements' so that we could be more compatible biologically."

"You mean, you're not wearing contacts?" Sean asked wide-eyed.

Almost as if to emphasize the point, the headlights from one of the departing cars briefly illuminated Ron and Lupina's eyes, causing them to shine.

"Yep, my eyes are more like a wolf's now, only I still have my perfect color vision as before, Ron replied.

"So you see really well at night now, eh?" Aoife asked.

"Well, I've been able to see better at night than most humans, only now I can see just as well as Lu and Rosie can," Ron explained.

"Was that something you wanted, or did it just happen...when you got the enhancements?" Aoife asked.

"I think it was just an added bonus," Ron grinned.

"What else did they change in you?" Sean asked.

"It's still too early to tell if anything else is going to happen, though I was assured that I'm not going to sprout fur all over and grow a tail," Ron chuckled.

"Well dear, I suppose we should head home," Sean suggested to his wife.

"Yeah, we need to get going, too--got a long drive ahead of us," Ron said.

After saying their goodbyes, Ron, Lupina, and Rosie piled into their SUV.

"Wanna get some ice cream on the way home?" Ron asked with a grin.

"yeah, I could go for some," Rosie agreed.

"That sounds good, baby. I wouldn't mind having some French vanilla," Lupina added.

By the first week of November, Ron was having trouble with his teeth. When he went to see his dentist at the VA, he soon discovered why.

"According to the x-ray," the dentist said, "you have what appears to be a whole new set of teeth coming in."

"I guess that explains why my jaws have been sore," Ron said giving them a rub. "What do we do now?"

"Well, we can wait and see if they push the other ones out, or--and this isn't going to be any fun--we can pull the ones you have, fit you with some temporary dentures, and let this new set grow in normally," the dentist explained.

"Sounds like either way I'm going to be hurting. What do you think could happen if we wait?" Ron asked.

"Best case scenario--they simply push your current ones out and the new ones come in nice and straight. However, since these new ones seem to be different than normal teeth, the worst case is that they don't push the current ones out, but rather end up coming in all wrong," the dentist replied.

"Different? How so?" Ron asked.

"Well...," the dentist paused and looked at the panoramic x-ray again, "if I didn't know better, I'd swear these new ones look like the teeth of a...canine."

Ron slowly shook his head with a wry grin on his face. "First I get eyes like a wolf, now I'm getting teeth like a wolf. I wonder what's next...claws? A tail?Fur?" he thought to himself.

"Well, since I'm not a little kid losing his baby teeth, what do you suggest we do?" Ron asked.

The dentist chuckled and said, "You've got a point there. I might suggest trying to remove these new teeth before they get any bigger, but since they're developing beneath your regular teeth, and it also looks like your jawbones have developed sockets for them, I'd say pull your current ones and let these new ones come in naturally. Speaking of your jawbones, they seem to have changed since the last x-ray we took. Look here...see how much heavier they've become in the second x-ray? I've never seen anything like this before."

Ron studied the two x-ray images and rubbed his chin in thought.

"Can you safely pull my current ones without messing up the new ones?" Ron asked after a few moments.

"I'm reasonably sure we can extract the current teeth without disturbing the new ones too much. They may have already loosened the current ones enough to make it easier," the dentist replied.

Ron thought for a minute and then said, "Okay, set me up for an appointment to pull my current ones in favor of the new ones. It's going to suck, but there's no reason to chance the new ones growing in at odd angles or something."

"Okay Mr. Daugherty, I'll have the clerk up front set you up with an appointment for the oral surgery," the dentist said.

After Ron and Lupina got home later that day, he told his mates during supper about his visit with the dentist.

"You mean you're going to have teeth like mine?" Lupina asked, surprised at the news.

"Looks that way, baby," Ron replied with a grin.

"That's going to look so weird seeing a human with fangs," Rosie said.

"Yeah, I suppose so. People are either going to think I'm wearing fake teeth and colored contacts, or they'll think I'm a werewolf or something," Ron smirked.

