Chapter 10: Moving Forward (Part 1)

Story by Zephyx on SoFurry

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#10 of The Last Renamon

Chapter 10: Moving Forward (Part 1)

Zack awoke to the soft sounds of Auria snoozing beside him. Her muzzle, having been pointed into his ear, was putting a constant breeze into his ear with tickled lightly. He laughed quietly and sat up, careful not to wake his slumbering mate.

'Today is the day, man I'm terrified' he laughed. Of course he had known that the ceremony for him to prove his love was today since about two weeks ago when they first arrived. But the fact that the day had come so quickly, it was just crazy. As he sat there looking out the window to the rolling hillside, he wondered how difficult all this was going to be when suddenly he heard a sound, a voice, barely above a wisper.

"Psss, Zack, come with me, I need to speak with you," it was Tarius.

'What on earth... I thought I wasn't supposed to speak with him until after the ceremony today....' he thought, 'Oh well, might as well go see what he needs to speak to me about.'

Trying to find a way to move without disturbing his slumbering mate, only to find that there wasn't one, so he teleported to Tarius' side asking quietly, "So what can I help you with Tarius? Oh and I thought we weren't....mmmpf!" he said in surprise as Tarius muffled him with his paw and simultaneously swept him to the dirt.

"Human, there's something that has been bothering me...I know you shared the blood ritual with La'ratha, I now also know that you've mated with An'niya, 'Several times apparently' he thought to himself, however all of this still does not explain your eyes. You have the eyes of a renomon, even when in this form, why?" he demanded, almost angrily.

Slightly startled, Zack stared at him dumbly for a moment, "My eyes....Oh! Ha well you...uh back in my world I was..." he started to say cheerfully, however suddenly his demeanor became sullen and depressed, "When my mother died, I couldn't stand her being gone. As chance would have it my father was relatively rich and I used some money to have surgery in order to alter my eyes to resemble hers to comfort myself," he finished as he visibly began to tear up. Zack, only just realizing that he was about to cry, quickly wiped his eyes, hoping to make it look as though he got something in his eye.

The tear did not go unnoticed by Tarius (When the hell does that trick ever work?!) and he held out his paw for the human to take, 'Well I suppose it's not too unbelievable, these humans have technology to do nearly anything anyway, changing their eyes like that doesn't seem beyond their capability I suppose.' Zack to the offered paw, and together, heaved himself out of the dirt.

"Hmm well for now then I suppose that answers my last question, for now, far well for now Zack," Tarius said smiling as he teleported away.

Zack stood there for a moment, reflecting on what just happend. "What the fuck?! He had me come out, sweep me to the dirt, just so he could ask me about my eyes?! And the ass didn't even say 'Sorry'....what a..." he started to say when suddenly a paw appeared from behind him, yet again muffling him. 'Great,' Zack thought, 'Now I'm dead'

But then Zack realized that there was something different this time, the paw was slightly smaller, and a hell of a lot softer. 'Wait a minute...' he thought.

"You may not want to finish that love," said a sleepy, yet sultry voice from behind.

Zack turned to face his love as he said, "Morning honey."

Auria only Mmmmh'd a response and then teleported both of them back into bed, she wanted a little more sleep with her toy.


Reya awoke to find her new mate staring at her, which quickly caused her to blush. "What are you doing? And don't say watching me sleep again!" she chided playfully as she licked his nose.

He just kept looking at her and said, "I'm watching you dream of me," he said lovingly.

"Hmm maybe in your dreams," she responded only half-heartedly. Truth was that she always dreamed about her mate-to-be. And of course why wouldn't she, it had taken years to finally find a mate.

Luke got out of the warm bed, "'s the day, isn't it?" Luke asked. He knew the answer but it helped to relieve his nerves to try and be conjugal about the situation at hand.

Reya shook her head giggling quietly, 'He must be nervous, his legs are shaking' she thought as she started to laugh a bit louder.

Luke noticed she was looking, not to mention laughing, at his legs and looked down to see them shaking so badly that his knees were repeatedly hitting each other painfully. He started laughing despite himself. he never would understand why, but Reya could make him laugh at anything, and he loved it.

After they both stopped laughing, Reya finally said, "Anyway yes dear it is finally the day that both you and Zack are tested to be my and my sister's mates respectively," she said swishing her tail lightly. Luke stood and furrowed his brow a moment. "Hmm?" Reya questioned, "Love what's on your mind?"

