Why The Coyote Lives in The Desert

Story by Silver Teh Coyote on SoFurry

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Uploading old stuff. This was originally completed on October 18th, 2012. It is a short folktale that I made which is exactly what it says on the tin.

Years and years ago, when the Earth was young, the coyotes lived in the forests with the wolves. Although the two canine species did not live in perfect peace and harmony, it was at least reasonably so. Then one evening, the wolves had successfully captured their prey of elk and deer, like always. The coyotes, however, had failed miserably. Their prey ran away as soon as they heard them coming. This happened fourteen more times, leaving the coyotes exhausted. That night, the leader of the coyote pack rounded up all the pack members for a meeting.

"Brothers, sisters, and friends," he said,

"it has come to our attention that for the first time ever, the wolves have captured their prey, yet we are left with nothing. Does anyone have any ideas of what we are to do about this problem?"

For a long time, none of the coyotes spoke. None of them had any ideas.

Then the youngest and smallest member of the pack said, "Perhaps if we asked the wolves to share a little of their meat with us they would put it into consideration? After all, we would not need much as they require much more food than us, having bigger body structures and all."

Then another coyote, with a portion of his left ear missing, spoke up: "That idea is absurd," he snarled, "they will laugh at us. We coyotes are known for our trickery. I say we find a way to steal all of it for ourselves. We will prove that we are far greater than the wolves!"

"I do not like your hunger for power," replied the leader, "your idea is hereby forbidden. Tonight we shall go over to the wolves and ask them for a small portion of their meat."

All of the pack members seemed to like the young one's idea. All, except for the sinister, power seeking coyote with the bitten ear. He wanted to have all the meat for his pack to spite the wolves. Later that night, the coyote pack went over to the wolves' den. The sinister coyote, however, had faked being ill and did not accompany them. All of the wolves were enjoying their meat, and there was still a large pile of it that seemed to be endless.

"Friend," said the coyote pack leader to the wolf pack leader, "we have failed at catching our prey today, and we must have nourishment to survive. If you could do us a favor by sharing your meat with us, we would be forever grateful."

"We understand your hardship," Said the leader of the wolf pack, "and we will kindly respect your wish. Listen up, everyone! Our friends the coyotes have been unsuccessful at catching their prey. We will treat them to our feast in their time of need."

But alas! Already munching on the meat pile was the sinister coyote, who had managed to sneak in with his trickery! This angered the leader of the wolf pack so much that he banished the coyotes over the mountains to the desert, a land where few things grow. The sinister coyote had made the entire pack appear rotten. Filled with rage, as soon as the pack got to the desert, he was their first meal there. He had doomed them all. And that is why the coyote lives in the desert.