"Hey, how come wolves get all the attention? Nobody ever comes up with cool stuff about us skunks!" Rosie said with mild indignation.

"Heh, stories like 'Little Red Riding Hood' and 'The Three Little Pigs' would be a lot different if they had a skunk in place of a wolf in them," Ron chuckled.

"Yeah, or all of those wolf man movies made," Lupina quipped.

Wolf man...wolf men...that reminded Rosie of the patch she saw on one of Ron's old uniforms.

Rosie remained quiet for a time while Ron and Lupina went on about other things. The fact that Rosie was quiet for so long didn't escape the notice of either Ron or Lupina.

"You're being awfully quiet Rosie," Lupina said at last.

"Yeah Rozer, why so quiet?" Ron asked. He reached out to hold Rosie's hand--as soon as his fingers touched her hand, Rosie flinched uncharacteristically, and both Ron and Lupina noticed with some concern.

After exchanging glances, Ron got up from his chair at the table and knelt down beside Rosie, gently touching her arm.

"What's wrong, Rosie?" Ron asked quietly with a gentle, concerned look.

Rosie was plainly nervous about something, and she also felt a bit confused. She knew in a general way what the military does, just as most people do, and she knew that there weren't any big wars going on while her mate was serving his country. Rosie had been piecing together things in her mind, what little she had been able to learn here and there. She had figured out that both Ron and Rob, and several other men, must have been genetically enhanced in some way while they were in the military and much younger. Rosie knew that somehow, Dr. Sumter was involved, and that is was all part of some top-secret program that Ron and Rob can't talk about.

Rosie looked at Ron and half afraid of the answer, she asked, "R-Ron...have you...ever...killed anyone?" she swallowed hard and flicked her tail nervously.

Ron cocked his head a little and blinked, wondering what prompted her to ask that particular question. Lupina was surprised that Rosie would ask that, particularly out of the blue, and at the dinner table.

"Why do you want to know, luv?" Ron asked quietly.

"The other day, after we got back, I did the laundry and when I was hanging stuff up in the closet, I saw some suit bags. I've never seen you in a suit before, so I got curious and wanted to see what kind you had. The first one had some kind of heavy coat in it with some gold stripes and stuff on one sleeve, the second one had all kinds of medals and stuff, and the third one..," she chocked a little, "...had a scary lookin' patch and the word 'sniper' on the shoulders." Rosie gulped and hoped Ron wouldn't get mad at her for nosing through his stuff.

"Rosie!" Lupina exclaimed, "What were you doing poking around in other people's things?"

Ron held up his hand and said, "It's okay, Lu." Turning his attention back to Rosie, Ron gently held her hand and said, "Tell you what, after supper, we'll go back to the bedroom and I'll tell you as much as I'm allowed to, okay?"

Rosie sat wide-eyed and slowly nodded her head. Ron smiled and hugged her.

"Rosie, you never need to be afraid of me for any reason. Yes, I've had to do some things in the past that nobody should ever have to do, and there are things that I wish I could forget, though I have to live with that knowledge for the rest of my days. There are things that I wish I could talk about, but I'll never be able to. It's a burden that guys like me have to carry alone through life, and I wouldn't wish it upon you, Lu, or anyone else," Ron explained.

"But why?" Rosie asked.

"I chose to so somebody else wouldn't have to," Ron replied with a wry grin.

After supper was over and the dishes washed, Ron took Lupina and Rosie back to the bedroom and explained the various insignias, medals, and other items on his old uniforms. The diagonal stripes on the lower sleeves are called "hash marks", and they stood for the number of years in service. Each stripe represents four years, and since there are seven, they show that Ron had been in for twenty-eight years. Ron explained that normally hash marks are red in color, as are the chevrons and "rocker"--the top curved piece that connected to the top chevron--of his rank insignia. However, if a person served at least twelve consecutive years without getting into trouble, the red stripes and insignia would be changed for gold. Just one slip up would take away the privilege of wearing the gold, and red ones would have to be worn again. In order to give Lupina and Rosie an idea as to his rank, Ron explained the Navy's enlisted ranks, from pay grades E-1 to E-9, with E-1 or Seaman Recruit, being the lowest. Ron's rank at the time he retired from the Navy was E-9, or Master Chief Petty Officer. He was his unit's most senior enlisted, and answered directly to the commanding officer. Eventually, he came to the camouflaged uniform, the one that troubled Rosie the most.

