My life as a furry chapter 14: We meet again part 2

Story by Bell_the_gaomon on SoFurry

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#14 of My life as a furry

Sorry it took so long to reupload here iv been really busy but here it is chapter 14. Enjoy! :3

My life as a furry chapter 14: We meet again part 2

{Luan and Ethan}

"Hey Luan! Over here!" Ethan called out

Luan walked over to Ethan unsure about why he would be on this side of campus when his class is on the other.

"What happed? The whole school is talking about what went on in your class!" Ethan said loudly

"Huh?" Luan puzzled

"Quote on quote. 'Did you hear about the emo fag that lost his head in Mr. Walsh's class?' " Ethan explained (saying the quoted part in a higher pitched voice)

"Great..." Luan said sarcastically

"Ian's ex Waren just transferred here and judging by how he reacted when he saw Ian it wasn't a coincidence that he's here." Luan spat

"Shit! As we don't have enough to worry about with Ray here" Said Ethan

"Really" Luan agreed

[20 minutes later]


Ian was slowly starting to wake up, noticing he is not in his own bed he shot up looking around. He calmed when he realized who's room and bed this was and laid back down, starting to replay the memories of what happened before blacking out and sighed.

'I must have made a fool of my self, crying my self to sleep.'

Ian sighed once more turning to his side, he noticed a piece of folded paper on the bedside table with his name on it and picked it up and read what it said.

On the note: (In Japanese)

>Ian, you had a rough day please stay here and get some rest, and don't worry I had Joey call you in sick. Ill take notes for you in the class's we have together so you don't fall behind and if you need me I'm a text away so feel free.

Fumio <

'Oh Luan your such a sweetheart. No wonder I fell so hard for you' Ian thought

{Ethan and Luan}

"Well news sure finds its way around here huh?" Luan asked in monotone

"Some people have too much time on their hands." Luan continued

"Focus Luan! Where is Ian now?!" Ethan asked

"Calm down Ethan, I called him in sick, he is resting in my room." Luan calmed

"You better watch what you do with him if you of all people hurt him it would be the worst thing for him." Ethan warned

"I wouldn't do that!" Protested Luan

"Forgive me if I don't believe you since all the guys Ian has fell in love with before you turned out to be assholes." Ethan said harsh;y

"So I wasn't imagining things about that crush" Luan gasped

"Opps, shit, Ian's going to kill me for for letting that slip-wait wait wait you knew?" Ethan Cursed

"I had a hunch but I never thought id be his type I mean he seems so perfect and I'm so normal. Plus he seems to be distancing him self from me for some reason." Luan sighed

"Wait do you love him too?" Asked Ethan in gasp

"As a friend yes but as a person I admire him, I mean if he asked me out id say yes and see how it goes but no I don't currently love him in that way." Luan answered

"Look I'm sorry I was harsh, I'm just worried about him he's like a little brother to me." Ethan apologized

"I understand hun don't worry about it." Luan reassured

"Well since you and I are already late for class, think you could fill me in on a few thing to avoid with Ian I don't want to hurt him even more by accident?" Luan asked

"Are you asking me out?" Ethan joked

"I thought you were straight?" Luan joked back

They walked to the Coffee shop that Luan worked at and chatted.

{Max, Tony, and Casy @ History class}

Max, Tony and Casy where in their history class sitting at their desks which happen to be next to each other, the teacher has not showed up yet so to pass the time they started a conversation.

"So Maxi, how's your leg doing?" Casy asked

"Doing pretty well Joey said in a couple weeks or so i can have the cast taken off." Max said happily

"That's great Max!" Casy Cheered

"When can you go back to basketball?" Asked Tony

"Two to Three months after I get my cast off." Max said in a disappointed tone of voice

"Don't worry Max you'll be back on the court in no time you just got to occupy your self until then." Tony assured

"Okay." Max Mumbled

Just then a late otter student walked in the classroom and sat in the empty desk near Tony, Max and Casy. He looked at them for a minute and grinned.

