My Life as A Kindred Chapter 2 part 2

Story by Shaden and Shalendrea Kit'ranth on SoFurry

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#2 of My Life as a Kindred

Chapter 2 part two.

By Lady Shandi

edited by Wolf 421

author notes: as always this is a fan fiction and based heavily on a roleplaying game created by White Wolf inc that wolf421 and I played for 5 years straight. We do not own any part of the company or copyrights, ect ect. With exception to a set of books they sell for rp'ing*shrugs*. And if you haven't read chapter 1 please do so. Or you will be a little lost because some of the words I use that at the time of the setting of the story had a different meaning than it does in modern day. Example: lover in ancient Rome meant best friend...and didn't have a the sexual connotation is does today.

The My life as a Kindred series is my intellectual property and may not be copied or used in anyway but for your reading enjoyment or pawing enjoyment whatever the case may be.

---They were now back at Amandus's mansion just outside of Rome. The days and weeks to follow had became a blur to Amandus as he healed. He was so totally in love with Servius and his wife he felt torn. On who to spend his time with, and doing what he could to heal. Thankfully she was the understanding sort, she understood his needs and he remembered how she had put it. ---

"Amandus...I love you and will always love you. You have me as your wife and always will, only I bare your children which is something he can not do. I hold that sacred. Besides you love both sexes Ami. You have me as your wife for all the senate, noble houses and the rest of world to see. Why not take him to be your loving husband? But obliviously you could not claim him as such openly, but what is one more family secret?" Tatiana reasoned wisely as she shrugged her shoulders inwardly hiding her attraction for Servius from her husband.

Amandus looked at her surprised for a few moments and then smiled at her.

"My sweet loving, forgiving, wise and generous Tati, I really don't know what to say. But you have relieved me of a burden that has bothered me for some time. Thank you." Amandus said affectionately as he held his wife and kissed her deeply with the full loving passion he felt for her.

A few moments later Tatiana pulled away. But Amandus grabbed her arms and continued his lusty advances. "Amandus I hardly think that for well enough to make love yet. However I'm not sure what medicine that Servius is giving you, but it's working. so I have no reason not to be grateful. He brought you back from almost dying. I can see you love him as much as you love me, and with the way he looks at you I can see he feels the same. I had always suspected that senator Servius was not really into females of any age.-" Began Tatiana

"What did you say?" Amandus interrupted, shocked.

"Well.. weren't you listening I said I had always suspected that Senator Servius-"

"When was he a senator?" Asked Amandus incredulously.

"Oh well he's always been one, he works at the night courts and doesn't come out during the day, some joke that he's a blood drinking monster but everyone knows that he always drinks too much and is usually sleeping it off during the day. He usually has a bad headache the next evening and repeats the process all over again....I swear the only reason the people keep him around is unlike most of the senate he doesn't take a week or more to make a decision he calls them within a night or two and usually is right and fair in my opinion. But you wouldn't know all this as you were spending your evenings when you were younger rutting with your brother or various wenches, maids and your cousin. If you weren't doing that it was games of chance, or drinking. You were doing anything a normal man your age would have been doing at night, why would you care what happened at the night courts?" Tatiana asked seriously.

Amandus's right eyebrow shot strait up so fast in a look of intrigue that it was comical.

Tatiana could barely contain her giggles but Amandus ignored her for the moment and thought about what she had said.

"You're right of course, and now that he is my closest of lovers I really don't care. Actually it's the opposite It's good to know I will have lovers on my side in the senate house." Replied Amandus honestly.

"It is at that. Now how about you go get washed up and get ready. I received a letter via slave of Servius announcing his wish to call on us and have dinner with him.

Amandus groaned at his wife and just grabbed her. As she yelled in surprise, Amandus rolled on top of her in their shared bed then impaled her on his erect shaft, all in one smooth move. Amandus grunted with each thrust into his wife's hot cunt.

"AMANDUS! Stop what are you doing! You're scaring me! I told you no, oh god! Stop please!" Tatiana yelled as Amandus began thrusting into her harder and deeper just like he knew she loved it. Amandus seemed to ignore her at first but after a good 15 minutes of hard thrusting he finally spoke.