Luke just shook his head, "It's nothing really. I was just thinking about how we haven't actually found Pyro and about this Kitane and Trione that Zack's talked about. I mean I understand that they are friends of his but i find it odd that Trione should just happen to appear now of all times, you know?"

'I thought he was bothered by that' she thought quietly, making sure that her mate couldn't hear. "Well love for now we can't do anything about it. You need to focus not on those problems but on your day ahead, after all, this is a big day," she murred, a little seductively. She purposly then turned away from Luke so that her back was facing him, seeming to focus on something out the nearby window, making sure to flag her tail, giving Luke a view that he couldn't help but stare at. Reya was dripping wet and from the smell that he just noticed...he decided that some before-ritual-fun was necessary.

He crept up silently behind her running his hand along her furry hip, making her body push in to the caress, begging for more as she murred softly. Luke crawled into the bed with one hand on Reya's hip as the other storked her tail, causing Reya's murr to become even louder. By now Reya was on all fours facing the window while Luke was caressing her thighs from behind, teasing her. he leaned forward and nuzzled the back of her neck which made her moan softly, "Ohhh....Luke please no more...take me now."

He only nuzzled her neck harder and sped up his sensual hip massage. His hands gliding through her silky fur with ease as he pressed on pressure points making her mind reach a peak so that she screamed out as she peaked. Luke only laughed as he said, "Guess now I have to clean you up, huh love?" But before Reya could focus on what he just said he thrust his face into her soaked lips and caressed her with his tongue, thrusting in and out tasting her delectable fluids. She moaned loudly, but tried to say inbetween thrusts, "Ahh....Luke that....Ohh feels ggreaaat.....but I in me..."

Luke didn't need anymore encouragement as he pulled his face from her beautiful cunny and with his member standing erect mounted her in one swift motion.

Reya's head snapped back as she howled in orgasmic pleasure from the penetration being made,and quickly they established a rythym and within 2 minutes, both came within seconds of each other, feeling the waves of orgasmic bliss spreading throughout their bodies, and Reya after feeling Luke cum, quickly clamped tightly on his member. While still slightly fogged because of the orgasm, she knew that if she did this, she could greatly increase her chances of conception.

As they collapsed, they licked each other and just enjoyed each others company for awhile.


Auria awoke first the second time around. She yawned and stretched her legs and arms and while lightly brushing Zack's body with her own she gently licked his face wispering to him, "Zack love, come on now it's time to wake up. We have to prepare for the ritual. It's today hun, remember?"

Zack pulled himself from his dreams and found that his face was being licked as he heard his lover's voice saying to get up. He opened his eyes groggily, blinking to help them adjust to the ambient light within the room. He looked at Auria, smiled, and kissed her.

She murred in pleasure as they kissed for a few seconds and then both got out of bed and after dressing themselves, took off to a training field. Auria was going to give him last minute pointers on how to fight without leaving himself open. With the test being today, he especially needed to practice hard. But that wasn't the only thing on her mind.

"Zack, love, I want to talk before we start up," she said rather quietly.

"Hmm?" he questioned in response, "What about love? You can ask whatever you want."

"Well...I noticed it at first but when you transformed I thought it was something that was natural. But now...well let me get to the point, why do your eyes resemble those of a renamon? I know the blood ritual alone cannot do that."

Zack looked at her a moment and replied, "The honest reason...when my mother died, she said that she would be the eyes that watched over me however I didn't know what she meant by that so I went to a specialist and had my eyes changed to remind me of my mother and what she did for me," he started to tear up however he didn't even try to hide it. He couldn't. He loved his mother so much...everytime that he realives that dream of the's a horrible fate.

"Although... I will admit the only part of my eyes that I didn't change was the black around the iris, I kept them white, mostly to avoid teasing," he continued, sniffling a bit.

"Honey, I don't know if you realize this, but your eyes have never been normal by human means, at least not while I've seen you."

Zack looked at Auria slightly questioningly, "What you mean that my eyes have been dark and all that..."

"Ever since I met you love," Auria finished.

Zack recessed into his mind for a bit, making sure to block his thoughts from Auria. 'If my eyes changed permanently, when did it happen? Does it have something to do with Ven becoming active?....Man there are still too many questions....' he scratched his head in bewilderment then, heaving an exasperated sigh, feel backwards onto the bed that he had gotten up from just seconds before.

Auria looked down at her mate, smiling a little. 'He doesn't want me to know what's bothering him, well I suppose I shouldn't worry for now.' She decided that a good snuggle was in order at which point she laid herself lightly atop her human and snuggled happily with him. They stayed there for a few minutes before anyone said anything.