"Your friends with that gay emo right?" The otter asked

"Yea, and he's not emo." Tony growled not liking the way the otter was speaking about his friend

"Word around campus is that he got kicked out of class after flipping out about a new student. I believe his name was Waren." Said the otter

"What, he's here?!" Max yelled

"Who's Warren?" Asked Casy

"He is Ian's ex, Ian dumped him after he tried to date rape him when we were in middle school." Max explained

"Your kidding me." Tony said in disbelief

"No I'm not." Max said seriously

[1 Hour later]

{Ian @ Luan's dorm room}

Ian woke up from his second nap to go to the restroom, he walked out of Luan's room and headed to the restroom and the end of the corridor when he hears a dreadfully familiar voice call his name. He thinks in his head 'please don't be him.' And turns around.

"Ah just the person I wanted to talk to. Hello Ian." Waren said

"What do you want?" Ian asked agitatedly

"I want to say I'm really sorry for what I did to you back in middle school, my time in jail has taught me how wrong what I did to you was. Please can you give me a second chance?" Waren apologized

"You have got to be kidding, your second chance was when you hit me when you were drunk and I forgave you, then you blew that when you drugged my drink and tried to rape me, and you think id take you back? No you blew it!" Ian Yelled

"But-." Waren pleaded

"No! You made your bed now you have to lie in it. You couldn't wait until I felt comfortable to have sex and tried to force me to instead, and on top of that you accused me of being unfaithful on top of that!" Ian interrupted

Ian tried to walk away but Waren grabbed his arm roughly and pulled him back over to him. Ian screamed for help as he tried to pull away from Waren's grip but was not strong enough to break free.

Waren pulled Ian along the corridor toward the rooms (My guess was he was taking me to his room.) when Ian saw Luan coming up the stairs, He called out for him and Luan came running over and kicked Waren in the stomach causing him to let go of Ian. Waren gave Ian a threating look and ran off.

Luan walked Ian to the restroom and took him back to his room for safekeeping and so he could talk to him in private. Ian held Luan's hand all the way to the door of Luan's room but let go so he could open it. They both walked in the room and Luan shut the door and walked toward Ian who was near the bed. Once Luan was in arms reach of him, Ian gently pushed him on the bed and crawled on the bed so he was almost on top of him.

"I-Ian w-what are you doing?" Luan stuttered blushing,

"Please Luan take me. Id rather you have my virginity than have it forcefully taken by Waren." Ian pleaded

"W-what! I cant do that to you." Luan protested

"Why are you rejecting me, am Is there something wrong with me?" Ian cried

"No its not that, your obviously not in a clear state of mind. I would be taking advantage of you! I couldn't do that to you." Luan explained

"But Lua-." Ian said

"No, Think about it. I'm sure this is not how you want to lose your virginity, and I don't want to take yours like that either." Luan interrupted

"So there is something wrong with me..." Ian sighed depressingly

"Ian, look at me." Luan said sternly

Ian hesitated at first but then slowly lifted his head up, looking Luan in his (Beautiful) hazel eyes. Luan stared in Ian's eye and gave him a serious face.

"There is nothing wrong with you, your handsome, kind, funny, anyone would be lucky to know you let alone be your friend. It's a shame others don't see that fact like I do, but you cant let them get you down, got it?" Explained Luan

"Do you really mean that?" Ian asked hopefully

"Every word." Luan responded reassuringly

Ian hugged Luan's torso causing both boys to fall back on Luan's bed, Ian who was now laying on top of and still hugging Luan looked up rested his chin on Luan's chest smiling thankfully at him with his eyes shut and a faint blush on his cheeks.

"Thank you very much Luan that mean so much to me that you said that." Ian thanked

"Your very welcome" Luan smiled

"By the way why did you come back to the dorms during the school day anyways, you forget something?" Asked Ian

"Actually I came to check on you." Luan replied

"Well thank you." Thanked Ian

"I better get going to my next class, see you later." Luan said after looking at his watch

"Ok" Ian agreed

[1 week later]

A week has passed since Waren joined Brimmington, in this time Ian has had many minor run ins with him which were having not only negative impacts on his mental wellness but his physical health as well.

