Genetic Children-Log 28- Divine Strake!

Story by Korm on SoFurry

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#26 of Genetic Children

Korm and Niel Face their own battles.

"Korm, I think I've got a problem!" Niel's voice burst over the radio, Korm felt instant relief and then, dread. "Not now Niel, we are assaulting the inner sanctum!" Explosions and gunfire echoed out of the radio at Niel's end and he watched a an A.R.S.E.N.A.L brigade moved on his location. "I've got to leave Korm, they're here. Make sure you don't come here, there will be nothing left!" Korm instantly cut the satelite communications and made himself ready for what was to come. He'd prepared for this, he knew one day they would find this base one of the many he had. The base, which was underground except for a few antennas was laced with ANFO a high yield explosive usually used in mining. Nield had got the idea for his self destruct mechanism from a militarty experiment called DIVINE STRAKE. A test to see if a nuclear blast could be replicated with no nuclear matter. 700 tons of anfo had been laced into the building of this base and his other hideouts had different traps, each more intricate, as he built more hideouts more ideas had come to him. Niel looked once more at the screen in front of him, got a head count of 25 heavily armed, lethal looking men and he shrugged. "Coulnd't hurt.......I suppose." He wanted to tangle with them a bit before he left, payback for the x-rail system. Niel, being what he was, was able to procure some very fancy weaponry if he had to. And this was one of those times. He picked his Browning Hi Power Gp35 off the bench, it was an old model but with a few nice additions, the clip had been extended to support 13 rounds and the rounds were armour piercing nato 9mm's. Next he drew up his Titan, a curved short blade with a nuckle duster built on the hilt. And finally his pride and joy, his H&K CAWS, a fully automatic shotgun with a 10 round clip and a 100 meter effective radius. He'd modified this to fire solid tungsten coated slugs, it would shoot through 2 meters of concrete wall, or 3 unarmoured soldiers. Suited up with all his gear and ready. He hit the button, the button he'd always told people not to hit. The one that would kill one of his homes away from home. The timer for the detonation swapped fromt he computer to his wrist device as he wiped all the memory banks, 30 minutes, 15 minutes to cause hell, 15 minutes to get out. He charged out of his surveilance room towards the first chokehold that was built into the bunker. While Korm and Tacita Assaulted the inner sanctum at mimilli.

"Tacita, we need to get past that turret again!!" Korm and Tacita were pinned down on either side of a steel lined corridor. The turret they had taken out last time had been rebuilt. And upgraded. Bullets whizzed down the corridor pinging off the floor and roof becoming lethal pinballs as they went. Korm and Tacita tucked themselves further into their corners it seemed as though they were firing blindly down the hall. Then Korm remember the ADS that Tacita had found. "Hit the turret with the ADS, and I'll charge it!" Korm knew it was a computer based system so the microwaves from the ADS should slow it down or cause a malfunction....he hoped. Tactia swung the ADS up and counted to 3 with her fingers. At 3 Korm and Tacita BURST from the hiding places and wreacked havoc. The beam from the ADS hit the turret almost instanlty turning it from a lethal killing machine into a whirling mass of death, its targetting system malfunctioning, it started firing everywhere. Korm ducked weaved and rolled down the corridor praying the whole way and, when he reached the robot he waved Tacita back into her corner. The machine settled down as nothing was moving it had to reaquire its targets. Korm rolled under the armoured front slowly and jammed one of the grenades hed picked up outside between the baseplate and the gun barrel. Then he pulled the pin. The barrel held the detonation mechanism in place and he slowly rolled out and sideways towards the wall. When he reached the cold steel walls he pulled his kabar out silently and without hesistating threw it down the corridor. What happend next was spectacular. The barrel swung up to find the target immediately, releaseing the grenade and, being under the heavily armoured robot, it shredded the turret. Steel, bullets and sparks flew in every direction as Korm threw himself down into a ball in the corner. From where he was he was quite safe from the explosion but any riccochet could hit him. After two minutes, the bullets in the stockpile stopped popping, Tactica walked towards Korm and raised him up. Korm kissed her, glad to be alive, she kissed back, glad that he was. Then they started to crack the security on the inner sanctum.

Niel's fun was just getting going. After reaching the first chokepoint, he activated a Katlanit, a remote control 12.7mm browning machine gun turret. it had been fitted out with nightvision and incendiary rounds. Sitting facing away from the fight he brought his friend around to bear. The second the outer door blew in he let rip. Being only an air cooled device it was capable of just over 450 rounds per minute. Bright red, flaring streaks flew out from his gun and aimed by the remote screen he was sitting at, they all flew through the door. He fired in 25 round bursts to try to draw them in but they either didn't fall for it, or they had retreated. He stopped firing and switched his camera to thermal. He could see all the bullets he had fired in a burning mass through the door glowing bright red, and then he saw a most worrying sight. Above him he caught a glimpse of a dark green spot on the camera. The men assaulting his base were in thermal gear, and they were in the roof. They were trying the same thing Korm had down to them back at the bunker. They were going to come out behind him, if he let them. He sprinted down the corridor throwing the remote screen aside, he ran through the first door on the chokehold once through he climbed the ladder to the inner roof access. As Niel pulled himself up over the edge he saw a masked, face with glowing eyes staring at him, and next to that another one, and another, and another.

"How can Emu be in ARSENAL? I though everyone was screened before joining! She endangered the Lab and my project." Korm was pissed, the director had seen Tacita to the synth tanks to sleep, grow and learn, but Niel and Korm had accompanied him to his office. "Korm she was screened, and it all came back clean. You know who ARSENAL is you know what they can do. That's one of the reasons this lab was created to combat their power. We have to know what Emu knows and who shes told. Niel would you interrog..." Korm violently interrupted. "The bitch is mine, she endagered my daughter, and Wade too you know he has to be part of this." Kormw as shaking, he had never interrogated anyone but he was sure that he was able, given what he did in his dreams. "Niel, I'll only let Korm do this if you agree to be there. We haven't caught Wade yet but we will, and when we do he's yours." Niel agreed, and Korm, Niel and the Director went to the prisoners cell. On the way they stopped by the armoury and one of the Labs to grab something the director said would be useful, Amobarbital-B a drug that had been working on since 1923. First developed by the germans, the Labs had added a little extra kick. It was in essence a truth serum, but the Labs had refined it. Straight Amobarbital has a lethal dose rating of 212mg per kilogram, giving the intterogator not much room to budge if they find the recipient resistant to the chemical. But Amobarbital-B has a lethal dose ratio of 1:1, meaning they could inject her with as much as was need. It also had been modified to cause temporary insomnia, epilepsy and massive anxiety attacks. Basically it made the subject believe they were dying. And it could be repeated over, and over, and over again. And Korm had enough to interrogate a whole battalion. And his rage, at his daughter having been threatend before she was even born, burned inside him, worming its way up like a hydra, wanting to feast on those that had wronged him.