Part 9 An Ambush for Dragoune's Friends

Story by Dragoune on SoFurry

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#9 of The Land of Marnex: Evil Regins Again

I can not tell you much up here because it will spoil the story, but what I can say is that you will be surprised at a certain part of the story. If not all well, If you are younger then 18 do not look because you will get into trouble and if do get caught you cannot sue me because I have warnned you time and time again. Otherwise enjoy the story....

Part 9 An Ambush for Dragroune's Friends

It had been two days since Dragoune came back from earth training and not much has been happening until Drixin came with the updates of Kaous. It was a cloudy day and everyone was resting except for Trasia since it was her turn for a look out. When Drixin was coming closer she was about to attack when he came in range until she knew who it was.

"Is Dragoune around?" Drixin asked

"Yes he is, if you wait for a minute I will go and get him." Traisa asked Drixin gave her a nod and she went to get Dragoune. When Dragoune got there Drixin bowed and said.

"Your Excellency, sir Volaxone has found out by a guard who is not under Kaous's control that at least a quarter of the guards who are under control are going south to Rovino's place. Something is also fishy as well at that city and your city are starting to be over run by crooks and gang members and who ever isn't disappears. Volaxone has a feeling that the guards that are going south is not going to help but bring more chaos, what is your plan of action?" Dragoune thought about it for a while and then said.

"Tell Volaxone to continue what he is doing and hopefully find out when the guards will leave after that gather any one in between my castle and Rovino to stop or slow the progress of the guards but keep it a secrete still."

"But Your Excellency, shouldn't Rovino know of this?" Drixin asked

"If Rovino is smart and I know he is, he will figure out that something is wrong and it is not my doing. Plus there will be chaos if I start telling everyone that some great evil force has taken the throne and that is what Kaous wants in which I do not want to give him that luxury." Dragoune said and at the end he growled a bit.

"As you wish your majesty." Drixin said with a bow and he left.

"Go ahead in and rest Traisa I will be the look out." Dragoune said Traisa went into the cave leaving Dragoune with his thoughts.

Saneira woke up the next day with a huge smile.

'I thought it would've been two.' She thought to herself. She felt around her stomach and could only feel one, she was hoping for two but it did not bother her to only have one. She turned to Dragoune who was still asleep. She rubbed her muzzle against his until he woke up. At first he just smiled enjoying it greatly, but then he realized what was happening so he woke up and returned the favor.

"Good morning my lovely dragoness." Dragoune said with a smile

"Good morning, what is that you want to do today?" Saneira asked, Dragoune was about to say practice sparring, but then noticed that Saneira was just starting to be bigger around the middle.

"How about just relaxing the day." Dragoune finally said

"I know you were going to say something before you looked down. Don't think I will be handicapped because of this." Saneira said that while rubbing on her belly.

"Well I was going to suggest practicing, b-" Dragoune was saying with a worried look on his face but then Saneira caught him off saying.

"That is an excellent idea." Getting up and grabbing her swords, while Dragoune was reluctant in doing so.

Saneira got out of the cave before Dragoune did and into her battle ready stance. Dragoune got out of the cave as well and the first thing he noticed was the heat. Today there was a lot of humidity and that there was not a single cloud in the sky. Dragoune slowly got to his position across from Saneira and said.

"Are you sure you want to do this? It may be too hot for you." her answer was disappearing from sight. Dragoune shook his head and waited for her first attack. It came at his back but then she tried the front as soon as he blocked the back one bet he blocked that one as well.

"I told you that trick will not work on me twice." Dragoune said knowing that she heard. After a short while she became slow and it was really too soon for her and Dragoune knew that this was not a good idea. She attacked one of the sides, but as soon as Dragoune blocked it she stopped for a breather.

"Why don't we stop?" Dragoune said his worry increasing. Saneira again got into her battle stance looked straight into Dragoune's eyes and then fainted on the spot. Dragoune ran right towards catching her just before she hit the ground. He carried her back to the cave and set her on the bed.