"I'm- sorry- oh yeah by the gods your tight! I need you Tati, It's been too long! You are my wife, and I will sate my hunger for you by filling you with all the seed I can give you! Too long, it's been too long, I'm gonna cum, forgive meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!"begged Amandus grunting and groaning with each word he spoke as Tati slowly started to become wet inside despite her objections. Her fighting became weakened and finally just fell into the ecstasy of their rough lovemaking as her orgasm began just as Amandus began talking about putting as much of his seed into her as he could. She could feel his knot and knew they were tied as he cummed hard inside her.

But for once Amandus didn't stop, he kept going banging his knot inside her expanding her tender flesh and the look of ultimate sexual ecstasy and fulfillment was on Amandus's face as Tatiana clamped down on Amandus's cock hard. Making him scream loudly as he shoot his largest load ever directly into Tatiana's womb not even realizing he had passed that barrier. It wasn't long before that knowledge had Amandus twitching in Climax his body on overdrive his mind numb to anything but the sweet hedonistic feel of his wife's hot, juicy, very tight 19 year old cunny. Over and over he heard Tatiana cry out in pleasure, her earlier objections temporarily forgotten. The loving after glow set in as Amandus passed out on top of Tatiana. And with some difficulty she was able to roll them both to a better position with her on top with the need for sleep taking her not long after.

A few hours later after sunset.

Amandus wakes up to feeling someone crawling into bed with him. He feels his wife now gone, he quickly assumes she must have woken up before him as was her habit. He could feel the blessed blade of a fighting knife just under his pillow and before he could grab the blade, it was snatched from him. His mouth covered and he felt fangs sink into his neck. The familiar feel of the Kiss make him stop fighting and he shudders with pleasure. A ice cold horse sized cock was being worked carefully into his asshole. He was being raped to top it off he didn't know by who. But for some reason this was turning him on. With every brutal thrust they came closer and closer to climax. But at feeling an obvious kindred feeding from him Amandus came hard as the Kiss overwhelmed his senses. Not long after Amandus came awake and giggled when he looked behind himself.

"How do you do that? Sneak in past all our guards, it's unnerving." Amandus said sounding amused.

"I apologize my dear, it's just a natural ability I've had all my the saying goes." the stranger Said.

" Ooh Servius you just want me to yourself for a little while. Admit it!" Said Amandus chuckling.

Servius laughed as he nodded his head and shrugged his shoulders.

"What can I say, I enjoy your company. But without further stalling, I have sent Tati away to the market for a special order in the kindred part of town. It will take her several hours and no doubt she will be rather irate with me when she returns. But she wears a pendant that bears my mark of protection so she will come back safely. But for now on to my task. Not a word from you my childe." Informed Servius flatly.

It was then that Servius sunk his fangs into Amandus's neck again and Amandus could feel his life slipping away and into the hungry maw of the Kindred feeding on him. It occurred to late for him to start fighting and his death was a peaceful one he even for a moment thought he was in the elysian fields. Then he felt something shoved into his mouth, and a coppery, iron taste filled his mouth that his mind registered was blood. Time had no value and his perceptions were becoming confused...

"Drink Amandus, damn it DRINK!" Ordered Servius concerned and suddenly scared.

Out of reflex Amandus swallowed the blood. And from there the horror began. Swallow after swallow, the pain of the transformation from mortal to Kindred began.

Amandus felt the death of his body and felt his soul being yanked from the entrance to the elysian fields. Amandus continued to drink but then the source of the blood was yanked away, and the agony became to much.

Amandus later woke to the feeling of being washed, and a sureal feeling of floating in warm water. But yet he was cold so so cold. It was then he realized that he wasn't breathing and panicked.

"Easy Amandus, you're Kindred now. Remember Kindred don't breath. Calm down..." Servius spoke soothingly.

"I'm dead? You killed me...why?"Asked Amandus confused and horrified.

"I told you that I would Embrace you did I not? And that it would be at a time of my own choosing?" replied Servius kindly and indulgently.

Amandus got a look of comprehension and remembrance and only nodded.

"But why now? I had wanted to stay with my family raise my son! WHY? WHY now!" Amandus demanded as he crumpled to the floor crying.

Servius looked away guiltily as he began to speak.