Then, Tarius appeared at the door, saying, " I mean Zack, it's time,"

Zack looked up from the bed at Tarius, nodded lightly and teleported by Tarius standing outside, taking Res with him.

"Well hun, I have to go, the Trial awaits heh," he said laughing nervously as he looked for one last time into her beautiful ocean eyes.

She returned his glance with just as much love and waves of confidence as she pulled him into a hugh/kiss of passion saying mentally to him, 'Don't worry love, I know deepin my heart that you will pass, until then I will wait for you here.'

She broke the kiss winking at him as she teleported back inside, after which, Zack turned to face Tarius saying, "Alright well let's go get Luke so we can start," With that they both teleported away.

***** In another part of the world, not too far away....******

Ra'th was fuming over these new developements...first of all the human he had affected was completely pure thanks to his damnable mother, then he lost his two greatest slaves, pathetic as they were. He needed to find a way to complete the dark legend if he was to truly turn this world to the death and despair that he sought for.

As he sat amongst his throne made of bones from defeated enemies, he suddenly saw an unbelieveable sight, Pyro, stumble into his lair from the technology wing.

"Pyro...Why are you here, traitor. In case you forget, you are no longer welcome here as you deserted me and my offers to be with that pathetic couple," he said, spitting the last part out in utter disgust.

"My lord....I did not leave your service ever," he said in a terrified tone taking one knee, bowing his head, "I merely had a distraction that proved beneficial to play along with."

Ra'th, having for some reason deciding to be benevolent for the moment, raised a questioning look to the human hybrid, "Oh? And what could you have possibly learned that would benefit me? Actually give me a reason not to delete your pathetic ass," he said as he teleported in front of Pyro, hefted him up by his throat with his claws extended, "and absorb your data? Permanently."

Gasping from the sudden attack, Pyro managed to say, "I know that the human...*coff*....will not become....the dark Renomon of legend. But....I do know of a still bring about.....the prophecy."

Ra'th, upon hearing this news, immediately dropped the human, "You are very lucky to have such information and should it be true I will reward you fittingly, However toy with me...." he said as his eyse burned a dangerous flame, "...and you will burn, William."

Pyro flinched at his real name. One of the few secrets that Pyro and Aquos had tried to hide were their real names. Pyro did it for shame that it proved he was human to a degree, while Aquos did so only because Pyro threatened him otherwise. "I've requested before, master, not to use that..."

Suddenly once again he was being held by his throat, "Do not...EVER...presume that you can tell me what to call you!" Ra'th said angrilly. He then pivoted on his foot and threw Pyro strongly into a nearby wall, rendering him unconcious. "You can tell me that information of yours...when you wake up..."

***** Back to our heroes *****

Zack and Luke stood before a council of three Taomon. There were two that stood to either side, each dressed in typical robes that were green in color. then in the center of them, stood the third dressed in robes with a gold trim and her presence alone gave an aura of power that immediately forced Zack and Luke to stay silent. Even if they had wanted to speak, they found that their voices were held frozen within their throats. For the moment they were being visually inspected by the Tao's it seemed so they focused on their surroundings. They were in a tremendous hall, filled with ornate and intricate patterns that spanned across the walls. The pillars that supported the hall's magnificent roof were all carved into the forms of renamon engaged in battle.

Their attention however snapped back to the Gold Tao, as she spoke first, "So here we are today to test these humans in the names of Tarius' clan, yes?" she questioned looking down at the humans.

Zack and Luke both tried to say yes however still could not speak, they opened their mouths however couldn't utter a syllable.

"Oh right, you may speak," the Tao said.

Suddenly both of the humans found that they had their voices once again. Immediately they said in unison, "Yes ma'am."

'It must have been a spell of some sort,' Zack thought.

"Alright. Now the test shall begin shortly, you're test," she said pointing a digit towards Zack, "shall be conducted by Salia," she motioned to the Tao on her right. "And yours," motioning to Luke, "by Mi'liu," gesturing to the Tao on her left. "Follow them and they will lead you to your respective chambers where the tests shall be held."

The humans just nodded in understanding and followed immediately behind their respective proctors. Once inside their individual rooms, they knew that they were on their own...

***Zack's Test****

Salia walked quietly down the hallway with Zack following quietly intow. He hadn't said a word thus far and didn't plan to. He could easily sense the power within the Taomon and he wasn't sure if it was even alright for him to speak. Of course he could have read her mind as well but he wasn't about to trespass in HER mind without consent.