Knowing that she was okay Dragoune went out of the cave to practice his two elements. Dragoune first wanted to see a strong of wind he could muster. He picked a tree as a target and then allowed his mind with the earth. Once he had it he willed the wind to blow towards the target. He felt a huge wind coming and go past him not making him move forwards. When he opened his eyes to see that not only the tree he targeted fall but a few of the neighboring trees was down as well. Satisfied he went unto something else, he decided to grow something. At first he did not know what to grow but then he thought of a few vegetables. He was not really into eating vegetables but he uses them when makes soup or fry them with meat. Again he cleared his mind and only thinking about growing a few vegetables. This was harder though because he was growing at least five different kinds of vegetables and they were growing slow. When they got to a good height, but did not have much on them Dragoune stopped and leaned on a tree to catch his breath.

'I will make sure to grow one at a time next time.' He thought to himself, he was about to call it quits then but then stopped and decided to do one more.

While he was getting ready Crosain and Siss came back from their hunting trip. Not wanting to disturb Dragoune they went quietly into the cave. When they did they saw that Saneira was getting up.

"I think someone was a little too tired to get up this morning." Siss said laughing a bit

"I did not sleep all this time, I got up before Dragoune. He went training together and I guessed I over did it because I fainted." Saneira said

"You really should take it easy Saneira you really could hurt you and your eggs." Crosain said but she blew smoke at him and said.

"You think I don't know that? I know my limitations!" Saneira said

"You Saneira he is only trying to help, you don't have to bite his head off!" Siss said unfurling her hood as a warning. Saneira unfolded her fangs as well, but then thought better of it, blew smoke again, and left.

While this going on Dragoune used fire and allowed the fire to burn within him, but increased it more and more. When he opened his eyes he saw that he had flames all over him at first he thought that he went to far but then realized that it was not hurting one little bit.

'I would like to see Kaous attack me now.' Dragoune thought with an evil grin, when he released the fire he felt more drained then before and had to go onto one knee.

'I think I will wait on that unless I really need it.' Catching his breath and heading back to the cave. But then he stopped, seeing Saneira outside blowing smoke, muttering to herself, all the while she played with her necklace, and Dragoune knew that she was agitated.

"I can see that you are feeling better." Dragoune said with a small smile, but all he got was humph from Saneira.

"Okay what happened now?" Dragoune asked dropping his act.

"Nothing they were telling me on how I should be careful now since I am carrying." Saneira said making it sound like it was not her fault.

"But you know I have to agree with them, you fainted because you put too much stress on your body." Dragoune said.

"Oh so you are going on their side?" Saneira getting angrier at him.

"No I would never do that I love you too much. I just want what's best for you and think you should slow down a bit." Dragoune said, Saneira calmed down a bit and said.

"You are right but I hate to just sit around all day doing nothing."

"How about this then when Drixin comes again I will ask him to bring a few stuff like books and such so you will not be all that bored." Dragoune said hoping that will cheer her up.

"I guess I cannot say no to that." Saneira said.

"Good now I think you owe someone an apology." Dragoune said

"Yes I think you are right." Saneira said turning around but before she started moving she leaned her head back and kiss under Dragoune's chin. Then she went inside the cave closely followed by Dragoune. When they found Crosian and Siss Saneira said.

"Crosain Siss I am sorry for the way I acted earlier and I know you were trying to help. Can you forgive me." She truly sounded sorry and when both Siss and Crosian said yes everyone was happy again.

The next day for Crosain was as dull as ever, he was happy that Dragoune was planning to have books be brought here, but he was hoping that the chess board would come too because he would always beat everyone in that game except for Volaxone of course. When he found out that Dragoune was growing vegetables he actually hissed at the vegetables and went away as far as possible. Everyone was surprised that he hated vegetables that much but laughed on how the way he acted. He was slithering around with Traisa this time just getting small game here and there. His thoughts were interrupted though when he scented an unfamiliar scent in the forest. He put a hand up indicating to stop and use your tongue.

"Yes I can smell them too it there are some of Dragoune's guards around here." Trasia said

"It is lucky that were downwind of them or we would never have scented them." Crosain said

"What should we do?" Traisa said, Crosain smelled around and thought for a while.