Lupina, upon seeing the unit patch that had made Rosie nervous, immediately understood why for it made her nervous, too. Ron explained the symbology of the patch as it related in general terms to his branch of the military. The letters "NSWU-SWA" stood for his unit, the Naval Special Warfare Unit - Sea Wolf Alpha.

"Among the various special warfare units within the military, we were unique," Ron said as he sat looking at the patch.

"How so?" Lupina asked.

"We did one thing, and we did it exceptionally well, in ways nobody else could do," he replied.

"And that was?" Lupina prompted.

"We hunted the enemy, showed him the true meaning of terror, and then killed him where he thought he was safest. Once a Sea Wolf unit was on the trail of someone, it was just a matter of time before the person would be found dead. Sometimes we would even let the person know that we could kill them at any time of our choosing. We'd sneak in and catch them sleeping, and we'd leave a token on their pillow or in a pocket on their clothing," Ron explained.

He got up and went over to his dresser. From a wooden box on top, Ron removed an item, and sat back down on the edge of the bed between his mates.

"This is what we would leave for our targets to find," he said, and opened his hand.

In it, was a metal disk the size of a large coin. On the front of the disk was the face of a black, snarling wolf head, and on the back were the words, "OUT OF THE DEPTHS, DEATH COMES HUNTING--YOU."

Lupina and Rosie looked at each other with ears flattened. Ron noted their expressions and went on.

"Do you know what a sniper is?" Ron asked his mates. When they both shook their heads "no", he explained. "Okay, remember the medals I showed you that were for 'Expert Marksman'? Well, a sniper takes that a lot farther, with a lot of special training, and using a special, highly accurate rifle. A sniper takes out his target from a long distance, with a single shot. To answer your earlier question Rosie, just from sniper duty alone, I have fourteen confirmed kills."

"Oh...my...," Lupina said, holding her hands to her mouth.

Rosie was too shocked to say anything. The whole idea that the loving, caring, gentle, and fun loving man they had come to know and fall in love with could have done such things, however long ago or for whatever reason, was a shock to both of them.

Seeing the looks in their eyes, Ron let out a deep sigh and lowered his head. "Before you think the worst of me, you should know that I remember each and every one of them. I see their eyes looking back at me every time I close my eyes. It's just one of the things I've got to live with."

"It...still bothers you?" Lupina asked after a few moments.

Ron glanced over to Lupina, nodded his head, and said, "Of course. Every military veteran, every warrior through the centuries, who has had to go into harm's way, all have to live with what they've had to do--it's just the way of things. Of the ones I've taken down, I think even you two would agree that they got what they deserved--sadistic sociopaths who got off on hurting others just because they could. There are some real sick pups in the world...we've taken out a few of them over the years, making the world a little bit safer, at least until they get replaced by another one just as bad, or worse. Rob and I did our job, and we were good at it, but now it's someone else's turn, and time we old guys try to enjoy the time we have left," Ron said with a wry grin.

He got up, put the uniform back into its suit bag, and hung it in its place in the closet. After shutting the door he paused for a moment, and then sat back down between Lupina and Rosie on the bed.

"That's all past history," he said, motioning towards the closet. Placing each of his hands into one of theirs he added, "This...," giving their hands a little shake, "...is now. This is our time. Let's make some new memories, good memories, okay?"

Still holding his hand, Lupina gently placed her other hand against Ron's face, turning it towards her.

