Spring Awakening

Story by LovePaws on SoFurry

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A poem about the spring. Inspired by walking in a garden of flowers. Also romance tag is more specifically for the time period type of romance, not the love type (google it)

Awaken little saplings the time has now come,

for you to spread your petals to the heavens above.

Rise from your slumber to your new kingdom,

and bask in the sun's warm love.

Spring is once more here

and winter is long gone,

so I shall to the winds bend my ear

and listen to your silent eternal song

No sound reaches our ears

and yet we still hear it

If only we pause to listen each year

then we will always be near it

The flowers sing to the sky

to brighten our day,

and they sing to you and I

to keep the sadness at bay.

So hurry little saplings and once more awaken,

your slumber has been sweet and long.

Hurry and awake for my soul is now shaken,

and my heart once more needs your song