The fear of history repeating its self with Waren, and Ray beating him up, was causing him too lose his apatite and preventing him from sleeping making him exhausted during the school day. Not wanting his friends to worry anymore than they already do, Ian tries his very best to hide this fact.

{Ian and Ethan @ English class}

Ian and Ethan sat in their desks and read from the books given to them by the teacher and started taking notes. When no one was looking Ethan looked up from his book and over to Ian who was reading through his book while resting his forehead on the palm of his hand and elbow on the desk (looking tired and a little ill).

This got him worried for Ian, he noticed Ian was walking a little shaky on the way to class. He also seems to be a little disoriented and distracted(I almost bumped into a couple different people on the way to class), one of the biggest changes Ethan noticed is the shoulder strap for Ian's bookbag/laptop case. He started using that after Ethan caught him struggling to carry it using the suitcase like handle attached which normally would be an easy task for him.

"Ian are you ok?" Ethan asked in a whisper

"Y-yeah I'm fine." Ian Lied hoping that he didn't make him more worried (and that I'd be forgiven for lying)

They both went back to reading their books and taking notes, Ethan was relieved that Ian said he was alright but still couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong with him.

[20 minutes later]

{Luan, Tammy and Yumi @ Biology}

Luan, Tammy and Yumi sat on their stools that lined the long counters in the biology lab. They were doing a lab on how bacteria react to different chemicals. Tammy was mixing a beaker, Yumi was writing down some results on a work sheet, and Luan was pouring a chemical into a beaker with bacteria in it.

Tammy looked at Luan who seemed distracted almost pouring too much chemical into the beaker of bacteria. This got her worried about him, she looked over at Yumi who was still writing and seemed not to notice her brother's distress.

"Hey Luan are you ok?" Tammy asked

"Oh, he's worried about his boyfriend." Yumi said

"He tried to give me his virginity." Luan replied with dread

"What"?! Both Yumi and Tammy yelled

"He said he rather me have it than Waren forcibly take it. I didn't let him though I could never use him like that." Said Luan in a depressed and sad tone

"Its bad enough that Ray is here but now Waren too, and both have a track record for harming him. The poor thing has to be terrified 24/7." Luan continued

"Its ok big brother he has us to protect him." Reassured Yumi

"Sometimes I feel like it isn't enough." Luan said in almost a whisper

[40 minutes later]

{Luan and Ian @ History)

Ian and Luan sat at their desks on opposite sides of the room. Ian sat at his desk feeling like crap, the feeling is like a mix of emptiness light headedness and exhaustion. It was hard for him to see straight let alone concentrate on school work but he tried his very best to hide this from Luan but this act was in vain when Ian's vision blurred until all he saw was blackness and every thought in his head faded away. Ian fell out of his desk unconscious to the floor, this caused the whole class to gasp and Luan to jump out of his seat and yell:


"Mr. Russo!?" The teacher gasped

"Someone get him help!" Luan yelled in distress

"Ill call an ambulance sit tight class." The teacher ordered

The teacher called 911 and the ambulance arrived, Luan called Ethan who met him at the ambulance. They both insisted on going with Ian to the hospital which was aloud for medical questions. The ride to the hospital took 15 to 20 minutes, once there Ian was put in a room he was given a short evaluation to check how dire the medical situation is. 10 minutes later the actual doctor (a bear) came in and gave the final lookdown, when the doctor pulled up Ian's shirt up to put heart monitors he gasped when he noticed how skinny he was.

