
Story by SwampRat on SoFurry

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Dragons5 - M/Fmf, Human/Non, 3/26/2005

A tail of dragons

By SwampRat

Based on a strange dream I had.

A dozen young men stood on the island of grass. They had been trained since birth for this day.

"They are coming.." A lookout shouted.

Tensing in their chain armor, they nodded to each other. NO matter what happened, they would stay true to their oaths..

In moments the prey came into sight.. Dragons. All colors and genders. Not that one could tell male from female. And it didn't matter to the Slayers - A dragon was a dragon. Yelling and waving they made their presence known to the reptiles.. Who dived down at them.

Grabbing the humans, who were too heavy to carry off. Too well armored to scratch with their claws. One by one they were thrown to the ground and pinned.. They hissed and struggled.. Until the lads rolled up their longmail shirts and rubbed hard flesh against scaled vents. Hissed a little harder when said poles were driven into their heated interiors.

Then legs and wings wrapped around steel-clad torso's. Tails slid under the wool-covered rings to caress warm butts and balls. Reptilian flesh slapped mammalian in a heated frenzy of lust. Semen splattered into anal passages, shot deep in wombs.. The warm holes squeezing with equal fervor on the cocks that plunged in again and again until neither being could move.. Nor wanted to.

Both got sticky with mingled sex-juices, making them cry out when parted. But part they must as new dragons took the place of the old, giving little rest to the weary youths, as those sated would crawl up to take something off a wagon full of meat and grains. Flying off - But not for long. Other villages also had lads and wagons to tempt the creatures down to mate and eat.

Once the younger dragons had their fill, the olders ones came. These took the lads on paw, removed the hot, now very sticky mail shirts and leggings. Washed the humans with cool water and plied them with medicants. Took their time mating the tired men, using tongues and claws to excite their lovers to perform again and again..

Each had his or her favorite but could be persuaded to exchange males should one prove to be too tired to do his duty the first time around. As the day wore on, Older men came to spell the lads, giving their all for the cause as well.

When The cool evening came and the last scaled rump stopped moving on or under a smooth one, The rest of the village came to help load the men into the wagon, feed them and get them to bed. For when the sun came up the lads had to be back in the valleys, ready to tempt the young dragons down again. Wear them out with sex and fill them with food.

In return the rest of the village was left in peace, no bandit dared to raid what belonged to the scaled ones,lest They bring the wrath of the Old Ones upon what little they did have - Dragons were known to make off with more than just livestock. As for Barons and Dukes.. Knights lived for battle but Not one was willing to lose his virginity, nor his reputation as a warrior to a lizard!

They would take their tithes of grains and fermented drinks and be happy to let the pesants take the punishment the creatures doled out. And piles of somewhat sticky dung were left behind to strew on the fields, keeping it fertile and lush. The oxen that were given were always old or sick animals, unseless to the village. This cycle would contiune into early summer, when the dragons moved on.. Some stayed, prefering the company of mammal lovers to their own kind.

Some of the men moved on as well - Putting ther fortunes in with those of the dragons, or moving into the caves and dens the reptiles lived in.

Of course word travels around as well...

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"Wanna get fucked?"

"Wha..? What do you mean?"

"There are humans down in the valley, Taking every dragon that glides in.."

"Really? But we are males.."

"Doesn't matter - We have vents, they have cocks."

"Alright.. Nothing to do anyway. Wonder if I can get one to suck on..."

"Faggot! Licking human dicks.. Ugh!"

"You're just jealous because I can.."

Smacking each other's scaled butts the 2 young dragons took to the air, already starting to feel warm between their legs, and hoping to have something hotter soon inside.

The End?