"It does not seem that they have moved from their spot so I think that they will ambush any of us if we get close. I suggest that we make an ambush of our own before they do. So this is what we will do...." Crosain said and told her what his plan all the while getting close to where the guards were.

There were six guards awaiting near a river were they thought Dragoune and the others go. They smelled some of their scents around here so they set up an ambush here. It had been almost ten hours of waiting for someone to show up. The leader was about to try something new when one of them said.

"I see Crosain and a mate of his coming up!"

'Not what lord Kaous wanted but I guess this would do.' The leader thought.

"Okay, this is what we have been waiting here for so don't mess up!" the leader thought.

Crosain slithered so close to the ambush spot with Traisa so the enemy would see them coming then he gave Traisa the sign to climb up the trees and he would be the bait. If he was correct they would send two guards to attack him when they did Traisa would grab one of them with her tail and bring him up to her awaiting fangs. The other guard would be watching that happen completely forgetting that Crosain would still there. Sure enough two guards came out and the planned worked, now the second part was that Crosain goes up into the tress as well and they would go towards the guards hiding place slowly so that they can catch who ever comes near.

'What's taking those two so long!' the leader thought, he then decided to bring two more to the place where the snakes were last seen. He pointed to two to guards and then at the direction were the last two had gone. The guards nodded and headed that way, but it was not long when the leader heard screaming and then total silence. He then started to run with the last guard but then saw a big tail grab the guard and pulled him up.

"Show yourselves you cowards!" the leader said taking his sword out. Both Crosain and Traisa did and then they both did the hypnotic stare on him. When the leader was under there control Crosain said.

"Who sent you here?"

"Lord Kaous" the leader said with a lazy smile.

"How did you find us?" Traisa asked

"We followed your scent it was all to easy." The leader said

"What are the rest are doing?" Crosain asked

"I don't know we were sent to find you and bring you to Kaous." The leader said. Having enough Traisa came up to him and bit him in the neck putting a lot of venom into him until he went limb.

"We have to go back and tell everyone about this." Crosain said Trasia let go of the dead guard and they went towards the cave as fast as they could.

"WHAT?!?!" Dragoune roared when he heard the news of the ambush.

"How did they find us?" Saneira said

"He said that smelled our scent and I guess they were ordered by Kaous to follow it." Traisa said but Dragoune was already going outside.

"Where are you going?" Saneira said worried because she knew that he was very angry.

"I am going for some fresh air." Dragoune said and then left.

When he was quite a ways off he roared.

"DARGRIN COME ON OUT!!!" Dragoune was pacing back and forth waiting for him.

"GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE I WOULD LIKE TO HAVE A WORD!!!" Dragoune said getting all the angrier. Finally he heard Dargrin say in his usual snide way.


"TELL ME HOW IN THE HELL KAOUS KNOWS WHERE TO FIND US?" Dragoune said thinking that Dargrin told him.

"He doesn't." Dargrin


"They smelled your scent." Dargrin said but Dragoune did not listen because he was too enraged.

"THE NEXT TIME THAT THIS HAPPENS, YOU BETTER HIDE REAL GOOD BECAUSE IF I FIND YOU I WILL TEAR YOU LIMB FROM LIMB!!!" Dragoune said and with that he flew back towards his cave. After a bit of flying he finally became to realize that he jumped to conclusions and knew that both Traisa and too his disliking Dargrin were right. What was worse though was that he did nothing for Saneria not even one little kiss and it hurt him.

'This rage is getting out of control and if Kaous finds out of it's origin, I think that he will be able to use it to control me.' Dragoune thought and that truly sent a shiver down through his entire body. When he got back to the cave he saw that everyone was sleeping he quitely went to his place with Saneira and even though he was scared of his rage he knew that everything will turn out all right as long as he had Saneira by his side.


Okay Okay I know that the title sounds corny but I am getting less and less ideas for titles. I thought that going with Crosain was a good change of pace because I only really have been doing Dragoune and or Saneira and if anyone wants to ask yes that was the surprise. You know what's funny though I thought that this was going to be a short chapter but apperantly I was wrong.

Wonder what is going to happen next you will have to see on the next chapter. :P

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