Zack decided that since they were still walking he decided to check the ornamental halls. Every 10 feet there was a beautifully carved beam of a Taomon supporting the roof upon which was painted a tremendous mosiac of some sort.

'Huh, I wonder what that is meant to be'

Suddenly the Tao spoke, "That is a memorial to all of the members of our village especially those whom have died in it's defense. If you complete this test and pass, you can join those memories if you choose. But you must prove that you are worth such efforts."

Zack, having been initially caught off-guard by the Tao speaking to him, replied, "Alright so I guess I will be joining my mate both after the test and on the memory."

Salia suddenly stopped in her tracks as her power suddenly spiked, "So you believe you are worthy? Even now? When you haven't proven a thing?"

She waved her hands in a small cirle and said, "AREA TRANSPORT" and suddenly Zack found himself in an abadoned battlefield. The rocks showed huge cracks and gouges from what looked like claws. The ground was practically dust with little grass keeping it from becoming a desert.

"This is the Field of La'ratham, dedicated to one of the strongest and bravest of Renamon and Taomon alike," said Salia, "If you are truly worthy of becoming a member of our village, her spirit will lead you to ME!" she howled as she teleported behind him and struck a sever claw into his back, nicking a pressure point freezing his left arm.

'Shit!' Zack thought threw the surprise and pain, and quickly teleported just as another claw ripped threw where his other arm had been. 'If I had been just one second slower...'

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" He roared at her, gritting his teeth in pain, "You're supposed to be testing me! Not trying to kill me!"

Salia lifted her bloody claw up to her muzzle licking the blood off groaning lightly at the taste, "Mmmm...maybe if you lose I'll just eat you're blood is delicious...and you would be better off than if I were to just fail you and let the others deal with you, for they would put you to death in a more painful manner than you can imagine."

'Damnit!' Zack thought, 'I can't move my arm and apparently I'm going to have to fight to the death to pass, and now she wants to eat me...this can't get worse'

Then, Ven, having watched the situation thus far, appeared in the corner of Zack's mind and secretly took a small amount of control and reset Zack's reaction time to be half a second slower than usual. After all since they were likely going to die, he wanted to see a good show.

'Alright time to charge!!'

But as Zack tried to move he noticed that his body didn't respond right away, and before he knew what happened, the Tao had already appeared behind him again and slashed his remaining arm and legs to ribbons.

"AUGGHH!!!" He screamed in agony as he fell to the dirt, bleeding and unable to move. The Tao looked at the human on the ground moaning in pain and giggled a bit.

"Still think you're worthy? Pathetic. You gave up when you lost your arm so early on. A true fighter knows that there's always another way to out, another way to win. But you have failed this test. So now I think I will claim my as my next meal!" She growled predatorily licking her lips.

She reached down and picked him up by the torn, bloody shirt he was wearing and thought for a moment, "Hmm well let's clean you off. I want to enjoy your taste! PURIFY!"

**For all those curious, a Taomon doesn't have to have a true name for a spell to accomplish what she/he wants, they need only to know what they want and say a word related to it**

Zack glowed for a moment and suddenly his pain was gone!

'Ugh, I can't feel the pain any more! Perfect I have to escape while I...can't move...why aren't I bleeding?...'

"Well you little snack I cleaned off the dirt and sealed the bloodflow to keep you alive longer to squirm in my belly, and you can't move because I don't feel like fighting to get you down for now. Now come 'ere I want a better taste!" She murred as she picked Zack up by the shoulders and brought him close to her muzzle. She yawned her mouth wide granting Zack a full view of her wet maw as he saw her tongue surge forward and proceed to lick his face.

"MMMphf...*blech!* Ugh disgusting!" he said as she pulled her tongue back to fully enjoy the flavor, licking her lips a few times.

The human's taste was exquisite! He had a rugged flavor of cooked meat but was smooth and soft with a slight aftertaste of salt. She groaned happily and said, "Ok well you have passed!"

Zack's eyes shoot up for a moment, incredulous. 'She can't be serious...'

"Your taste is by far the greatest thing I've ever had your going in tasty!" and with that she pulled him close to her maw once more and yawned again, for the final time.

Zack only looked on in paralized horror as the maw opened wide enough and then his head was thrust inside.

Salia sealed her lips around the human's neck and suckled happily, running her tongue over every inch of flesh she could find and matted his hair to his head in the process. She sucked on his body until his shoulders touched her lips and entered her mouth then she smiled around his body, and swallowed murring contentedly.

