A Cry For Freedom Chapter 3: The Necro-fur Kingdom

Story by Musica Wolfsbane on SoFurry

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#3 of The Cry For Freedom

Sorry everyone that the 3rd chapter toke so long, I had other things on my mind. I know this is maybe a little hard to stand with but I was telling Nathan Osworth about the story that i was writing and that he was a great part to the whole story; however, I then had this crazy idea that why not get the perspective from him since he will be n the story. So, in order to do that, I created a joint-story to where both Nathan and I could express our perspectives from each side of the story. Chapter 4 will be coming soon ^^ Hope you've got room for more!

My mouth started to bleed as I felt more than enough pain ever endured in life itself; it was a major burning sensation corrupting through my blood as though something caused it to bleed, I can't believe that Nathan is really gone... I thought he would stay beside me forever and he would never betray me, I am so heart-broken by how he attacked me. I started to pant as my lungs were lustful for air, of course though, it was only the result of trying to stand. I gave a loud grunt as I was thrown into a place cold, cold and horrible to my skin. My skin was so dark and very Jasmine-colored, but it was also swollen as though someone had tried to do away with me. I look to my fur as I gasped and started to whimper, my fur was shaved my body is bare. I looked around to my left and right crying as all I saw was furries that were disowned forcefully. They cut off our fur and left us without warmth, and the lack knowing of what they are going to do to us. I started to gasp as I see Nathan.....but even more so when I saw him with that human I saw before: he looked the same as he did before he was diseased. My heart seemed to leap out of my chest, only to crash again when I saw the two talk. I could barely overhear what they were talking about.

"Have you seen any other of these....."vermin" on that island?" he asked Nathan. His voice made my furless skin crawl; the otter ,my otter, chuckled.....it sounded almost evil. "No, sir," he answered "We've brought all those still alive here, sir......however, there are still those that are refusing the serum." The human scoffed "Ha! As stubborn as they have always been.....right down to their ancestors. Do they know it will "cure" the disease?" Nathan nodded "Yes, sir....but they still refuse." The human scoffed and turned around "Continue the procedure anyway: we need as many of these "vermin" on our side......very soon, once they take that serum, they will be as obedient as you....." With that, they left the room -which I am now more convinced is a cell.

'N-no.....' I thought as both Nathan and the human left the room: my sweet, kind, sympathetic Nathan....now one with one of those humans. All because he took that serum; it cured his sickness, but now he's a mental slave to those hairless mammals! My Nath.....gone....

I pulled myself up from the ground and tried to stand: I wasn't going to be able to do ANYTHING if I was just laying in a lump like the others. I held onto the wall as I tried to get to my feet; my legs seemed to buckle against themselves.....but, after a few seconds, I manage to stabilize myself against the wall. It felt cold against my bare skin; I cursed those humans for shaving me, leaving me basically naked in this cold, damp, moldy cell-like room. 'If I could just.....stay standing....' I thought, taking a step away from my bracer; I felt my body give under my legs and I fell crashing down to the floor again: I couldn't move, I didn't have the energy.....hell, I didn't have the motivation: why bother? These humans are obviously going to kill us......the furs on the ground in my cell already look like they're dead.....why struggle?

"N-no.....I... can't give in!" I felt the words pass my lips: I can't just give up....not with Lapris's existence in jeopardy -no, not just Lapris....ALL FURRY KIND! I can't just lie here in a heap and give these humans the satisfaction! I'm not going to just lay down and die!

As those thoughts burned in my mind I felt my legs shift and move; my arms moved without my telling and I felt myself starting to be propped up on all fours like a Feral. As I got up I pushed up and felt myself get back on my feet; I wobbled a bit and my paw braced the wall again.....but I stopped after a few seconds. I released the wall and felt my body stay centered: time to risk things.

I took a step forward.....I stayed standing. I took another, still standing. I smiled and started walking to the cell door; I felt my foot trip over a fur and my arms flailed to grab something: I grabbed the rusty bars of the cell and pulled myself up. Once I was back to normal, I began yelling as loud as I could.

"LET ME OUT OF HERE! LET ME OUT! DAMMIT!" my voice echoed off the walls as I yanked on the bars: they were rusty, but solidly attached to the wall; no way I could get out of here on my own, anyway. I continued to yell and shake the cell door, trying in vain to gain attention or to break out of here: it wasn't practical, but it was something.

"Ah, you're awake." I heard someone say, followed by a chuckle; I glance around and saw Nathan walk into my field of vision: he must've been keeping watch. I growled at him, for once in my life, "What are you doing?! Why are you helping HUMANS?!" I asked him. He smiled, the sight almost sickening to me the way he did; his voice was just like it always was "I've seen the error of my ways: we are animals, Musica.....meaning we need a strong Master to guide us....humans are the natural choice. We have been let of our leash for far too long.....we NEED discipline, order, command.....don't you see?"