"Um please don't take this question the wrong way but is your friend here anorexic by chance?" The doctor asked

"No he's not." Ethan replied trying not to get mad at that question

"Okay, does he have a high metabolism? Hyperthyroidism?" Continued The doctor with his questions

"He has a really high metabolism." Ethan answered

"High metabolism?" Luan wondered

"Yes, people with a high metabolism body burns calories at a greater rate than average. For some it only means they wont gain weight no mater what they eat, for others they are forced to constantly consume large amounts of food on a daily basis to maintain their weight. If they don't eat enough over a period of time they become weak from lack of energy." Explained the doctor

"How much has Ian been eating as of late?" Asked the doctor

"Come to think of it haven't seen him eat the normal amount of food he usually easts in almost a week." Ethan thought out loud

"A high metabolism indeed, he already incredibly undernourished for only a week, it looks more like he's gone two weeks with only enough food to keep him alive." The doctor said

"I'm going to to start him on an I.V drip to help get him re-nourished, in the mean time I need you two to tell me if you guys have any idea what could be the cause of this." The doctor continued

"Stress probably." Said Luan sadly

"Stress? That would explain the loss of apatite." The doctor said putting the needle for the I.V into Ian's arm

"Also the weakness and the lack of sleep." Ethan put in

"What kind of health risks does this pose on him?" Luan asked worriedly

"Well... This condition has a direct effect on blood sugar levels. Low blood sugar can lead to dizziness, irritability, irregular heartbeat and excessive sweating. When the body converts food to energy too quickly, this means there are more times during the day when a person's blood sugar levels dip. Maintaining these levels is important for almost everyone, although those whose metabolism is fast often have more difficulty taking time out of the day to eat as often as they should. This condition can also lead to hyperthyroidism, a medical condition that causes the thyroid to produce too many hormones and push a metabolism even higher." Replied the doctor

"Oh no..." Luan gasped

"Please, tell me about what you guys know about the stress he's been having." The doctor urged

The two Digimon explained the situation to the doctor the best they could, at some parts took a little extra explaining but in the end he understood. The doctor finished questioning them and left the room, leaving the Guilmon and Gabumon to their Gaomon friend.

[13 hour later]

Ian slowly opened his eyes to find himself in a hospital bed with a needle in his arm, when he looked around he found Luan and Ethan hunched over in their chairs asleep using the free space at the foot of the bed as a pillow. The first thought that came to Ian's mind was 'Oh shit', Ian sat up causing the bed to wiggle and wake Luan up.

"Ian! Your awake?' Luan asked groggily

"Yea..." Ian answered almost inaudibly

"Why didn't you tell me?" Asked Luan worriedly

"I didn't want anyone to worry about me. I didn't want to be a bother..." Ian replied looking to the floor

"We'll worry about you regardless, and you're not a bother at all, sometimes people need someone to depend on." Luan explained softly

"That's just it, I feel like I depend on you guys too much especially you, I mean you fight my battles, literally, you're my shoulder to cry on, your..." Ian Broke out crying

Luan saw this and his heart sank, he didn't want to see his friend like this. Then he started thinking about how Ian feel about himself if he fully broke down in a public place, and how it would only dig a deeper hole of suffering for him.

Coming to his senses from being in deep thought, he noticed Ian's crying to be getting louder, and his mood worsening, this is going just where he didn't want it. He glanced at Ethan who was some how still sleeping, then back at the crying Gaomon, he had to think fast. So he pulled Ian into a comforting hug and gave a small kiss on the forehead.

His quickly thought out plan worked, the act of more than friendly 'love'

caused his tears to halt, replacing them with a blush and a confused look. Luan felt really bad about using Ian's crush to his advantage like this, hoping the fact that he's doing this for a good cause would make up for it.

"It's ok Ian, you can always depend on me, and I'm sure the same goes for the rest of are friends." Luan said softy while rocking him back and forth in a comforting motion

"Oh Luan..." Ian trailed off

'If only you knew how much his kindness meant to me...' Ian thought

After 10 continuous minutes the rocking seemed to be enough to wake Ethan up. He blinked a few times, (my guess is to get the sleep out of his eyes but to this day I don't know for sure) then shot up looking at us with surprise and confusion. Both Ian's and Luan's eyes widened at this reaction.

