A Tail to Make You Feel Good

Story by Matthew_Hindpaw on SoFurry

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A Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 fan-fic! I wanted this to have a TF element, but then I thought 'aww screw it, this story doesn't need it' so this is a story of a soldier and his dog.

1986, Alternate timeline. Somewhere in the middle east oil fields, 15:00 hours local time.

In an fight to keep the Soviets from gaining the oil-rich middle east, the allied powers had sent their best commander to push them back. On one side, the Allied powers top commander and commander of the British Air Force Giles Price had set up a large base one one side. On the other, a large soviet base lead by the mentally unstable (more or less) Nikolai Moskvin.

The look of this battlefield really points out the differences between the two foes. The allies, powered by the corporation FutureTech, fight on as an international team, fighting for the freedom of all to elect their leaders, the belief that all men are created equal and for the pursuit of happyness. This is reflected in the names of some of their units: the 'Peacekeeper', armed with riot gear and a surprisingly effective shotgun, this units fight to bring down any infantry that they come across; the 'Guardian' tank, the main battle tank of the allied forces, able to withstand many attacks in order to win the battle and keep the people of the allied nations safe; and the Athena cannon, named after Greek goddes of wisdom, law and order (as well as just warfare), this artillery unit uses lazer satillites to destory targets, as if it where the will of the gods.

The Soviets, meanwhile, run on their own strength. The people of the Soviet Union (whether or not they want to) work to build up their strength. Their bases smelling of oil, smoke and heavy machinery, surrounded by large brick walls and defended by machine gun turrets and Tesla coils, a Soviet base is as imposing as the army it holds inside. The ranks are filled with Conscripts, bright-eyed foot soldiers with itchy trigger fingers; Flak troopers, penal troops from the gulags armed with anti-air machine guns and magnetic mines; Twinblade helicopters, the flying, troop and vehicle (although not at the same time) carrying eyes in the sky for the Soviets; and the most dreadful of all, the Apocalypse tank, the toughest armour in the world capable of crushing almost anything under it's weight alone.

What both sides are trying to from this battle is oil; at this point, in what has become known as the "War of the Three Powers" (the third power being the Japanese Empire of the Rising Sun, but they are not in this particular battle), the Allies have pushed the Soviet Union out of Western Europe, but the Soviets plan to take over Saudi Arabia in an attempt to gain the Allied Powers' supply of oil, cutting off a large amount of their resources while adding to the USSR's current level. In between the two bases was a small valley mostly dotted by oil rigs and refineries. Throughout the course of the battle, both sides had been sending Engineers to capture these structures to reap the benefits of extra oil for their side. Normally, some of these would get destoryed to save the time on taking and retaking the same structures, but neither side wanted to risk having to lose a single one and having less oil after winning the battle or worse, causing some chain reaction that could destory the entire area and causing a disaster of epic scale. This meant that alot of structures would be taken over multiple times by each side, with only the ones closest to the bases remaining on to one faction. Others, however, were taken over so many times that walls would often have layers of propaganda posters, each one placed on the previous 'owners' covering up the old posters.

A couple of miles to the east of the oil fields was a small village (don't worry, in this universe, civillians are evacted out of areas where the military sets up for battle to avoid civillian casualties). The Soviets had set up an outpost there in order to have more of a foothold in the area. Giles had suggested to the commander that maybe clearing them out would help the battle end quicker, since this was already costing them so much money (it was costing the Soviets alot already too, but then agian, the USSR losing money isn't exactly a new thing at this point in history). The Commander took his co-commander's advice and prepared B2-X Century Bomber plane from one of the two on-site airfields. While the bomber and the pilots got ready to go, the Commander sent some infantry to go into the plane for a paradrop. Being a five-seater plane (not counting the pilots), the commander sent in two Javelin soldiers (Allied infantry armed with RPGs for attacking tanks and aircraft), two Peacekeepers and one Attack dog.

This just wasn't any old Attack dog, though. This canine was very close to one of the Peacekeepers he worked with, one Corporal John Steele, who was the leader of the fireteam that was heading into the outpost. For his entire tour of duty, Steele had worked alongside this dog, named "Hobo" after his inital trainer being reminded of a dog on a TV show he watched as a kid. Despite his training making him a vicious attacker of enemy infantry (and a special collar that amplifed his barks to stun attackers), to friendly people and animals, he was as sweet as a puppy, even gaining some love from Steele's wife Mary and his young daughter Lilly at the few times he was able to visit them during his tour of duty.