"What I SEE is my mate ,the one I love more than ANYONE else in the world, betray his entire race! How could you?!" I asked him. He took a step out of my vision and started to pace in front of me. "When the disease overtook Lapris, I was infected almost immediately: I felt like I would die.....but then my Master, Carmen, gave me an antidote.....I always believed humans were merciless creatures, ones that wished our destruction.....but Carmen has changed my view: humans wish to SAVE us, guide us down a road with light that will banish all of the darkness we have surrounded ourselves in." He looked back at me and gave a pleading look; his paws reached for mine and held it gently....like when he was still my mate. "Please, Musica....my loving wolf......join us: the humans have already saved so many others....they can save you too from yourself....."

I felt torn, absolutely torn: here was Nathan, my Nath, asking me to join the humans that did all of this to the furs of Lapris.....and he wanted me to join him with the humans?! As painful as it was, I tore my paws out of his and looked directly into his eyes "I would never join them.....even for you, my Nath..... I'll never forgive them for doing this to us....to YOU...." The otter, at first startled, just chuckled......then started to flat-out laugh hysterically at me. "Wow, what idiocy! Like it matters anyway: soon enough, it'll be your turn to be purged....just like all the others.....that's when you'll either join, or die like the others that have "revolted" against us." I gritted my teeth: for once, I hated my mate so deeply. He merely kept smiling, turning around and walking away "Hope you change your mind, though.....I've been feeling lonely without my mate...." he trailed off as he said that, leaving my vision by going down a corridor.

That last comment shocked me a bit: Nathan felt lonely without me....he's still in there. That serum HASN'T fully taken him over; maybe there's a way to help him still, before it's too late. 'It's a long shot, but I HAVE to take it: I'm GOING to save him, no matter the cost.....he's worth too much to me.

Nathan's Perspective

I started to look up at my commander, he was a great inspiration to me; for many years I was trapped in the body of a fur, it was of my most horrid years like being stuck in an animal's body was a curse to my being. I cursed the day that I was mated to Musica because he was always so persistent and he would never stop to think about how his actions can affect me. I never wanted to double-cross him, but I did what I have to do. I hug commander Jason, he was the reason for me shredding my fur and transforming me back into a human once more; in my eyes, I will always be his slave.

'Let me out' is the mindset I was thinking internally. 'I don't deserve to do wrong to my mate, let me out of here!' I was trapped, my true essence inside of the mind of the beast, I was being possessed by the venom that bit me. I am being forced against my will inside of the brain of myself; however, I am able to see what is happening outside of my head.

I knew what I was doing, and I hated every second I was doing it: my heart ached as I worked with the humans, with Comander Jason.....yet my mind was too into it. Even though I knew it was wrong, the serum, the "antidote" that stopped the disease that was on Lapris, kept me from turning on the humans: I had my mindset, yet I had no control over what I REALLY wanted to do. I cursed myself for turning on Musica.....on the other furs.

I remember it all like it was yesterday.... The commander had fully dosed me with the venom and I fell right into his control like a lamb to the slaughter. I started to give a small whimper as my hypnotized body looked over to the right, I have a plan for what I must do as I see the power core, a reactor that was controlling the truck. I looked bewildered as I see an iron door of silver, it was so cold that frost was being produced on the base of the door in order to freeze it shut. The commander gave one nod to me as I nodded back and pounded the door with my bare hands; it was useless as he had me as a human form, but I didn't stop, my knuckles started to bleed as I then feel my fists are getting numb. My pale-skinned fists started to become red as one by one, my bones were broken down to the marrow and every blood vein was being disrupted then bursted without a chance for rejuvination.

"Don't worry," he called to me, "You'll be out soon enough.....all you have to do is take that serum: you'll be out when you do.....AND you'll have your fur back; it's a win-win." I growled as I gave the door another punch: as my fist hit the door, I felt the pain ripple into my arm. "NO! Let's Me OUT!" I heard the human chuckle and then nothing. He must have left me. I turned and laid my bare back to the cold door: I felt I would be stuck to it or I'd get cold faster, but I was tired....and punching the door anymore would hurt me even moreso. I looked at the human in the room and he merely smiled: his eyes were as cold as the door; he knew I would accept....