"You'll always be the guy who came to my rescue on the sidewalk that day, baby," Lupina said with a loving smile, and she kissed her mate tenderly.

Rosie sat still, looking down at the floor. Her ears were lowered and she slumped forward a little. Ron turned his attention to Rosie, and saw the sad expression on her face.

"Rosie?" he asked, "What's wrong?"

When she didn't say anything right away, Ron put his arm around her shoulders, and gently lifted her chin so that he could look her in the eyes.

"Rozer, talk to me...please?" he asked.

"I-I'm sorry, big guy...I-I guess I worry too much about things I shouldn't. I know, skunks usually don't worry about anything, but...I do. I worried about what was happening to you back at The Center...it scared me, and we skunks usually aren't afraid of anything. When I saw that patch, I thought about when you were in that room. I saw the door and the mattress, and ever since then I've been wondering if you might go off like that again someday. I know you've been nothing but sweet, and fun, and you came to my rescue, too. I love you, and I know you love me and all, but I guess that's something I worry about," Rosie explained.

I understand you concern, luv, and there's nothing wrong with it," Ron said gently. He thught for a moment and then a grin came onto his face. "I've got an idea. Get your coat and come with me...you, too, Lu," Ron said, standing up.

"Where are we going?" Rosie asked.

Lupina grinned and said, "I think I know where. Come on Rosie, let's go!"

They put on their coats against the cold November air, and Ron led his mates to the special little area he had taken them to before. When they arrived they found that Kapik was there, almost as if she had been waiting for them. Ron knelt down and he and Kapik greeted each other in wolf fashion. She seemed particularly happy at seeing Ron, wagging her tail enthusiastically and with much mouth licking.

"Hi sweetie, yeah, I missed you, too!" Ron said quietly to the young wolf.

Kapik pushed her face against Ron's forehead and thought, "Man-brother smell nice-nice. Like."

Ron held Kapik's head, gently cupping her ears. He got a curious thought in his mind, which he wasn't sure if he was just imagining it or what. He had the impression that he somehow knew what Kapik was thinking. On a whim, he cleared his mind and formed a thought of his own similar to the one he imagined.

"Kapik, wolf-sister, smell nice-nice, too. Like much," he thought, and it was no lie--for some reason her scent seemed to stand out more than it had before, and it intrigued him.

Kapik pulled her head back and looked with curious interest, wagging her tail.

"Kapik, did you understand me?" Ron asked quietly, pointing to his head.

"Wuf," Kapik said, wagging her tail a little.

Lupina and Rosie looked at one another. "No way," Rosie whispered, and Lupina shrugged her shoulders in a "I don't know" manner.

"Geez, I wonder if she really can understand me," Ron thought to himself as he looked with interest at Kapik.

Kapik looked very intently at Ron, and he thought he heard in his mind a soft, strange voice, "Kapik know man-brother come. Man-brother good, Kapik like-like much." Vocally, Kapik said, "Woo!" and wagged her tail.

"Ron," Lupina said with a snicker, "If I didn't know better, I think she rather likes you."

Ron had Rosie sit upon the rock by herself, while Lupina sat on the ground next to Kapik. Taking Rosie's hands into his, Ron said, "Rosie, I understand your concerns about my past and about what happened the last time we were at The Center, and you have every right to be concerned. As best as I understand it, I'll never have a reaction like that ever again. It happened once a long time ago, when...a group of us volunteered for something, and Dr. Sumpter was involved with it. Now we found out he's been deeply involved with the creation of the G.E.L.F.s, and three of our group just happen to be among the only ones who are readily compatible with all female G.E.L.F.s. I have a suspicion that the others will be compatible, too. After getting further enhanced so that our chances of having little ones will be even greater, and having the exact same reaction again, I don't think it's any coincidence. Lu and I fell for each other pretty quickly after we met, and I'm sure you remember how you acted when you first met me at the airport."

Rosie became embarrassed when she remembered how she had literally jumped on him then.