The fireteam got onboard the plane. They put on some parachutes (expect for Hobo, who lacking thumbs needed Corporal Steele's help), sat down in the small space and buckled their belts (agian, with Steele helping Hobo with his belt) as the mighty plane's jet engines were turned down so the plane could rise into the air. This was a design used by military aircraft so bases could save time and space by making airfields without runways.

Once it got to it's optimal height, the aircraft's pilot jokingly annonced "Just a little ol' messege to any canines onboard, watch the leather seats, I just got that reupholstered." As he chuckled, Hobo growled with annoyance and started to claw at the leather to get back at the pilot. Meanwhile, Steele was explaining to the team the plan of attack.

"OK men," he said "the drop zone is just before the outpost. After we jump, the plane will do a bombing run to destory the Sputnik outpost vehicle and the defences around it. That will help open up the road that goes through the village that leads to the Soviet base and weaken the soldiers defences. When we hit the ground, we wipe out the infantry and then leave as fast as we can for a pick-up from a Riptide ACV before renforcments can come. Once we leave, some tanks and Multigunners will show up to hold down the village from any reds trying to retake it. Got it?"

His men shouted "SIR, YES SIR!" with Hobo ending his revenge agianst the pilot to bark loudly to the same effect. Suddenly an alarm went off, alerting the unit that it was time to jump. They got up, got unbuckled, grabbed their weapons and ran towards the open rear of the plane. They jumped out, the feeling of the warm, dry air flying past them. They yanked their ripcords (even Hobo, who's special canine parachute was made with a ripcord that he could pull by turning his head around and pulling the cord with his mouth), slowing them down to a much safer speed. Up ahead, they could see the bomber, carpet bombing the outpost. So far, things where going according to plan, as the bombs blew the Sputnik outpost and it's defence turrets to peices. As the bomber turned back to return to base, a small force of Soviet troops ran out of the some of the buildings. As soon as the unit touched the ground, the clock started ticking. There would only be a few minutes for them to try and clear out the Soviets before the Riptide showed up, if there were still some troops left by then, they would have to leave them to the tanks.

The humans walked toward the Soviet troops, with the two Peacekeepers holding up their riot shields to block bullets from hitting the Javelin soldiers. Hobo, meanwhile, ran around the back to flank any soldiers that could ambush them as they walked towards the village. As they got near one building, Hobo found a Flak Trooper holding up his machine gun, waiting to shoot them down.

"This should earn some extra food rations!" commented the Flak Trooper. Hobo growled as he ran up to the Flak Trooper. He turned around and saw Hobo jump up at him. Hobo chomped down on the Trooper's neck, killing him. Soon, the whole village was cleared. A Tesla Trooper almost zapped the enitre squad, but Steele was able to shoot through the glass window in the trooper's suit. They had reached their goal with a few minutes to spare. Steele patted Hobo on the head for a job well done, not noticing that a Terror drone was sneaking up behind the group. Normally, Terror drones were used by the Soviets to jump inside enemy vehicles and then rip apart the machine from the inside. This one, however, was a specially made one, made to be able to walk very quietly and fire nets. It was able to sneak up on Hobo, then fire a net, capturing the dog in a net and dragging him off. Steele looked over to see the Terror drone runing away, dragging a whimpering Hobo behind it.

"Hobo!" Steele shouted, running after the robot that had dognapped Hobo. A Javelin soldier ran after Steele to make sure he didn't get ambushed. Just on the other side of the village, there was a waiting Twinblade helicopter with a Soviet Combat Engineer smoking a cigerette outside it. It jumped inside the helicopter, with the heavy-set Engineer pulling Hobo inside with some difficulty. As the helicopter flew off, Steele fell to his knees. The Javelin soldier ran up to him, and asked if he was alright. All the shocked Steele could say was "Hobo....Hobo....."


Meanwhile, on board the Twinblade, the combat engineer sat down next to Hobo. Hobo growled and snarled at his dognapper, but he just calmly pulled out a syringe full of anesthetic and injected it into Hobo.

"Shhh, little doggy." the engineer told him. He patted the Terror drone next to him and told it "You did papa proud, my little creation. I told Comrade Moskvin that this would work." The Terror drone beeped and clicked as it's A.I. read the engineer's work as positive feedback. Hobo growled weakly as he started to pass out. The engineer chuckled as he pat him on the head. "Hey little doggy. I have big plans for you. With you, the Union will breed thousands of attack dogs to rival the Allies' pack."

Before passing out, the last thing going through Hobo's head were the words John......heeeelllllppp.........


Two hours later, at the Allied Boot Camp.

Steele had his locker open, looking at pictures of him and Hobo: He and Hobo posing with his shotgun (on safety, of course); over-looking a valley in Germany; and he and Hobo attacking an unfortunate Soviet Conscript.

