The Gay Goth Dog: CHAPTER 15: Why Do They Pick On Huskies? (part one)

Story by StormTierSkywolf on SoFurry

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#55 of That Gay Goth Dog

Day 1

"Dude I need to get up and walk." Hayden said stretching his legs out in the isle.

"Same!" Aaron barked out.

"I know guys, but we still got a 10 hour drive, I think." I said.

I looked over at Seth and he was fast asleep against the window.

"Never knew that a cat can fall asleep so fast." I chuckled.

"You should see him when he sleeps at night; fucker takes up the whole bed!" Aaron said chuckling and poked Seth's left arm, All he did was purr and moved a little.

"Wait we're stopping!" Hayden said and looked out the window leaning over me.

"Can't be its only 6:32pm" I said and pokes his back.

"So we can still stop to change out drivers!" he said and his tail started wagging..

"Why must you be so hyperactive?" I asked as he moved back.

"Because I'm a fricking husky, you knew what you were getting into when you met me. Not my fault that you forgot how huskies act when sitting down for a while." He said smiling and getting up, his tail draped over my lap as he walked towards the front of the buss to get out. But walked back disappointed. "Never mind." He said and sat down.

"i..." I said than stopped, turning my head to look out the window I noticed trees upon trees, why so many trees?

Day 1 (night)

I lay still yawning, while listing to Sempiternal by Bring Me the Horizon. Hayden had his head lying on my shoulder, everything was quiet.

Day 2

"Holly fuck! New York!" Hayden yelled, his tail going at the speed of light, as we turned the corner there it was, New York City! "Oh this is going to be fun!" he barked and looked like a puppy; I just chuckled and batted his muscular back.

Day 2 (night)

"Hey hon." I said walking up to Hayden's side, but he didn't even look up at me. "hon?" I put my ears down.

"Hey." He said sort of depressed. He was wearing a long sleeved shirt, black, and his arms crossed over his chest; just lying on the bed.

"Are you ok hon?" I asked and laid next to him rubbing his forearm, but all he did was shrug. "Well I'm gonna go to the bathroom, when I get back, you better tell me what's going on ok?" I said sternly, but yet another nod from the husky. When I walked into the bathroom, I smelt something, something that was like Hayden, yet not. "What the hell?" I asked myself and shrugged, I unzipped my pants and pulled out my sheath, aiming at the toilet I let my bladder go. After I was done I zipped back up, walked over to wash my hands, but the smell just hit my nose like a brick. I looked around and noticed a towel with something under it. I picked it up and looked at it confused. "A razor?" I asked myself. Then it hit me, the smell of blood, Hayden was depressed, oh god please don't let this be true. I walked out and looked at Hayden. But he just looked away quickly. I ran to him and pulled his arms out to try and get his sleeves up. "HAYDEN!"

"I didn't do anything." He tried to pull away. "STOP!" he yelled and tears slowly fell from his eyes. "DAM IT!" he yelled and pushed me away, he ran to the bathroom and slammed the door. My ears flicked at the slam, than I looked at my paws. Blood lightly coated my pads; I walked over to the door and opened it gently.

"Hayden?" I asked putting my ears down, he was sitting in front of the mirror looking into his own eyes, his wrists hidden away from view and his muscle tense. I walked over and sat on his right hand side, I grabbed his arm gently, slowly moving it to my lap. This time he did not fight back at all. The fur around his eyes was soaked with tears, and mine were slowly getting there to. I gently griped the cloth of the sleeve lightly and pulled back. Slowly, fresh cuts along his skin showed as I pulled it back. Three neat and straight cuts seeping some blood from the re-opening. "Hayden." I looked at him; he slowly turned to look into my eyes. Once our eyes met, I grabbed him by his neck, and gave him a tight hug. He started crying and hugged tighter than I was hugging him.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that." He cried out. "Please forgive me." He said hugging tighter.

"Hayden, I love you, nothing will change that. There is no reason for me to forgive you, but please tell me why you did this." I whimpered and rubbed his wrist gently.

"I-I have had problems in the past, with cutting. I was a little stressed and I thought, if it helped me than, it could help me now." He said looking down at the ground.

"hon you know I'm always here for you, no matter what. Just come talk to me." I said and turned his head and kissed his lips. The soft wet tissue of my husky against my lips made me purr and him murr, I have no idea why, but every time I kiss him, it's like the first time.

He broke the kiss and smiled putting his forehead to mine. "It won't ever happen again." He said.

"Good." I replied and hugged his waist tightly, with one hand, while nuzzling my head under his chin and neck. With a light sniff, I took in my huskies musk and purred lightly, and kept his wounded paw in my free paw never letting go of it.