"Kindred politics. I ask your forgiveness Amandus, I have more bad news. Aengellus and your cousin have gone missing. I have a feeling what happened to your cousin but I can't be certain. Despite my best efforts to find him Aengellus has been stolen from the one who's mark he bares. And now after 3 weeks, it will be impossible to find them. Especially if Adonis has taken Marcius into his fold. If that is what happened I can suspect that you will see him again someday, take comfort in that. But that's sadly not the worst of it... the scene where Aengellus was taken, he fought back, and it looks like he lost a lot of blood. It was a Gangrel named Miran that took him. And if she didn't embrace him I regret to say... your twin has died. As a result of this all the others that had a interest in your family after that incident fast forwarded their time tables myself included. I mourn your loss, I'm sorry. I needed to embrace you before someone else built up the courage to try and steal you from me. In a sense to protect you and your wife and son as well as my own interests in you. I love you Amandus. I will do anything to keep you safe, happy, and mine. If that means pushing the Masquerade to near exposure because of your love of your wife and son, then so be it, but I warn you, unless you want them to be your first victims of your thirst you would do well to send them away. Not permanently mind you, just visiting relatives for a time. It's not like Tatiana has seen her parents, aunts or uncles since you were married, I thinks it's over due." said Servius possessively but reasonably with a loving smile.

"3 WEEKS!!-" Amandus began but was cut off by Servius

"Amandus yelling and complaining will not help matters any but to bring the unwanted ears of your servants! Now calm yourself. The others that had designs on your family have failed. Your my childe now and nothing can change that." Servius said a concerned tone in his voice.

"Then if what you think has happened, what is your next move?" Amandus asked still obviously upset but his voice was level and controlled.

"Well, that depends on you, Amandus. You are of course righteously upset. I will tell you as I already know you will ask. The last anyone of your family had seen of Aengellus was when he had visited you last, and this presents a problem not easily solved unless one of the slaves that saw him arrive, saw him leave in perfect health.-" Servius began worriedly, but was interrupted by Amandus.

"What in the name of Hades are you talking about! Are you saying that they are going to think I killed him? Please! I could no more kill my own twin then I could kill you bare handed! and my Family knows I would never kill my own does the senate." Amandus said confidently.

"Be that as it may," conceded Servius before continuing. "But not every senator will do have enemies Ami...You know this as well as I do. They will do anything to get you repudiated by the emperor, And the senate I might add. They must first destroy your good name before they can get anywhere near you to cause you harm. Someone among the kindred, but I can deal with them. Don't worry about that...I plan to call a world wide blood hunt on Miran tonight in my court. I also plan to present you as my Childe as such are under my protection and my Domain." Servius informed Amandus matter-of-factly.

" Domain Sire, you only briefly explained the Kindred Traditions...please tell me again?" requested Amandus curiously.

"Amandus you know I dislike repeating myself so pay attention this time. The first covenant or Tradition as you called them is the Covenant." Servius got a far away look as if remembering something before continuing. "I quote the Father of us all, Caine, in this so pay attention.'Thy blood makes thee my brood,crafted in my image. My Curse is thine, My salvation thine. I stand before you and above thee as god-regent. I am the way, my Traditions covenant. Renounce me and renounce all hope' thus spoke Caine of the first covenant. The second is Domain of which Caine said 'As I am master of Nod, thy domain is thine own concern. Thou art it's master, and all will respect this or suffer thy wrath. All will present themselves when entering, and thou shall protect them in turn. By right thou art allowed to hunt within the bounds of thy domain, it's blood thine own. Accept its responsibilities, minister thy domain and pay others the same respect thou expect.' the third is Progeny. To this Caine said " Thou shalt only sire another with the permission and blessings of thine elder. To create is the providence of those closest to me, for they shall be accountable. Break this and both thee and thy progeny shall be slain.' Now as I am the Prince of the Kindred courts here in Rome I can embrace freely, all of Rome is my domain. And I am considered the eldest of Rome. I am Caine's childer. I would love to say that I met my final death them my childer rose up against me but this was not the truth of it. I am Servius Ventrue and I am the last known second generation left and the progenitor of Clan Ventrue. That makes you a third, or antediluvian, I have made you strong Ami but there are those that would try to take your power the power in your blood. My court doesn't know that I am what I am because I mask my generational thrum to that of a fourth gen. And you will mask yours to a fifth gen for your own safety." Spoke Servius but held his hand up forestalling Amandus's questions.

"Wait until I am finished. And yes Caine does speak like that, well currently any way...back to the lesson shall we?" Asked Servius, to which Amandus nodded and gestured for him to continue.

"The next tradition is Accounting for which Caine commanded 'Those Thou create are thine own blood until released from thy charge. Until that moment their sins their blood and their punishment are thine.' Do you understand the full repercussions of this covenant Ami?" Asked Servius and Amandus nodded mutely.