"Those battlefield photographers caputre everything, don't they?" noted a voice from behind. Steele turned around to see the Allies top commando Tanya behind him. She was a force to be feared on the battlefield. With her custom pistols, she had great aim. With C-4 charges, she could destory anything (even the mightiest ships of the Soviet navy were not safe from her). And with her special Time Belt, she can even travel back to where she was before if under heavy fire. She sat down next to Steele. "I heard about your dog. I understand how you feel. I have a pitbull back home, and I wouldn't know what I would do if anything happened to it." Steele sighed with grief and pulled a piece of paper out of his locker and handed it to Tanya. She read the heading and told him "Wow, from Allied High Command. Fancy stuff."

"After years of requesting, I finally got permission to bring Hobo home with me when my tour ends next week." explained Steele. "I thought it would only be fair to give Hobo a nicer life after all the times he saved mine. Not to mention my daughter loves him so much. I mean, where in the parenting books does it tell you to explain that your kid's favourite dog was kiddnapped by a Terror drone?"

"Well worry no more!" called out a nasal voice. Steele looked over and saw an Allied Engineer. "We have created a course of action to get your Canis lupus familiaris back!"

"I don't need a can of...whatever! I need my dog back!" shouted Steele.

The Engineer adjusted his glasses and answered "Canis lupus familiaris is a dog- nevermind. The point is, we're getting that dog back!" Steele raised an eyebrow to this.

"How are we going to do that?" he asked.

"You know those Sudden transports the Rising Sun uses?" asked Tanya.

Steele nodded his head. "Ya," he responded. "Those are the APCs that can look like enemy vehicles so they can sneak their troops into enemy bases."

"Well," explained the Engineer, "A spy Allied command sent into Japan took back one of the steath camoflague systems from a Sudden transport. We fitted it onto a Riptide, and we plan to end this battle by sneaking Tanya into the base, have her place some C-4 charges around the base, then as she leaves, blow the base apart, leaving it open to an assault by the rest of the forces stationed here."

"We figured we may as well save your dog too, what with how much the two of you have served the Allies." added Tanya. "So, are you game?"

Steele jumped up onto his feet, saluted Tanya and shouted "Yes ma'am!"

"Good." said Tanya. "We leave at nightfall. You'll be given a disguise for this so we won't be found out."


2130 Hours local time

The special Riptide hovercraft went down the sandy road that lead up to the Soviet base. With it's new system, it was now hidden to look like a Soviet Hammer tank. Tanya (dressed in a stolen Conscript uniform) checked her equipment. Steele was also wearing a Conscript uniform. He was also given a special shotgun made to look like a Russian assault rifle, with a magazine for the shells and even a special look-alike barrel that doubled as a silencer. This was a very tense moment, for if the system were to malfunction (very likely in a machine it wasn't even built for) or even a scouting Soviet War bear (as scouts can't fall for tricks like that) being nearby would screw them over big time. Lucky for them, the system continued working and there were no War bears along the way. The Riptide parked away from the entrance so it wouldn't been seen by gaurds while it waited. Steele and Tanya walked towards the entrance.

"You know where to go?" whispered Tanya.

"Yeah, the Battle Lab. Big building with a statue of their premier in front. Animal lab is on the first floor." answered Steele.

"Good." Tanya told him, giving him a thumbs up. They walked up to the entrance. There sat a lone Conscript manning a sentry gun, bored and drinking a bottle of Vodka. "Attention, comrade!" shouted Tanya, doing a Russian accent.

The Conscript stood at attention and said "Oh da! What is your business?"

"Just stopping to pick up some supplies before we had back on patrol." explained Tanya.

"Oh da, come right in!" he told them. After they walked past him, the Conscript got back to his drinking. He did a double take on Tanya though, looked at his bottle and said "This is some good vodka!"

While Tanya walked away to place some C-4, Steele went to the Battle lab. He got past the guards at the entrance and walked down the hall into the animal labs. Here, the Soviets worked on trying to see what animals they could breed for all sorts of uses as well as for caring for the War bears. He heard whimpering coming from one of the labs. Inside, he saw Hobo in a cage. The engineer was nowhere to be seen, although he could see that the Terror drone was left on guard. With the silencer on shotgun, it would take a few extra shots to take it out. He ran in and raised his weapon. The Terror drone saw Steele and recognized his face from it's memory files. It ran at him, and Steele fired around into it, sending it flying back, but only denting it's metel shell. He fired four more shots to get through it's metal and shut it down.