I had no other choice: if I wanted to get out, I had to take that command in order to get the serum. I had to force myself to his bidding in order to keep Musica to be alive; soon, I would be able to set him free from the commander, but, of course, that was my plan orginally until he dominated over my own power and overdosed me with the serum of the zombie after I was released from the experimentation table at Musica's house. I started to look hopelessly to the face of danger as the needle was carved into one of my eyes, but, before I was overtaken by the murky liquid, I was seeing the image of Musica, his beautiful glossy eyes and his long hair.....I had to be strong, for him..

I hide true love from Musica because I have to seem as though I am under the spell of the commander. I started to look at the door that took me maybe a thousand punches to break through. The walls were still frozen from the blast of arctic explosion; I started to give no shiver, no sweats, no depression nor no happiness. I came for the goal of my mate; however, there were thousands of containment units, and unfortunately, they are all unorganized because of my weak attempts at guessing the three-hundred sectored code. It seems as though every time I tried a code, they rearranged the units. I started to pant as I hit into every unit calling Musica's name, I was so determined in order to be able to find him. I started to pant as I hit over six-hundred units and there was nothing there. I started to hear the door close as I then started to panic; it has been days since that door was equipped with its part to recreate it. I started to scream as there was a flash of light at the center of the chamber as I then started to feel my eyes become released from all pain was released. I started to gasp as I then see all the slimy beasts, they were... they were... all living, breathing, moving like we were back in Lapris. I started to gasp again as I then was returned to the chamber; I started to look into my own mind to see that I was freed from my infection as I then started to run and tried to hit the door with all my strength. My strength increased massively as I started to give a smile and hit the door open. I was tricked, this is the chamber of the Necro-morphs, Musica was never bitten; therefore, he was never to be located in the same place as the morphs, like I that were infected, so he has to be kept someone else, most likely in the black-cell of the 16th floor.

*My head started to ache once again as I looked at my skin, at my right paw to be precise, turning into a hand of a human's once again; however, this time, my paw was arranged on the left side of my body. I started to fall to the ground as something started to grab my throat and started compressing my lungs; I started to feel dizzy as it was the collar on my neck, but where, where did I get such a torture device from. My mind started to become blurred with the memory of Commander Jason placing a collar on my neck as a human, it was the same collar that was used on the Necro-furs. They seemed to stop the creature from attacking or from escaping from the grasp of his master; however, I didn't care, I started to create a hot frequency on the door as I crashed my body into it as I did for my fists. There started to blurt out, the sound of a sharp one, it was the alarm inside of the frost chamber as the forms started to come from their chambers and bowed at my feet. I started to become scared and very frisky because of why they were doing this, "All Hail the king of the Necros, all hail lord Nathan!" one of the knights bowed at my feet, kissing them and worshipping me. The slime that he produced was sticky to my feet with little ease as he then looks up at me with his skin being lightly brown and his right side being of the shaved skin of a ferret. I was stunned of how I can become the king of the Necro-furs, as they all started to praise and worship me; they started to create a crown of slime and placed it on the top of my head. I gave a freaked out look as I was then proclaimed as the king of the Necro-furs; I started to speak saying to smash open the door, but they didn't follow my command. I held my heart as it started to burn and, as a result, I started to up-chuck as the substance from my maw didn't come from my maw, instead, tentacles started to cover of my body and covered my other side of my body. I started to pant hard as I then started to screech, "Amos lana Judas KuniJDSHU!" *

"All Hail Lord Nathan!" the rusted guarded started to roar as he then started to command the army to attack the door. I am ready to break down the door and finish this task with one final surprise. I yelled commands as though I knew the names of all the beasts, they all started to howl, trumpet, roared, barked, and hooted as they all started to punch with such passion and strength; however, as they were destroying their bodies, they were able to recreate themselves or recreate others twice the size. An otter fur looked as though he was in the similar face of Musica's I started to howl the commands louder feeling rage and hope; however, the last thing I saw was a burst of fur coming from the furs of slime as they started to charge to the door destroying themselves completely to where they weren't able to recover themselves, but it also opened the door to the Necro-containment room. I quickly rushed crying and howling to hope that my wolf was in the same place as before. I looked on the 16th floor to see that he was relocated to the heat dome, which, to be honest, was an understatement knowing that is wasn't. I started to crack open the door with my intellect of the codings and interests that my master Jason may have used to lock it; after 2 minutes of cracking the code, I was finally able to unlock the cell as I started to rip it open from the "heat" lock it was also under. It was no code, just a rusted piece of meta; therefore, I just yanked off the lockpad and wondered myself inside to where it was nothing but blazing hot. I started to yip a few times as I waltzed my way through the black-fired coal as I then see Musica in the center of the room. I give him a passionate smile and a kiss to match; however, he didn't hug nor kiss me back, instead.... He... He turned to dusted at my impact.... Musica is, he's gone.