"Ok how long was I out? More importantly what the hell happed while I was out?" Ethan asked confused out of his mind

"Umm..." Both Ian and Luan say

Just then Ethan's phone alarm rang startles the three Digimon, Ethan turned the ringer off and looked up to Luan. Just then a nurse (a deer) knocked on the door and walked in.

"We have to go now, or we'll miss the last bus back to school." Ethan interrupted

"I'm sorry, we have to go." Luan apologized

Luan got off the bed and followed Ethan to the door, just before they could leave the room Ian spoke up.

"Um Luan." Ian said

"Yes?" Luan responded

"May I be selfish and request a favor from you?" Ian asked

"Sure, go ahead." Luan replied

"Can you stay here with me? I don't want to be alone here." Ian requested

"I'm sorry to interrupt but, when visiting hours end you're friend will have to leave." Said The nurse

"Cant one stay with me?" Asked Ian

"The only exceptions to this rule is if your family or a-- romantically involved with the person." Answered The nurse

"Oh..." Ian sighed sadly

It was quiet for a moment, it was like there was nothing to say, nothing to argue past. Luan thought for a moment and got and idea, he cleared his thought and spoke up.

"I'm his boyfriend." Luan lied

'Whaa? Is he Lying for me?' Ian thought blushing

"Oh then I'm sure your ok but your friend here still has to go." The nurse informed

"Okay, bye guys. See you tomorrow." Ethan waved as he left as fast as he could

"Okay I'm going to check your blood pressure Mr. Russo." The nurse said

"Okay" Ian held out his arm

She put the cuff on Ian's arm and started squeezing the rubber ball at the end, inflating the cuff. The nurse kept her eye on the meter as she started deflating the cuff of its air and looked at Ian.

"Your blood pressure is back to normal." Said The nurse

"That's good." Ian commented

"Would you like something to eat?" Asked the nurse

"Um sure." Ian replied

"How about you?" The nurse asked looking at Luan

"No thank you." Luan answered

"Alright ill be right back." Cheered the nurse

The nurse walked out the door and closed it behind her, Ian looked at Luan who was sitting beside him on the bed. Ian put his hand on Luan's shoulder trying to get his attention since he was deep in thought staring at the wall.

"Thank you for doing this, it means a lot to me." Ian thanked

"Your welcome, it's the least I could do." Luan said kindly

"By the way... W-why did you kiss me earlier?" Asked Ian (blushing)

"I thought it would calm you down? Why did you not like it?" Luan replied

"I-its not that its just... I didn't expect it that's all." Ian blushed

[48 minutes later]

{Back at school in the dorms}

The group of friends (minus Ian and Luan of course) sat together in the empty rec room to disuses the situation on what happened to Ian and why Luan did not come back to the school with Ethan.

"So how is he?" Tammy asked

"He is doing better though it did take a really long time for him to regain consciousness which still worries me." Ethan answered

"Poor Ian, I can't imagine what it must be like for him." Casy said as he looked to the floor

"None of us can, he's been through so much in his life, and it just seems to get worse for him. He deserves better than this." Max exclaimed

"He does." Tony agreed

The rest of the group nodded in agreement at these words.

"So how did my brother get the hospital to let him stay?" Asked Yumi

"He convinced the staff that he's Ian's boyfriend." Ethan replied

" Then again, even before they put on that act they were pretty close." Ethan continued

{Luan and Ian @ hospital}

"So how long have you two been going out?" The nurse asked

"Ummm" Ian thought out loud

"Three months." Luan interrupted

"Well good for you two." The nurse cheered

The nurse's beeper lit up and started beeping.

"Oh sorry I have to go." The nurse said and ran out the door

"Okay" Both Ian and Luan said after she left

"Luan , may I ask you a question?" Ian asked

"Sure" Luan answered

"Why do you do so much for me?"

(To be continued)