"Hey boy!" whispered Steele as he unlocked the cage. "It's me, John! I'm going to get you out of here." John could see that they had removed Hobo's kevlar vest and collar. He could also he that he was happy to see him, wagging his tail. He stepped out of the cage and licked Steele on the face. Before they could step out into the hall, they heard some men shouting in Russian. They stayed out of sight as some scientists ran past. They walked out, but then Hobo started to growl in the direction the scientists had come from. From the shadows, they heard a deep growling, the sounds of large paws walking across tile and snorting of a mighty nose flaring with anger. From out of the shadows it came, an excaped rampaging War bear!

Steele fired a shot and the mighty beast, hitting it in the shoulder, drawing blood but still in attack mode. Steele tried to fire a second shot, but he was out of ammo. As the giant bear reared up on it's hind legs, Hobo snarled and barked at the beast. He then jumped up and dug his teeth into the bear's neck as hard as he could, drawing blood. That still did not stop the bear, though, who swatted the dog away into a wall. Hobo yelped with pain as he hit the wall. In this time, Steele reloaded his shotgun.

"Eat lead, you oversized rug." Steele said through his teeth, unloading another three shots into the bear. After the third shot, the bear started to stumble around, snaring with a mix of rage and pain, before falling to the floor and dieing of blood loss. Steele ran up to Hobo and asked "Are you alright, boy?" Hobo tried to get to his feet, but he was in too much pain to do so. Steele lifted him up over his shoulder, holding the gun in one hand. He ran toward's the front doors as fast as he could.

One of the guards by the door asked "He comrade, why are you tak-" before Steele used both of his rounds on the guards, killing them both. Standing outside was Tanya, who was finished placing the C-4 and giving the signal to hurry up. They ran out the entrance.

The guard, who was now much more buzzed shouted "Do svidaniya!" as they ran off. They found the Riptide, who's cloaking device had broken down, but was lucky enough not to get found out. They jumped and drove off back to homebase. Hobo wagged his tail weakly and licked Tanya's hand as a way to say 'thank you.'


The two Allied commanders got a video link with


Giles, drinking a cup of tea, greeted his enemy with "Ahh, hello Commander Moskvin."

"What do you two want?" asked Moskvin.

"Ahh, it's about the terms of your surrender. We where thinking that you Soviet chaps could get the hell out of here and we might consider letting you leave with all of your troops unharmed and maybe a few barrels of oil." answered Giles as he sipped some tea.

Moskvin crossed his arms and told them "Ha! Typical capitalists. Think you know what's going to happen out of your sheer greed. Besides, I doubt any oil you've touched is of any worth to me."

"Have it your way then. Can't go whine to mother Russia about how we didn't play fair though." Giles told him, picking up a wakie-talkie. "Tanya?" he radioed to the Commando. "He said 'no'."

"You got it boss." Tanya radioed back, activating the C-4. The Allied commanders could see Moskvin got rocked by a large explosion.

"What was that?!?!" He shouted. "It's a surprise attack! Get into defencive positions!" The commanders cut the comms link with the Soviet base. Giles chuckled.

"Nice work so far, Commander." complemented Giles. "Now let's send out our forces and get our oil fields back!"


Four weeks later, Minneapolis. 1300 hours local time.

At a house in the suburbs, John Steele's wife Mary is washing the face of her three-year old daughter, who has spaghetti sauce on her cheek.

"Come on, Lilly." she told her fussy daughter, who didn't want to hold still. "Don't you want to look nice for daddy?"

"Noooo, I don't wanna!" Lilly whined. There was a knock at the door.

"Hello?" called out the now former-corpral John Steele. Lilly slipped out of her moms arms and ran towards the front door. There was her father, dressed with in ceremonial uniform, with all the medal he had earned.

"Daddy!" she shouted as she ran up to him. She ran into her father's arms and gave him a big hug.

"That's my girl." he said.

"John, you're home!" his wife told him. "I got a letter saying you were coming home, but I didn't know so soon!"

He kissed his wife and told her "I wanted it to be a surprise. Speaking of surprises, I got one for Lilly." Lilly's eyes lit up. John whistled, signaling Hobo to walk through the door.

"Hobo!" shouted Lilly, who ran up to hug the now-healed former attack dog. Hobo wagged his tail and licked the spaghetti sauce off her face.

"You brought him home?" asked Mary.

"Yep, he's our's now." answered John.

"Oh honey." Mary told him, kissing him on the cheek. As Mary walked into the kitchen to show her new dog around, Hobo wagged his tail as hard as a dog could, for now he had a home where he could spend the rest of his days leaving the peaceful life of a house pet.

The end.