"Well," he continued, "I heard it was much the same for Dave when he met Lizzie. And as for Rob, I think it's pretty safe to say that he's quite taken by Helga, and I don't doubt that those two will end up being together. What I'm getting at is, strange as it might seem, I suspect that we're made for each other--literally. Maybe it wasn't what the scientists involved with us or with the G.E.L.F. program intended, but that seems to me how it worked out. Why, I don't know. I don't know why we had reactions like that and the people who had cosmetic genetic enhancements didn't, but then we're compatible with the female G.E.L.F.s and they're not. Anyway, I'm glad that it did, though, and having both Lupina and you in my life now seems perfectly normal to me."

Taking Rosie's left hand and holding it to his chest above his heart, and holding his left hand against her chest in the same location as he had done to Lupina before, Ron continued.

"Rosie, before all of Nature, I swear to you that I will never harm you, and that I will stand between you and any who would try to bring harm to you. To the last drop of my blood, to my last breath, I will fight to protect you. If we have any young between us, I will do my best to love and protect them, just as I will for Lupina and any young she and I may have. Your first night here I told you that you were safe--I meant that with all my heart. I could no more hurt you than I could Lupina, or even Kapik. That's why I insisted that you two didn't stay in that room with me at The Center--I wanted to keep you safe, and that was the best way that I could."

The forest was quiet, even the trees ceased their whispering, as if everything was waiting to hear what Rosie would say. She saw the truth in his eyes and heard it in his voice.

Before Rosie could speak, Kapik got up from where she had been lying beside Lupina, and walked up to Rosie. Kapik looked with gentle intensity into Rosie's eyes. Rosie felt Kapik's eyes penetrating deeply into her thoughts.

"Man-brother good, other friend safe. We like-like man-brother."

Rosie looked from Kapik to Ron, back to Kapik, and then to Lupina, back to Ron and back to Kapik in wide-eyed wonder.

"No way! I heard that!" Rosie exclaimed.

Kapik wagged her tail and gave Rosie a wolf hug.

"Heard what?" Lupina asked.

"What she said!" Rosie replied excitedly.

"Who are you yammering about?" Lupina asked, getting confused.

"Kapik! She said something--in my head!" Rosie replied.

"What?" Lupina asked in disbelief.

"You know, I think she can talk to us, up here," Ron said pointing to his head.

"You mean she's telepathic?" Lupina asked. She was beginning to think both Ron and Rosie were imagining things.

"Yah, something like that," Rosie said.

"I've never experienced anything like this before," Ron added.

Kapik looked intently at Ron and he heard the same soft, strange voice in his mind as before, only it was stronger this time, and easily heard.

"Man-brother different now, can hear Kapik."

"Kapik, have you always been able to do this?" Ron asked.

"Wuf," Kapik replied.

Ron, Lupina, and Rosie all exchanged surprised looks.

"Kapik, can Atka do this, too?" Ron asked.


"Can Sesi?" he asked again.


"Can your brothers and sister do it, too?" Ron asked.


"Amazing," Ron said quietly.

Kapik lifted her head and gave a short howl. Shortly thereafter, Atka, Sesi, and the others entered the glade and greeted everyone. Kapik looked intently at her parents for several seconds before lying down in front of Ron, after he and Rosie sat down next to Lupina.

Both Atka and Sesi sat in front of and facing Ron, Lupina, and Rosie.

"Sesi know, Sesi tell. Far away, warm place, many humans. Humans do things, try make others...," she began her story, telling it in her own fashion as much as she and Atka understood it, where she and her mate came from, how they came to live in this place, and what happened to the others they originally came with. Ron, Lupina, and Rosie sat in rapt attention as they listened to the tale told by both Sesi and Atka, who took turns relating the events that led up to when Ron and Rob first moved to the area.

[1] Oíche Shamhna - "Samhain night" in Irish, 31 October.

[2] http://celts.etrusia.co.uk/celtic_cultures.php