"Good then I won't have to worry about you messing up and getting us both delivered to our final deaths. Follow the Covenants and you have nothing to worry about. Now for the fifth Tradition, that is the tradition of Destruction. 'Forbidden art thou to spill the blood of another of thy kind who is elder. This right belongs to the closest to me and none other. It is forbidden for those weaker blood to rise against their elders. This is my final covenant.' Thus spoke Caine. And the last law that Caine ordered is the sixth, the silence of blood. To Caine said ' Never shalt thou reveal thy true nature to those not of the blood. Doing so shall renounce thy claims to my covenant. Now understand I know you want to tell Tati what has happened but you can't. She will most likely think you have lost all sanity at best or a monster at worst. That is why I told you to send her away to her parents for a visit." Servius stated understandingly.

"Very well sire I look forward to the court" said Amandus agreeably.

All to soon they were at court and Amandus was presented as Servius's childer all was going well until..

(authors note: the * around word is meant for telepathic communication)

*Servius get thee out of thine city! Take thine childer with you. Theuderic has somehow found his way to Rome and will be attacking in only an hour time! Rome will fall there is nothing thou can do without breaking my Covenant. Thou art 50,000 barbarians one hours ride from Rome. Hurry my childe there isn't much time! RUN! I hast taken into my protection thine childer's wife,son, his brother's wife and twin daughters. They art safely at Tatiana's parents home in Pompeii. Now go!* Commanded a voice Servius knew very well... it was the Mindvoice of Caine himself.

*As you will Father* Servius answered back mentally.

"Amandus pack light. Bring a cloak, all your money and several changes of clothes, horses for us both...we are leaving now. Follow me and question me not. We must leave quickly." Commanded Servius in a urgent whisper.

Amandus could only nod as he sped to collect the items he was told to get. He met back up with Servius at his villa on the south side of Rome. From there they rode hard and fast heading south for a league or so until Servius turned west with Amandus following. Neither of them spoke but Servius could tell that Amandus was worried.

"Ami you're worried for your family I take it?"

"Yes I am" said Amandus said concerned.

"There is no need to was an unexpected turn of events but for the good....your wife, son, Viviana and her daughters were taken to Pompeii they are safely in the arms of your don't worry...I'm sorry Amandus she will have to think you died in defending Rome. If she sees you now...-" began Servius but was interrupted by Amandus.

" I know and I hate it, to protect them I must abandon them and yet it is a stain on my honor that I must do so. Why, why are we leaving Rome in such a rush that I could not say goodbye to what's left of my family?you have been in a rushing us since we left Rome. What's going on here? I'm not happy about this at all! Please Servius answer me!" questioned Amandus angrily.

Servius glared at Amandus angrily. "Did I not tell you not to question me! Now is not the time Amandus! We are not out of danger yet my childe. Now ride! I promise I will answer all your questions when we are at a safe distance from Rome. Amandus, please be patient. I understand your frustration with me. We must get safely to Gaul,we are going to the place of my birth northern Britannia. We'll be safe there." Chided Servius angrily but quickly calmed himself and smiled.

Amandus only nodded and continued to rise at Servius's side quietly. A few hours later they were at a safe enough distance for Servius to feel safe, yet could still see Rome in the distance and Theuderic's massive army sacking Rome. Upon sight of this Amandus fell to tears, as he cried at the loss of his home,family and his way of life. nothing now was left. Amandus and Servius watched as huge plumes of smoke rose from Rome along with the villas in the north and now the South what was Rome is now gone, stacked and razed.

"Who did this? How did you know! Why didn't we stay and fight. I don't understand, why?why all the secrecy what is it you intend to keep hidden from me until it was too late for me to do anything!" raged Amandus completely distraught.

"To protect you my childe, I had no other choice. There was nothing we could have done without breaking Caine's covenants. I was ordered by Caine to get you out of the city. Remember no one must know of the existence of Kindred. There was many times that I was tempted to break that covenant to save Rome, but it would mean that as soon as my sire caught up with me he would deliver me to my final death. You as well. He is not as forgiving as I am. Now let us leave this depressing ruin. Let us start a new life for ourselves in Britannia. You have much to learn, and I have much to teach you. We will have our revenge this I promise you, but not now. And it was Theuderic that did this." answered Servius as he sat astride his own horse crying his own tears, at the loss of Rome.