Zack looked around in the wet maw, seeing the razor sharp canines surrounding him, he decided it WAS better that he couldn't move, and then suddenly he felt the tongue again tasting him as he felt a suction pulling him farther into the Tao mouth. Within seconds his head reached the back of her throat and he could see down the esophagus just as it opened wide as he heard a loud *GULP* and his head was gripped by the strong, muscular throat tissue. It's warm, slimy embrace was comforting yet vile as it pulled him deeper into the Tao as he tried to shout, knowing that even if he could, there was no one around.

As Salia slurped him in deeper, his chest quickly was pulled into her maw puffing out her cheeks as his head began to show through her neck fur. She used her long, agile tongue to cover the chest in drool to aide in the swallowing and then used it to curl around the human's torso as she adjusted her grip down to his hips and she tilted her head skyward swallowing deeply again, moaning at the taste as his body slid deeper into her body, up to his navel.

'Dammit this is bad! She's still swallowing me! Shit what can I do? I've got to get out of here' he thought. "But how the fuck am I...Wait...I can talk again! I wonder..." he tried moving his limbs and found that he had full movement restored and quickly began to struggle and squirm in the grip of the warm slick tissue slowly pulling into what was to be his final resting place. As he struggled he felt a deep murring within the throat as he realized, "I'm just making this more enjoyable for her!"

'Yes you are!' he heard her say within his mind, as her mouth was occupied.

*Sluuurp* *Swallow*

His head suddenly hit some resistance; the sphincter to her stomach. At first he wondered if maybe it wouldn't give and he would just stay lodged in her throat and choke her to death but found that it quickly expanded and forced him into the warm, slimy cavern that was the Tao's stomach. Quickly he was pushed in up to his navel and found that his body was bent like he was trying to sit up on the ground as more and more of his body slipped into the cavernous belly.

"Well at least she wasn't speaking with her mouth full..." he said bitterly. He couldn't believe this; not only had he failed miserably but he was about to die within the stomach of a leader from the village!

Salia looked down at her stomach, dismayed realizing that she still had her clothes on.

'I want to see him struggle while I can feel it *murr* STRIP!' she thought as her clothes suddenly vanished and reappeared in a small pile a few feet away.

'Much better' she thought as she looked down to see the human's upper body lighty outlined within her belly as it slowly expanded to take in it's occupant. Finally, she tipped her head one final time as she slurped the human's feet within her wet maw, running her tongue happily over the last part of her fantastic meal. And with her final condemning swallow, the human was gone. Trapped within her furry belly, she happily rubbed the squirming bulge.

Salia simply adored her meal. She really did hope that this human would fail, if only so that she could keep him in her stomach for awhile. Of course the human would be banished from the village but she could enjoy him while she could. There were no rules there. At this point, he could do one thing to pass, all she had to do was wait.

Zack sat in the dark belly, feeling the slimy walls pressing him from every side as he felt additional pressure in some spots which he assumed was her rubbing him. 'What can I do? I have to beat her to pass and on top of that I have to kill her?! Ok I may not like her by any means but I couldn't do that...if I could just get out of here...' he thought to himself quietly as the only sounds he could hear was the beating of Salia's heart and the occasional fit of murring.

Suddenly Zack realized just how he could get out. Carefully, he hid his thoughts from Salia as he celebrated for a second. He couldn't believe that he hadn't thought of it sooner. But now that he had his idea he needed to plan on what to do to claim victory over the Tao. Several minutes passed and the air was growing heavy within the belly as he was starting to get covered in a slime the stomach was creating that caused his skin to tingle. 'Damn! Alright if I don't want to be digested, I've got to!' he thought as he teleported out of the stomach and directly behind the Tao.

Salia had been lounging happily and suddenly found that her stomach was suddenly empty and flat once more. She smiled half-heartedly, 'Well he figured it out. Unfortunate I wanted him to stay in there soo badly.' She turned towards her clothes only to find a golden blade staring her in the face, wielded by a golden renomon who's fur looked to be changing slowly to a smoky color.

"You...lose," Zack said supressing a growl of sudden anger. Then he raised his sword, and swung in an almighty arc towards the Tao his eyes now blood red....CLANG!!

End Chapter 10: So yeah sorry all I am going to try to start a more frequent pattern for the remaining chapters ^^ Anyway what's to come: Will Zack abadon his values just to pass a test? How is Luke doing? And maybe our heroes will finally get to learning more about Kitane and Trione!